0078 ago

I paid into social security for 45 years before retiring. It's not an entitlement.


So you’re saying because old people stole you’re money you’re entitled to steal ours, got it. Thanks for supporting a Ponzi scheme you greedy entitled bastard.

0078 ago

Your parents did a terrible job of bringing you up. You are supposed to be respectful of your elders. If you were my child I'd knock you on your ass for telling this to someone.


Look Boomer, I know it’s hard for you to understand, but respect isn’t gained from age or experience or anything else you can get without effort. You earn respect, and you do so with each individual you meet. Nothing you have done to, with, or for A earns you respect from B.

For instance, no one is going to have respect for you based on your comments. The first comment is a two wrongs make a right endorsement of stealing your offsprings wellbeing to live leisurely in old age. If anything is pure evil, it is this.

You show your clear inability to handle new ideas or to develop into a mature adult despite your old age. You are the living meme in the picture above. Instead of opening up your mind to the fact that you may be engaging in immoral behavior, you choose to lash out emotionally and threaten violence to anyone who tries to penetrate your self deception and brain washed existence.

You typify the disgusting boomer filth that let this world rot and decend into chaos. Please, don’t hesitate to make your way to the grave, with haste if you could, that way those of us willing to face the sins of the past and the corruption of our world can get to fixing this mess.

0078 ago

You do realize that Satan is due to arrive in Jerusalem in his role as the antichrist pretending to be Jesus and saying that he is here to rapture people away like any day now, so your blustery grandstanding of my generation doing wrong to yours is pretty moot. It's all about to be flushed anyway.

Besides, you still had opportunities all around you your whole life in this country to rise above getting shafted by my generation yet you chose to wallow in the mire and not get off your ass and do something about it. Now all you have is more whining. All your generation does is whine. A bunch of crybabies. Spineless wimp crybabies. Probably Godless as well.


Not even getting into criticizing your stupid churchianity (yes I said churchianity on purpose), you do realize people have been saying that for 2000 years you dense old retard.

Second, you know nothing about me. It’s the internet and no one cares about who you are or what you’ve done. It’s anonymous for a reason. I’m perfectly well off and chances are I have a higher net worth than you by many multiples. I, and others like me, are the ones actively trying to resist the corruption and destruction that your generation let happen because you blindly listened to your leaders like a good little goy.

The irony of you passively wasting away, complaining about the younger generation, all the while we are the only ones doing anything to change our fate for the sake of our children, is certainly lost on you.

0078 ago

I have asked God to bless you with everything that you have coming to you all at one time. I'm sorry that you wanted it this way, but you made the selection all by yourself, so enjoy the special blessing that God has just for you.


Lmao, you have no power here old man. God will certainly give you the horrible death you deserve soon enough.

0078 ago

Just keep laughing.

0078 ago

I did not set up Social Security. President Roosevelt did. The money that I paid was supposed to be invested. I can't help it if government officials chose to steal and squander it, and yes, since it is effectively an insurance policy that I paid into, I am collecting it. I'm an old disabled man that requires a walker to get around and I cannot drive anymore. I worked for 45 years in industry that required manual labor and my body is shot and my ears cannot hear anymore. Go suck on a sour pickle. If you need me I'll be out on the back porch by the reloading press testing loads for my M14. Stop by anytime.


Did you really double reply to my post? Jesus you’re stupid. This is one of the lowest IQ responses I’ve ever seen on Voat.

You’re too old and too retarded to be on here old man.

0078 ago

I have asked God to give you a double portion of blessings. It appears that your day of visitation is up on the calendar. Have a nice time. You have earned it.

Le_Squish ago

What is this lovely place?

ADaniels ago

Lol. Too bad for the boomer that the youth will keep their savings in unconfiscatable cryptocurrency assets ;)

0078 ago

Dumbass. Already have barrels of gold and silver. LULZ back at you.