steven_feelsperg ago

I wonder if normies ever stop and think

That's where the train ends. Everything after is fiction.

BalfourYourFace ago

I wonder if normies ever stop and think

They don't. EVER

Goat7 ago

How to we win the normies over?

60% of Americans are circumcised (mutilated). Maybe that wakes them up.

BalfourYourFace ago

How to we win the normies over?

you have to capture the media and propagandize them the same way that they became retarded in the first place. The sheep NEED propaganda, that is the only thing they follow.

This is the perfect video explaining how the vast majority of people will be NPCs

HeavyBrain ago

Why even binary code becomes like that even when programmed very narrow.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago



that's a good one boyo!

Goat7 ago

Normies deny that circumcision is harmful.

shitface9000 ago

Normies do not stop and think. The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming and they shut it down.

Hammernale ago

They probably just chalk it up to the unceasing depravity of the human heart.

DeltaBravoTango ago

I don’t think that is necessarily true. The only people who go to free speech sites are the ones kicked out of mainstream spaces. Lefties have little reason to come to voat. So there is some selection bias.

wipeyournose ago

Who was kicked out? Faggots like you need to get your ass beaten. That’s the only option.

Unlike your dick-filled head, we have a brain. When we see injustice, we chose to not support it. I left Reddit long ago. On my own volition. The writing was on the wall for a long time.

Only a fucking faggot would retreat in defeat, rather than righteously marching in and leading the way to a new path that doesn’t exclude ANYONE.

Except joggers and bankers

DeltaBravoTango ago

Listen here newfag,

I left out of principle when fatpeoplehate was banned. I wasn’t even a subscriber. You’ve been here for a month, don’t talk to me like I just got here. What I am saying is that left wingers have no reason to leave their safe spaces on reddit. Their opinions are mainstream there, so they will never get banned. They don’t see free speech as a virtue, so they won’t leave for ideological reasons. The people that come to free speech sites like voat either got banned or fed up with the mainstream alternatives. This means that the only people from the left that we have are paid to be here. It is inaccurate to say that free speech reveals that most people are right wing. Free speech sites are only right wing because the lefties never made the migration from sites like reddit. They have no reason to. It’s classic selection bias.

wipeyournose ago

You’ve been here for a month,

Dick measuring contests based on arbitrary account age is the stuff of kike faggots. . You have no idea who I am or how long I have been anywhere. The fact you are so insecure proves that you're nothing more than a shit eater.

Go fuck yourself

DeltaBravoTango ago

Account age matters when you are accusing me of leaving reddit in defeat. I’ve been here almost 5 years. I don’t bring it up usually, but it was an ironic accusation coming from you.

wipeyournose ago

Fuck You faggot. Do I need to tell you again? Fucking retard

iVe BeEn hErE fIVe yEArS

See how no one gives a fucking shit?

turtlesareNotevil ago

Normies don't stop and think about anything that's why they are normies.

generate ago

for the same reason leftists regimes always need to suppress free speech - essntially they are slave regimes where personal interest are inferior to majority - you can't consume certain information because it sets you free

GoyimNose ago

free speech is anti-semetic

spaceman84 ago

Pattern recognition is healthy and natural.

boekanier ago

Normies think? Who gave you that idea?

ddtourist ago

Voat isn't free speech at all. I can't comment much at all, can't post links, can't upvote or downvote, because my political beliefs mean I am downovted here. I can't post studies proving that masks work, for example, because I don't have the right political opinions. This is much more of an echo chamber than reddit. At least there are some conservatives there.

The reason why places like this become insanely racist is that people who care about free speech most are those with those kind of opinions, for obvious reasons. Then the racism drives others more moderate people away, making the remainder more extreme. It becomes a vicious cycle and the end result is... well, this.

It's a shame, because I care about free speech too and would like to have a reddit that was not censorious. But this isn't that. This is just reddit for racism. There's nothing else posted.

SomeGuyYouKnow ago

"This is much more of an echo chamber than reddit"


Literally stopped reading due to uncontollable laughter.

Nice try shilll

ddtourist ago

Good argument

SomeGuyYouKnow ago

Good shilling....well no that is a lie lol.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

If you post things that go against the political grain here, you'll get downvoted and you'll read some things you won't like. But you will not get banned. You will not get doxxed. That's the difference between people on the right disagreeing with you and people on the left disagreeing with you.

I haven't been to Reddit in around a year, but they would ban me from major subreddits just for POSTING in subs they didn't like, not even saying things they necessarily disagreed with. I was slightly left of center a few years ago, but the ridiculous stuff I'd see over there, not just the bannings but some of the inane comments I'd see and get, pushed me further and further right.

Voat isn't always right either, but people here in general will back their claims up instead of just saying things to say them. Fake or unverifiable articles, links, or opinions get called out. The thought process is better here. The name-calling is part of the culture instead of something personal. Besides, a lot of statistics and logical reasoning that you might call racist might not be anything of the kind. They're statistics and logical, unbiased reasoning. They just point in a direction that you're not comfortable with or used to seeing.

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

The idea of free speech was alluring to me too but it’s just a cesspool of uneducated white people.

It’s fun to troll them though. They really don’t like minorities.

wipeyournose ago

Hey nigger. Here’s the thing. Calling us “uneducated “ and “inbred” doesn’t affect us. Like, at all It’s weird you think it does.

We are confident and proud people. Who know our heritage really really well lol. After all, it’s reall well documented. We made all the shit in modern society. We weren’t plucked from a field of dirt patty eating, mud hut living niggers who couldn’t even get along with other niggers.

No fee paid off the much stronger niggers to round your dumb ass up and sent you on a journey. Jokes on us tho cuz now we can’t use you for labor and we can’t get rid of you. My god we are trying tho.

This is the last generation of indoctrinated whiteys. You better pray to the Kwanzaa god and the god of coonteenth or your ass is grass. We’ll probably use you guys as asphalt to pave over the god awful BLM garbage littering our beautiful cities.

Lol. You’re noting but a shit skinned waste of space.

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

Lol I’m sure your lineage is completely white, but go on.

wipeyournose ago

It is 100% White

Pretty funny how much that upsets you. There’s not question you niggers were souped up with White genes. That’s how your collective IQ went up about 15 it’s. But you’re still small brained, low awareness, very violent and unpredictable. That’s why the Jews are using you guys (again) for the only thing you’re good for - violence.

Niggers are worthless. The ones who make it big are only there because a white person allowed it. You shitskins are only allowed to think black lives matter because we are allowing it. And trust me it won’t be around much longer. White people, even you “allies” lol, are getting sick of your monkey games.

You know it’s true. You see it happening. You’re watching the TV and see anither nigger do something stupid and you hope that’s not the instance that snaps all the White zombies out of their trance. You know it will happen. Then you ugly disgusting sub humans will truly experience oppression.

If you’re smart, you’ll leave when we ask you. If you’re stupid, probably more likely, then you will be terminated.

Asshat12 ago

Why wouldn't it be? Whites in the US are like 96% white on average.

Whites largely find miscegenation repulsive. It takes a lot of propaganda to 'normalize' that kind of thing.

binrobinro ago

Because of the way that blacks act.

Teledildonicist ago

Nomies, by definition, don't think for thenselves. They just do and think what they're told.

Lagmonster ago

Remember when presented with statistics even AI becomes "racist".

Fancy451 ago

They cant think. Try and tell an Ant that collectivist monarchies are bad. It cant care. It doesn't have the complexity.

Liberals are bug people.

hitekhobo ago

They don’t... where’d ya get this crap from?

Granite_Pill ago

There's a documented phenomenon known as O'Sullivan's Law: any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time.

This is because without the constant thought policing, gaslighting, and astroturfing by the Left, the Overton window naturally drifts or stays to the right. The right wing is naturally tolerant of dissent, whereas the Left is not. The right has to police and reinforce it's position to defend against O'Sullivan's Law or it cannot thrive. The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance, indeed. The Left knows this, which is why it engages in active purposeful subversion. Those on the Left who are unaware of this are useful idiots and/or controlled opposition.

When I was a liberal, I was even programmed to thought-police myself--not even allow myself to be exposed to alternative information. Once I was, I shifted to the right, slowly at first, then very quickly, then very hard and fast. It took time coupled with real life experience and exposure to alternative information and conscious willingness to be truly open-minded in order to break the conditioning. I think I'm one of the lucky ones. The conditioning is deep.

To think logically, you use one's own reason to arrive at truth is a discipline, an intellectual pursuit. I wasn't taught how to do that school. It's something I had to learn on my own and it's an ongoing thing. On the one hand, the leftist doesn't think logically or rationally. The ends justifies the means. No matter what, the leftist has the moral high ground so facts don't matter. There's all these rules and gotchas and relativistic goop of thought. It's actually exhausting.

But on the other hand, studies have shown that conservatives and liberals not only have different brain chemistry, but they have different brain physiology. We're literally biologically different, so I don't know how much hope there is for people to be converted one way or the other. My only explanation is I was brainwashed and snapped out of it somehow. I'm actually ashamed and embarrassed of the way I used to be.

PsychoticBreak ago

Racism and anti-Semitism don't exist.

Pickle_Rick ago

White people are kind of dumb. They should not be so stupid.

iDontShift ago

says the person that can't actually debate the issue.

but i know this website.. you should talk to my masters and read their garbage.

i'm sure my master will set ya straight..

Get right with God.. or be nothing.

I care not.

because I know nothing of value is ever lost.

Fuckyounigger ago

Uh you swear like they came up with ANY of the ideas in their mind. Everything they know has been given to them and asking questions is racist

CeasarSalud ago

Because even God hates them, chosen to suffer. God hates them so much he demanded they all cut the tip of their dick off.

haniacat ago

"Antisemitic" is spelled with an "i". "Antisemetic" probably means you are opposed to semiology...

tanukihat ago

It's so funny. A new free speech site gets popular (like I just saw with Ruqqus) and the posts start popping up - "Don't let this turn into a right-wing website!"

"Let it"? Like the admins of an open, free speech website shouldn't allow it? Like it's their fault that MOST PEOPLE are right-wing conservatives, and they should quash that and turn into Reddit 2.0?

Free speech scares the leftist to their core, because they know their ideas are unpopular and insane, and they know the only way to push their filth is to tightly control the conversation. THE VAST MAJORITY OF HUMANS ARE RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE. And this scares the shit out of them.

It_was_the_juice ago

...and now I'm heading to ruqqus to piss off some people.

Grunge ago

2nd time I've heard someone mention ruggus today, what is it and is it one of those honey pots like parler?

tanukihat ago

It's just a Reddit clone that touts free speech, like Voat with slightly less open Nazis. Slightly less.

jewer ago

many banned for discussing modern germany! BANNED!

SearchVoatBot ago

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tanukihat ago

Not gonna show the sub this time, huh? Probably wise.

Sernie_Banders ago

before societies became so safe, and governments began providing everything for everyone, atomizing society, nearly everyone was conservative.

caesah ago

Or the both sides being equal argument constantly pops up. The worst thing the right can do is entertain progressive/globalist ideas as if they have merit, any other corruption is fairly inconsequential.

Plavonica ago

Or the both sides being equal argument constantly pops up

Or the fallacy of the golden mean. No you commie scum, "somewhere in the middle" isn't a good policy, it's pushing for more communism.

tanukihat ago

Sadly a lot of right-wingers believe that these non-humans should be treated "fairly" and "nicely". Even as they're silenced and deplatformed and the rules are bent and broke to fuck only them specifically, these right-wingers still cling to this idea that they need to treat their abusers "equally". Remember the Golden Rule, and all that. It's very sad, and it's going to take a lot more people getting hurt to break that thinking, and I am willing to sacrifice all those people to fix this.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Sadly a lot of right-wingers believe that these non-humans should be treated "fairly" and "nicely"

I believe this. Or I did believe this. But recent events have shown that if you try to treat them fairly, they will play unfair with you. Only whites ever believe this. Jews have no problem treating goyim unfairly. Chinese have no problem preferring the Chinese.

tanukihat ago

Whites are playing by a set of rules that their opponents abandoned a long time ago, and Whites still expect the game to be played by those rules. Not enough people have been burned yet for Whites to realize the old rules don't apply. A lot of Whites still need to get burned. It's a real shame, but those are the Whites who refused to learn the new rules even though we told them, so it's an acceptable loss.

tallarn ago

The right is full of nice people who believe in live and let live, and think that attitude will be reciprocated.

tanukihat ago

And they will lose and lose again until they let go of that.

folgeyharry ago

Also, why does every platform that allows for free speech inevitably lean towards the right? It's obvious who the platforms that censor “hatespeech” are suppressing.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Most normies find it easier to be willfully ignorant, and blind to all of this. Because it's the someone else's job, not my problem, and what can I do about it mentality is the underlying issue too.

ScreaminMime ago

Your premise is wrong.

I've been here for awhile, ya'll haven't converted me yet.

mendelbot ago

Conversion is a mental state. The question is, have you come to terms with the facts?

btw, welcome to this echo chamber. :-)

DeliberatelyNosier ago

Antisemetic - Jews very deliberately hold themselves apart and don't fit in; ie they deliberately make themselves an out-group. Given the natural tendency of humans to not like the out-group, this consistently goes badly for them.

Racist - People like to generalize, and mostly are too dumb to understand that individual variation matters a lot more (seriously, Barrack Obama and George Bush are very much alike, just as some random white dude and random black dude from the local police blotter are very much alike).

Also there's a strong correlation between race and family social class, so wariness of thug culture turns into "racism" against blacks that somehow keys more off of language and mannerisms that just skin color. This effect ought to go away over time like it has for say the Irish (remember they didn't used to count as white) and Asians (the reason the left only cares about underrepresented minorities now, instead of just minorities aka non-white people), but the identitarians (race essentialists) on the left seem determined to keep it around.

Goat7 ago

Kikes like this dirty little piece of shit.

Grey hair at age 35.

Tb0n3 ago

Bad actors. And it's never through logical or reasonable discussion. It's rhetoric and shouting until those there to refute you give up and go do something else.

DohBoy ago

Unmoderated forums always chase liberals away because their opinions cannot stand up to scrutiny, investigation or competition.

Goat7 ago

Good observation 👍

ardvarcus ago

There are a number of basic facts which, once you know them, make it impossible for you to accept the false narrative of the left. These facts terrify the leaders of the left. They will do anything rather than have these facts known. I'll list a few.

  • Blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites, and this is genetic and unchangeable.
  • Blacks commit far more violent crime, per capita, than any other racial group.
  • Homosexuality is a perversion that is destructive to the fabric of a healthy society.
  • Pornography destroys the ability to have a normal sexual response.
  • The primary purpose of a woman is to bear and raise children.
  • The Holocaust is a Jewish mythology that distorts and exaggerates events in history.
  • Jews have almost total control over the corporate media in America.
  • Jews have enormous influence over the American political process, an influence far in excess of their numbers.
  • Welfare destroys lives and breaks up families.
  • Three-quarters of black children are raised without a father.
  • Abortion on demand is murder.
  • University degrees have become worthless due to an abandonment of scholastic standards for minorities.
  • Affirmative action is inherently unjust and racist.
  • The leadership of the Democratic Party is insane.

AngerKing ago

@ardvarcus. I see, this answers my question.

Goat7 ago

Pornography destroys the ability to have a normal sexual response.

Circumcision too.

Popularized by dirty little kikes.

HondaCivic2004Driver ago

Do you have any source for the black intelligence thing?

Floppyhorsecock ago

I dont give a single fuck about niggers aborting their babies and I think it should be encouraged.
People who are anti abortion AND accept that niggers are fucking terrible for society NEED TO RECOGNIZE THAT WITHOUT ABORTION THE USA WOULD ALREADY BE IRREVOCABLY DEMOCRAT.

Grow the fuck up about abortion. Its bad for whites, good for niggers. Stop them in the womb before that fucking psycho hood rat rapes your fucking wife.

SparklingWiggle ago

1 out of 100 goats is a nigger, apparently.

Monstrum ago

The only thing I disagree with is that these facts terrify the left. They dont give a shit, they want to see your family killed, raped and replaced by niggers

ardvarcus ago

If these facts don't terrify the left, why do they go to such lengths to suppress them?

Goat7 ago

Some are just brainwashed.

Others are agents of kik3s

noob_tube ago

I'm not terrified of faggots, I still think they should be in the closet.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Abortion on demand for niggers is good policy.

Mandatory abortion for niggers, better yet.

blighty ago

If you really want their head to explode show them this -

ForgottenMemes ago

I'll add a few:

  • Any policy which effects demographics, including such things as taxes, immigration and encouraging women to seek higher education, is either eugenic or dysgenic. If you don't support eugenics you support dysgenics which is immoral.
  • Miscegenation by whites is child abuse. Not only are you inflicting your own children with a lifetime of lower IQ, but you make it far more difficult to get things like organ transplants. Mixed race children also have a harder time fitting in.
  • The reason jews have control over media, corporations and politics is not because of high IQ or hard work it's simply because they own the banks.
  • In addition to high rates of crime niggers are 10x more likely to have any given STD. Likewise nearly all fags have STDs. Encouraging miscegenation and faggotry is encouraging the spread of disease.
  • Mixed race couples have far higher rates of abuse and intimate partner murder. Support for miscegenation is support of domestic violence.
  • Nearly 100% of fag couples who adopt children abuse them. Support for fag adoption is support of child abuse.
  • Nearly 100% of fags were sexually abused as children. Encouraging fag pride is support for child rape.

Goat7 ago

• Kikes popularized circumcision (genital mutilation) in USA.

• Kikes are inherently mentally sick.

Jason Scott Sadofsky openly is a kike.

ddtourist ago

How are those facts? I'm not even saying I disagree with them (although I do), but even if I did agree with them those are obviously very subjective claims.

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

Their facts because a white man wrote them. if it were written by any other race, they’re lying nigger Jews taking over our country.

Shlarb123 ago

Don’t forget the Republican Party is fucked as well, don’t fall for the “lesser of two evils” bullshit.

Doglegwarrior ago

god damn it I agree with most of this but some is just patiently not true or off and could be argued againt.

  1. porn is bad i hate it as it is a jewish weapon of war. i watched porn back in the day and umm no it didnt do shit to me sexualy i was still banging my gf and had no issues performing.

now does it do a ton of bad shit of course

  1. black iqs can improve thomas sowell did a talk on this topic and some other ethnic groups increased their iq nutirion parenting etc can all have an effect is their a limit are some races smarter fuck ya of course but talking in false ultimatums does not help

damn only two i could make a dispute and not a total dispute well done just dont like giving the left any room to wiggle out of shit to jew their way out.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

black iqs can improve thomas sowell did a talk on this topic and some other ethnic groups increased their iq nutirion parenting etc can all have an effect

I saw some study (can find it again if you want) that kids from the wealthiest (>$200k a year) black families did worse on the math portion of the SAT than kids from the poorest white families.

VicariousJambi ago

Sure, but the studies that say IQ is genetic only say its 80% heritable, theres 20% environmental. So theoretically their collective IQ could be increased via a combination of selective breeding and good rearing conditions.

Their IQ will only increase if they put in the effort.

crazy_eyes ago

what study says that?

VicariousJambi ago

IQ is 80% genetically heritable - Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings - -

IQ is 86% genetically heritable - Genetic and Environmental Influences of General Cognitive Ability: Is g a valid latent construct? - -

crazy_eyes ago

I believe it is much higher than 80 percent. Since the backlash over the Bell Curve book, the data and reports on this subject are manipulated. I would guess it is something like 98%

VicariousJambi ago

I mean you can come to any conclusion you want if you think everyones lying to you.

crazy_eyes ago

Well why would I trust those that I know are lying to me, as they can not accept the true results, for if they did they would be outcast

VicariousJambi ago

those that I know

That a very fine tightrope you're walking, instantly just dismissing something because it doesn't agree 100% with your pre-conceived notions.

crazy_eyes ago

Even the two studies that you linked earlier come up with vastly different results. One claims 20 percent environmental, and the other 14 percent. That is quite a large discrepancy.

VicariousJambi ago

Well considering most other studies I've seen are closer to 50% I don't think that's quite as large as a discrepancy as you're making it out to be.

And simply because the numbers aren't exactly the same doesn't mean that instantly dismissing results you disagree with is a good habit to get into.

crazy_eyes ago

I have seen studies in the past where the environmental factor was studied on identical twins and the discrepancy was 2% at the most. To get to 20% or even 50% is a huge leap from that, which is why I am skeptical of this research

VicariousJambi ago

Do you happen to have those studies? Because these 2 have the heribility of IQ at the highest percentage I've seen.

crazy_eyes ago

No, I don't. I read those some years agp

VicariousJambi ago

Ah, thats unfortunate.

SparklingWiggle ago

Selective breeding

How about "No breeding"? We don't need niggers.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

"Three-quarters of black children are raised without a father."

Fatherlessness is the natural state of the black "family" in Africa. You can't force blacks to be good fathers any more than you force a horse to drive a car. Under White supremecay blacks were indeed married at higher rates ON PAPER but the rates of the infidelity and family abandonment were still off the charts.

"Welfare destroys lives and breaks up families."

Ending the patriarchy and easy divorce is what breaks up families. Giving extra cash money to married couples that work and have kids would not destroy them.

"Affirmative action is inherently unjust and racist."

Racism is not a thing.

AlternateSelection ago

You need to get out more.

Goat7 ago

Racism is not a thing.

Yes it is, but racism is a good thing. 👍

ddtourist ago

What do you mean racism is not a thing? I literally don't even know what that is supposed to mean. Racism, ie ill-feeling and discrimination towards people based on their race, is very obviously a thing that exists. How can you possibly doubt that? Like I get that on racism reddit the more extreme your views are the better, but the existence of racism is an obvious and demonstrable fact.

ardvarcus ago

The connotative understanding of the word racism is: "An irrational and groundless hatred of others wholly because of their race." That's what people think when they hear the word. But it is so rare, it barely even exists in America. What does exist is a rational awareness of racial differences. The leftists call this racism. It is not racism, it is racial awareness. A person who isn't aware of differences between blacks and whites has been brainwashed. Those differences are obvious and inescapable.

Boltsky ago

It's kinda like using the word homophobia, people don't actually have a "fear" of gayness, it's just used to make people seem irrational for being anti gay.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

"Racism, ie ill-feeling and discrimination towards people based on their race, is very obviously a thing that exists."

racism = pattern recognition

discrimination = making decisions and judgement using that recognition


1.) Red lining to keep blacks out of White neighborhoods and destroying those neighborhoods with their myriad of pathological behaviors.

2.) Locking up black beauty products at the CVS because blacks keep stealing them.

Every conscious human being is "racist". Their preferences are just different depending on who they are, what their experience is, and what degree of "anti-racist" brainwashing they suffer from.

"Racism", a word that only came into the public lexicon in the 1940's, is intended to be an accusation, a smear, a slur to shutdown the ability of Whites to make reality based decisions which in the long and short of it cedes all power to the Jews. Its to the point know that Whites are afraid to call a boy a boy and a girl a girl.

Go back to reddit you cuck faggot.

wipeyournose ago

Why the fuck are you even here? You don’t even know what racism means. It has nothing to do with discrimination. Racism is simply the belief that one race is superior to another. That’s it. It has nothing to do with name calling or favoritism.

All the self hating whites who are “allies” with the blacks are huge racists. They think the blacks are so sad and pathetic, they can’t get “justice” on their own.


It has nothing to do with justice. If they wanted justice for the blacks, then they would turn their focus to the inner city and black on black crime. Instead they take the low hanging fruit, march with them in the protected streets where cops can jump in if needed.

Those are the true racists. The think blacks are so shitty that they can’t do anything without whitey helping them out.

Fuck you and fuck off back to Reddit you nigger loving faggot

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

"Racism" is a made up word to describe something that 75 years ago people simply acknowledged as truth -- that different cultures and genetic phenotypes were actually different. For example, an NBA scout will go looking at primarily black schools, because blacks are inherently (genetically and/or culturally) better at basketball. So you might call that "racist," but it's simply a consequence of diversity -- people are different. "Anti-racism" is an unnatural state forced on whites (and whites only) to ignore these inherent differences.

ddtourist ago

All words are made up. The existence of racism, ie discrimination against other races, is so obvious that your posiiton is truly baffling. Even if you think, as you seem to, that racism is good and justified, it still obviously exists. Stop trying to be edgy.

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

So what about other races and mixed races?

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to here. Jews are allowed to have segregated schools, and that's not considered racist. Blacks are allowed to make jokes about the Chinese, or to literally advocate for hanging whites -- and that's A-OK by media and Facebook. Every race except whites is allowed to acknowledge that humans are different.

It's not even about superiority or inferiority. It's that we all evolved in different environments. If you told me that blacks were better dancers or tended to excel more at running, that's how they evolved. If you told me Asians tended to do better at math, that's how they evolved. If you told me that Jews are better at budgeting and finding loopholes in legal contracts, well, that's how they evolved.

Europeans evolved with intelligence, individualism, work ethic, and creativity that combined to create about 90% of culture, art, philosophy, government, and technology.

wipeyournose ago

What about them? They're gross mongrels and neither races like them. Kinda like you

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

Maybe if you spent more time loving, your wives wouldn’t crave our superior dicks.

wipeyournose ago

Nigrer I have no No clue what you’re trying to say

Umba goomba click click

That means “fuck you nigger” in your native tongue (jk we all know you have no history or culture since we took it from you lol )

BB-3 ago

Typical nigger insult: brag about their dick because they have no actual accomplishments worth mentioning.

AllWhitesAreInbred ago

Typical klansman: throw the nigger word around but would be too chicken shit to say it to anyone a shade darker than them in public.

BB-3 ago

Lol. If you had any idea

JeremiahHamilton1619 ago

I fuck too many women from too many different races for this to be true you low T emasculated mildew smelling faggot

wipeyournose ago

Looks like you opened up your thesaurus for that one lol. Surprised you were able to find one on your sticky door room floor amongst all the hentai, old Vaseline jars, crusty tissue paper and tears.

JeremiahHamilton1619 ago

This fembot describes his own room..Stop projecting you white male failure

wipeyournose ago

Damn dude. Just FYI, we’re of the older contingency here. I’ll repeat it again we do t give a shit about college age liberal faggots and their sophomoric Reddit-caliber “insults.”

It’s not even fun engaging with you coyote “comebacks” are basically “no u.”

If you want to work on some stronger material and get back to me that’s fine. I’m done for now tho. My beautiful white wife and white daughter just woke up. I’m going to go eat the breakfast she makes then get to work.

Good luck playing Minecraft and trolling YouTube for quasi racists all day! I’m sure you have made your parents very proud!

JeremiahHamilton1619 ago

I hope you and your family chokes on their breakfast you old fuck.

DohBoy ago

HaTE fAcTs!!!!

Goat7 ago

Truth is hate.

Hate is good.

iDontShift ago

disempower them thru self empowerment...

remove the platform from which they operate... deception.. lies.. money.

you cannot serve two master.. and so many would 'do whatever' for money... they are in fact satanists.

keep in mind the 'enemy' is the mortal mind. there is no enemy of God.

God is all there is, and the 'enemy' is a wonderful servant.. but a horrid master..

we must teach people to walk with God.. in so doing you step out of your normal roll as being so attached to what the mind says..

you begin to see it for what it is.. simply a device useful and wonderful to allow you to exist in this world.

for God.. none of this is a problem.. we are in the growing pains of learning what we are.. waking up within a dream that we ourselves live within.. and taking control of the narrative..

we have that power...

we each can be free individually..

and for a long time it appears to have been the only freedom..

now it seems the world may be waking up in a new and wonderful way to bring about a golden age.

but killing maiming and destroying the PAWNS... only makes you into their new pawn.

you now have blood and death on your hands.. you will never be able to make a peaceful world in that way.

ExpertShitposter ago

@puttitout i will cut ure pay check in half

ExpertShitposter ago


iDontShift ago

satan. the ego mind devoid of God.

MrPim ago

jews and niggers always end up saying retarded, illogical, anti-White shit that makes me want to hit them in the face w a shovel.

Goat7 ago

iDontShift ago

not racist. i only care about those with power.

ya'll think the jew is the power.. bullshit.. they are the TOOL.

blacks are PAWNS in a game.. just like the white supremists.

the true evil mind has nothing as its master... only isolation and fear.

the only 'enemy' are those acting as if they are separate from God.

one nation UNDER GOD. indivisible.. with JUSTICE FOR ALL.

andrew_white_forever ago

We're not saying Jews are an ultimate primal evil existing before all creation, they are just fucking up our countries and need to go back to their desert home.

iDontShift ago

disempower them. expose them. don't send them back to their stolen land.. it isn't theirs.. nothing they have is theirs... expose all the lies.. how they stole their texts from the sumerians.. how they lied about being in egypt... how they lied about fucking everything...

truth is very few of them know... and they now feel it is real.. somehow the pawns could be saved.

but i have no place for them. i don't know how they will be after all this.

can they change? i've met a number of racists that disagree with being racists.. but still they say they feel it.. they simply don't act it out..

such ingrained things.. so horrible to do to people.. but NLP has techniques that can help people change... psychology is useless.

of course God is the ultimate cure. stop worshipping that single minded.. hateful, jealous.. little god they worship and let it be consumed by the real God.

andrew_white_forever ago

You're talking about a finality of a cure for these people but what we want is something much more basic and intermediary. We just want them the fuck out of our nations so we are not destroyed.

The fact is they live purposefully in a diaspora mode, they loot and plunder and 'become persecuted' and then move on to other host countries, it is their way of life. Much like gypsies but on a higher level. So what do you want bro? We need to get them out before they kill us. I agree with wanting conversion from them individually (which is honorable), but their practical actions manifest as a group against our group and we don't want to be destroyed. I don't want our beauty and goodness to be mixed out with the monkey faces.

iDontShift ago

So what do you want bro?

expose their behavior. i see it happening now. there is no where left to run.. no where left to hide.

it is over for them. can't you see that?

'become persecuted' and then move on to other host countries

yeah.. there are no host countries left.. they either win here or lose forever.

the small minority tried and made a hell of a pain in our ass.. but eventually we just gonna take that final dump and it will be over.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

That's a lame coping mechanism.

Blacks are not pawns. They are naturally incompatible with White society and will always cause trouble. They don't need to be directed to do so.

Same with the Jews. They are a natural criminal class at war with White society. They are driven by instinct to undermine White society like a beaver is driven by instinct to build a dam.

Blacks and Jews are not real Americans. They are just visiting. They are neither under God nor they included in the ALL in Justice for all.

iDontShift ago

yawn. good luck with your divide and conquer strategy. or are you a simple pawn?

both are pathetic in my opinion, but I love you anyways.

in the end we judge ourselves.. from the perspective of source.

perhaps you'll be celebrated as a wonderful asshole that existed during this time.. a great awakening tool that disgusted so many they finally woke up and returned to God.

catalysts are important too. me thinks you living in the wrong time tho.. at this time the catalysts are gonna have a bad time... lol.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

"good luck with your divide and conquer strategy"

We are already divided. God divided us by race.

I am just pointing out empirical facts and all you can do is insult me and babble incoherently like some disheveled and slightly drunk street corner preacher.

iDontShift ago

your the same kinda dumbfuck that thinks your better than a dog.. when all likelihood the dog is a better 'being' than you.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

You can't debate the facts so you have to resort to silly name calling. What a lame cuck!

iDontShift ago

high iq doesn't make you a good person.

and apparently makes you incredibly dense.


Count_Monte_Cristo ago

High IQ allows me to discern and relate the indisputable facts which you can't debate.

I don't give a flying fuck about whether you think I am a good person or not. Seeking your approval is not on my radar.

I do enjoy blowing your ilk out of the water with the facts.

iDontShift ago

it is called emotional iq. i have both.

you can't see the value of what you don't have.


Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Showing you sympathy or buying into your bullshit ideas is now the barometer of emotional IQ? I gladly give zero fucks.

Try building a bridge, designing a civil water system, or organize the logistics for an army in the field with "emotional IQ". HA.

iDontShift ago

there is a third IQ spiritual. which you also lack.

I don't need do anything to prove its power.

i can point out that all your endeavors will fail without God. by ignoring and disowning any part of yourself.

i still love your dumb ass. but I don't give to shits what happens to you because we are all one being, and you will simply be burned and purified until you can eventually return to God. all your rotten ideas will be done to you, for that is how Karma works.

you reap what you sow, and spiritual IQ helps you see the reality that is right in front of you.

go ahead, be as cruel as you can.. seems that judgment day is fast approaching for the mortal world as the masses awaken to the insanity of those with a high IQ and low spiritual iq and zero emotional iq.

you'll find all your 'armies' turn against you. all your civil water systems that you placed flouride in.. all the poisoning of our food systems.. it will turn them all against folks like you that used their high iq to fool, cheat, steal, and get people to kill for 'clever ideas that convince the small minded' to follow you.

nah, it is all done now.

Asshat12 ago

What exactly is 'a good person'? The fact that you believe such a thing exists demonstrates how weak minded you are.

iDontShift ago

i literally grew up around a college. I know it well. I now consider them the 'dumbest' people I know because they think they know. bullshit. once you meet professionals that actually know how it is and you see the enourmous disparity between what the professors claimed it was like versus what actually is..

perhaps you'd understand that theory is just that.. and application is far more valuable.

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.

Nikola Tesla

Glipglup ago

It's okay to acknowledge that Jews are using blacks as pawns in their divisive tactics against Americans while also acknowledging that blacks have a genetic intelligence disparity that renders them incompatible with Western society.

Why not both.

iDontShift ago

it goes against God.

Timur9000 ago

You’re dumb

iDontShift ago

the mind cannot see without God.

you are a ship with no compass.

you will wreck on the sea of life and wonder why.

Tb0n3 ago

What did God have to do with transistors? Most things that have made life better have come despite a belief in God, not because of it.

iDontShift ago

you can do nothing without God. God created a world of opposites.. the mind makes it possible by creating illusion of separation (often called the veil) .

but God is not a entity as such that the mind can define.. it is not something that is out there after it made its creation..

God literally is all things.. the rock.. the rocket.. the man.. the worm..

God doesn't require your belief in it.. nor are you punished for you belief against it.. but you live in a world designed by that power that Just Is... and in that world delusions can reign for a while.. but ultimately everything not real is turned to dust.

you find the thing you so loved has lost interest for you.. everything does..

only God can fill the void . with God you can do great things.

without God .. you will spread pain and suffering in the wake of your actions.

victims are not to be found on this plane of existence.. for somehow God always brings the right people together to enjoy their delusions.. until the pain causes one of them to wake up and walk away.

Timur9000 ago

You forgot to say, “Would you like fries with that?”

iDontShift ago

ah, the wonderfully misused mind at work!

thanks for your non-contribution.

Timur9000 ago

It’s good you admit you have a problem that’s progress

iDontShift ago

says the person that can't interpret 2 sentences correctly.

go back and reread it... maybe it will find its way into your tiny mind.

staxx ago

Every single human being shows prejudice in whatever form it may take. I used to work with a bunch of Indian software engineers and one of them had a baby. I was the only white guy and that baby new for a fact that I was different. The only reason to deny these basic human facts is to further the ideological subversion.

TheLesserApes ago

Yeah the moment I realized that the stereotypes are the same for black people are the same wherever you go , whether it be China, Latin America, or Europe, and the fact that I was forcing myself to not "be racist" was the moment I took that redpill. Also black classmates.

Heer_me_roar ago

Yeah. There isn’t a single society run by sub-saharans that operates at the tempo of Europeans or Asian societies.

They’re all clusterfucks.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They’re all clusterfucks.

They are what you would expect a IQ 60 society to look like. The main cause of every broken society, whether it is niggers, indians or hispanics boils down to a low average IQ. Theyre all trapped together in a large scale prisoners dilemma and simply do not have the menatal capacity to solve it and always end up in the lose-lose situation.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Maybe because Robin DeAngelo was right all along? That we're all racist by nature and there's nothing we can do about it??

Hah naw I think about that too why that is. Imagine how college campuses used to operate before the kikes infiltrated them.

mendelbot ago

Interesting take. I still having worked up the gumption to watch any of that harpies' lectures. I really should. She seems to be one of those people who is a reliable guide to truth in being its complete inversion.