altrightisdumb ago


newoldwave ago

There aren't any.

altleftnigger ago

Im alt-right but I disagree

AnotherGrayman ago

Im alt-right

No you aren't.

aristotle07 ago

Because innocent niggers don't shoot at cops, deal drugs, prostitution, rob, murder, rape, etc... But they are still niggers.

Octoclops ago

They probably could. But not being a criminal means they're "acting white" and wouldn't be as effective at rallying the hords.

Chimpfighter ago

Niggers love and glorify evil

worldofmadness ago

Well, innocent black victims do exist, however they are usually victims of other blacks. I have read many cases of blacks, including black children being shot to death for being in the wrong place at the wrong time during a drive by shooting.

But these cases barely get any news coverage because it will not serve the jewish anti-white agenda. Jews get off on making saints out of criminals and have people rally behind them and it is not limited just to blacks. Take a look at how many people view Churchill as a hero when he was an increadibly sinister and evil piece of trash who should have been executed for the long list of crimes he commited. But instead of being hated, he is loved. Such is the power and the result of, jewish run media. They can turn villains into heroes and heroes into villains without much of an effort.

BasedWolf ago

One thing with lolbertarians and other faggots I don't get either is even if the police do fuck up, or even if there is an asshole cop now and again, uh so what? Since when do we subscribe to the notion that an institution has to be 100% perfect 100% of the time in order to be legitimate?

I'm sure out of the 300 million police contacts per year, far more overall good is done for society than the harm caused by like 5 people accidentally or wrongfully being killed.

Imagine how many innocent people would die if there were no police to put 1 in 4 black men in prison? Fucking 25% increase in violent crime minimum right?

bonghits4jeebus ago

I think they actually believe their own rhetoric that no matter the behavior of the nigger that they are ultimately being persecuted because muh systems of oppression.

ChiCom ago

If a nigger degrades other people's lives and can't be punished because "that's just what niggers do" then nigger's lives matter more.

spirit1977 ago

There are some innocent victims out there. They are just not shot by police.

CeasarSalud ago

Contrary to what leftists believe the police actually go to great lengths to avoid dealing with niggers, so only the chimpliest chimps get arrested.

BasedWolf ago

Definitely this. Liberals seem to think that cops are out on nigger hunts every day but the reality is that cops don't have time to waste on 99% of people in public and they focus on the known repeat offenders or known problem areas. Pretty much all of these shootings/use of force incidents involve people previously known to the police.

The police aren't just randomly kicking doors down or fucking with people for no reason at all.

altleftnigger ago

"The police aren't just randomly kicking doors down or fucking with people for no reason at all"

Haha I suppose you didn't hear about what happened to Breonna Taylor ❤❤❤

AnotherGrayman ago

Breonna Taylor's house was not randomly raided, and she was not fucked with for no reason at all.

She was involved in an ongoing criminal investigation of her drug dealing associates, allowing her residence to be used for criminal enterprise, and handling finances & renting cars for a known criminal drug dealer.


BasedWolf ago

The fat nigger with warrants that got shot because her nigger bf got in a gunfight with the police? Heard all about it.

altrightisdumb ago

Maybe you heard what YOU wanted to hear. The cops had a warrant for the wrong person, gunfight occured because the boyfriend thought they were intruders, only one neighbour heard the police announce before entry

AnotherGrayman ago

Breonna Taylor was actively involved in drug dealing with known criminal associates, and the warrant was for her address because she was allowing a drug dealer to use her address for criminal purposes.

But you keep pretending SHE WUZ A GOOD GURL, SHE DINDU NUFFIN

Niggers are all the same, they completely deny any responsibility for their own actions which lead to negative outcomes.


"The primary targets of the LMPD investigation were Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker, who were suspected of selling controlled substances from a drug house more than 10 miles away"

They were looking for her ex-boyfriend who was leaving with her at the time not her.

AnotherGrayman ago

Yes. Exactly.

She died because she contributed to the crimes of a drug-dealing nigger, and the police came to her house looking for him, BECAUSE SHE LET HIM USE HER HOUSE.




@AnotherGrayman I'm white btw. And that's not true, where do you get your info for fuck sakes???

If you don't care for anyone who's not white or think that black people are evil subhumans who should be eradicated of the face of the earth then just say that instead of us arguing back and forth pretending as if you actually gave a shit about her life if she was innocent (of which she was).

AnotherGrayman ago

And that's not true, where do you get your info for fuck sakes???

From the fucking police reports you stupid jackass.


Yeah right

Treehouse64 ago

@PINKMANV2 you're talking to rocks, mate

ManchesterT ago

There was a 12 year old boy a few years neck, waving around an airsoft gun. But no rioting then, because the Merchants in charge of ZOG had their guy in the Oval Office

bonghits4jeebus ago

Innocent victims exist. I have no idea how they pick which cases to focus on, but they're terrible at it.

kishind ago

Understand how the juden think. They are NOT awful at picking. They're just awful people seeking harmful results, and this is a great divider.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Africa owes us some huge reparations!

Its the Jews..

The Jews owe us huge reperations and they need to take all thier defecribe slaves back, that never worked and never built shit.

kishind ago

Not reparations. A refund for their defective product. Couldn't even get them to work without a whip, and now they murder three thousand of us per year.

That's a fucking lemon.

ChiCom ago

4 years ago!?

So they expended that ammo too soon on the wrong election... 6D chess lol.

ciaozuzu ago

I recall a police officer shooting a nigger fleeing the scene in the back then planting a gun on him. No riots because the police did the right thing and arrested the dirty cop.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Wat u mean rayciss.....all niggaz is inosent and sheit!

Helena73 ago

Oh Breona, she was a good girl. Din du nuffin. She was turning her life around. New York TImes says so.

urp ago

"She was turning her life around"

heh OP delivers:

“Breonna was a woman who was figuring everything out in her life, who had turned a corner,” said Mr. Aguiar, the lawyer. “Breonna was starting to live her best life.”

She was an angel!

Helena73 ago

They are always turning a corner. Its such a fucking cliche

Treehouse64 ago

@Helena73 Your mom is a cliché

Helena73 ago


Treehouse64 ago


Helena73 ago

It was extremely funny.

Treehouse64 ago

Yeah, I bet your mom will love it.

Helena73 ago

Yeah probably not, she’s such a cliche dead person that way. Just doesnt get the joke.

Treehouse64 ago

Hahahaha stop 😂😂

I'm dead 🤣🤣

Wait no Im not...

But your mom is 😎

Helena73 ago


You are destined for great things, you are very very smart.

You must have very high hopes in life. Clearly they are warranted.

prairie ago

They can't find one innocent nigger to riot about!? Not even ONE!?

They don't need to.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I feel the same way, brother. They can't point to one white that did what they say he did. The only thing that has happened is that worthless blacks have stopped wasting the oxygen.

its clown world, alright

Killnigs3 ago


Wowbagger ago

As I understand it, Breonna Taylor was sleeping. Other than that, yes, I agree, they always pick fucking criminals and it's on purpose/way easier because most of them are fucking terrible people.

SpacemanSpliff187 ago

Not true, she wasn't sleeping. Neighbor reported hearing police identify themselves repeatedly before entering the residence when her bf shot at the police and they returned fire, killing the sheboon. Other than that you're spot on

Wowbagger ago

Yeah, I just read details on why only one officer was charged and what it was for. Getting real sick of the lies.

tallarn ago

Consider that last year, out of the 1000 people shot by the cops, only 10 were unarmed blacks. And most of those were using their vehicle as a weapon. You have to go through the white cases to find the really questionable situations.

Dave_ph ago

No, not a one

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Maybe it's because that would be like searching for the offspring of a unicorn that fucked the loch ness monster and was raised by bigfoot.

Nonymous608 ago

MLK was a hero for a few years...

Drkadrka ago

He was a rapist, cheated on his wife, and abused his hoes. No hero there.

altleftnigger ago

I don't think any of that is true except the cheating ya twat. You can be a shitty person and still succeed as a leader. He's still a hero

Treehouse64 ago

@AnotherGrayman I think he meant as leaders, comparing their political and social views and the outcomes of that. I can pull ass urls about Trump which have nothing to do with that lol

Drkadrka ago

And as we can see, you can be a real piece of shit gutter nigger and still be a hero to the black community. thank you for proving the point, go do some research on your Kang.

altrightisdumb ago

Trump is a hero to the alt-right and realistically speaking he's a far more shittier person than MLK

Nonymous608 ago

I actually did not know that

kishind ago

Oh he definitely cheated on his wife, nigs gonna nig, but I was oddly disappointed there's no evidence he beat women.

Feel free to correct me.

Drkadrka ago

I think i remember it from the Garrow transcripts of the FBI tapes. Those tapes they are still refusing to release. The justice department confirmed accuracy of his stuff in the late 70s, but they won't allow full publication of the audio because of the Category 5 Chimpout that would occur.

I know he laughed as he watched a rape in a hotel room, and basically directed the rape as he sat back and watched, calling out instructions on what the other nigs should do to their victim. Maybe I was wrong on him being a physical abuser as well as a sexual abuser, but those are some overlapping traits in most.

kishind ago

"Women ain't shit but bitches and hoes"

Don't let anybody tell you that rap music is corrupting the blacks. They were already like that. But it turns out that married couples raised better black kids, even if they couldn't stay monogamous.

Nogs don't have any moral reservations about the use of force, that's for damn sure. Most normies don't know, CNN would have called MLK's marches "mostly peaceful" too, when they often became devastating riots. Silencing dissent was easier then.

altleftnigger ago

I love rap music honestly speaking

altleftnigger ago

And rock too. Nigs created that as well, they're awesome for that ❤

kishind ago

That makes sense, that someone like you would say so.

Rap music was invented as a poetry variant several hundred years ago and never achieved popularity in England.

Rock is hard blues, and blues is the hexatonic scale plus some half-wrong (out of scale) notes known as "blue notes".

It's basic corruption of an ideal, crafted by those who don't understand ideals and promoted by those whose ideals are misanthropic.

They did to music what they did to Detroit, but if you enjoy it, I wouldn't want to take that pleasure away.

altleftnigger ago


I thought right-wingers base their arguements on facts and don't have trouble accepting facts haha.

Your arguement on both rap and rock is irrelevant, mate. Just because there was some lame "poetry variant" in Tealand or China doesn't mean whiteys created the genre and hip culture that's making billions today. You can try hard to claim it but you still didn't create it and that makes you salty because you think us whites invented oxygen itself lol

Let me make you even saltier you want to know what other genres the negroes created? Jazz, soul, HOUSE, Funk, RnB let's not even start on the genres influenced by those.

See I don't have a hard time accepting facts and giving credit where it's due

AnotherGrayman ago

Stop pretending you're at all right-leaning.

Nobody here is buying your bullshit, you can be easily seen through.

Drkadrka ago

He was being led by the same types that control the current mob. They already had Chavez organizing the mexican labor, they were trying to get MLK to organize the black labor, and the goal was a marxist insurrection like we currently see to form a colored revolution. MLK was dropped before he could get it kicked off. But he was a muh dikkin nigger, so his character was shit, and he was a model for nigs, so there is no doubt in my mind that you cannot control feral animals, you can only cast them out into the wild to let nature take its course, but as always...don't feed the animals.

Highlow2020 ago

But he stole the I Have A Dream Speech.

green_man ago

Some kike probably wrote it.

kishind ago

Yes, correct.

altleftnigger ago


Treehouse64 ago

kishind ago

(((They))) pick the worst ones to amplify to maximize the divide on the issue. "Innocent (felon) (nigger) youth shot by cops (while violently resisting arrest)"

Keep us fighting each other instead of the dividers.

Skeptic5000 ago

The classic "they divide us to prevent us from uniting". Fuck that. Why unite with blacks? Nothing good comes from them and they already hate us.

kishind ago

Oh don't get me wrong, blacks belong in Africa and nowhere else. They are animals, beasts... They are the "missing link" so to speak between chimps and humans, equal cousins to us both.

They're militarily useless as well, except as a "dark meat brigade" meant to chimpout and die, or as a cover to propagate jew memes. There's nothing to be gained from having them on our side, but there is something lost having them against us.

Blacks and whites have a mutual enemy, the dividers. The Cuties supporters. We should prefer the blacks to not be underfoot while they're addressed. We should prefer to take black anti-white rage and convert it to anti-(((white))) rage. The enemy of my enemy should be my ally, but not necessarily my friend.

Pay attention because this same division tactic is used everywhere. Labor v management, left v right, libertarian v communist... We all hate the same greedy people for exploiting us, yet we all give them different names, why? Because of the people exploiting us are involved with both sides and frame both sides of the debate, in order to prevent resolution through discussion and the identification of the true antagonists.

The jews make their own tiny "towers of babel" by creating incompatible vocabularies between adversarial groups.

HighEnergyLife ago

This. The whole point is to demoralize whites. Jews pick the absolute worst examples and insult the white sense of morality. Blacks will always riot if given the chance, they'll kill over literally anything

DontBeRacist ago

Didn't they riot, because Popeyes ran out of fried chicken?

HighEnergyLife ago


Multiple times fights broke out over Popeyes fried chicken. At least 1 killed over it. Checkout all the YouTube videos.

fatehacks ago

I agree 100%. Innocent black people do get shot. There are probably more innocent White people shot by police. There are some bad cops and there are some good black people. BLM picks "victims" that are divisive and uses their riots to destroy small businesses.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Thats like saying there are some good jews..

kishind ago

There are good jews. They wind up exiled from jewish communities. Moral character is deliberately ejected from their core bloodlines.

Here's one example (re: child rape in Hasidic Brooklyn).

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

No such thing as good Jews, god damn it!! Hiw hard is this that a damn faggot with a discord knows this shit but americans still think there are good Jews.. Have you not read anything here??

kishind ago

Did you read my article? Good jews get ejected from the community of jews.

How long have you been here without understanding the bell curve? 15% of blacks and 50% of whites are smarter than your average 100 iq white. There are smart blacks and good jews. They exist. There are no black geniuses nor saintly jews.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Nope. Junk DNA.. What are their kids goona be.. No good niggers of any kind.

WhatWomenWant ago

There is only one way to make a nigger good and that's to goodify it.

rumorhazard ago

Some good blacks?

Fuck off back to reddit you kike

altleftnigger ago

He's right though ❤

kishind ago

No man it's true. The best blacks are almost as pleasant as average whites. Get'em in a pack and the nigger appears, but folks like Tom Sowell and Candace Owens are very fine people.

Exactly the kind of people our future Liberians will need in their new country when we sail them back to Africa.

Treehouse64 ago

All races are equally ass honestly 😂😂😂

kishind ago

Spoken like someone lacking both statistical knowledge and real experience. Go work a security job in a diverse city, someplace everyone goes to, like a Walmart.

Straighten out your head real quick.

Treehouse64 ago

@kishind I don't care. Cry about it

kishind ago

That's backwards. My reasoning led me to "hate", or whatever you want to call what we feel towards vermin and plagues. "Annoyed and disgusted."

I struggled for years to hang on to the idea that we could live together in peace and productivity. Reality pried it out of my grasp one finger at a time. If you believe that reality knows better about what's real than you do, and you confront the question, you'll reach the same conclusion.

waywardson ago

Yes. This describes me as well. I was not raised to hate them, quite the opposite.

Seeing real world truths with my own eyes led me to see not only their true nature, but the fact I'd been deceived. That's when you realize you've been lied to about the true nature of the world your entire life.

kishind ago

Racism is realism. Racial equality is a pretty white fantasy that no other race believes in.

CeasarSalud ago

As far as I know the shooting of Philandro Castile was kinda fucked, don't know if he was doing the classic nigger fumble around, but I recall he was fairly calm with the cop.

Astupidname69 ago

No there are good nigger, they're called dead niggers.

Chimpfighter ago

DNS is chock full of good niggers

ruck_feddit ago

No there are good nigger,

Like fucking hell there is...

they're called dead niggers.

You got me, fucker.

doxxed ago

This is acceptable even to me. But still only the beginning of the conversation on blacks ruining society.

DontBeRacist ago

At this point I'm willing to deem all blacks niggers that need to go. The good will have to suffer for the bad. Just fucking nigger music is enough to make me want to get rid of all of them.

CowWithBeef ago

The music is controlled by the jews.

VAT ago

Candace Owens did a 94 Million Views video essay on how all blacks they riot over are thug villains. Every one, for years.


altleftnigger ago

If you say 94M views one more time I swear ❤

AnotherGrayman ago

You swear what?

What the fuck are you going to do, you reddit-tier nigger?

Every statement you've made is one sentence long and half of them include a stupid heart.

You have NOTHING to add to any conversation here.

altleftnigger ago

Say that again without crying

altleftnigger ago

@AnotherGrayman Also I'm white ya cracker

Highlow2020 ago

Devide and conquer. Order from chaos. Consolidating power

matt ago

The good nigs are fairly decent folk. They’re just trying to keep their heads down and get by like most white people. There’s a reason why george lincoln reached out to them. Those folks you see on the news; that is a propagandists illustration of a Negro. Don’t believe that shit. They just need their own space. Just like us.

This glorification of villainy is not a natural thing.

They are trying to tear our country apart based on race. That shit is pretty stressful but it is eclipsed by the (((economics))) of it.

ruck_feddit ago

What do you get when you put one of your good blacks into a room with 2 niggers? You get 3 niggers. Now get the fuck out of here with that shit.

altrightisdumb ago


slwsnowman40 ago

This is my experience.

i_scream_trucks ago

If its good its not a nigger.

altleftnigger ago

Thats dumb actually ❤

Firevine ago

Yep. I've known a handful over the years. A handful. Some people on Voat like to think there aren't outliers, but there are. Honestly, it's probably about 13% of the 13%.

i_scream_trucks ago

13% of the 13% commit 50% of the 50% joy and love of humanity.

Nukeisrael ago

Regression to the mean. Multiracial societies with animals is a pipe dream, they all need to go back.

ardvarcus ago

What the globalists are trying to do to us doesn't change the reality that niggers can't live in white Christian civilization. They don't belong here. All they do is degrade society. They are a burden on everyone else.

DontBeRacist ago

Niggers can't live in any situation except as jungle niggers with absolutely no modern technology at all. Add medicine or guns and that fucks everything up for them.

lemon11 ago

Innocence is your value, not theirs. Their heroes are literal villains.

waywardson ago

Fuckin brilliant, such truth summarized so well. This guy is intelligent.

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Drkadrka ago

That and any decent black is usually killed by another black, or gets the fuck out of the black community as soon as possible, and stays out of it.

Not that they would protest if an Officer Tatum, Anthony Logan, or Ben Carson died, because Uncle Tom and sheeit.

con77 ago

nailed it