CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm still awaiting my private tit and vagene pics from this jewess skank

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I could save you some time and post a few pictures from any random skank hoe porn site. There must be a demand for such nastiness or people like her wouldn’t share their skankiness online.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I dont want them for my own personal pleasure, though. I should've stated that

Gothamgirl ago

She used Guntpiggy piggy to.

sosat_menya_reddit ago




All less than 2 days old

Gothamgirl ago

She has 2 accounts in my name and 4 in my childrens.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I know

@srayzie is a shallow, pathetic, cunt, jewess

theoldones ago

(X) doubt

NeoGoat ago

I am proud of my shit. Anyone is welcome to watch me.

Gothamgirl ago

One lone whore with a bunch of incels who don't get out often, and Pizzagate Mods you mean?

All it took was flappy titty pics and rape story to turn them into predators.

theoldones ago

bitch, i could get your nudes from you if i asked, but you're a used ho

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah 😂🤣 like I am dumb enough to put something like that online. Secondly I would never cheat on my husband ever.

Used ho- you mean not a virgin. Sounds like you are into minors.


theoldones ago

i would take the bet you look like a potato sack thats slightly drunk.

Gothamgirl ago

Who cares what you think pedo, and I don't drink alchohol.

zyklon_b ago

we want her kids deaf

HollaKost ago

Everyone's Srayzie didn't you know?