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LonelyGhost ago

actually I can speak from personal experience today - my city has a bylaw, there are exemptions under that bylaw, under federal law, no one can ask you if you have a disability. At most a store can do is look at someone that doesnt have a mask on and at most say, are you aware of the bylaw. If the person says yes, that's all you can do. They have no legal grounds to enforce it, nor do they have any legal grounds to deny anyone not wearing a mask. They can cite that a store owner has the right to refuse service to anyone, and that's true. They have that right, just like you have the right to go mouth off to your boss. Both come with legal consequences. In my case, I firmly reminded them that I've read the bylaw and know that there are exemptions in that bylaw, and not only that, I know you can't ask me if I'm disabled or not, I then proceeded to slam down my credit card and said "now get my order". They scampered off and that was that. I don't want to give them a hard time but if they want to try to ram this crap down our throats without any disregard for the law and our rights, then you're going to get pushback from people that aren't sheep.