Fullmetal ago

You need fluoride, dumb-ass.

ll0O-O0ll ago

A self absorbed, narrow minded race of narcissistic low IQ NPCs. Completely absorbed in their own world and give zero shits about their progeny at average, and only care slightly at best, while saying, "There's nothing we can do about it." The generation that destroyed the world, and will ultimately be responsible for the future catastrophic wars to come because of their narrow-mindedness. Preaches the traditions of their forefathers but did everything throughout their lives to undermine them, and still do.

What generation?:

introduced free love

supported communism

bought into consumerism

fought for civil rights

corrupted the Churches, began the worship of the Israeli state

supported abortion

called porn "art" and made it free speech

Gave into diversity quotas

took drugs and subsequently started the war on drugs

abandoned their traditions and returned with a bastardized version of it

sold your country to China

failed to raise their kids, teach them life lessons

commercialized the medical system

mandated vaccinations

created the welfare state

invented transsexualism

turned America into the world police

abandoned eugenics

destroyed the ozone layer

put fluoride in the water

and sold the entire country of America to globalist, communist jews

0fsgivin ago

They didn't invent transsexualism...i mean not even close. that's been around since Roman times at least and probably much longer than that.