FreeRebel ago

Born to Battle: Grant and Forrest--Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga, by Jack Hurst.

FreeRebel ago

Lot of good stuff in this historically well-researched book, Jack Hinson's One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper by Tom McKenney. See also, Manse: (One Man's War) : A Biography Based on the Life and Legend of Manson Sherrill Jolly by Wilton Earle.

Native ago

Unrestricted Warfare by Qiao Lang and Wang Xiangsui

ScionOfZion ago

Anarchist cookbook. Shows you how to make a bomb out of a tennis ball. Actually sorry I can't be of further assistance. The last time I looked into this sort of thing was 25 years ago.

Seventh_Jim ago

Unrestricted Warfare by Qiao Lang and Wang Xiangsui

DarthShekel ago

Fry the Brain -West (Ignore the JFK Chapter)

Invisible Armies -Boot (Author is estabvlishment, but book is good)

The Squad: and the Intelligence Operations of Michael Collins -Dwyer (IRA during the troubles)

Guerrilla Warfare -Guevara (HE's an ass, but tactics are good)

The Bear went over the Mountain -Grau (Russia in Afghanistan)

The Other Side of the Mountain -Grau (Followup.. interviews with the Afghanis as counterpoint to Bear)

Left of The Bang -Horne (not AW per se, but VERY relevant)

uvulectomy ago

Can't help you on that one. BUT... if SHTF and you need practical information, get familiar with FM 7-8 (both old and new versions). The US Army also has several other interesting guidebooks publicly available...

  • US Army Guerilla Warfare Handbook
  • US Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery
  • US Army Improvised Munitions Handbook
  • US Army Guide to Unconventional Warfare
  • US Army Guide to Boobytraps
  • US Army Small Unit Tactics Handbook

Great for getting by in a Fallout-style Minecraft world, I'm sure.

DoolittleRaider ago


GitmoVacations ago

Yeah lol unrestricted warfare the exact book China is using on us, written by China

capnflummox ago

Sorry, I don't talk with actual faggots that cannot type out the entire word of 'you'. I know... 2 more letters. A bridge too far for a faggot to cross...

Chimpfighter ago

U make me sad , I'm going to cry

Zongongo ago

Sun Tzu, Art of War.

Don't know if it fits your criteria but it's a great one for basic principles of successful warfare.

fancypantalons ago

How will we defend against the Boston Dynamics robots when they get bolt on knives and guns in the final levels? We would need some kind of attack to disable the computer systems on such bots. Maybe good old fashioned lead is still the best way

clamhurt_legbeard ago

USMC reprint of Mao Tse Tung "On Guerrilla Warfare" [DIRECT PDF LINK]>>>>>Link

mikenigger ago

  1. be sandnigger
  2. live on rough terrain
  3. ???
  4. profit

captainstrange ago

That was in a different age. They didn't have the tech people have now.

Full masks beat cameras (as does operating at night).

Space blankets beat IR spotter drones.

Tripwires and traps beat superior forces.

Distance keeps you alive.

Friendliness with good men and locals gives you shelter and cover.

Distractions and diversions give you time to slip in or slip away.


The 33 Strategies of War by Richard Green

yt4cz9 ago

It doesn't matter. Super AI will be here in less than 5 years. Whoever gets there first wins everything. The Jews at Google are ahead now. Support Elon Musks efforts and any whites that work toward this as rapidly as you can.

A1chemist ago

Although its written by a top tier faggot, Che Guevara's Guerilla Warfare is exactly what your looking for. Youll have to ignore the ideological ramblings, but he basicly explains how to amass a force, who to aquire arms, sabotaging supply lines, and other guerrilla warfare techniques.

israelmossadjewgold ago

the new ira is still blowing people up in ireland lol

untill ireland is freefrom britain their will still be an ira.

Anarchy99 ago

propane and a tracer round

CaptainJake ago

Ask a jew

TheSecretShakespeare ago

Ask a Wejge and they'll explain it in Hebrew, but you don't understand the Hebrew language.

That's alright...

He's willing to give you language lessons for $600.00 a month until you're fluent in Hebrew.

-- The Secret Shakespeare

Anam ago

Wasn't there a group of NatSoc on Voat who started a sub in order to learn Hebrew so they could study the Talmud and understand what the Jews were getting up to? That was years ago. Wonder what happened to them.

TheSecretShakespeare ago

Language, in all of its hidden nuances and difficulty in learning some of them, has always been a kind of anonymity for the ones who speak and understand it.

Like a cypher.

-- The Secret Shakespeare

TheSecretShakespeare ago


Come in quickly from the behind, penetrate deeply and without mercy, pummel vigorously until liquid fireworks are released in celebration of your victory, clean your gun, take a well-deserved nap.

Congratulations, you're now a queer, unless you use a condom, then you haven't actually 'touched' them.

-- The Sassy Shakespeare

joshhhhhhhhhh ago

12 rules for radicals.

the thing is we dont use there tactics. I mea you could and it would work but then your basically a jew rat.

Read 12 rules for radicals and lambast people who use its guides

Chimpfighter ago

Alinsky was a devious lil rat bastard wasn't he.

Gotta say his techniques have been extremely effective tho

Anam ago

Alinsky was just channeling Lenin who just urbanized Sun Tzu. He was not an original. Notice his rules are purely about grabbing power, mostly by destructive means. The Marxists believed religiously that all that was needed was to achieve the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' which was to be reinforced through revolutionary terror. Utopia was to magically materialize after that.

They put no thought whatsoever into managing and improving society. That is why Marxism is purely destructive in its aims and methods.

joshhhhhhhhhh ago

idk man seems to be working with BLM

The Rules

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have." check

"Never go outside the expertise of your people." idk

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy." idk

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." check (making R play by the rules in elections and in the streets)

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy." CHECK

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." ooo this is why BLM falls apart

"Keep the pressure on." CHECK

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. " CHECK

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative." CHECK

"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "


The most effective rule is around naming the organization. I couldn't find it on wiki (no suprise) but the rule is about making the name of your group something that no one disagrees with, yet could be polarizing. True jewery.

AnotherGrayman ago

You can spell asymmetrical but have to drop two letters from you?

Get fucked glownigger.


Anything by H John Poole, any 4gw books. The war of the flea. Fry the brain. Etc

ex-redd ago

nice try

Chimpfighter ago

C'mon man !

theshopper ago

Sorry I have no sources but if I had to start I think the Vietnam war and our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be great starters.

NakedWarrior ago

Here is West Point's reading list -

And you can find a ton of free shit on - which has almost 6 million free books and 78,000 free articles

Chimpfighter ago

Thanks appreciate the links !

I'm really interested in how successful movements acquired and kept support from the populace. What kind of propaganda or what cause enough people rallied around to maintain an insurgency.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Talk about a glownigger post hahahaha

Chimpfighter ago

You too will be marked for " enhanced interrogation " , bwaaaahahaha

AgentSakura ago

And the mind rapists will try and diddle you gay because they are communists.

Buff_Awesome ago

Some chicom general wrote the book on asymmetric warfare, but I forget what it's called. I don't think there's a better book on the subject, if you can find it.

Chimpfighter ago

I read Sun Tzu' s art of war many moons ago. Chinese have a long history, and long memories

Buff_Awesome ago

No, it's not that. It's another book. It was written fairly recently, as in the last fifty years or so. It basically explains how the CCP wages war on its enemies.

Smokybubbles ago

Yes, all of us do, Mr. Glow Nigger.

Chimpfighter ago

Better mark this one for " enhanced interrogation " boss

SparklingWiggle ago

Don't read. Go outside.

AgentSakura ago

Get your street wise up

FacelessOne ago

Unless the end goal is the taking of land, permanently. War is only used to cull our population of the strongest fighters and patriots.

We've been doing this for over a century. And it clearly has worked exactly as planned.

Americans are completely demoralized, technology has been leveraged to perpetual War. This is all in the Protocols.

The way in which we conduct ourselves has been ingrained into our culture and without a drastic reversal of methods we have accepted lose by apathy.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Unless the end goal is the taking of land, permanently. War is only used to cull our population of the strongest fighters and patriots.

Kill off the alpha genetics. Leave the cuck blood. ie WW1 & WW2. Thanks Albert Pike.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Hope you find this useful.

ThereIsAGoldenRule ago


lord_nougat ago

I like that one about the jews.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Based & Redpilled

gramman74 ago


FacelessOne ago

The method the left has been using.

Instill constant outrage in the current government.

Useful idiots stir up a mob that gets used as cover for cells to operate under the cover of the distraction.

Leverage Greed and Lust to flip everyone to your side.

Low impact terrorism is much easier to hide from most seeing eyes. Since we are beyond the stage of limiting personal freedoms for the sake of the greater good, their strategy has played out perfectly.

This is the time when Decadence thrives uncontrolled until the useful idiots tolerance threshold reaches critical mass. Then Rome Burns, the oligarchy is raped and pillaged and the new order starts the political cycle over again.

This dystopia we now reside in was planned for over a century. Only the Kings of old held the power to remove the problem, this is why the Kings have been dethroned. You cannot remove the knowledge of the cure from a Line of Succession whose purpose is the continuation of power. Even a poor King's rule can be salvaged by the next King. "Democracy" now rules the world.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

The method the left has been using.

If you use their methods, then they will know exactly what to look for...

MuhTriggersGuise ago

If something works it doesn't matter if your opponent knows you're going to do it. Every boxer gets in the ring knowing the other guy plans on punching him in the face.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Except that if Biden is inaugurated, then we'll have Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Amazon and the NSA all following our every move.

We don't win by letting them know what we're up to.

We'll be fighting with both arms tied behind our backs, which makes it much more difficult for us, and which will require vastly more discipline on our part.

FacelessOne ago

Plus you have to embrace the ideaology, the counter or flip side being liberty, a side of this issue which refuses to use such tactics as they are fundamentally in opposition to this type of behavior.

I don't see anyway to counter it other than what Trump has done which is essentially the same as the left, bark the same lines over and over again but to the tune of the right. In the end nothing stops America's trudging onward slip into Communism.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Fry the brain (west). Last 100 yards (Poole). SS werwolf guerrilla warfare Manuel (Michael Fagnon) and many more

Ol_Hickery ago

Amazon has 1 copy of SS werwolf left. Its only $961.00. But it DOES qualify for both free shipping AND a visit from sepcial agent rubenstein.

Anam ago

That's not a price reflective of its ordinary sale price. That $960 is the result of a sniping war by bots. Let's say site A actually has the book for $10. Site B does not, but they advertise it anyway at $10 + markup, figuring they will buy the book from site A if anyone orders it from them. The bots on site A notice that site B is selling it for more, so they up their price. Rinse, lather and repeat. Nobody takes notice because the books are not popular. In fact, last I looked, the most expensive book on Amazon was a book of self-published poetry by a not very good poet, judging by their website, which was going for a million bucks.

I once bought a book for pennies in a thrift store which was going for more than two thousand dollars on Amazon when I checked.

Ol_Hickery ago

Yeah, i get it. Was just pointing out that amazon had it for that, which i found amusing.

ARsandOutdoors ago

PDF and a printer is all you need

Ol_Hickery ago

Oh shit, look at me all grown up and learning!

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Jesus Christ what is up with that text...

ToFat2Fish ago

Keep going ....

ARsandOutdoors ago

Minimanual of the urban guerrilla (Marighella). CIA psychological ops in Guerrilla Warfare. The city as a system: Future conflict and Urban Resilience (Kilcullen). Guerrilla Warfare tactics in urban environments (Pat Marques). Modern Urban Operations: Lessons learned from urban operations from 1980 to the present (Asymmetric Warfare group Nov. 2016) OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual (1944). The Bear Went Over The Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan (Grau). The Ranger Handbook (2006). Unrestricted Warfare (Liang, Xiangsui)

That should keep you entertained for awhile. I do not promote any of the tactics and strategies to be used in any of the above publicly offered books. My recommendations are strictly for education and defense of the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


Also "the other side of the mountain"

ToFat2Fish ago

Thanks time to go get on another watch list

ARsandOutdoors ago

If everyone's on the list; does it even matter?

ToFat2Fish ago

Hidden in plan sight

FacelessOne ago

Thats cute, ignore the enemy in your midsts for the ghost enemy abroad.

Thats neocon mentality 101.

Chimpfighter ago

The IRA was successful as well as the Commies in Viet Nam , both on their home turf. I hear what you're saying tho

lord_nougat ago

And both commies!

israelmossadjewgold ago

the afghanis have been fighting off russia israel and the united states for like at least 50 years...

Chimpfighter ago

Shit Afghanis been fighting for millenia

Afghanistan is called the graveyard of empires.

Ask the Brits

MarauderShields ago

Looked on archive .org yet? The WWII stuff is still largely relevant today. Traps, improvised devices, how to defend a home etc. Even down to how to take out tanks and APCs with small teams. It's there.

Old tricks are the best tricks. Technology changes, but people do not.

Ol_Hickery ago

Got some keywords you have found to be useful?

MarauderShields ago

I see others have replied and they've linked plenty already so I'll bow out gracefully.


Ol_Hickery ago

Well, good day to you too, sir! Be well.

Chimpfighter ago

Thanks , I'll check it out !

Marteeenbormann ago

Not exactly what you want but

The Forest Passage, Ernst Jünger