18980675? ago

Yep, that's a Jew alright.

18977433? ago

@zyklon_b are these real pms or did they make fakes? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3256478/18977129

18977419? ago

18957596? ago

@Crensch confirmed for kike

18957296? ago

That faggot will never be shit

18957002? ago


They think they're better than everyone and that rules don't apply to them.

18965928? ago

Same with @gothamgirl. Fucking Jewess who acts entitled and better than everyone. Just read her comment history. She even brags about her Jew lawyers winning her shekels.


18956609? ago

"increase my leverage over everyone around me"

18956600? ago

what a faggot kike