theoldones ago


@Trigglypuff just got the hammer. let it be known @Gothamgirl and @Zyklon_b were their accomplices

Gothamgirl ago

That's right don't forget it incel.

VoatsNewfag ago

I haven't seen trigglypuffs submissions which I think are now deleted but as far as I can tell it's from social media where she uses the same username.

On the one hand I think it's safe to assume that trigglypuff had malicious intentions with putting attention on this but on the other hand...

If she uses the same username for absolutely everything, ergo has only one single online identity, isn't her name itself a dox? And pictures you share on twitter are publicly shared with the whole worlds. That's not how anyone who cares about keeping their online identity private acts.

It's one step below using your real name on voat and putting your home address in your profile description. The account in itself would be a dox of your real identity. People who write down your username would already be doxing you. It's absurd.

C_Corax ago

It's not a dox(single x btw) though.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

so it dox doxxed doxxes doxxaloksadingdong


theoldones ago

it's an entire subverse, that's larger then a single one.

Gothamgirl ago

What? She doxxed me, my old house, how much I paid, legal description, my kids names are you retarded??

theoldones ago

and what does that have to do with precisely fuck all?

zyklon_b ago

if anyone asks tell em I DID IT.