sosat_menya_reddit ago

Says the person that subscribes to one of the Loki subs

Go fuk yourself

theoldones ago

Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white


Maggotbait88 ago

Yeah I think that's y he asked me

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Like I said go fuk off elsewhere

Maggotbait88 ago

Nuh uh

theoldones ago

i've just had 2 others say they intend to outright "slander" me, so you're peddling some bullshit, faggot

Maggotbait88 ago

No I'm still not giving you any go away

theoldones ago

nigger did you even read? YOU SAID YOU'D FUCK A 13 YEAR OLD and yet here you are claiming this

Maggotbait88 ago

No I don't stop being gross man yuck!

theoldones ago

Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white

this is what you claim. you claim that not wanting to fuck a child contributes to white genocide.

Maggotbait88 ago

none of that is true all is satire

theoldones ago


hang yourself.

Maggotbait88 ago

im already hung

hey gottem