Dr_strangegov ago

I keep hearing about how "certain groups" of people were ostracized and hounded out of the country in the nineties.

mediaisfooked ago

I don't care....Soros head on a pike in my front lawn is ok by me.

Gargilius ago

They all moved to NY and California...

MindShock ago

In the 1960's, people like Bernie Sanders and Bill Clinton traveled to Moscow - embraced Marxist ideology - and, brought it back home to America. As the Soviet Union ran out of other people's money to spend, party leaders (the 1%'ers) began fleeing to Western Europe, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, San Transcisco, Portland and other welcoming Democrat Marxist plantations.

ListerOfSmeg888 ago


(Wall Street and the Bolshevik revolution by Antony C Sutton. one book of a trilogy all about how certain Jews paid and funded the Bolsheviks, Hitler and FDR!)




(List of Communist JEWS before,during,and after the Bolshevik revolution!)


Edward G Griffin & Antony C Sutton.


(Edward G Griffin "the creature from Jekyll island pdf)


(communist crimes)


(Ukrainian Genocide by the Communist Jews of Russia. Holodomor genocide/Massacre)


(Ukrainian Genocide by the Communist Jews of Russia. Holodomor genocide/Massacre)


(Dennis Wise, director/producer of The Greatest story Never Told, 5 hour Doc on Communism!. great watch!)

BjornIronside ago

They didn't.

friendshipistragic ago

Look up three things. The Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Jewish Agriculture colonies in Palestine. The Refusnik movement.

Have fun.

Gimme_Rope ago

I am a third-generation American who had a Russian grandfather. I'm so glad most of you know the truth about communism and the Jews

svipbo ago

Bolshevism was a conspiracy of Jewish atheists who hated Russia, the Orthodox Church and the Tsar. The regime they established was taken over by Stalin, a workaholic, amoral, mass-murdering control freak. He was underestimated by others in the state apparatus. In his later years he purged some Jews from positions of power. As far as I know, the USSR in the years following did not follow a particularly Jewish agenda. It may not be sensible to talk about "Bolsheviks" after Stalin. The USSR at that point was just an authoritarian state but not based in idealism as the earlier revolutionaries may have been. Comintern, the organisation promoting world communist revolution, had been dissolved in 1943.

slickleg64 ago

Soros is just a currency trader and manipulator, his actions had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR, he just had insider information that allowed him to profit off it, he has shorted the ruble countless times and made huge gains as a result, this is what he does.

slickleg64 ago

Countless videos out there best to figure it out yourself, start with the origins of the Russian empire, the tzar and so forth to the russian revolution.

718221316S ago

just my opinion, but I’d argue the Hart-Celler Act rendered the USSR unnecessary.. so once enough Eastern Europeans had successfully paved THeiR way into the US they shut it down

israelmossadjewgold ago

the tsar they supposedly murdered wasn't acually murdered. he fled to briatin and hung out with the king who was his cousin...

it was just a big show...

Tired8 ago

Search Europa The Last Battle on bitchute - 11 hours of truth

Just_Another_Exile ago

was the USSR the bolshevik govt?

By party origins, yes: bolshevik meant the faction of the socialists who wanted to go all the way right now, as opposed to the Mensheviks who wanted to adopt social democratic reforms not too dissimilar to the western European post-war consensus, but adopt a predominantly capitalist system until technology and society evolved far enough to meet the conditions for Marx's predictions about the transition to socialism. By the time of stalin they had adopted some Menshevik policies but killed or exiled the members of that faction.

and did hitler march into russia trying to defeat the bolsheviks?

Yes. He also needed the oil from the Caucasian oilfields, as the german and Romanian oilfields weren't sufficient and the Yugoslav oilfields hadn't been developed (and no one could access the Norwegian oil). Because he was Hitler, he forgot about that when he diverted more and more units to pointlessly attack Stalingrad (and kept attacking it after it had no further use to the USSR, because he didn't like the name).

The USSR fell apart because of four things:

  • during the oil shock their idiotic attempts to maintain full employment worked, whereas when western governments tried to do the same thing (with the policies criticised as the "car wash economy") in 2008 they mostly failed (fortunately). That fucked their economy and snarled up their industry and so they stopped catching up and began to fall behind the west.
  • A pointless war in Afghanistan went as badly as every other war there, wrecked the Red Army's morale, gave them a huge heroin problem in the army (and then a fairly bad one in general society, as conscripts were demobbed).
  • those two problems plus useless puppets meant they couldn't keep control of their satellite states anymore, which would have wrecked COMECON, and Gorbachev wanted to offload some of the more useless republics (states of the USSR).
  • Gorbachev wanted to adopt Deng's reforms but others didn't, ultimately leading to the 1992 coup, in which the whole USSR finally fell apart.

Soros was involved in subversion in the satellites, when he wasn't screwing western governments (he was one of the people responsible for Black Wednesday being so catastrophic, to his profit), along with the Catholic Church (especially in Poland) and the CIA (which paid a huge percentage of Solidarnosc's costs). IDK how active he was in the USSR itself.

DanielR ago

The goyim started to know

Granite_Pill ago

Stalin purged the Bolsheviks to secure his grip on power.

boekanier ago

Dude, the internet is full of stuff regarding this, why don't you make the effort to find it out for yourself?

npc88 ago

i dont like blogs. do u know best history books?

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The Communist Revolution in Russia was a Jewish project from beginning to end. The heir apparent to the Jew Lenin was the Jew Trotsky. Stalin, who was not Jewish, usurped supreme power for himself and had an ice axe put into Trotsky's brain. Stalin used the Jews and cooperated with them but he never trusted them and they never trusted him. They viewed him as an upstart nationalist and a Bonapartist. The eye opening book Red Symphony describes an interrogation of one Trotsky's allies in which he explains how World Jewry controls both Communism AND Capitalism and explains how Stalin up set their plans for world domination.


This is the real reason for the Cold War. The Jews had to dispose of Hitler so their golems in the West allied with the Soviets for that end but when the war was over they turned on Stalin. Stalin in turn began a campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans", purges of Jews from the security services, and culminated in the "Doctors Plot". The antisemitism was toned down after Stalin's death but the Jews never had the control they once had did under Lenin.
That is until the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Yeltsin was an incompetent drunkard and Wall St., the World Bank, and the IMF were able to install (((Russian Oligarchs))) over the Russian economy and they began to strip mine the country. Putin and the Russian intelligence services took over the country and put an end to that. World Jewry is on the ropes in Russia and Christianity is on the rise. That is the reason for the New Cold War we see against Russia in the (((Corporate Media))) and the (((Globalist Elites))).

FightingTheDarkArts ago

The Tsar Alexander 1 fought off the 1st Rothschild family subversion then Nathan Rothschild swore to kill him and his whole family(wipe his line). He did just that using the Communist Manifesto, a book whose creation was paid for by Jews then was largely written by Jews and spread around the world by mostly Jews. Using the book, foreign mercenaries and mostly rich Jews in the media and Jewish intelligencia, on came the Bolshevik Revolution.

After the Bolshevik Revolution the Rothschilds installed a central bank in Russia exactly like our own Federal Reserve. Now the Russians were charged interest for using their own money, then compound interest on top of that(called national debt) This central bank was/is owned by the same banking families that own our Federal Reserve. Stalin did much in the 50's to kick out a lot of Jewish media and intelligence officers but wasn't able to permanently wrestle back control of the bank from the Rothschilds and other Jewish families. As Merlynn pointed out, this was because Russia had the bomb, which Jews had given them. It is also when they became an enemy of the US. Under Lenin and Stalin and their Jewish backers and those like Stalin's Jews, the 2 collectively killed 60 million whites in what was known as the USSR in a period of about 60 years. The Russian empire had about 166 million in 1914. What is their population today? Jews were literally spreading the 6 gazillion in the 50s right after mass murdering tens of millions of Russians. Understand, the 60 million figure is from direct actions taken by Communist dictators like internal revolutions, mass murders and political gulag deaths. That isn't counting those killed by Hitler or sanctions imposed by America.

So while the massacres definitely slowed down after Stalin kicked out a lot of the Jews and while Putin has exiled some Jewish bankers and put some Jewish media moguls in prison, they are very much at war with them. Even today, they, like us, still don't own their own central bank. They struggle dealing with Jewish media and news from both the outside and inside. Muslims wolves are at their door and they are constantly threatened by the US, which also launches cyber attacks at them often.

Yes, Hitler viewed Communism as a Jewish creation meant to serve Jewish bankers. Once Stalin and US sided with the Rothschilds and Schiffs of the world he tried to take them out but failed.

npc88 ago

why did tsar alexander lose ? and why did no one help him?

slickleg64 ago

assassinated along with his family by Bolsheviks posing as photographers.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

That is a big question but it's not extremely difficult to forment an internal revolution on an empire when you have what today would be the equivalent of tens of trillions. Look at what we are going through now and what Germany went through that got them the Weimar Republic. The wheel is always round...

boekanier ago

Simple, they moved to the usa...


Communists jews went to Fl. Weimar jews went to Ca.

npc88 ago

is abromivich the same person they re talking about in other parts of this thread? so putin isnt based? or just half based?

albanon ago

IMO Putin is not as based (though definately more than half based) as some people believe, but at the same time I may be too hard on him. I understand that his job, to put it mildly, is not an easy one. So maybe his hands get somewhat tied when he is surrounded by oligarks with big money and other powerful people, which means he has to play safe and not take too drastic measures. But I definately support him, and the latest amendmends to the Russian Constitution means Russia goes in the right direction. One such amendment is officially defining marriage in the Constitution as a union and between a man and a woman. This means no gay marriage, no adoption to gay couples, and the amendment will also prevent people from getting married after "gender reassignment".

Some other amendments:

- The Russian Constitution should take precedence over international law

- Persons who hold "important positions for ensuring the country's security" (President, Ministers, judges, heads of regions) should not have foreign citizenship or residence permit in other countries

- The minimum wage cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum

- Faith in one God

TripleZ ago

It's interesting if you imagine yourself an outside alien (or a small group of (((humans))) wielding near absolute power) that when you look at all of this from a Hegelian Dialectic, the current societal decay of the West looks like a thesis and Russia's response looks like an antithesis. It's almost as if this is planned.

Leningrad ago

Russian referendum will allow Czar Putin to remain in power for some time. I don't agree with the notion that gay couples cant adopt children. Although not ideal family, it's far better for a child to have 2 loving parents of the same gender than being raised by the government in orphanage.

albanon ago

I don't have too big of a problem with Mr. Putin remaining in power considering there are no better options at this time. Although I'm not too fond of his alleged conection to ((( them ))). We'll see how things will go, but I can't say that I'm overfull with optimism.

Leningrad ago

I just think that being adopted by a gay couple is a lesser of two evils. I don't support it, don't necessary agree with it.

generate ago

2 loving parents

two sick fucks who's penises are covered in shit. Kill yourself faggot

than being raised by the government in orphanage

I would take orphanage

Leningrad ago

you are a dumbass kike then. Ever lived in an orphanage in Russia? Go back to drinking piss beer and watching tv, fatass.

generate ago

try sticking finger in your ass, I guarantee you will like it and no hardships, perfect for a traitor like you пидор

Leningrad ago

На себя посмотри, чернобыдло уёбищное

Brawndosaurus ago

They're all in America, running Wall street firms and government for the benefit of their nest in the middle east.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I know that there were 3 competing communist parties including the Mensheviks and that the Bolsheviks won. I believe Lenin was originally a Menshevik, hut jumped ship to the Bolsheviks.

AgentSakura ago

We must continue to sow infighting among the liberal and leftist factions in our day and age.

Merlynn ago

Well,the long and short of it is the jews funded the Soviet revolution with Wall Street jew money. They bought people to do the dirty work much like they're doing now with Antifa,BLM,etc. They took over and used goyim puppet leaders as figure heads to hide their power. They installed Stalin as such a puppet ruler. Stalin had been part of the revolution and been around jews his whole life so he knew what they were about.

So he got in office,bides his time,and when the jews get fat and lazy,he starts removing them. Any jew who didn't do exactly as he wanted wasn't just executed,they were removed from history. This is also why Stalin was very paranoid. He knew the jews and their methods and worried about the backlash.

Eventually,he ran the jews out of power in the 1950s,which,you'll note,is when the "red scare" became a big thing. All throughout WW2,the US was told Russia was our pals. But suddenly,in the 50s,they were the most evil thing since Hitler. Guess why.

So the cold war began because jews had passed the nuclear bomb plans to Stalin and they couldn't have an all out war like they did with Germany. So they've been trying to "starve them out" by not allowing them to trade with anyone and slander Russia as much as possible.

Eventually,the communist system's wheels fell off because it wasn't about creating a stable government,it was about robbing and enslaving the people. So they went capitalist but are leery about letting the jew back in. So Russia is anti-jew and so they're slandered as "the bad guys" all the time still.

That clear it up for you?

Dr5trangegov ago

look up "the wobbly massacre" in rural washington state. they werent just focused on russia. it was the world. all in a brief window of time, all over the world they made their push. remember remember the fifth of november.

Merlynn ago

They're a world wide problem that require a world wide solution.

Dr5trangegov ago

No I don't think that's the problem. Fucking wizards

Merlynn ago

Then what is the problem?

Dr5trangegov ago


Merlynn ago

So you're saying wizards did it.

Dr5trangegov ago

I'm not saying it was wizards, but it was wizards.

Merlynn ago

Well,that's the wrong answer because the real problem is the jews.

Dr5trangegov ago

Well. I think THATS the wrong answer because the bible clearly states that it is the synagogue of satan. Who say they are jews but are not.

Merlynn ago

How is the synagogue of satan not the problem?

Dr5trangegov ago

It is.

Merlynn ago

Then why are you blaming wizards?

GhostWriter17 ago

Actually Stalin was a Jew

Merlynn ago

And so was Hitler. Get out of here,jew.

ExtraDouble ago

Stalin wasn't meant to be the leader, but he won the fight for it. Patton said Russia was our real enemy.

Merlynn ago

Well,the jews in Russia certainly were.

TheSeer ago

Kaganovich, architect of Holodomor, was never purged. A very good argument could bemade that he was the power behind the throne, all the while.

The Bolsheviks became the oligarchs, and they took all their stolen wealth to the City of London (not Greater London), where they remain to this day, untouchable.

Merlynn ago

Yes,jews are terrible.

Plant_Boy ago

Is that why Russia is becoming more US than the actual US? (With respect to firearms.)

SumerBreeze ago

The US wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for Russias help during and after the Civil War. Tsar Alexander sent his entire Navy fleet to blockade any influence from Britain and France, who were meant to conquer the North and South, respectively; Britain had tens of thousands of troops waiting in Canada to take over the war torn North, and Mexico, under the rule of Maxamillian, was supposed to take the South.

It’s actually why the disgusting jews financed the bolsheviks and the mensheviks in the first place - they never forgave what Russia did during US’s Civil War.

Merlynn ago

Russia's in a lot of the same state as the US because they have to deal with many of the same problems the US does,namely,jews. But yeah,I think Putin realizes freedom's good to have but it's hard to have freedom and keep the jews out. Especially when you can't name them.

Plant_Boy ago

I think to solve the problem we need to keep point out more how morally corrupt jews are and also mention they are of jewish inflection. I don't care about pointing this out to the boomer generation anymore. They're all morally fooled and largely can't be convinced, it's best to work on the next generation and teach them to be more critical of the media they watch and rationalizing it to real life and how the hollow-wood ideals and real life do not coalesce.

Scientific stats dictate that the shoddywood ideals are morally crap and result in broken families and broken people and we have a wealth of psychological and religious information that frames out a "Best Model" for a family.

Merlynn ago

The jews aren't morally corrupt,they simply have different morals. Corruption indicates they have deviated from their original ideals. Their moral ideals are best summed up as "fuck anyone who isn't us". So they're actually very moral. It's just their morals destroy anything that isn't them.

To put it simply,it's not a bug,it's a feature. It's why jews are universally terrible and need to be wiped out.

Plant_Boy ago

To explain it like that is to justify their actions and a lot of people are too dumb to understand that. You need to frame it in a sense that with respect to western morals they are corrupt. They sell the ideal of diversity is our greatest strength and yet justify Israel as an ethnostate because they are so few people.

Merlynn ago

No,the way I put it is how they justify their actions to themselves. With their fucked up morality. The problem is people don't understand jews don't work within the same moral framework as Christians and most others. Their moral framework is entirely self-centered and self-serving. While everyone else is expected to care about everyone and everything other than themselves.

Putting up jews as "morally corrupt" by our standards gives them the out that jews do have the same moral ideals we do. They do not. They are entirely different and serve only their own group.

Plant_Boy ago

I appreciate your point about jews pulling out the weathered But not all-... argument dressed with one opposing condition which to the average lay person apparently redeems the whole generation as salvageable.

Maybe a combination of the two arguments is what is needed in some places. My argument would be to warm people up to noticing how the "morally superior" kike acts hypocritically and then open it to It's because they're all like that down to a genetic level and their fundamental belief system.

Merlynn ago

No,it's pretty simple. They have a different morality to ours and that's why they act the way they do. I'd also question if you can call it hypocrisy when they obviously don't believe the shit they say. What's the difference between being a hypocrite and just being a liar? Some would say hypocrisy is just a specific kind of lie. Others might make a distinction between them.

But either way,it's obvious they care nothing for anyone who isn't them. Or at least useful to them.

Plant_Boy ago

But the problem is how is your argument received by a normie. Because normies believe that we are One people and We're all the same. That's why BLM has been allowed to burn like 10+ cities and get away with it, because normies dumbly believe the news when the news says It's not their problem, it's whitey being so racist. You shock them with the statement that jews look out only for jews after being told by so many jews on television that we need diversity while being led by jews in politics that borrow from jews in finance that we have to pay back. And that Judaism was wronged against and they have inherited guilt from the nazis separating jews from society and it being exacerbated by jewish lies.

I'm trying to say that to just tell the average person that has been taught all their life that Jews are their friends that jews actually hate them... It's a shock to their system that can cause them to shut down from the conversation.

We both know kikes have double standards but the normies are shocked into disbelief about this and will think lesser of you.

That's why I'd pose warming them up to the argument that kikes are full of hate for anyone outwith their genus by pointing out faults in society and highlighting the jew.

Merlynn ago

It's actually much worse than that. Many people have made it worse because,in their need to believe the lies,they will actually make shit up to "fill in the gaps" because most people need the story to make sense in order to buy it. And the obvious solution,they're being lied to,is just too scary an idea. Puts the whole system on it's ear and you realize that big fat government machine is actually built to destroy you. A person will tell themselves a lot of lies to keep from acknowledging that horrible reality.

So you don't have to just contend with the jew lies,but also the shit they made up which can be all over the place.

Some people will wake up with simply offering them evidence to back your claim. Some need to come to it gradually. They have to beat their heads against a wall for a while to acknowledge the wall is there. And some people are terrified of waking up.

So it's not just one solution,it's a custom made solution depending on the person.

Plant_Boy ago

they (normies) will actually make shit up to "fill in the gaps"

Now that I wholly agree with.

And I will agree that it's not just one solution. Many people will have differnet styles of dealing with it and I guess what's worked best for me is to see all the criminals or the sexually deviant behaviour of hollywood and just highlight at the head of it, at the head of the porn industry, at the head of the banking industry, at the head of the political decrees that we're all horrified at like abortions and teaching too young kids about sexuality, homoerotic indoctrination, and telling them to take hormones, is a bunch of jews.

Give them that titbit of information and let them stew with it.

Merlynn ago

Better to tell them to look it up themselves too. Provided the kikes haven't censored it.

curiouserdude ago

At least you got right the part about Stalin not being anyone's puppet. He was not a failed artist who got high on his own supply of racial superiority causing him to make reckless moves like invading Russia. In fact, Stalin was an award winning Georgian Poet, an accomplished signer and an intellectual of the highest order who read a book a day and continued to throughout his entire life. He faked Trotsky out by doing things to make him underestimate him. He was one of the great politicians of world history with an enormous memory for people and individuals. He would often closely scrutinize lists of thousands of people to be executed sparing and preserving as he saw fit, and never forgot anyone he ever met. This is how he was able to take over the party. He was appointed the job of hiring all the regional bosses and since he had an enormous memory for people he put into power all his choice cronies.

The problem with the Soviet union is that they didn't have a good way to fire anyone who was incompetent and not make an enemy after Stalin. During Stalin, whenever someone wasn't performing properly or slacking off or trying to get political, they could accuse them of being a saboteur and execute them. This kept everyone motivated to work hard and not start bickering about politics and stuff. Molotov, who was Stalin's close friend since the beginning said that after Stalin died that everyone was an opportunists and no longer were committed Bolsheviks.

With regards to Stalin and the Jews, he mainly used Jews to be his executioners. For example, Blokhin and Yagoda were capable of killing 1000s one-by-one up close. When he finally went after the Jews with the doctors plot, they ended up getting to him first and he was likely assassinated. Beria even claimed credit for it, at least in delaying medical care to Stalin, because he had intel that he was going to get purged soon.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,it's best not to fuck around with jews. They love the long game,it's the short game that gets them. Like Hadrian took out Israel easily,but because he didn't finish the job,the jews infiltrated and took over and destroyed Rome. Still,Stalin recognized the threat of the jews and tried to get them out.

Neverendingpissstory ago

"That is exactly right Joe."

moirai11 ago

You left out the jewish oligarchs which control it now. But the rest was good.

Merlynn ago

Jews control everything they can get their grubby mitts on. Never let them in.

Cucky_Sanders ago

TL;DR the russian jew got out jewed by a goy that knew their ways

Merlynn ago

More or less. Never underestimate jews jewing,tho. They always come back.

TripleZ ago

So why, when the Soviet Union collapsed did Boris Yeltsin carve up the state owned corporations (oil and gas companies especially) and hand them out to jewish oligarchs?

I think the jews retained power in the USSR. The Stalin purges are a nice cover for the fact that they are and always have been in control since the B revolution.

Merlynn ago

Because jews have money. Lots of it. It comes from a place called the federal reserve and when you need money,you're less likely to ask too many questions. Doing business with the jews doesn't mean you like the jews. It usually means you have no choice.

TripleZ ago

Yes but those oligarchs were Russian. If jews lost power in Russia why would there be jews in Russia with money at the ready? I'm not saying you're wrong but I have to imagine there should have been as many gentiles with money as jews that could have snapped up those industries for pennies on the dollar.

Merlynn ago

"Any jew who didn't do exactly as he wanted wasn't just executed,they were removed from history." See that line? That explains everything. He didn't and couldn't run all the jews out. He needed to keep the country stable and that many people in high positions of power suddenly disappearing would've left a power vacuum.

You can argue a power vacuum is preferable to jews having power,but always remember,the jews are the original mafia. They are the most organized of criminals. Their whole belief system is based around committing crimes as a group. So it was probably more than just a power vacuum problem. Basically,take all the mob's dirty tactics you know,make them 10 times worse,and that's probably what you're up against. They created the mafia,Marxism in all it's forms,and predatory banking. That should give you some idea of how dangerous and evil these fuckers are.

TripleZ ago

Good comment. It's funny that when you say the word mafia, everyone thinks of Italians. I think that was by design coming out of Jewlywood. The Khazarian Mafia makes the Italians look like amateurs.

Merlynn ago

Most the mob was jews. They claimed they were Italian to draw attention away from them. Most people now think Italians look like jews.

Thoutzan ago

Good summary. Thanks for sharing.

I m wondering if the same thing is happening between US and China, that Xi got rid of Jewish influences (check "RYB Education Incident", mass systemetic pedo rituals among high ranking military officers, Clinton Foundations involved) thus all of a sudden China is a big bag right now.

Merlynn ago

Maybe,but considering jews still do business in China,I kinda doubt it. At the very least,it wasn't a complete ejection. Still,can you really get rid of ALL the jews at this point? Fuckers are dug in like ticks. Plus they deflected to the Clinton Foundation instead of revealing the jewish link. So yeah.

SpaceNun ago

Whoa, I think you forgot the part where Stalin a ruthless fucking insane guy responsible for systematic murder NOT just for Jews, but other than that mostly seems okay.

Merlynn ago

"This is also why Stalin was very paranoid. He knew the jews and their methods and worried about the backlash." Right here.

Couple this with "They bought people to do the dirty work much like they're doing now with Antifa,BLM,etc." And you have a very clear picture why he didn't just kill jews. He also killed their puppets.

That clear it up for you?

mudbear ago

That helps a bit, who was in charge during the holodomor?

Merlynn ago

(((Who))) do you think? Pre-1950s,it's all jews. Early 1950s,could go either way. Mid 1950s,it's probably Stalin trying to stop the jews and their puppets from regaining power. Shit's messy cause,you know,jew media.

npc88 ago

whats best book for this and more history?

CRO95 ago

200 years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I am not sure if it is translated into English though

muscialfroot ago

It's available, in English, at archive.org

Angelique ago

There was a legitimate translation, but was pulled and memoryholed. The book that is available was crowdsourced, so it is not the best read but a very important one and thanks to those who contributed.

Merlynn ago

I have no idea. Alot of this stuff is suppressed by damn near everyone. It's largely just put together from various facts that have come up. I don't know where you could get more details in a single,or even a few,books.

DieWurstGerman ago

you're leaving some of the finer points out. the jews slaughtered what 20 million, 66 million? (does anyone even really know?) people in russia. the bolshevik scare was key for hitler to mobilize the german people against jews and for all out war. they were terrified of them, and they had seen who they really are during the crash of their economy after the treaty of Versailles. germans starving everywhere and the jews rich, fat, pompous, and brazen about it with no compassion for anyone that wasnt a jew. ever wonder why you only here about the 6 million jews killed by the germans? thats because theyve owned everything since and live to cast themselves as the best people to ever live anywhere at anytime, and that everyone should always feel sorry for them, while they continue to destroy the entire world.

slickleg64 ago

Hitlers rise was in retaliation to the Bolsheviks that started the 1918 German civil war in east Germany. Remember that the Commies wanted the East and murdered many families there and installed underclass jews into their ghettos.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,Bolsheviks were behind most of the genocides in Russia and it's states. The great purge,the holodomor,you name it,there was a jew behind it. That largely stopped under Stalin's actual rule. In the end,jews are terrible people and they want you dead.

horatioherbert ago

The murderous genocide did not stop under Stalin’s rule

Merlynn ago

Ok,name one then.

horatioherbert ago

Yezhovschina 1936-38

Merlynn ago

How are you going to dispute my points when you don't even know what they are?

horatioherbert ago

The only point in your post was the genocide largely stopped under Stalin's rule. This is ridiculous nonsense and you know it. So if I am incorrect , enlighten me with facts, evidence and clarity please.

Merlynn ago

Read my post again in it's entirety. When you figure out why your post is stupid,get back to me. I expect to never hear from you again or you'll just ignore what I said,which is now a pattern with you,and continue to declare yourself right. A statement only you believe at this point.

horatioherbert ago

I responded to your post about Stalin lessening the impact of genocide under his rule and I contested this claim. Your words are not gospel. The communist wheels fell off because any system that removes responsibility from the individual is garbage. Are you a communist? Did the Red Scare die with Stalin? No. Your deductive reasoning falls flat here.

Merlynn ago

So you're going with the "ignore what I said" thing,huh? Well,that's enough to prove to me you're a jew. You really suck at keeping yourself hidden.

horatioherbert ago

I did not ignore what you said I specifically countered your points with nothing back from you but ignorance and "Jew". I am Christian and take up my cross with honor daily. What are you hiding?

Merlynn ago

If you went back and read my post,you'd know the flaw in your argument. But we both know you're a jew now so time for a new account.

horatioherbert ago

You are the little hat wearer shill

Merlynn ago

If that were true,I'd be deflecting blame FROM the jew,not TO them. You can't argue for shit,kike.

horatioherbert ago

Then why do you keep replying to me?

Merlynn ago

Cause I know how much you jews love your last word. You ain't gotten it once,and you're not getting it now. But you keep trying,jew. I know your rules and I will break you with them.

horatioherbert ago


Merlynn ago

That is what you are,yes. And you're very bad at it. Guess it back to sucking the rabbi's dick,faggot.

horatioherbert ago

I know you are but what am I? Seriously, grow up shill and stop worshiping genocidal Stalin. You would have been a great Communist until you too end up in the Glavnoe upravlenie lagerei

Merlynn ago

Awww,is the baby jew cwanky? Does he need his goyim blood?

horatioherbert ago

You must be referring to the hundreds of millions of gallons of blood your Communist worshipping Stalin spilled across Europe and Asia?

Merlynn ago

Even as you die,you decree your people's innocence. You jews really are disgusting.

horatioherbert ago

You know death, pussy?

Merlynn ago

I greet it as an old friend.

horatioherbert ago

Yes it is waiting for us all

Merlynn ago

And you will go to as a jew and be damned by your choices in this life.

horatioherbert ago

Your pathetic assumptions preclude my judgment

Merlynn ago

I don't have to assume. You're still here. That's all the proof I need especially since I told you I wasn't going to stop.

horatioherbert ago

You bastardized the word proof I don’t think you know what it means

Merlynn ago

One of us doesn't. Hint: It's not me,jew.

horatioherbert ago

Is that all you have in your arsenal you one-dimensional shill?

Merlynn ago

Says the faggot jew who can't read.

horatioherbert ago

Congratulations!! Welcome to bi-dimensional argument. I’ll wait for you on the next level try to keep up

Merlynn ago

Oh look,a jew pretending he's saying anything intelligent. How original.

horatioherbert ago

Who do you pretend to be? An internet magician?

Merlynn ago

Who wants to know?

horatioherbert ago

The individual who asked, who the f else would you be referring to you schizophrenic quack? Are there people in the room that only you can see and talk to?

Merlynn ago

And who are you?

horatioherbert ago

My name is Nobody

Merlynn ago

Well,why would I answer a question nobody asked?

horatioherbert ago

Because you answer to Nobody

Merlynn ago

I certainly don't answer to you.

horatioherbert ago

You have answered me each time and continue to do so

Merlynn ago

Mocking you is not answering you. It's making fun of your retarded jew ass.

horatioherbert ago

Answer - a spoken or written reply . Are you ESL ?

Merlynn ago

And you're reaching. Not big surprise. Do these tactics work in jew school?

horatioherbert ago

Reaching towards what?

Merlynn ago

Nothing. But you think it's something so you reach for it.

horatioherbert ago

Well you’re a bore

Merlynn ago

Bore into your head and let the stupid out.

horatioherbert ago

Every time I read your replies

Merlynn ago

I doubt that,you seem to have the same amount of stupid.

horatioherbert ago

We are both stupid and stubborn for continuing

Merlynn ago

I told you why I'm continuing. And based on that,I know why you're continuing,jew.

horatioherbert ago

Why are you so obsessed with your claim? Have you been hurt by a Jew?

Merlynn ago

You've been found out. Time to make a new account,jew.

horatioherbert ago

Did a Jew steal your girlfriend in 8th grade?

Merlynn ago

Now you're just doing some fucked up wish fulfillment bullshit. You jews are creepy.

horatioherbert ago

What sort of life have you attained for yourself?

Merlynn ago

A happier,saner,and more enjoyable one than you,jew. It doesn't take money,it doesn't take power. All it takes is freedom and love. You missed out.

horatioherbert ago

How does your deviant obsessive devotion to Khazars fit in with happiness and love? You are so pathetic to reduce your existence into an identity of opposition to the people you obviously think about a lot

horatioherbert ago

I wager you do nothing in the real world to enact or carry out these beliefs because it’s safer for your infantile existence to hide behind the anonymity of the internet

Merlynn ago

So basically you live in your own little world where you just make up reality for yourself regardless of what was actually said or done. Yeah,I hear that's popular with jews. Because to them,believing you won is as good as winning.

horatioherbert ago

You can’t even piece together an argument

Merlynn ago

Why would I do that when you're just going to spout nonsense anyway? What's the point of even trying? You've no idea what I'm talking about,willfully so. And therefore,I have to do nothing but mock you to keep you here and away from others.

To put it simply,I'm wasting your time.

horatioherbert ago

You are unconcerned with your own?

Merlynn ago

It takes little time for me to do this and much time for you to come up with an argument that you think will confuse me. It's easy to tie up a jew by his own web of lies when you stop trying to explain simple things to him and let him run himself in circles.

horatioherbert ago

Your time is less valuable then mine

Merlynn ago

I don't spend much of any on this. You're probably sweating buckets trying to come up with something to confuse me.

horatioherbert ago

You confuse easily so it's not too much of an inconvenience

Merlynn ago

Wow,I knew you were bad at this but that was just awful. I wanna speak to your rabbi about the quality of jewing I'm receiving.

horatioherbert ago

Oh so now I'm not Jew enough. Your Jewdar needs to be recalibrated shill

Merlynn ago

No,I'm saying you're bad at jewing,jew.

horatioherbert ago

You are a Jew

Merlynn ago

Projection gets you nowhere,kike.

horatioherbert ago


Merlynn ago

Is you.

horatioherbert ago


Merlynn ago

Projection will not change the truth.

Timur9000 ago

That’s good

Keefin ago

Great write up, this makes a lot of sense. It seems that Stalin was complicit with the Jews for most of his career, but that appears to no longer be the case near the end. He has been accused of antisemitism for targeting Jewish doctors (the "Doctor's Plot) who were allegedly trying to assassinate him. I think it's very likely that they were in fact trying to assassinate him for no longer playing by their rules.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

More than likely Jewish doctors and intelligence officers were killing so many Russians he had little choice. If he didn't stop or slow down what they were doing it was certain death and the alternative was probably being murdered later. The Russian oligarchy(generals and orhers) did this along with. Had they not, they would have all died years ealrier and the country, even then a nuclear power would have totally collapsed.

Merlynn ago

Yup. No jews is good news.

TripleZ ago

"Soros helped disband the USSR"...complete bullshit. Soros is a bag man. He isn't nearly wealthy enough to shift world power. The TRILLIONAIRES behind Soros are the ones you're looking for. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Chase, etc, etc.

SearchVoatBot ago

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npc88 ago

yes then answer why would the bankers break up ussr if its their own creation?

Drjekkyl ago

I saw an article about a forty something year old woman who couldn't "embrace her Jewish heritage" in Russia. The poor thing had to hide her magnificent light under a bushel. I suspect Putin kgb'd em.


The nasty Cheka with there leather bomber jackets

Inaminit ago

Full of cocaine, opium and meth too.

watch_listed ago

IIRC, after the Czar was overthrown, a revolutionary government was stood up that was not explicitly communist. Bolshevik translates out to something akin to minority, which the communists in the revolutionary government were. They were more violent and aggressive, however, and eventually had another mino-revolution to overthrow the interem government. They were never the political majority, thus the Bolshevik moniker.

temp_lurk ago

Bolshevik means majority also called The Reds, Menshivik is what they called Czar Nicholai's side or something akin to minority also the whites.

Just_Another_Exile ago

The Mensheviks were the moderate SocDem faction, which was somewhat more left than Lloyd George's people's budget (which was explicitly the policy position of some of the pre-revolutionary reformists) but who wanted to just moderate the worst harms of capitalism until Russia was developed enough to make a Marxist revolution necessary and effective.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Communism is about demonizing minorities of various races and tribes against the majority. Female empowerment or feminism is also crucial in this. It's always the same playbook. Sow seeds of discord using anything they can(gender, race, religion) while making the majority, no matter how poor many of them are feel guilty for their privilege. Understand, rich Jew media moguls, bankers and proffesors have no issue telling a poor, white redneck in the states how privileged he is while they turn his women against him and work up blacks and immigrants to kill him, just as they had no issue doing this in Russia with the different tribes. Jewish victimhood is always at the center.

First, before all that, they have to teach everyone not to be racist, everyone in the majority anyways. This is why the 1st thing they do, every single time, is roll into country with big money and buy up the media and infiltrate the education system. Then they start funding 'civil rights' movements which are valid at first and unifying at 1st but always turn into a divisive tool used to kill/threaten the majority.

If everyone thinks it's bad to be racist and racism is evil and racist people are evil then how can you possibly defend yourself from a racist group of usurpers and mass murderers who often pretend they are on of you?

CelticMutt ago

Great post but desperately needs more commas.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It's too many. I can't keep up anymore with all the commas.

Womb_Raider ago


a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which was renamed the Communist Party after seizing power in the October Revolution of 1917.

Has nothing to do with the meaning 'minority party', that is erroneous. Bolshevik referred to a specific party, not to a "class" of political opposition


" BOLSHOI " means "LARGE or GREAT " in Russian, the BOLSHEVIKI were thugs released from prison by Trotsky and Lenin, they were also the lowest of life forms who were paid to revolt against the Tsar. The money, approximately 1 billion dollars today came from Jacob Schiff , Kuhn Loeb Warburg...Stalin comes in later after the death of Lenin...Stalin's real name was Dzugashvili "son of the jew".

He referred to his jewish enemies as "ABROMOVICHS ". The fall of Tsarist Russia came in 3 stages beginning Feb 1917 and ending Nov 7 1917...by the Russian calendar it was Oct. hence the October Revolution. Too much detail to go into here but it was evil all the way and the jew was behind it all. The "MENSHIVIK" were considered the minority.

curiouserdude ago

Dzugashvili does not mean son of the Jew. Stalin was not a jew. He was a Georgian boy who's father might have been the local priest who supported her at one point, because his mom was a bit of a loose women, or Beso, who was a shoemaker and a drunkard who tried to kidnap Stalin to work in the shoe factory because he should learn a trade, like his father.

Womb_Raider ago

Can you post additional information supporting your comment? Sources perhaps?



Here is one of many links in a condensed summary but there are others....also some good documentaries on bitchute under the headings Bolshevik Revolution etc. All Jewish money firms from Russo/Japanese wars to WWI and II , Russian Revolution, killing of the tsar and every other miserable atrocity enacted upon humanity in the 20th century, jews finance war.

npc88 ago

how did they get 1 billion dollars???


In " today's " measure and it came from Jacob Schiff through Trotsky. Do the research , there's plenty of well documented history, it's only been relayed differently for the past several decades...those who control the media and academia control perspective and the narrative....the same jewish filth gave the world BOLSHEVISM.

Revelations2_9 ago

The money to power the red army in fighting off the white army and subdue the revolting peasantry poured in from NY banking jews, like Schiff.  Oncce WWJew started up FDR appointed Bernard Baruch as head of wartime production, who immediately opened up an industrial transfer pipeline to the Soviet Union, draining America.  We sent over 1,000 locomotives, factories, a lot of shit.

'Bolshevik' means something like "whole-hogger", ie they were communists who professed absolute international communism or nothing.  They did use criminals, the thief class (convicts), as gulag guards.  They weren't paid, but had free reign to steal, brutalize and kill as long as the zeks (death-labor slaves) were kept in line.  Bolsheviks labeled them as "socially friendly elements", meaning friendly to the social order the Bolsheviks intended to enforce on the goyim.  The bolsheviks were fond of terms that, while honest, were absolutely cynical and  two-faced.  Read


I have that one!

THSenior ago

Without sources, you’re just a kike

version7 ago

I think kronstadt island comes into play here. It being a base for the bolsheviks before the rise of the ussr

BjornIronside ago

They are still, essentially, in control.

Putin is KGB. KGB is jews.


AgentSakura ago

The KGB Spookocracy is Communist


The Jewish Oligarchs and the Stazi Cheka NKVD KGB Spookocracy still run The Motherland.

I still feel for the Slavs they among the Chinese have been the worst victims of Zionist Bolshevik Communism.

I hope they can retain some of their genetic purity, although I'm uncertain as to how much of their blood has been tainted by jewish and mongrel poison. Probably too much to be reversed.

npc88 ago

so hitler was a wildchild?

Inatehiggers ago

Show proof of Hitler's paternal grandfather being a rothschild

BjornIronside ago


Here's enough for reasonable doubt.

syntaxaxe ago

Oh god, please read this idiot's link if you want to see what poorly done disinfo looks like. It lists a lot of details, as though it is well-researched... but gives no more evidence than to state, "some people doubt..."

Hitler's lineage is well established. There is no more proof that his lineage is fake, or that he's part Jewish, than there is evidence of Holocaust shrunken heads, masturbation machines, or human skin lamps.

Either this guy is an actual retard who is legitimately buying into the propaganda, or he's here to sell that cheap propaganda.

Also, please enjoy the rest of reformation.org if you'd like some prime Q-level entertainment.

BjornIronside ago

Yeah, and I wrote that site myself, and stand by every word of it!

Fucking moron.

You hitler fanfaggots are every bit as retarded as the jews think you are.

I suppose you think hitler and eva committed suicide, too.

Not that they fled to Argentina, to live out their days in luxury.

Here are a bunch of other websites, that I personally wrote every word of, and therefore agree with the contents 100%. I mean, I'm posting links, so of course I've vetted every single word connected to those links. That's how discourse on the internet works, right?

Reminder that hitler DIDN'T GAS A SINGLE jew. Reminder that hitler TRANSPORTED jews TO PALESTINE. And then PROTECTED THEM WITH GERMAN SOLDIERS.

ANd in case you were unaware, SOCIALISM = COMMUNISM. zionist vs bolshevik, that's all it is.

Oh yeah, and hitler had ~150,000 jews in his Wehrmacht.






Ralemlol ago

Boomer alert.

BjornIronside ago


Ralemlol ago


BjornIronside ago

What kind of weird gaslighting technique is this?

I wrote that Putin is KGB. That's my entire premise.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

You said

"They are still, essentially, in control."

I'm saying they are not in control of Russia and that Putin is NOT a bolshevik.

Watch how he pulls away from that Rabbi and raises his fist as if he wanted to hit him. Read what Putin says at the museum to the entire room full of Jewish people and Rabbis.

He worked for the KGB but was not a bolshevik. The bolsheviks are NOT in control of Russia.

BjornIronside ago

Right. Does Russia have a jew controlled central bank?

Why is Putin anywhere near a jew, never mind this many of the filthy gnomes? https://cdni.rbth.com/rbthmedia/images/all/2016/11/08/jewish_museum_and_tolerance_centre_000_dv1505602_b.jpg

rumorhazard ago

Nice disinfo campaign. Now, would you kindly fuck off.

Keefin ago

That's what this account does. I wonder if anyone falls for it.

BjornIronside ago

It's not my problem that you are ignorant of reality.

I suppose you think the "cold war" was real, too?

The USSR would never have existed without direct materiel support from the USA, after WWII.