19012678? ago

And kevdude said this


19020771? ago

Then crensch and kevdude spoke about how they were going to destroy the ebil shitposters who kilt their srayzie

19037435? ago

She kilt she can't come back.

19020931? ago

Crensch maybe said that, but kevdude wanted her gone. He a big phony and a faker.

19021020? ago

Nope. Kevdude seems to be trying to soften her image right now so they can bring her back.

19021400? ago

He's the one who's been tarnishing her image to begin with.

19009775? ago

Crensch so bitter. He wants to pull @kevdude into it. Crensch so used to intimidating people and having his own way with weak bitches like Vindicator. Throwing a bitch fit when another mod is like whatevs, fool.

19052844? ago

19009889? ago

They're both guilty

19009947? ago

IDK what KD is guilty of; seems reasonable to me. But then again, Crensch creeps me the fuck out and alarm bells go off.

19009639? ago

Everyone of you involved in this should hang yourselves.

19009724? ago

Crensch should leave Kevdude alone. I agree

19012690? ago

Oh kevdude, Jew get so mad over the little things


19009849? ago

Anyone involved in this whole srazie thing and all the idiocy after she left should kill themselves for the betterment of Voat, and mankind. They should be ashamed of themselves for shitting up voat over this stupidity. There are several longtime users I have lost any respect for and I pretty much will not even speak to them here. You are all nigger tier retarded.

19010033? ago

Will be sure to hold Special Troll Meeting to discuss this Special Anon Message.

19010121? ago

Make sure to tell them they are all tranny level faggots.

19010170? ago

Will do cupcake.

19010238? ago

Maybe if any of you had an ounce of self respect you wouldnt act like niggers. Nigger.

19010299? ago


19009985? ago

We have to air it out so that it won't happen again. Incels on Voat getting tricked by jewess' is unacceptable.

19010080? ago

Horse shit. Its a bunch of damn children. Teen drama faggots. Nothing is getting sorted here. Its just a face being smeared on the pavement after an ugly motorcycle accident. If you cunts want to sort things out how about PMs or make a private sub so you girls can have your little tiff w/o shitting up All of Voat.

19010721? ago

We're in OUR sub

19010849? ago

That's why this place looks like a gay bar. My bad. Back to ass fucking each other with you.

19020906? ago

hey if you wanna use the womens restroom yo uare more than welcome, sir.

19010494? ago

Thanks pops! Tell mom we want burgers for dinner.

19010529? ago

Kill yourself sonny. No one cares about your faggy drama and youre shitting up voat. I take back what I said earlier. Niggers are more intelligent than anyone involved.

19010590? ago

ooo sumbuddy real mad

19010664? ago

No ones mad you tard. Whats pathetic is that you believe you are funny or intelligent. You arent a clever troll. You are Downs level retarded. And the longer you go on the worse you make yourself look. Congrats. You can regal homeroom w tales that theyll think are stupid as fuck too.

19010675? ago

kk pops. When are the burgers ready?

19009575? ago

Uh oh spaghetti os

19010752? ago


19008745? ago

Oh cool let me grab my popcorn.

19008726? ago

Both are little dick incels as per Skrayzie