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CheeseboogerHimself ago

Those are all of their alts. They are trying to fool the GA community.

WhiteRonin ago

Your comment /v/GreatAwakeningMeta/3307785/19482235 has been deleted by: @Shizie on: 7/1/2019 12:25:16 AM

Description given: Rule Violation: Dox; Description: No doxxing NiggerRonin

Original Comment

Don’t peek

yob ago

I peeked.

does looking at those count as a hate thought crime against a deluded ex-mod? I doubt that can at all be considered doxxing someone, if they posted that willingly online from photes they (not an ex boyfriend) own copyright control and access control over. I know I am now on the shit list of c*nsch, for merely looking at that link or publicly posted photos, even though I never commented on "hotness" or not, and no kid photos, only an adult in that set.

I saw way way too many bans of users and deletions of comments in :

If it were not for the deletions I never would have tried to read up on this drama, but the more I read, the more questions I have. The only thing I do know is that powermad mods should not censor valid legal speech on voat.

WhiteRonin ago

I got banned from Ga because I posted about a user.

Yes, I did. I called out Crensch for being a power mod. Nobody likes to mention the reason, just the ban. I’m now slowly getting banned from all Team Srayzie subs. Lol

Srayzie denied those were her pics. Shizie deleted my comments and I got banned for doxing. Lol, but srayz (alt of shizie) said they weren’t her. So, technically I didn’t dox anybody. Lol

The irony of team Srayzie is hilarious.

yob ago

What was so worthless to read in my comment to merit me getting negative voats by someone? I only lamented that I did not like censorship. Are there people on voat that LIKE censorship that I triggered?

powermad mods should not censor valid legal speech on voat.

It's very odd that people disagree with that opinion of mine, yet type no rebuttal.

WhiteRonin ago

You spoke against Team Srayzie. They are going around and targeting us for questioning their #paYtriot stance.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I got banned for being “friendly” with another person and accused of being a pedo.

He is trying to destroy GA and the sub is too cucked by him to realize it.