Phantom42 ago

Welp, Buddha, it was nice knowing you.

If you hear anyone speaking Hebrew, duck.

TheBuddha ago

I survived and even survived letting a young lady drive me home. She even used manual mode and shifted with the paddles!

On the other hand, she and her brother were horrible on the track. I was not helpful. I'd get behind them and nudge them as they entered the corners. This amused me greatly. I even won a trophy, but it has already been stolen from me. They both decided I had cheated and that same young lady declared herself the winner because she beat her younger brother in all but one race.

I gave the youngest my checkered flags.

cynicaloldfart ago

Sounds like a good time was had by all. Her drive for winning seems quite strong, which will serve her well in some areas but stolen valor? I don't know but " 'snot my job". :) The best part are the memories, better than any trophy. Glad you all had fun.

TheBuddha ago

It's okay, it's a small, cheap plastic trophy. We had a blast. There were no other racers there, so we got to misbehave. I'd wait until one of them was near the edge of adhesion and nudge them. I'd dive to the inside and then brake late. Instinct is to swerve and brake, which results in amusing skids. They should just brake harder and not load the suspension.

cynicaloldfart ago

It's great she's getting so much real driving time in the car. She's driven a standard before, but it's a good trait to have. I remember going to the outdoor old-fashioned kart track. The first mile driving home was always interesting trying to get over kart driving and back to real driving.

TheBuddha ago

It's horrible driving home from the track. You can be going 70 on the highway and it feels like your crawling. She did alright. She didn't bump into anything. She has a hard time maintaining a constant speed, but that's partially due to the throttle's sensitivity and turbos kicking in forcefully.

Phantom42 ago

Ah, well glad you survived, and good on ya for doing that for the (I'm assuming) little one.

TheBuddha ago

It's a long story, but I've pretty much adopted the two of them. The eldest one lives here with us. She's the guitar student you've heard, if you visit the weekly guitar thread. She's a good kid.

No, I'm not even fucking their mother. They were in a bad spot and the missus bitched to me. She doesn't bitch often, so I listened. I put them up in the guest house, got the mother a job, put the kids to work, and one of them lives here because she doesn't get on well with either her mother or her brother. They were actually quite nice to each other today.

Phantom42 ago

That's good man. That's good... If more were like you we might actually be getting somewhere.

TheBuddha ago

Do the right thing, even if nobody is watching.

IsaacJan ago

I’m going to Oxford to steal go-karts. If you’re in the area, come help, I can only grab one.

TheBuddha ago

They're gonna notice.

zyklon_b ago

we here now

TheBuddha ago

LOL I thought you'd responded that you were going kayaking to this thread, where I said I was going karting.

We had a good time. I can't really go kayaking yet. The lakes are still frozen.

zyklon_b ago

it was a lot of fun.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, kayaking can be pretty relaxing.

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago

And good exercise, if you paddle quickly.

zyklon_b ago

is why i got it so i work out with no impact on knee

TheBuddha ago

Gonna get a fishing license and use it to catch some fish?

zyklon_b ago

yes we are.

married life is the best life especially when high and in nature

TheBuddha ago

I'm never getting married again. I try not to repeat my mistakes!

zyklon_b ago

my is pseudo married

TheBuddha ago

Not me! I'm surprised I've been with her this long.

zyklon_b ago

this thing with GG is longest relationship by far i ever had

TheBuddha ago

Weren't you married at one point?

zyklon_b ago

not really. i only was with her for 20 days or so and was all a blur type blackout

TheBuddha ago

That's a pretty short relationship.

zyklon_b ago

dude i have only ever cared about myself and keeping my head right. now i found my soulmate type girl is muh thinkn n muh dickn

TheBuddha ago

I don't think I've ever had a soulmate. I don't even tell the missus that I love her, because I don't know if I do. I like her a great deal.

zyklon_b ago

then you aint met her cause if u do you will know 150% and it aint just lust type carnal knowledge

TheBuddha ago

I don't expect I will ever meet her.

zyklon_b ago

i felt same way till i met her. i didnt even believe in soulmates or true love i was under assumption we all just using eachother to meet needs.....1990

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TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

I'll never make it in time

TheBuddha ago

Not with that sort of attitude you won't!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell no!

TheBuddha ago

We had fun. I did a couple of runs on the drag strip but I didn't really beat on it. I ran a couple of 13s and called it good. I guess it'll do it in 11 seconds even, but I didn't really want to beat on it. I got a number for a tuner and gave them a call on the ride home (EH drove both directions) and he seems to think I can get 770 hp out of it easy - and without much risk. He says that they can get it up to 850, but that the engine gets a little too hot and will wear rapidly at that level.

I told them I'd think about it and we'd maybe take a look at it in the winter. 'Snot like I'm gonna drive it in the snow. I'd probably die if I tried, even with traction control set to max.

crazy_eyes ago

13.9 or 13.1? Do you really need more HP in that car?

TheBuddha ago

13.5 and 13.2 on my second run. The tires were cool and the strip was a little damp so I didn't really want to beat on it. Both were done with traction control on and the trans in automatic sport mode.

And, need? No, I don't need it. But it'd make it even more fun!

crazy_eyes ago

Thats some pretty good times

TheBuddha ago

The second time, I turned off traction control and warmed the tires a little. Then I turned it back on. I could have gone faster, but really didn't want to risk damaging it. I don't have race insurance on it yet. I won't until I'm doing track days with a club.

Umm... Yes, yes you can get insurance that covers you at the track. Yes, you can even insure a race car. It's expensive and a Hugh deductible, but you can. It also doesn't cover damage you do to another car. One of the clubs provides some insurance but it's pretty minimal on the track. So, I usually get track insurance per event or season, if I'm going to be doing any racing.

crazy_eyes ago

I imagine that track insurance is especially useful if you damage someone else property

TheBuddha ago

It doesn't cover that, ironically enough. It only covers what you drive and only covers damage and not mechanical breakages. You can get bodily injury insurance, but that's also just for you. Everyone signs a waiver before going out. If your car is damaged, it's your fault for accepting the risk. You should have bought insurance!

crazy_eyes ago

Damn, thats what I thought it would be for

TheBuddha ago

Nope. I've never even heard of a policy that did that.

crazy_eyes ago

That seems weird to me

TheBuddha ago

It is what it is. Most insurance companies won't even insure them.

crazy_eyes ago

Well I guess as long as you're covered and are'nt going to be held liable

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, we all sign waivers before we even get to the track. We sign them when we register for an event. Open track days are a bit different, in that you can sometimes register on the same day. You still will have to sign a few things.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats where the gentleman racing comes in

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Crashing is really discouraged, even if it only involves you.

crazy_eyes ago

well yeah, they want to drive, not wait around for track clean up!

TheBuddha ago

Crashes are also really expensive.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont even want to imagine

TheBuddha ago

I have yet to crash anything I own. I've put student cars into a barrier. I don't give a shit about those cars, they don't belong to me! In fact, I'm paying to learn and that means sometimes fucking up. If I was able to not fuck up, I'd not need lessons!

crazy_eyes ago

thats the way to look at it

TheBuddha ago

Their cars were easy to repair, at most schools. I wasn't the first to crash 'em.

I did drive a very expensive F3 car. They were pretty adamant that I not crash that one. I tore the clutch out of it. They made me sit in the car while they fixed it.

crazy_eyes ago

How long did you have to sit there?

TheBuddha ago

Not that long. The crew was able to change it in like 30 minutes.

But, you're covered in three layers of fireproof clothing and wearing a helmet. It's hot. It felt more like 30 hours.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, those are the times that I am happy theres a constant stream of music in my head

TheBuddha ago

I was pretty bored. It's also not even remotely comfortable. The seat is snug and hard. You can't move much except your feet and hands.

Plus, I only had three hours that day and I was excited to drive. I didn't get my full three hours! They had other cars. I could see them.

I consoled myself by being happy that I was in a race car. I'm pretty sure I made vroom noises and tire squealing noises.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I would have probably done the same if I was stuck in a racecar too

TheBuddha ago

Also, I'm going to try sleeping. G'night!

TheBuddha ago

I wasn't allowed to push any buttons or press any pedals. It was torture!

I couldn't take my helmet off and it was the old style HANS device. It attached my helmet to the seat. I couldn't move my head very far. I couldn't see them working, that was behind me. I couldn't even really hear them, because a helmet and earplugs do that.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, That seems to have made quite a lasting impression. LoL

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! It was a horrible 30 minutes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

get a bigger go kart