Nosferatjew ago

Can confirm.

Gothamgirl ago

She is the one who doxed herself.

WhiteRonin ago

Putt ain’t talking about round 3 Angel. Nice ;-) why?

Angel 1 and 2 are like he said and probably gave him some ideas.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you! And we would love that!

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you! 😊

Gothamgirl ago

Yes we have been shopping all day, took my kid out to eat, now I am picking vegtables. We purchased a brand new trailer, weed wacker, fence post slammer, craftsman drill, sawzaw, everything for $1500 brand new. We got a great deal. The trailer was supposed to be $1500 before taxes.

We are getting ducks and chickens soon. Have to build a pond first.

Gothamgirl ago

Aww thanks dial, some of it was our fault. I got so tired of it, I posted a pic hoping to just get it over with. I am no saint though, I feed it defending myself.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge always has solid down votes but his CCP grows.

Now why the fuck is that?

virge ago

You'd be wrong.

Noodle on that.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

@Puttitout picked benjamin"s side until proven otherwise

the question is who is Benjamin


He's not actually a leader, he just codes and makes this site for you to thrash around for pleasure.

KatHarzso ago

He has power to be judge, jury, and executioner. He can ban and unban globally. He can help undelete accounts. That's a leader role. If he didn't want to be leader then he should step back or something and go back to coding.


You're describing a janitor. He codes and debugs and has to have access to the site's code that he's coding, there's literally no reason for him to neuter his own access to a site that's been handed over to him by Atko. He doesn't lead anybody, he doesn't tell anyone what to think or do, and you and I and anyone else is absolutely free to create a Voat clone and play leader if this site isn't good enough. I'm the most centered person I've ever met, maybe even on Voat, I want zyklon_b and everyone else to be okay, but even if I saw someone specifically making threats to other users while spreading personal information I would shut that shit down so fast. Srayzie is retarded, Crensch never says anything ot value and is probably only less negative than Tallest_skil, and none of them are worth your time, and if I were being demanded to "pick sides" in a fool's wager, I'd just go do literally anything else instead. Attention whores crave drama, you're fueling it, and zyklon_b is igniting it.

Questionable_1 ago

Something tells me that Voats secret bank roller is protecting that hook nose GA and QRV. Didnt the donor show up around the same time

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'll say this here: Back when THOT Srayzie came here and I exposed her and her army, I was told that her connection here is deep and to back off, so I did because I don't want trouble with Putt or any of the people I call friends here. I won't say much else

virge ago

While possible, it's just as likely Putt has enough data to know shit we don't about user behavior.

Just playing devils advocate.

Warmoose76 ago

Awww shit

sosat_menya_reddit ago

What did I miss? I had to get my shit ready to evacuate mexico tomorrow.

KatHarzso ago

Srayzie can doxx gothamgirl by befriending her on her private facebook account. But using readily available public information to doxx srayzie is a bannable offense despite the kike whore had already readily doxxed herself cuz she likes the attention of any and all men even though her kike husband keeps praying she'll stop fucking niggers.

Gothamgirl ago

She doxxed his zyklons full name first a month ago, she doxed my name, pics of me she stole when I befriended her, my 3 kids full names, 2 of my properties, my car, made a screename making fun of my deceased child. She has got her hands on my bank statements, old court depositions, legal description of my house, how much I paid. She has admitted to recently talking to one of my exes from 7-8 years ago, is using his and my families names for alt s creen names.

Something really big is coming her way, on a brand new site I purchased, no worries.

KatHarzso ago

I already got money saved up to go visit her husband real soon.

CerealBrain ago

Such a cunt lol. Pussy.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Who got banned this time?

KatHarzso ago

ruck_feddit ago

Zyklon is really banned?! Is that true? What in the actual fuck?

NeoGoat ago

Yes. Check main log.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

The ban is bullshit (pretty much) and I will become a protester guaranteed. I was worried this would happen though. Not because of the yelp page since anyone could find that but because he was calling out some other goats and offering airline tickets and suggesting other stuff. It was likely that other stuff that resulted in the ban. I comforted to know Z is right here with us and reading this comment. Z makes voat fun for me. Those fascist hypocrites are ruining voat but I guess voat operates on "Benjamin's Rules" now.

Thelma may be right and they are going to nuke this place for the $$$

It is turning into $$$ MIGA-FUSA $$$ and fuck free speech around here. Good thing I have accounts on POAL