Ywis ago

He's been ramping up the old GWB playbook since day one. Aside from that mess of a healthcare reform he wanted so badly it's been no different than the eight years before him.

fuck_communism ago

Sounds like the last seven years to me.

LoftyGoat ago

He's done very little of what he said he'd do during the elections. Started out doing it, then stopped.

That said, he appears to be doing as he is told. And apparently the same people are telling him what to do as were telling his predecessor what to do.

Doomking_Grimlock ago

In 2008 I was too young to vote for him, but he walked a different walk and talked a different talk than Bush or any of the other Republican candidates on parade, so I thought, "what the hell? I can back this guy."

I voted for his reelection in 2012 and I've spent the four years since kicking myself. I knew he hadn't made good on a lot of his promises, but he was also not a bible thumping corporate cocksucker who spent all his time railing about the evils of the commies and the homosexuals.

Now I realize that I got suckered, big time, and I understand that neither party is offering anything I want to be a part of. Obama is a lying, backstabbing son of a bitch and if I could go back to the day I voted for him, I'd tell myself to stay in bed because the sleep I lost wasn't worth the fucking effort.

darthsuegar ago

I'll remember his presidency as being one where every time he stood up to the podium, you could expect him to mock the other party, mock his opponents in congress, and mock Americans who disagreed with his "vision for America" rather than do a proper job of being a leader and attempt to bridge the gap between him and his opponents. I'll remember the time that a bunch of children were gunned down and our president decided to feign crocodile tears and use it to push a political agenda before the blood had even dried. I'll remember how our president decided that the opinions of congress and the general opinions of the American people weren't good enough for him and he decided to bypass them to enact laws through executive actions. I'll remember the time that he decided to pursue Edward Snowden across the globe as Mr. Snowden proved false the claim that they would be the "most transparent administration in history". I think the most shameful thing is that in 20 years, he'll be remembered only for health care and being the first black president.

BoiseNTheHood ago

He's another bootlicking leftist statist, just like every president since Coolidge left office. I would rank him as the third worst president of all time behind FDR and Wilson.

fr0stbit3 ago

Coolidge. Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time...

gardellaforgot ago

Bush 7.0

The_Blastman ago

I could be convinced Regular Hitler applies if OP had said "worst person ever" but since ole Adlof has been pushing daisy's for 70 some odd years it's pretty thin. I don't agree with OP either by the way. Barry ain't the worst. You motherfuckers should meet my mother-in-law.

CatNamedJava ago

Here is a study of Richmond from George Mason University of thr wfffects of mix incoming houding. In it they said thag crime in the mix income areas jncreased less than the county in general pdf there you go 1 example for you racist cunt.

It took me 10 seconds to google this. You should try it.

The_Blastman ago

Well...Barry propped up ISIS and its leaders with money, support, and munitions so that one don't really apply.

Zombie Hitler ain't even real FYI so...nope.

Charles Manson's followers only killed a handful of people. Way less than one illegal drone blast at a wedding in Yemen.


The_Blastman ago

No one is going to psychically and technologically isolate anyone boogeyman. C'mon now.

bourbonexpert ago

honestly....not so great. I voted for him twice and for gore and kerry. now I see that I am old enough to compare 4 presidents as an adult. Obama talked a big game, but nothing really changed.

he is an innefectual leader.

he talked so much game about getting guns off the streets and easing racial tensions, he did neither, in fact racial tensions are the worst ive seen in my life. and the guns laws havent changed at all...he's been in office 7 years..why didnt he try harder earlier?

he spoke about giving major tax help and funding to get more electric cars on the road. didnt happen. he said he was going to go after big oil and coal. the only thing that was impacted was miners in the applaicians. he, along with americas wishes, drew down forces in the middle east.....and it created a power vacuum. speaking of forign policy, no one takes us seriously anymore. Putin made him look like an asswipe in Syria.

the only thing I like that he did was healthcare, and I honestly dont know why my libertarian and conservative brothers hate that so much.

because of his presidency, and some personal life experiences, I became a conservative.

G4 ago

Not as bad as everyone says. He's no Sanders though.

freddymercury ago

I agree with a lot of what people are saying on this thread but give it a general positive review due to re-establishing what seems to be a good democratic administration ability to keep the economy stable. Clinton administration and Obama administrations oversaw eras of economic expansion and job growth. Reagan-Bush and Bush 2 ended in fairly severe economic failure and ballooning budget deficits. There is a reason that Ross Perot won 17 percent of the vote in 1992. That reason was ballooning deficit spending by the reagan - bush administrations. Second reason I give it a net positive is a dialing back of military intervention in other countries. Many people claim that Obama is weak because he won't attack other countries. My opinion is we got a lot of nukes and planes, keep as many of our boys at home working...

Namrok ago

Dude, it's way worse than that. You're looking at ponying up $200 a month, with a 6000 deductible. The insurance company doesn't pick up a dime until after the deductible is hit. So you are out around $8000-$10000 a year before the insurance company pays a penny. It's a blatant scam to line the insurance company's pockets.

shakin_my_head ago

Destroyed the middle class, destroyed race relations, destroyed relations with the world, more or less destroyed everything.

klauskinski ago

well that may be impossible.

first of all, what do you consider "low crime" for a building?

second of all, do you have a resource that categorizes residence population by skin color?

klauskinski ago

it works fine in most high occupancy buildings. it's projects that are scary.

g-j-a ago

Empty suit. Same shit different shade. Such are politicians

prodigyx ago

He has done more harm to this country than any previous President.

browserwarrior ago

so its obama's fault that your friend makes too much? yes, the ACA wasn't the best solution, but a mediocre solution is better than NO solution. it got a lot of people coverage that needed it. Just because your friend didnt benefit doesnt mean its wholly terrible. Thats a pretty short-sighted viewpoint.

browserwarrior ago

uh good. you know why there are ghettos to begin with? because white people put all the black people in the same area, as far away from white people as possible, and then turned a blind eye to that whole area because "it became a slum". Trying to integrate people into a society by not actually integrating them into society OF COURSE doesn't work.

RobAlter ago

Yes, exactly this. I now realize the President of the US has zero power in reality. Obama proved that. There is clearly an established power base in Washington that controls the direction of the US and it is not the President. Literally nothing has changed from Clinton to Bush to Obama. The agenda of the US has continued regardless of who is POTUS.

browserwarrior ago

how insightful...such a well thought out and reasoned response...

Darth_Shitlord ago

After all he's done to destroy the country I get so enraged thinking about it sometimes I could disembowel his family in front of him with my bare hands, then him.

FeelinFroggy ago

You know what, I could go into a big ol' long thing about all the points of discontent I hold for his actions and his words, but I'm just gonna go with...



fr0stbit3 ago


CatNamedJava ago

Or they will integrated in the neighborhoods have thier kuds go to decent school and break the cycle of poverty and ghetto culture. Hard to be a thug if your friends are hipsters

Sharossh ago

I'll always remember and refer to him as President Drone Strike.

individualin1984 ago

I really do not think we (USA) can recover from the damage he and his handlers have done. And as much as the USA haters want to say good to this, the shock waves of the Unites States implosion and the middle east explosion, will no bode well for you either.

cpebach ago

Nearly everyone made up their mind about Obama before he got into office. To his supporters, he could do no wrong...to his detractors, he could do no right.

His successor, either Democrat or Republican, will be hard pressed to match the following bullet points:

• The Iran deal: Time will reveal if the deal worked, not today’s talking/tweeting heads. What cannot be in dispute is this was a momentous initiative, a gutsy political risk, a diplomatic success and, potentially, a giant step in defusing a long-ticking time bomb.

• Obamacare: In the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression, Obama delivered one of the most important domestic programs since the New Deal. Only LBJ’s Great Society laws compare. Obamacare has survived two challenges in the Supreme Court and constant, kabuki-style congressional votes to repeal. It’s now off life support. Key goals are being met. It will evolve and improve. One day it will be taken for granted and people will say, “Keep the government out of my Obamacare.”

• The financial meltdown: Obama inherited it, then managed the recovery to the degree possible in the global economy. The recovery has been steady, though slow. The worst-case predictions didn’t happen. He began to reverse the deregulation of the financial industry. He delivered a significant Asian trade deal. Yet, few give Obama much credit.

• Dignity and honesty: Obama’s administration has been as free of corruption and, well, peccadillo as any in memory. It’s the first two-term presidency not to be derailed by scandal since Eisenhower. A few will stay in paranoid lather about Benghazi or Fast and Furious, but those pseudo-scandals don’t compare to Watergate, Iran-Contra, Bill Clinton’s carnal antics or the phony evidence used to justify attacking Iraq.

fr0stbit3 ago

I can only assume that you will be voting for Hillary then...

CatNamedJava ago

That's the current standard in Urban planning studies. Break up the poor throughout the city and not cluster them in projects where gangs thrive.

CatNamedJava ago

I think he has done a okay job. He is a better leader than an executive. I think he has done great on the big picture items. ACA was a big win. The iran nuke deal, getting the TPP going (thanks to my senator Wyden!) He kept boots off the ground in syria and Libya. Though probably a little too hands off in foriegn affair.

His failure comes from his lack of administration experience. He kowtow to a minority republican parry early in his job and ever since the Republicans have used threat of shut down to gum up the government. Also he had botched roll out of Healthcare.gov.

Overall not bad. Way better than McCain would have done. Not sure about Romney. I kinda liked him but he was too much a pushover to his own party.

Rellik88 ago

Im surprised he hasn't been tarred n feathered.

Gardmeria ago

Like all the others, he did his best with what he was given. That being said, that's not exactly a good thing, just what it is

apoloxis ago

In laymen's terms: FUCK. THAT. NIGGER.

theoldguy ago

Just imagine, if you can, that all the ghettos were filled with Obama clones, showing off their skinny arms in tight suits, roaming around saying "You didn't build that" or "I'm confident America will back me up on this"!

typicalwhiteguy ago

You're a fucking idiot.

rwbj ago

Before Obama and before I voted for him I would have laughed at people saying something like the main stream media in a derogatory fashion. His presidency has been a huge eye opener for me here so I thank him for that. The news media in the US is owned by large corporations who are using their influence of the media to get 'preferable' candidates into office and then using that resultant political power to enrich their companies.

Beyond that he's been a notably poor president. Not only has he gone back on nearly every campaign promise he made, but he's done things like bomb more countries than any president since World War 2. He's left us in a no-win situation in Syria where we're now supporting brutal and oppressive terrorist organizations while Russia makes a complete mockery of our double faced nature, all because Obama doesn't like Assad. The TPP, which he has been spear heading and will absolutely sign into law, is going to be one of the biggest blows to American labor and employment ever at a time when we're already seeing a greater chunk, than ever before, of all new jobs be McJobs.

He is also obsessed with violating the 4th amendment in as many ways as humanly possible and has done more to destroy American privacy than any president ever. And his corporate cronyism goes way beyond just the TPP. At a time when Americans are fatter than ever, to the point that it's starting to result in overall deteriorating national health, he decided to create a special high level executive position at the FDA just so he could shove a Monsanto lobbyist in there because I'm sure the company that makes a ton of money because of products like high fructose corn syrup totally have the nation's best interest at heart.

How about his environmental policy? You know that landmark environmental treaty with China? At least that's what the media called it. In reality they get to continue polluting and increasing their polluting as much as they want for the next 15 years. Then they're supposed to reduce it from that maximum point. Yeah that was his "landmark" treaty. He's such a phoney and the media is such a joke. Anyhow, I could rant on for pages, but what's the point? Anybody who's remotely well informed already knows Obama has been a miserable failure. We need to stop electing charisma, but how can you when charisma is exactly what gets people to vote for you?

wuziwu ago

Considering i'm making 5 times what i made 8 years ago i'd say he's doing a great job. Under bush both me and my boss lost our jobs it was a direct result of republicans cutting education funding. i lost everything i owned and all i got in return was excuses.

Under bush everything just fell apart.

fr0stbit3 ago

For you maybe, not for the majority of the country

wuziwu ago

actually the majority of the south suffered the same fate. Every person that worked in education suffered from layoffs and pay cuts under bush not to mention the hurricanes. People died under that administration and very few saw any kind of compensation.

mcwilshire ago

When you elect a half-Kenyan half-American raised by Marxists in Indonesia and Hawaii, don't be surprised when he acts like it. Better luck next time, I hope.

mudcatca ago

Just another lawyer in the hot seat, saying whatever needs said to get to the pinnacle of puppet power.

ShowMeThePunny ago

I didn't vote for him, but I was willing to give him a chance until April 2009.

GM and Chrysler were about to collapse and when they did the assets of those companies legally should have been sold to pay the bond holders.

Obama threatened violence and mob action against American private citizens will within their legal rights.

“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

Since then, I've thought of him as a fascist.

aristotle07 ago

What makes Obama worse is that under his presidency he cares more for the blacks committing violent crimes vs the average law biding citizen. He personally oversaw the uprising of race wars, war on police and gave more shits about the illegal immigrants than the people they harm, like the woman who was shot.

He never visited a white person getting killed by blacks, but visited and visibly supported every black criminal out there.

avgwhtguy1 ago

you are mostly wrong. However, under his presidency, the mainstream media, and himself repeatedly brought up and fanned race issues that most of the country thought were drastically improving until that point.

The only thing that is racist is believing that different races exist. Equality for blacks means that you believe there is a difference between black and white. Me, and most folks on Earth are mixed, and owe our existence to folks from far away times and lands. One Love.



brother_tempus ago

Ask the Japanese Americans he interred in concentration camps or about the illegal air force he built in China

Gardmeria ago

That illegal airforce kept China and it's RICH resources out of Japanese hands and made the war harder on them

brother_tempus ago

That doesn't make it any less illegal or him less of a war criminal

The ends do not justify the means

Gardmeria ago

You could also argue that Truman is a mass murderer for dropping two Atom bombs but history judges him differently

brother_tempus ago

His Gulf of Tonkin false flag to initiate the Korean War was his greatest war crime

Gardmeria ago

Eh, at least it didn't last as long as the next one

littlemikemac ago

He didn't build the AVG, he allowed it. The AVG was a Republican institution. And I think they were good for China.

big_fat_dangus ago

I voted for him because his ideas sounded real at the time. End the war, fix Bush's mistakes, fix the shit ass economy, fix our image as a nation led by an actual retard.

Then I learned the president has very limited ability to do any of those things.

Then I learned he's a traitor and a coward by way of Benghazi, rules of engagement in Afghanistan, curtailment of citizens rights, and the rest.

I want off Mr Bones wild ride.

fr0stbit3 ago

I have actually never read the book or seen the movie before

Lag-wagon ago

I read all four books and never peed my pants.. i feel jipped.

sinjinsmythe ago

Prerequisite is you have to have pants and actually wear them.

FeelinFroggy ago

That's silly, you can't read with pants on. Everyone knows that.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I could probably be more disappointed, but it'd require a government grant, several top men, and a manhattan project style thinktank to figure out how.

Namrok ago

Honestly I'm really conflicted. I was really rooting for him. Unlike a lot of politicians, I believe he was sincere about his campaign promises. And it's not hard to see what a huge roadblock Republicans have been for him. I was 100% in favor of Obamacare. I think that a country taking care of it's citizens is incredibly important.

But even despite that, I see his legacy completely falling apart in the past year. Guantanamo is still open, drone strikes are out of control, the ACA is totally bullshit. The executive branch of the government keeps cracking down on whistleblowers. The executive branch keeps arming "moderate rebels", feeding arms and equipment to ISIS. Our own military seems to just be floundering about without purpose. You can't blame that shit on Republican interference. That those things are 100% on our Commander in Chief.

I have a feeling that Obama will go down in history similarly to the Carter administration. He only got elected because Nixon was so terrible, people reflexively pulled away from the Republican party. And by most measures, his administration with totally feckless. I don't think many people especially hate Carter. But nobody can really hold up anything he actually accomplished either.

But who knows, maybe the next president will fix the ACA, and Obama's part in getting that ball rolling will be more historically significant.

fuck_communism ago

I believe he was sincere about his campaign promises

You were/are a gullible fool. Anybody with an IQ above room temperature could see right through him.

bourbonexpert ago

great comment. I am conservative and while i dissagree with you about foriegn policy....the man didnt really accomplish anything he set out to do. Clinton got shit done with a Republican congress. And GWB did as well with democrats fighting him at every step. This guy didnt do shit.

I agree with the Carter comparison.

fr0stbit3 ago

Excellent thinking about the Carter comparisons! I agree

Super_Cooper ago

I think he's done a fine job of exposing the ills of the left which led to a resurgence of right wing values in the USA. This is a good thing. The Republicans have the biggest congressional majority in over 60 years. Once Trump gets elected, he will provide the leadership necessary to reverse the bad laws and regulations of the last 16 years (Bush was just as bad as Obama). I'm looking forward to seeing that.

Pwning4Ever ago

I think you are forgetting the fact that congress is full of corporate puppets (like Paul Ryan) who pass legislation that benefits their donors.

Trump winning is a step in the right direction but we really need to clean house and primary traitors like paul ryan.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I think that I am in love. Thank you for using that reference.

fr0stbit3 ago

Mind explaining what a Zapphod Beeblebrox is?

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Zapphod is the Galactic president who pretty much just roams around doing what ever he wants because he is a figure head with no real power.

He also has 3 arms but I doubt that the analogy was meant to go that far.

Lag-wagon ago

and two heads...

NapoleonComplex ago

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Zapphod is elected president of the galaxy because he's an idiot and the congress or whatever knows that he won't stop them from doing what they want

frankenmine ago

Obama is no idiot. He was either threatened, corrupted, or was corrupt from the very beginning. We may never know which.

NapoleonComplex ago

I agree, I never said he was. I was just answering the question about who Zapphod Beeblebrox was. I truly believe that Candidate Obama had no idea how difficult being president was and President Obama had to cave to the party's wishes after his first few years of complete inaction. I think he came in bright-eyed and hopeful and he just got beaten down time after time by politics.

fr0stbit3 ago

Lol thanks

Karbuster ago

As far as Civil liberties and inalienable rights he has been the worst president I have ever seen but I'm only 23

fr0stbit3 ago

I'm about your age too, even though I was born when bill was president I really only remember bush and obama.

Karbuster ago

I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends who will be fined this year...they'll have a blast with you

fr0stbit3 ago

Damn I hadn't heard about this yet. That will be a fucking nightmare. Who would want to raise kids in those neighborhoods?

Lag-wagon ago

He gave more power to the housing authority. So they could put low income with high income people...

Angry_fapkin ago

Not as bad as GWB, but almost as bad. And that's saying something. This pattern is not good for our future.

WillinglyFallible ago

I thought he was a liar the first four years, now I can actually see how he has stayed fairly true to his word when he announced he would remake America.

fr0stbit3 ago

Remake for the better or worse?

WillinglyFallible ago

He has contributed strongly to making America a worse place. In hindsight, my conclusion that he was liar in his first term was wrong though, he let everyone know from the beginning he would screw things up. He used vague rhetoric and allowed people to fill in the blanks with their ideal outcomes.

fr0stbit3 ago

I really think his campaign appealed to the young college kids who ate up all the "change" he was promising. Those mass amounts of young votes got him the presidency. Really unfortunite those naive voters believed him.

fr0stbit3 ago

Which candidate do you think would be the best for the country?

CatNamedJava ago

Hiliary. The Republicans are all idiots who will trash the US with thier expensive tax cuts for the wealthy. Bernie presidency will boil down to old guy yelling at a Republican control congress for 4 years with nothing getting done

Cliton will at least get some shit done.

fr0stbit3 ago

So you want someone who is for putting a backdoor in encryption, who wants to increase surveillance, who constantly lies, who is a huge warhawk, hates whistle blowers, and always pulls the vote for me because I'm a woman card? she would be a million times worse than obama... How can you not see that?

CatNamedJava ago

So you want someone who is for putting a backdoor in encryption, who wants to increase surveillance, who constantly lies, who is a huge warhawk, hates whistle blowers,

I thought you were talking about trump till you mention the woman card

fr0stbit3 ago

Haha yeah thats true about Trump also. Similarities are shocking.

CatNamedJava ago

That's probably why trump had given money to clinton for all those years.

fr0stbit3 ago

Well... you gotta play the game to beat the game.

CatNamedJava ago

I liked obama

fr0stbit3 ago

I feel sorry for you. What specifically did you like about him?

CatNamedJava ago

ACA. it was great getting cheap insurance when i was laid off. Pro-TPP stance. His foreign policy has been decent. Big win with the Iran deal.

wolversheen ago

None of them.

fr0stbit3 ago

If you were forced to choose... Trump or Bernie?

wolversheen ago

If it comes down to Trump or Bernie, then I don't care too much who wins. I would like to see a Republican in office, but I'm okay with Bernie. Just no Hilary, please, no Hilary.

wuziwu ago

can i ask why you would need a republican in office? If all politicians are the same why would it matter if they were republican or democrat?

wolversheen ago

They are the same type of person, but each party has its different views. From what I've noticed, there are more jobs when a Republican is in office.

wuziwu ago

:( considering me and 6 different friends 4 of which work in different sectors all lost their jobs under bush i'm inclined to disagree.

fr0stbit3 ago

I think Hillary would be a million times worse than Obama. She is a proven lier, she is for backdoors in encryption, she knows nothing when it comes to technology, she hates whistle-blowers, she would start a war with a snap of her finger, and she constantly plays the "elect me because I am a woman" card. Despicable.

I would be happy with either Trump or Bernie. I just worry that Bernie would continue with some of Obama's ideas since they share the same political party.

wolversheen ago

The Bernie Bandwagon also seems too familiar to that of Obama's before his first term.


Prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other president ("My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government" because "transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing."), expanded drones, CISA, TPP, did nothing for warentless wiretapping and "metadata" collection ("I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom. That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient," Obama said in 2007, adding that "the FISA court works."). Just another liar politician looking out for his oligarcs' agendas. I had such high hopes for actual change in '08 and was suckered into false promises. This really disillusioned me to the entire political process, and now I'm concerned those who are for Trump or Sanders could be getting duped again by "outsider canidates" when in reality the puppetmasters are 50 moves ahead of the people.

Pwning4Ever ago

I felt like Obama just another extension of establishment politics for the most part. He is going to sign the TPP but he kept the liberals happy by legalizing gay marriage.

GoatSLAVE ago

Gay liberal here, no I am not happy. Do you want to know why Barrack and Hillary have changed their stance on gay marriage? Because public opinion went past 50% support, and it became advantageous for them to back it, no other reason, they don't give a shit about us. I honestly don't even see them as liberal, they are center-right republicans pretending to be liberal, and they are done fooling me.

Lag-wagon ago

Same as @littlemikemac stated. I thought his first 4 years where... o.k. Nothing good nothing bad per say. His last 4 he just fucked the USA as hard as he could. Gun rules, CISA, TPP, snowden... just fucked us good.

wuziwu ago

there are new gun rules? what are they?

wuziwu ago

This is from 2013 do you really believe he's gonna make all of those things a reality in 10 months?

Of everything on that list only 2 directly effect gun owners. The second one had it been enacted could have saved the lives of those people in California because that's exactly what happened to them. 1. is possible but there is absolutely no way that would pass. The republicans won't even let him close gitmo let alone mess with guns.

  1. Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds.

2.Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people.

So basically he's not trying to take our guns he's just trying to stop crazy people from getting guns and the nuts who do from shooting us a whole bunch. Proposals are a dime a dozen I'll be upset when he has actually done something.

Lag-wagon ago


Read your arguments and they are valid and counter a lot of the fear mis-information. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me!

brother_tempus ago

War criminal and tyrant just like every President before him since FDR

chronos ago

Epic Fail!

littlemikemac ago

I think he was failure, the first four years weren't that bad and went by faster than I thought it would but his second term was one big reminder that he is a Chicago politician at heart.

Ellimist ago

the first four years weren't that bad

Thanks to his first four years, I now get to pay a hefty fine each year for the privilege of not having health insurance. Except, I had health insurance but it was cancelled and the replacement plans on offer are a terrible value.

Except, the supreme court says it's actually a tax.

Obama promised my taxes wouldn't increase unless I made over $250,000 annually, and I make $35,000. And he also said that I could keep my health insurance plan because I liked it.

My "taxes" are up ~$700 this year thanks to the Obamacare penalty and the only insurance plans available to me are absolute shit compared to what I used to have.

littlemikemac ago

It's a terrible policy, yes. I guess it just associated Obamacare with his second term for some reason.

Blackjack147 ago

Illinoisan here, he is more Chicago (read:corrupt) than any other president we've had, but he isn't Chicago enough. There are certainly worse politicians out here, and I guess that Americans just got lucky. Our politics are the worst, and Mike Madigan is at the controls for Corruption Junction.

Robbaba ago

Everyone who gets that job becomes a different person when they enter office. No mater how idealistic there motives the job shapes the person.

mAineAc ago

Nothing has changed for him. He was a liar and a criminal when he gained office and he still is.

Angry_fapkin ago

Being a liar and a criminal is a prerequisite for being a politician. There is not a single pol that doesn't fall under those two categories, even Bernie.

klauskinski ago

what're your sources?

klauskinski ago


aionous ago

Still a valid opinion. We aren't here to write a paper for Politics 101... just have a discussion. If you are interested in his viewpoint do your own research.

Sorry if this comes off as rude. I am just being concise.


klauskinski ago

how do you recommend i research bernie sanders' criminal record?

aionous ago

No one said anything about politicians having criminal records.

At this point you have to do the research yourself. :)

klauskinski ago

i don't think it's unusual to ask you to back up your claims. i don't see, "that guy's a criminal! do your own research" as much of a discussion.