MKUltra88 ago

I am 3 years porn and masturbation free. AMA

sjwtasi ago

Tell me what you though as it went on, what you did in your life socially/work etc. I think I'm at the point now I will give it up. Not even bothered any more.

MKUltra88 ago

After a few weeks you can't even fathom what sick shit you watched. Overall you will feel more confident and manlier. You won't avoid confrontations as much. Also sex is more enjoyable

Hoppes9 ago

Seems like back in the day porn was mostly just naked chicks and chicks getting boned. Now it's like two nasty whores licking a nigger's asshole and spitting on each other.

Merlynn ago

Porn is jew. It applies jewish values to sex. There is no love. There is no kindness. It's just satisfying a momentary craving and using someone else to fulfill it. Best case scenario is 2 people using each other. Worst case,it's more like rape. Most common is you have 1 or even both partners mechanically going through the motions. This is the jewish ideal of sex. Empty lustful cravings being momentarily sated. They have no higher emotions. They don't love. They don't even care. At all.

This is why jewish porn causes depression. Even in jews. If we entertain the idea of "good porn" for a moment,then I would say the best porn I've seen was the kind where they show 2 people in love having sex. It's where the term "making love" comes from for having sex. It's not "just sex",it's sex between 2 people who love each other. There's romance and caring. It's not "ok,let's change positions for the camera". It's not "fucking a frankenwhore in a painful and cruel way".

If you're bolting on fake tits and injecting your lips with poison,you need to rethink your life,ladies. You're not trying for love,you're trying for sex. And any woman worth a damn will care about you as a person. Don't let whores define your view of women.

Manintights ago

It took me decades to realize how much porn was hurting me, I'm in my thirties now. Sometimes I still relapse and feel like shit for doing so, but it's been difficult. My porn addiction started at around 6 years old when I found my father's cache of dirty magazines, it almost entirely consumed me during puberty and completely fucked up my perception of women and what they want from a man... Porn isn't good for anyone.

My perception has since healed alot, and I am able to say that my relationships with women in all aspects of life was definately affected by it. Especially because of the terrible relationship I had with my own mother... So combined, my real life female role model (mom) being a piece of shit, and then my fantasy world being filled with these fucking whores, who of course all had these bios with Q and A filled with degenerate made for a powerful combination that completely warped my young mind when it came to females...

My journey down that rabbit hole has definately helped me understand why the youth of today are so mentally fucked man....the shit that they see on a daily basis, is not meant for the weak or developing mind, it's far too damaging. The internet is both the last bastion of our freedom and our main source of self poisoning and self demoralization.

10qo ago

Proof of Pornhub being bitches via AMA with rep.

Osborn1992 ago

You realize most of the porn stars pre 2000 were Jewish as well?

Octoclops ago

You can't go over 100%. I think there's a different reason. Young attractive women can make more money showing cleavage on twitch or selling nudes on onlyfans. So you're left with an even skankier class of women doing professional porn.

Why you watching that stuff anyway? Switch to hentai you normalfag. Or better yet, quit being a coomer and lift some weights. Maybe practice your public speaking skills, hang out at beer halls, write a book about your struggle. Ya know, hobbies.

Phantom42 ago

Maybe practice your public speaking skills, hang out at beer halls, write a book about your struggle. Ya know, hobbies.


ardvarcus ago

I don't know about porn, but the actresses of Hollywood turn my stomach with their inflated nigger lips.

PsyOp ago

wtf do you mean "has porn got jewified more"? The porn industry has always been run by the jews...from the start! It couldn't possibly be more "jewified".

Meatloaf182 ago

I miss 7os bush

Intrixina ago

It's not just in porn, it's in every aspect of modern society where nigger features are glorified. It's fucking disgusting.

Also, stop with the porn viewing. You're warping your sense of what's normal and are pushing sexual energy into something worthless and pointless. Push that energy into something worthwhile (or a woman you love). You sure as fuck won't be depressed if you have a lot more energy not wasted on (((porn))).

tokui ago

Try Trad Porn. No interracial, only married couples.

noob_tube ago

I'd say certainly. The jews are using porn as a weapon; first they hook you with the sexy blondes having passionate sex, and before you know you it you're watching white cucks take it in the ass from blacks. The point is to fuck your brain up, it can't be normal to fuck your brain up.

Floppyhorsecock ago

It is easier than ever to find hot sluts.

This is a You problem.

tokui ago

Porn is Art.

Some art is trash, questionable.

GutterTrash ago

Also: If you test the home page of any site, you ALWAYS ALWAYS get substantial variations of incest. It is a notice because back when pornhub did an AMA on that other site, one of the first things they did was preemptively declare the assertion that this was done on purpose as antisemitic.

israelmossadjewgold ago

incest legallized 2024

Iamthelightning ago

I remember this. Plus there was a picture of the person doing the AMA in their office, and in the background was a blurry six pointed star hanging from the ceiling.

totallynotFBI ago


Cockboy ago

Guy tells you to do a test to see something for yourself and you ask him for proof. Literally kill yourself FBI nigger.

totallynotFBI ago

That's not the one I was asking for proof of you two neuron cunt.

Cockboy ago

Thats who you replied to you fuckin retard. Learn how to use the website before you call other people dumb you fuckin faggot.

totallynotFBI ago

That's not the statement of the multiple statements I was asking for proof of you irredeemable cock begging context blind failtroll

100100011001 ago

Forget porn, regular models have turned into fats.

gosso920 ago

And trannies.

mean_dot ago

jews don't make porn for you, it's for them. That's why it gest more and more extreme and disgusting over time... They get bored, feeling the need to turn up the disgusting factor.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Only loser cucks watch porn

jthun2 ago

no, it's that young women are generally much uglier

higher testosterone levels, blockier faces, strong foreheads, heavy shoulders, etc.

also lots of racemixing

Nate8000 ago

All porn women now have fake asses now and even bigger tits

2fat2move ago

Theyre trannies

MarauderShields ago

"Thicc" ass and "thicc" lips are foul, as are "thicc" eyebrows. Modern whores should know better. A mirror costs less than a dollar and yet these vapid cunts spend most of the day staring at their reflection and not seeing reality.

Intrixina ago

Anyone who uses that word unironically shows to me that they are worthless trash not worth associating with. In some ways it's a great social filter to weed out fuckers from your circles of association in life.

ggolemg ago

Porn is jewish.

israelmossadjewgold ago

yeah tons of non jews watch it but I serioulsy don't think there would be any porn without jews. they create the websites and they record it. ive never seen a porn website not owned by jews. all these new webcam and pay for girls pictures sites are pretty crazy and really fucking peoples brains. i read on 4 chan a lot of the younger girls instagrams all have like links to it slutting themselves out online. they said onlyfans creators expect 50% of women under 30 to join by 2030. it's like online prostitution of their mind.

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sjwtasi ago

world is Jewish, we're just goyim living in it

uvulectomy ago

Why the fuck are you watching (((porn)))?

sjwtasi ago

lockdown, boredom, life getting me down etc. It's not like I coom over it endlessly, for 5-10 minutes 4 or 5 times a week.

2fat2move ago

Porn is trannies

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Stop being a Jew slave, goy

Vrblpollushin ago

And that right there is why you are bored, and life is getting you down. Stop.

sjwtasi ago

And what would I do? I earn good money but most peoples lives seem more jewified, so what's the point knowing them

Begum ago

What magically would happen if he stopped just that? Everything else people worry about all the time is much what than that.

Vrblpollushin ago

The synapses in his brain would start to rewire themselves, and his outlook on life would change. He would forget the dopamine rush from porn eventually, and had genuine dopamine hits from real life experiences, not from Zionist produced degeneracy.

Neongreen ago

Yeah idk about that. I'm married and my wife gives it up pretty frequently but she can't go twice a day. If I don't nut atleast daily I start to get dangerous and my decision making is in question.

I do believe pornography is very bad for people. I have through a very involved process scaled the extremeness of my consumption of it back. That easier said then done by the way.

Usernamenameuser ago

Masturbate without porn.

Vrblpollushin ago

Yes, it is. But I am speaking from experience, not armchairing it. It is difficult, and takes time.

GutterTrash ago

As valid as that is, I am trying to conceptualize how anyone living in a blue state and unable to leave said blue states can experience real life experiences when everything is locked down under threat of fines and jail time. And with everything else closed, one would be pressed to find a healthy alternative to current dopamine fixes

Vrblpollushin ago

Where there is a will, there is a way. Drive to no where, and get out and walk. There are plenty of thing to do without bringing attention to yourself, and avoiding confrontation. I live in a so called blue state, and I give no fucks about masks or lockdowns. Breaking out of his porn induced prison is the first step in getting better.

TripleZ ago

Meh, there aren't any laws backing any of the lockdown or mask mandates. Just go about your business as usual.