minx88 ago

because they are white there for higher IQ we don’t give a shit what people think anymore blacks have a lower IQ it doesn’t matter what university did you get them into or what job in any position whether it be music sports law or Dr. black still commit crimes yeah there’s some that are less retarded than their peers and may be embarrassed by them but they are still lower IQ they are the lowest IQ on the planet besides the Muslims and I believe the aborigines in AustraliaBut blacks are the lowest in black Muslims even lower because they both like it inbred still since the six century.And what thousands and thousands of they’ve been on the planet they still haven’t made a sewer or seaworthy boat they can’t make a play they can’t make anything they just jump around on cop cars smash shops up through feces throw temper tantrum‘s they have 10 children that they put on welfare because they’re too retarded to get in keep a job without the help of a JewAnd you even saw that black judge That did crime and had to actually be dragged away because they have to play the victim hood but like did you taught them because they are still there slaves to the jew. Blacks have an average of 50 maximum 70 IQ which is clinical retardation

LibertyV ago

It helps when you have a notion covering half a continent surrounding and protecting you. Few if any Third World communities have anything like that. Most are rife with ethnic and clan warfare, rivalries, and vendettas.

minx88 ago

Because White are superior intelligence. And the non-whites are low IQ and prove it every day

billfolddog ago

The Amnish use a bunch of high technology. Their standards for whether to accept technology or not depend on how the community predicts the technology will affect the family and community structure.

For example, many Amnish communities have phones. They often require that the phones be placed in a separate structure so it is less convenient to use and people will stay focused on the family. How many of you sometimes hide your cell phones from yourself so you can focus?

Many amnish dairies use technology that is as advanced as factory farms. A pasteurizing device isn't going to get in between a father and his kids.

Many amnish communities keep cars. These cars are kept in communal lots and "checked out." If you are heading out of the community, you have to justify that. Leaving too often is a cause for worry.

Refrigeration is pretty popular, too.

Each community is different, but they are bound together by a common committment to their family, their community, and their faith. They are concious consumers of technology and think very carefully before adopting new things.

They also benefit from having relatively wealthy, high technology neighbors. I confess to having spent $25 for an Amnish pumpkin cream pie. It was fucking incredible.

nullifyNWO ago

The A. can trust each other. They know Matthew 23:10-12:

"10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

arniecuntingham ago

because they have no NIGGERS to drag them down.

hambcinco ago

They would say "because white colonizers took our dirt and resources". That is always their excuse, because we all know that there was never ever invading forces in Europe.

industriarch ago

I'll be real with you. I'm a moderate liberal. I'm willing to say things and look at things through an unfiltered view. Liberal censorship sometimes pisses me off because of how one-sided the conversation becomes. However, so many people on this thread are just the type of ignorance that fuels the liberal narrative.

Europe advanced technology the quickest and won the technology race. This was due to many factors, but not the least of which was constant war between empires. War drove civilizations to develop technology.

There was plenty of war elsewhere. The difference was scale. In many "third world" places, civilization hadn't yet reached the point where armies were consistently being raised by different factions, and cities were being built with agriculture to support them. The Aztects were starting to get there in Mexico, but were still 100s of years behind europeans. The Chinese were almost keeping up, but I tend to think that their "problem" was that their civilization wasn't fractured enough (With one dominant empire, the drive to develop new warring technology wasn't there).

Simply put, many places in the world haven't been able to sustain human life in the masses that Europe had (cities) in order to foster fighting factions which promoted the development of technology. In Africa, South America, Australia, and parts of Asia most people either had bigger challenges to overcome first, such as surviving against disease and prides of lions, or hadn't yet developed agriculture enough to support cities.

There is some suspicion that climate has something to do with this. To live in colder climates necessitates a minimum level of preparedness and technology. Colder climates also keep some pests at bay when it comes to farming, and don't support as much competing wildlife which could make farming more difficult.

Europe has a uniquely perfect combination of climate and scale (as well as proximity from the development of the first humans). Other places with similar Climates (New Zealand, the Pacific Northwest, Patagonia, and maybe Japan?) were explored by humans later.

To be honest, I don't think colonizers have had a negative or positive impact when all is considered in today's world. In some situations they arguably gave the countries infrastructure and pointed them in a direction toward improved technology. In other situations, colonization has sucked resources out of countries ignorant to the value of them.

anoncastillo ago

You're not totally wrong there, in fact you have a good point - conflict and competition are a necessary ingredient for progress, one which leftist censorship attempts to shut down.

But you need to take it a step further and remember we live in an evolutionary universe. Some of the progress caused by conflict and competition is going to be genetic. If whites advanced technologically because of conflict, it's likely we also advanced genetically because of it. We developed the ability to handle long term and large scale planning because those who did survived and those who didn't died. There are genetic differences in intellect between different racial groups that are partly due to the evolutionary impact of certain genes surviving and others not.

We still live in an evolutionary world, so if your goal is racial equality, you can bring that about by applying the same kinds of selective pressure to other races as what whites and certain Asian groups faced to help them catch up. But keep in mind that you're doing that to ensure that they can challenge us and force us to stay competitive so we can continue advancing - if you're doing it for retarded utopian reasons, you will fail.

hambcinco ago

you touched on a point that I think a lot of people overlook, and that is war. Like you said, the constant warring factions in Europe created a push in technology that didn't exist elsewhere. People fail to realize that spectrum which violence plays a part, and how violence has always pushed technology. Everything from banks, markets, currency, to modern things such as computers, internet, drones, satellites, highways and space programs have all been created in a sense through violence and war. When black people often say "whites are the most violent race" they are telling the truth, however our violence is not generic acting out or baseless, such as theirs. We tend to be calculated and precise, and our violence seeks to achieve an outcome, not just for the sake of acting out. Look at the world wars, and compare that to the battles in Liberia or Somalia. Look at the amount of technology that just sprang from those two conflicts. Which just goes to show you white conquest and nationalism is good for advancement. Colonization is good for society. People across the world bitch and complain, but like you said they would not have modern farming, medicine, and other advancements if it was not for our violence.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm a moderate liberal.

Read: “I am a communist.”

I'm willing to say things and look at things through an unfiltered view.

Read: “I reject any and all ideologies–including objective truth–when it goes against my brainwashing.”

However, so many people on this thread are just the type of ignorance that fuels the liberal narrative.


Europe advanced technology the quickest and won the technology race. This was due to many factors

Genetics, yeah.

but not the least of which was constant war between empires.

Yeah, because none of the other species of humanity ever fought each other. Ever. Not once.

There was plenty of war elsewhere. The difference was scale.

Yeah, because the Chinese never had massive wars for their entire existence, internal and external.

The Aztects were starting to get there in Mexico, but were still 100s of years behind europeans.

Gee, I wonder why. Almost as though they were GENETICALLY DISPARATE and despite having some of the most valuable soil and climate on the planet, they were physically incapable of doing what whites can do.

The Chinese were almost keeping up, but I tend to think that their "problem" was that their civilization wasn't fractured enough

hahahahahahhHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Could a more well read student of Chinese history come here and blow this faggot out of the water, please?

With one dominant empire

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Even I know how stupid you sound and I don’t really care about Chinese history.

Simply put, many places in the world haven't been able to sustain human life in the masses that Europe had (cities)

Except the first cities were in the Indus River Valley (fun fact: they were whites), and the largest cities have always been outside of Europe.

In Africa, South America, Australia, and parts of Asia most people either had bigger challenges to overcome first

They had no challenge whatsoever, newfag. The people of Europe, where extremes in weather are commonplace, froze or starved to death if they failed to prepare for the future. Only those who had the foresight to ensure they had adequate means of feeding themselves and defending themselves against the cold were left. The climate near the equator, however–such as in sub-Saharan Africa–is relatively uniform. The African climate and agricultural base is a proverbial Garden of Eden. Far more than half of the local plant species are edible, and animal matter (whether gathered directly or obtained from large predators’ kills) is plentiful. Natives of Africa would never have their ability to plan for the future called into question. They had no need to perform such higher order thoughts as domesticating an animal, storing seeds, or engaging in advanced agriculture, because the environment did not require it of them in order to survive. The world, for them, existed no further out than decisions in the immediacy of the current day. Those who could not plan would survive alongside those who could, and there would be no pressing need–nor selection bias toward–planning ability.

such as surviving against disease

What disease couldn’t they beat? So Europeans had no diseases?

and prides of lions

So Europe had no natural threats? It had lions, by the way. We killed them all because we aren’t brain damaged savages.

or hadn't yet developed agriculture

Gee, why couldn’t they do it with the best climate in the world, while we did it literally millennia before they did–and often they did only after we colonized and forced them to? Could it be something in the


There is some suspicion that climate has something to do with this.

lol “suspicion”

To live in colder climates necessitates a minimum level of preparedness and technology.

Gee, I wonder what preparedness is…

Europe has a uniquely perfect combination of climate and scale

NOPE. China had it. Mesoamerica had it. South America had it. Even Africa has it. What Europe had was WHITE GENETICS.

(as well as proximity from the development of the first humans).

“Out of Africa” was disproven literally 25 years ago.

To be honest, I don't think colonizers have had a negative or positive impact when all is considered in today's world.

Oy vey, that’s racist.

colonization has sucked resources out of countries ignorant to the value of them.

So didn’t suck resources out, because they weren’t being used and nothing was being deprived.

Bobtheviolent ago

Welfare. Gibs from an advanced civilization destroyed the third world.

It IS our fault. We should have made them work to survive, not be feeding them.

Amish WORK for everything they have. Isolated African tribes that work are also about like the amish or were. Other places get hand outs and are shitholes because of it. Those who will work get screwed or killed by the crooked politicians.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

The Amish live in a civilised country.

DanaNordic ago

A better question is why are there poor white communities right here in the USA? How does Pelosi or Waters explain the misery, poverty, and homelessness in their wealthy districts? In order to right the wrongs we must admit to (in)human(e) intervention.

GoodGodKirk ago

Good question. Should the Amish become missionaries?

registeretakes10s ago

cuz genetics. im tired of going around the "taboo" lol. its always fucking genetics. everything you are and do...

GlowWorm ago


86USSLiberty ago

I have family that live in an Amish heavy community in Missouri. These guys bust their asses off. Like work harder and without complaint than anyone. Despite living without a lot of modern tech, they are all sharp and can hang with anyone intellectually and often surpass them. Much more well spoken than your average modern person. They just don’t give a shit about the same things most people do. They aren’t chasing Jew consumerism for sure.

86USSLiberty ago

I want to add that as a huge amount of the locals in this community got addicted to meth, they mostly didn’t.

Neskuaxa ago

Mostly Didn't

that explains why obadiah is missing most of his teeth.

noonemustknow ago

The Amish have some premium farmland, mostly between Pennsylvania and Ohio. Good enough seasons, good soil, plenty of water. America has so much god-damned food that we're jaded to it, but the world only has a few breadbaskets like the midwest.

Not all of the third-world countries have that sort of breadbasket. One of the reasons that NATO or WARSAW didn't want them is because they didn't have resources. (unless you meant "undeveloped" instead of "3rd-world". There's a lot of overlap.) But that doesn't count for a whole lot of Africa, which has plenty of resources in various places.

The Amish live in the USA, and the might and stability that comes with a big honkin military. Third world nations (by definition) didn't have that and even if a poor-ass community manages to pull itself up by it's bootstraps... some warlord will come and take it. You can't just be farmers out in the wilderness. You need to be a nation with self-defense, law and order, fucking bureaucrats, politicians, and all that crap. The Amish get to simply live and let live under the guard of a more powerful protectorate.

The Amish didn't start out poor. All profitable farmers are multi-millionaires. It comes with owning land. Now, the Amish have plenty of

Imagine how well the Amish would do if some nigerian dickbag came through and conquered them, forced most of the families to at least claim to be Muslims, brainwashed the children, robbed everyone and everything for a few decades, left a whole lot of abandoned half-breeds, and then 90% of them left leaving behind a few descendant who everyone is expected to respect and treat fairly. That's colonialism. It makes a mess of places for a long time.

Arguably, the Amish ARE poor. They lack a lot of the modern amenities that we use to gauge the developedness of a place. But they do so out of religious convictions. Vaguely similar to how those dumbfuck witchdoctors will smash hospitals and such.

And a lot of the third-world HAS risen up and is getting more developed. (I mean, Ireland and Sweden are fine. I don't think you're talking about those 3rd-worlders.) Brazil and India are doing WAY better than they were 50 years ago. India put a probe on the moon. Come on, that's awesome! But developed nations haven't exactly stopped to wait for them to catch up. They'll likely always be behind unless we get some sort of string of incompetent leaders who drive the nation off a cliff during a major crisis.

industriarch ago

Good to see someone with at least some sense around here. Well written reply.

Lambiesart ago

I dont like to get into the headspace of “modern” liberals so I’ll leave that part to others... That said, I’d say it has a great deal to do with the stability both their religion and being located in the United States provides. I mean we can see what happens when violent actors confront the Amish. there was an Amish village where Mexican gangs slaughtered many residents. I think if the Amish were placed into the same region as many third worlders. they would probably end up in a very similar situation as their third world counterparts, assailed by heavily armed gangs and forced to pay in one way or another.

They might actually end up in a worse position, as they don’t use firearms.. do they?

All in all I think that the main reason the Amish even exist is due to the benevolence of the United States. The only thing that’s fair to compare with the Amish and third worlders is their culture.

chonkyjpg ago

Good fuckin question!!

FerdTurgeson ago

Why would you care what white liberals say about anything...go get some shit done, son

pdpbigbang ago

They're a community within a giant nation that is the most formidable force on earth. They're essentially using the shield that the U.S. government provides as security. Other indigenous communities are embroiled in a lot more turmoil due to geographical proximity to urban areas. Also, define poor. Is it financial, in regards to food resources, or just lacking western standards of clothing? A lot of these indigenous communities are happy as they come, although they lack a lot of scientific understanding of the world. To me, if you're rejecting the advancement of technology and accept religion, you're no better than the aboriginals in Australia. You're literally voluntarily dumbing yourself down.

asiatrails ago

Amish work

Leveraction ago

Niggers can't figure out how to turn a fucking door knob without instructions. The absolute stupidity among these baboons is astounding!!


Amish are people. Third world is apes or bugs

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Normal to high IQ, non materialist and simple lifestyle, strong tradition of passing on practical knowledge to the next generation, general not wasting time being a faggot, etc

Smokybubbles ago

The zebras keep stealing everything they make in Africa.

SixBajillion ago

I live among the Amish. Do not be fooled, they are basically just farmer kikes. animal abuse is rampant in the Amish community. They run puppy mills, keep livestock in terrible living conditions, and many of them sell weapons illegally (often to blacks)

AnotherNewAlt ago

because the amish are german

13Buddha ago

They will survive long after we are gone. I live among them and have learned much. They are an extremely resourceful and organized group. The family unit is strong. The church communities are strong. They are not all perfect, but their lifestyle, motivation, work ethic, and wisdon far surpasses most of ours.

Goorbekind ago

in third world countries their parents were killed in war, and NATO countries take the resources without paying the people in the local.

Moln0014 ago

They do it the white way

PaddyMcInfidel ago

The answer to both questions is values. The Amish value family w traditional roles for men and women. They have a shared faith community and with it a sense of duty towards one another. They are skilled craftsman and farmers with a strong work ethic. You and I see them as successful communities, white liberals do not.

Everything the Amish value, leftists hate. To them traditional family roles are oppressive, gender is fluid, welfare>work, and communities are based on intersectionality instead of shared values. They mock "sky gods" and have replaced these systems with their own gods of technology, government and social justice. They think the Amish are poor but see themselves as wealthy because they have TVs, shoes, videogames and pornos.

Anarchy99 ago

Because the Amish don't serve the Beast system

n_word ago


voatuser1128 ago


Rain forests can be a source of income as tourists come to see them. Brazil used to get money from Sweden to take care of their rainforests too.

silentxsage ago

probably because they keep jews out as well as niggers

Deplorable_Me ago


You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Tellstruth ago

because they are not vaccinated?

skud1jeru4 ago

Looks like the amish even avoid taking government handouts.

Christonabike ago

Remember the anti amish Hollywood series that are put out to discredit this community as well

ManchesterT ago

Because of trust. You can't build much of anything when you have to constantly protect it from being stolen, destroyed, or seized.

So even the few virtuous individuals living in these sheet holes will have their work immediately lost when they try to do anything good. Like crabs in a bucket, pulled back down into the fray.

Civil_Warrior ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

2 words describe them on sight. SHIT SKIN.

NoseSubversion ago

Oh my God!!! Red pill question there. Well done!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Because non-whites = subhuman

Whites = human

Non-whites = subhuman

Jews = Evil subhumans

lovehate123 ago

This is off topic im drunk as fuck 2 weeks off baby!!! But Here is a picture of PURE Amish side road at 5-6 am When I got lost in my Semi

This is the good part haha.


Iv Heard allot about the Amish. Honest I drive around America ALLOT all of it. We want to be protective of these people. I dont want to go into detail but we should Just leave them be. Its cool to take an accidental picture. but Yhe. These people Are in a whole different world.

Turnagain ago

Real truckers don't get lost. They just take some scenic detours.

nullifyNWO ago

Beacause its in our genes. Jesus was white.

spooksup2 ago

Liberals would blame it on their white privilege. But it's because they aren't niggers.

Shotinthedark ago

the Amish don't sit around all day getting a tan

AndrewBlazeIt ago

If only there were some easily observable difference

Crikes ago

The Amish are the highest level of civilization, and not beneath us as many think. They have negated this attack vector that we are suffering from now.

andrew_jackson ago


Torqueness ago

Liberals would argue that the Amish haven't been subjugated via the ravages of colonialism, therefore they haven't been disadvantaged or exploited to the point where they aren't "broken" and unable to create and innovate. I'm guessing that would be the liberal angle of attack. I'm not certain how they'd justify third-world countries that were never colonized yet still bear the hallmarks of under-development and poverty.

aikibiru ago

Amish don't buy processed food, borrow money from outsiders, or watch the Electric Jew

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The Amish are poor bro. So poor they have an exemption from social security taxes, their farming is competing with high tech agriculture and illegal immigrant labor. They can't get hourly wages in anything that isn't manual labor because of their education situation. Not all of them speak English.

Eualos ago

Because they're white and religious

Methacat ago

My guess would be that they're not shackled by systemic corruption.

Being small communities where everyone know each other, I think it makes hard for corrupt people to have their way.

Not saying corruption is non existent, I just think it's far less of a problem, so it's easier to build a strong base for a strong community.

Scooby_Doobie ago

They don't pay taxes, don't require building permits to build on their property, can use ungraded lumber from their own mills to build said upgrades, don't have or pay insurance, hardcores don't use anything but horses for farming and going on trips to avoid paying gas and other taxes and they don't believe in using anything that isn't sustainable or that they can't produce themselves.

Good people too they adopt all the white kids they can get to improve there genepool. They take the worst kids with behaviour and violence issues and turn them into decent people by working them hard.

I have nothing but respect for them

Anarchy99 ago

And no Jews. They don't circumcise their babies

voatuser1128 ago

Being small communities where everyone know each other, I think it makes hard for corrupt people to have their way.

But there are small communities in underdeveloped third world nations too. Why the difference in corruption levels?

industriarch ago

There are also nice communities in third world nations as well. Why don't you hear about them? Because they don't want people to know about them.

What are your thoughts on Bermuda? Average annual household income there is almost $150k. Its one of the richest countries in the world. Its also 53% black.

Tallest_Skil ago

There are also nice communities in third world nations as well.

Thanks to white people and white people alone.

What are your thoughts on Bermuda?

You mean the British island of Bermuda, colonized by the British, built by the British, populated with Britons, and then FORCIBLY LEFT IN SQUALOR by the jewish takeover of the world after WWII? What about the British island of Bermuda, which would have absolutely nothing on it if not for white people? Why are you bringing that up?

Its also 53% black.

You’re literally fucking brain damaged if you think this is an argument.

ardvarcus ago

Race and religion. Ultimately everything of importance in life comes down to race and religion.

CouldBeTrump ago

Botswana is another sub-Saharan country that's doing decently well right now.

Leonidas4Q ago

Culture. I have literally hundreds of Amish patients, and these are some of the most honest, hard working, God and family loving people I have ever met. Great people who depend on each other and never on government handouts. They are kind and respectful to others and so appreciative, a cornerstone of happiness.

The contrast to the angry, ungrateful, mean spirited, demanding, irresponsible, crowd of fatherless "victims" receiving welfare could not be more stark.

sabinah ago

Strong traditional family, Mother and Father., Strong community and social structure. Strong faith and work ethic. White DNA.

Cathat ago

There is an interesting article about a group of Amish who went to Central America and tried to start up a colony and recruit people from the area, since they didn’t really live much differently. Eventually it went under, Partially due to cultural differences.

onetwolefthook ago

Don't leave me hanging man. What was the name?

Niggerenslaver ago

Libtards answer to being told this: “DATS RAYCISSSSS”

aikibiru ago

And the Amish often do it in third world countries. Maybe because they have no business or any other kind of relation with Jews, and can offer Jews nothing aside from fresh farm produce.

industriarch ago

I don't get people's obsession with Jews. Is this some sort of conspiracy theory? There are hardly any Jew in the US. Jewish people basically live like anybody else.

Jesus was a Jew - I'm guessing you must think Jesus was corrupt as well?

Tallest_Skil ago




Kill yourself. You’re literally fooling no one.

anzel2002 ago


LarryWhiteContrary ago


markrod420 ago

Great question.

Easily answered.

Nincompoops dont know.

Everyone else does.

Terribly obvious.

I think anyway.

Can't you tell?

See it yet?

Polic3Stat3 ago

When a family suffers a loss- such as when a barn burns down, the community joins together and helps to rebuild before the original is done smoking.

Niggers only know how to make a building burn. Then the it sits gutted for 20 years in dey hood as a monument to their worthlessness.

CouldBeTrump ago

I got to witness the rebuilding of an Amish house that burned down. What looked like the entire community was working hard in shifts around the clock until it was done. Very impressive endeavor.

markrod420 ago









markrod420 ago

G-net-icks (yes i know thats not how you spell it, im having fun)

Rockfish1000 ago

You're poor spelling has be given a For Comedic Effect Exemption by der GrammarFuher. Seig Heil. You will not be called a fag...for now.

markrod420 ago

Damn... i consider it an honarary title. This upsets me deeply. Triggered. Literally shaking.

Whats_my_password ago

Because they all sneak and fuck their daughters and eachother's wives.

Alhambra ago

magic soil, obviously

TheOvercomer ago

I can't use links yet, but if you YouTube search it you can find some good overviews. One video by Wendover Productions titled "How Rwanda is Becoming the Singapore of Africa."

LettItBurn ago

Compare them to that other group of religious fundamentalists, hasidic jews. Both dress in old fashioned clothes, have strict traditions and keep to their own communities. But unlike the kikes, the Amish don't cheat the welfare system, they don't insist on special treatment by our government, they don't use mafia tactics to destroy neighborhoods so they can buy up houses on the cheap and they don't connive to exterminate other races. The Amish are a noble, respectable people. Those fucking jews are a curse on humanity.

industriarch ago

Ummm, how many Jewish people have you personally known? I grew up with Jewish neighbors on either side of me. They were hard working (amazing students), honerable people. The father was a doctor in one family and a professor in the other. Jewish people make their money through the same just system that everyone else does.

Even Israel is a very advanced country. The country is resource poor, but still manages to be one of the riches in the middle east. I have seen lots of electronics, software, and hardware produced from Israel. They succeed because of their minds and their work ethic.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goy the jews did nothing wrong

my jewish neighbors (OY VEY I’M NOT JEWISH BY THE WAY HA HA IT WASN’T A SHTEL) are totally good because I say so

lol they’re just like you and me

believe my obviously false anecdote


the father was a doctor

Jews are commanded by their holy book to become doctors solely to kill Christians.

a professor in the other

Jews are commanded by their holy book to interfere in the state proceedings of the goyim, so that they may rule them.

Jewish people make their money through the same just system that everyone else does.

Literally proven false by the public statements of every jewish authority on Earth.

Even Israel is a very advanced country.

Three trillion dollars received in US taxpayer (alone) funds since 1948 had something to do with that, you fucking kike.

The country is resource poor, but still manages to be one of the riches in the middle east.

Gee, can’t imagine why.

I have seen lots of electronics, software, and hardware produced from Israel.

Using designs stolen from the West.

They succeed because of their minds and their work ethic.

No one will ever believe you.

Gottmituns ago

The only thing i don't like about the Amish is their pacifism. Despite it being an admirable trait in a good world, we do not live in a good world. It does mean that if thinga go belly up, it might be a good idea to move near amish communities and offer to protect them in exhange for goods.

markrod420 ago

Ive seen some claims of mafia like behavior from really traditional amish communities. But nothing that could scratch the surface of jewish behavior.

moosethenoose ago

It would be a privilege to spend a month with an Amish family and experience that way of living.

There is rigor and truth in it I think.

Humility.....before God and the World.

Strength ....before weather and the land.

ardvarcus ago

The Amish don't want us. We would contaminate their way of life. We are of the Devil. I don't blame them one bit for excluding us.

On-time ago

There is rigor and truth in it I think.

Humility.....before God and the World.

Strength ....before weather and the land.

Trust..... in your family and your future.

Well said!

LettItBurn ago

Not to mention the way the entire community comes together to help each other out. Ever see a speeded up video of a barn raising? Amazing.

moosethenoose ago

Yes. I've seen the barn raising.

There is even a video out there of a giant team of men moving a pole shed....

"We will just pick it up and move it over here and set it down."

Pretty unbelievable.



Merlynn ago

They'd probably point out they have some kind of white privilege or systemic racism keeps the niggers down or local politics or some such shit. And to be fair,the Amish couldn't build shit either if they had packs of niggers shooting,burning,and tearing everything down.

ALIENS2222 ago

They have secret wakandan tech passed down for generations. They are the most evil Whites.

spaceman84 ago

White privilege

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Amish are a Jew free patriarchal Christian theocracy.

And they are fucking White.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

That is the correct answer: White, Christian, and no Jews.

It's simple really. Anyone with half a brain can see it, IOW liberals and SJWs are dumb as shit.

ardvarcus ago

It's more than stupidity. Liberals have been trained from birth to deny the truth and to close their eyes to reality.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Good point. It is actually willful ignorance, and relying on emotions to dictate their choices. Though that's pretty stupid, hence the dumb as shit thing.

LeeDoverwood ago

I've had liberals over and over get upset with simple logic. They just can't handle it.

TheOvercomer ago

Well, there are a few african nations that are doing well. Rwanda, for instance, is a fast emerging nation. Its clean, safe, and christian.

CouldBeTrump ago

And they haven't torn themselves apart with a full scale genocidal race war since the 1990s, not a bad streak for that part of the world.

TheOvercomer ago

True. Tribal wars never turn out well. What's crazy is the amount forgiveness some of these people have. Some know people who killed their family and forgave them despite it all. Must be a result of the good book.

CouldBeTrump ago

In case you're not familiar, you may be interested in the story of General Butt-Naked, Liberian cannibal warlord of child soldiers turned evangelical minister.

spaceman84 ago

Shut the fuck up nigger lover

Rockfish1000 ago

Hahahaha. I'm loving this newfag hazing. So funny.

AlternateSelection ago

Low IQ along with selfishness. Everybody's on the take. That's why these countries never progress very far. Profound selfishness and desperation. India is how old? Africa is how old? Why are they still shit holes? Corruption is a way of life. Woven into the fabric of these countries.

industriarch ago

Have you been to India or Africa? You might be surprised.

India is overpopulated and land is very expensive in most of the country. They don't have the opportunity to buy land the same way the Amish can. The Amish make money off of land. Land is their resource. They farm and cut down trees to make into furniture. The Amish also have very good land for farming. There are advantages to seasonality (such as crop storage) and colder temperatures.

Still though, there are parts of India where the quality of life is as well off or better than the Amish. The Amish are technically poor by American standards, and if they were crammed together with very little land to use, they would be poorer.

There is nothing intrisic about Indians which would make them less capable than white people. Indians in the US have the highest average incomes. India has had civilization for a very long time. Ruins at Dholavira are ~4,000 years old.

Even within Africa you can find small self-contained communities which aren't "poor" and have a decent quality of life. Africa's challenges often have to do with disease. Malaria is a huge problem. They also don't have great infrastructure built out to transport materials from place to place. Corruption in the governments plagues many African countries as well. These are all problems that by and large the US takes care of for the Amish. Still Africa has cities with more impressive structures than the Amish create. I think its misleading to think that all of Africa is just people living in huts. Take a look at Kinshasa

minx88 ago

The only impressive buildings that are in Africa are made by whites you stupid fucking Knigge or maybe you’re a stupid fucking cake you are an invader as well you’re not European your desert Middle Eastern shit and I need to get the fuck out I will tired of your fucking victim hood take your nasal whiny bitch ass and get the fuck out

AlternateSelection ago

They both are thousands of years older than the US. You'd think by now they'd be a shining example of modern advanced society. Something is holding them back. What could that be?

Tallest_Skil ago

Have you been to India or Africa? You might be surprised.

By what, just how shitty they are? Yeah, I was.

India is overpopulated and land is very expensive in most of the country.


They don't have the opportunity to buy land


There is nothing intrisic about Indians which would make them less capable than white people.

There is, yeah. It’s called genetics. Dravidians never created anything. Aryans (they’re white), on the other hand, created some of the first cities in human history in the Indus River Valley.

Indians in the US have the highest average incomes.

You say that like it means something. You actually fucking believe that the white genocide “immigration” program that EXPLICITLY SELECTS THE TOP STREETSHITTERS TO COME HERE TO LIVE OFF THE DOLE is an indication of the average quality of a fucking Indian. Holy shit, you ACTUALLY believe this.

India has had civilization for a very long time.

Thanks to whites, yeah.

Ruins at Dholavira are ~4,000 years old.

The cities on the former bed of the Indus River are ~13,000 years old.

Even within Africa you can find small self-contained communities which aren't “poor"

Thanks to whites.

Africa's challenges often have to do with disease.

Nope, due to their genetics.

Malaria is a huge problem.

Nope. Whites have basically cured it.

They also don't have great infrastructure


Corruption in the governments

Almost as though that’s related to the makeup of the governments. Hmm…

These are all problems that by and large the US takes care of for the Amish.

The Amish don’t like to participate in government. You really don’t understand what you’re saying.

Still Africa has cities with more impressive structures than the Amish create.


I think its misleading to think that all of Africa is just people living in huts.

Show a single African building above two stories built before European colonization.

Varlet ago

India actually used to be pretty advanced before they got gangraped by a bunch of nomadic tribes and genocided in the 100s of millions by the muslims. It's kind of similar to how China(a once great empire based in meritocracy) became a third world shithole. Often times, the downfall of great empires can be attributed to the betrayal committed by some very greedy (((merchants))). Though of course, having an IQ over 50 and noticing patterns is very much anti-semitic.

minx88 ago

We’re so tired of hearing that fucking word anti-somatic that it means actually anti-gentile they are hypocrite fucking discriminatory poisonous daemonic rats

Dziewanna ago

Indians, especially the higher castes (Brahmin) have a substancial presence of R1a haphlogroup among them - genetic influx from Indo-European migrants dating around the Bronze Age.

Same group (R1a) is found mostly in Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden), Central Europe (Slavs, eastern Germans, Balts), as well as for instance in Iran.

R1a also migrated to China around 1800 BC (Tarim mummies).

DFW ago

I don't think it's "Woven into the fabric of these countries."

I think it's built into the hearts and minds of their people.

minx88 ago

Nope it’s woven into their DNA and into their physiognomy blacks are inferior primates they eat monkeys have sex with monkeys they rape and kill their own women and other women they jump on cars Have five and 10 children from three different women like animals and they don’t even pay to take care of their childrenthey steal shit like monkeys they throw feces in like monkeys like in Calais and Spain and Greece don’t be surprise when people call you fucking monkeys when you act like fucking monkeys.. A Knigge’s is so fucking retarded that you did not even have the fucking wheel until the whites came so get your Nager ass is back to Africa and stay there everyone of you were sick of your shit!!!

Oh and if there are some less retarded Nager’s please also go back to Africa because maybe one of you relatively smart or less retarded can help to fix your continent!!! since you’re so stupid that you can’t tell the difference between who enslaved you the Muslims in slaves you for centuries and still do OK and it was the Jews who had you on their boats and slaves and it was the Jews that had you in the slaves in the USA there were no whites that had slaves they look white but they’re not they’re Jewish but fucking Nager‘s are too stupid to comprehend this Time to wake up Nager‘s ticket get your shit together and get the fuck out go back to Africa picture continent you’re not European even if you’re born hereEven if your great great grand mom was born here you can never be European OK your African that you admitted that you have to go back to your continent and fix that shit hole

DFW ago

Hearts and minds = DNA, at least for me.

LeeDoverwood ago

Culture. Basically it's the same thing. Shared values in the society.

minx88 ago

No a bunch of monkeys dancing around like retards on heat like Beyoncé and the ignorant rappers are not the same as western civilization classical take your stinking ass and you ugly fucking faces and go back to Africa and stay there we don’t want to hear your victimhood bullshit anymore

ZenoOfElea ago

IQ pretty much sums it up. Any questions?

spaceman84 ago

Worse than that. They're homo erectus with 600,000 years spent selecting for opportunism and violence. A peaceful low IQ race could exist. It's not niggers.

ZenoOfElea ago

You know, that's a good point. White people with down syndrome aren't anywhere near as violent as niggers despite having similar IQs.

Rockfish1000 ago

I worked in mental health in the nineties. Now that I think about it, the black severe autists were a little more violent than the white ones. Not by much, it I can remember a difference.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Because the Amish are White & Niggers are Niggers.

Gimmedatt ago

Because they're white and niggers are a sub species that hasn't been able to advance beyond the stone age. Any technology they DO have is from the white man.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Technically niggers never advanced to the stone age, because they failed to invent the wheel.

spaceman84 ago

Homo erectus africanus, to be differentiated from the equally brown and rapey Dravidians in Southern Asia and Oceania who are homo erectus indus. Native Indians, Bangladeshi, Papau New Guinea, etc.

ScionOfZion ago

Because no taxes. Most shitholes tax anyone stupid enough to be productive to fund the lazy, and there are a lot more lazy.

rumorhazard ago

The evil patriarchy and wypipo

dontmindthemess ago

No niggers. Women have to know their place, the kitchen. Men work, vote for the best actions for the community. But the most important reason, God is at the center of all things they do and say. That’s why it works.

minx88 ago

Well patriarchy is the best although in the west men have never been dominant and telling women to go to the kitchen like the Muslim cockroaches and they Jewish rats which are both extremely violent against women

areyoumygaffer ago

everyone helps out. ever seen a barn raised in a day? I've seen it take weeks but never a day. that's Amish Power. The community and all for all aspect is how they are so successful. ever seen mennonites? super weird. Amish with cellphones but no zippers.

dontmindthemess ago

Depends on which Amish. Basically, can use electricity and tech, but not in their own home. It’s okay to have a full cabinet shop with compressors, machines, etc., just have to leave it all at work at the end of the day.

Broseefus_ ago

good morals work better for them than good laws

dontmindthemess ago


Shotinthedark ago

I can cook better than most women what about me?

dontmindthemess ago

Me too. It’s just makes us more awesome.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Sadly few girls are taught how to cook any more and grow up to be fucking useless in the kitchen. Their moms were too busy working or being liberated to spend the time necessary to pass on those skills. Most guys I know are better cooks than chicks, mostly I think because girls get spoiled by being taken out, whereas guys either settle for cuppa-noddle or they figure out how to prepare a good meal.

minx88 ago

no I think it’s more like some people can cook well and some people can’t a woman can be brought up with her mother teaching her how to cook but she just is not good at it it does not reflect on her or her upbringing neither does the fact that Amanda could cook very well be that he’s gay that’s just stupidity to think that I woman I think should be able to make some thing nice even if it’s one or two dishes and breakfast for her guy and that’s enough you can always Learn together new stuff

minx88 ago

A lot of men are great cooks it doesn’t mean they’re gay or sissified it’s just me and said they’re they’re good at cooking and it’s very nice that a lot of great top chefs in the world that are men

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Yup. Its incredibly easy to learn basic cooking shit. You could take an after work class for a few months and be a wiz in the kitchen and be able to learn more on your own

ScrotumSweat ago

Congrats on beating those are literally barely more than children.

PraiseIPU ago

Why is it aways "women know their place"

It sound so oppressive

Would you say

"Men know their place, as laborers"


dontmindthemess ago

You know all that White male privilege. Gotta work to support my family. Pfft. If I hurt your feeling with my words, you’re in the wrong place. Obviously, it’s should be in the kitchen. Or doing laundry.

Ol_Hickery ago

Id say, there is a ~90% chance youre a pedo faggot after a quick bio check.

Also- men know their place as PROVIDERS. Faggot.

Doglegwarrior ago

men know their place as the majority of work related deaths and 90% of the prison population! and white men as the tax cows to support the rest of this country

ScrotumSweat ago

Found the nigger

gazillions ago

It only sounds oppressive because of bitch pedophile feminist "leaders" like Simone deBeauvoir that hated women and wanted to force them into working full time so she could get her hands on their kids.

Before her, women were proud of their age because it was basically worshipped. They were raising the kids that would become thw adults that made everything function. Her place was the most important place.

Now her place is nothing and nowhere. Nobody needs a feminist or even a mother if Nazi daycare and childcare experts are raising them for her.

Ol_Hickery ago

Wait, are you saying there are actual Nazi daycares? And childcare experts? We raise our own kids, but i know a few families i could send their way.

gazillions ago

Open one.

They came up with the idea of nurseries to raise better people with technical experts making the rules.

The entire Western world was into the science of genetics before we had the gene code. Pre Holocrap, the dividing line between liking Hitler and Sangler and eugenics was whether they were trying to replace God or not.

The left are actually much closer to Hitler's Nazi realm that the NeoNazis are.

There only problem today is the we have the genetic code and we have brain scans that prove them wrong at every turn, so they have to instil a fear of eugenics in their obedient, making it just a fear of genetics.

The corpus callosum connects the two sides of the brain. It seems that none of us spend enough time there instead punching the air in our respective corners.

d3r ago

Ya. It's meant to look oppressive. If you're eating soup with a spoon, are you oppressing the fork? Fuck. It's just the right tool/skill for the job. Don't then try and make the fork feel bad because the spoon is being used instead, suggest the fork to be used to fucking eat a salad instead.

ImpoverishedRefugee ago

Yes. A strong sense of duty and a deep humility in all members of society, with the particular duties tailored to the respective roles.

Niggerenslaver ago

No it’s cause they’re white. Religion is for morons and people in power to keep the morons in their place

sometimessage ago

You forgot the part where men earn enough money to totally support their families. Also the part where they benefit from modern technology through medicine and fossil fuels.

dontmindthemess ago

I used to deal with an Amish cabinet company. They built nice stuff, but they fucked up stupid shit, too.

beefartist ago

Fuck off cry baby. They can "afford" to because they don't go in for all the toys and porn. Many amish don't go near modern medicine or even fossil fuels, for that matter

sometimessage ago

Humm, not sure you know the Amish that well. They use propane constantly, they also buy goods that have been produced with modern technology (=cheaper). If you're going to spout off about women knowing their place you should also consider men who need to know their place. Also, last I checked porn and toys don't cost $40k per year.

beefartist ago

There is wide variation obviously and just like the "new" churches that just relax rules they have suffered some of the same fate. If you knew anything about "the place of men" (your single mom can't teach you that) you would know you don't have any ability to "man up " on me. Porn and toys isn't an inclusive list, but you know what I meant...how about porn, toys, unnecessary bills, fancy pants, candy, and interest?

sometimessage ago

You may have never had the opportunity to learn debate formally. If you have to resort to name calling and personal attacks, you have lost.

Lets be real here, there is no way that the average man can afford to support his family, the economic landscape has changed. Women have been forced into the markets, partially due to low salaries and constantly dwindling benefits. Pensions don't exist (even for some people who earned them), union jobs are difficult to find, never mind the shrinking health insurance benefits.

FYI, I'm a woman who has no business "manning up"

beefartist ago

Nigger this isn't debate club it is voat...not being a nigger 101 is not letting other people establish your rules of conduct. Take your "real here" shit and shove it up your ass like your tinder dates do with their fingers...I didn't take math beyond early high school nor statistics and even I understand that the (((average))) man is not the most common. (((Average))) is a meat grinder of "normal" (to me) and base-ass retards. Did you granfather earn a good wage, or his, or his before? Not likely...stop making excuses and make babies...all you have to do is feed them and keep their mother at home...if you can't figure out how to do it you are hooked on fancy pants or on that low side of (((average))) we talked about. OH FUCK ME I responded before I saw you were a woman...I don't argue with women I am not related to by blood or marriage...whatever bullshit excuses you are getting from your "boyfriends" (or do you call them Partners?:)) stop tolerating them. My wife hasn't worked a day since just before our first baby was born and I make 50k Canadian...I spend all kinds of money that I don't have to and could make shit work with less because I love her (and my children) dearly. Stop accepting less when you deserve more...drop the hormones and go to church

sometimessage ago

Woah dude, watch yourself. You've taken a wrong turn when differing opinions trigger meltdown.

beefartist ago

Watch my ass. nigguh!

Posso_Tutto ago

You forgot to mention insurance. They dont have it. Think about how much money you spend on all the various insurance you have, health, life, home, renters, car. No cable packages. No internet. 10s of thousands in annual savings

beefartist ago

They don't do usury either...most people spend a TONNE of money on interest. More importantly not spending that money means you don't have to earn it, and subsequently give a quarter of your work time to the government. Also they save a tonne of money on face masks, whomp whomp

SleepyWhore ago

Most of these communities have problems with inbreeding. Genetic testing and treatment for metabolic disorders is incredibly common. Due your duty and go fuck an Amish girl to repair their bloodline. You can't keep fucking your cousins, see the middle east.

beefartist ago

You guys REALLY go in for the jew lies don't you? Polish people aren't dumb and yet polish jokes are a thing...the whole amish inbred thing is a lie perpetuated by jews because amish aren't interested in any of their candy. Amish have a LONG standing protocol for "trading" marriage aged people with distant colonies. English nobility and everyone in Wales are the cousin fuckers

SleepyWhore ago

A major part of my job is treating metabolic conditions in insular communities. Arabs, and cultish Whites are the main patient groups. Don't know what to tell you if you honestly think having small communities segregated by a specific religion won't continue these disorders.

beefartist ago

Is that why you are so smart? (Due your duty?)Maybe you didn't see it mentioned however Mennonites have established protocol to avoid this (moving marryables around to distant colonies). Could you give us a breakdown of "cultish whites"? Do you have to visit every cultish white group around or just the ones with problems?

SleepyWhore ago

At least I'm not a fucking moron. You are literally arguing that since Anabaptists have had to make strives and policies to help to AVOID regressive disorders that their must be a lower incidence. Next you'll tell me that homosexuals actually have a lower incidence of HIV because they are so self aware.

beefartist ago

You are comparing a strict religions group and faggots (and saying they are self aware to boot!)...who is the moron?

CouldBeTrump ago

Chill, dude, the Amish are human and they're not perfect. It's worth discussing what they do wrong and what they do right, and they do get a lot right. The protocol of busing kids across the state for marriage was specifically in response to the health issues from inbreeding, which are documented in both medical literature and local oral tradition.

beefartist ago

Easy bro; I am not talking about "busing" (petrol engines didn't exist then)...again certain regions stray from the path but you can't sully them with your faggot brush

CouldBeTrump ago

The Amish go to modern hospitals when they're very sick and will catch rides but not own vehicles. Many of them use field tractors, often with metal tires so they can't be used to drive on the roads, and some other modern farming equipment. They run fossil fuel powered electric generators for their air compressors, welding machines, refrigerators, etc.. They get supplies from the modern world trucked in, in some cases daily (everybody loves when their Amish neighbor starts a business and you get to hear the jake brakes of his semi truck delivery drivers at 5am each morning and their generators and compressors at all hours).

Different sects have different rules, but they all interface with the modern world to some degree. The Amish approach to technology is collectively assessing it as a boon or bane to the community. They use some modern technology (e.g., a sect may use cellphones for business but keep them out of the home) but they use it cautiously, with each sect deciding on how a given technology might be made to serve the community:


beefartist ago

There is a wide variation amongst groups, as with any religious group. Old order are the real deal and the MAIN thing is not to become reliant on tech. Anyone can google an article but it isn't really fair to judge the order by the most lax of the bunch (ie United Church is Christian (technically) to but they let fags be pastors). Most Amish are too smart to go to a hospital when they are sick

CouldBeTrump ago

If anyone "googles" anything, or even uses the term in that context unironically, they're a cucked retard. I've lived next to Amish, done business with Amish, and read extensively about the Amish. I linked a simple article about how each sect assesses technology in case someone wanted to read more and have better search terms for further reading.

Furthermore, I'm not judging them harshly for their adoption of technology. In fact, I admire them for it. By and large, they seem to have found a way to take the best that Industrial Society has to offer while rejecting the disastrous consequences it has had for the human race at large.

When the Amish go to the hospital, it is typically because they are very sick. Extremely, life-threateningly sick. There's nothing wrong with that, and while their skepticism over the mundane areas of modern medicine is well-warranted, it would be Scientology-level stupid to avoid hospitals entirely.

beefartist ago

Do you call them kleenex? Band aids? Coke? Kraft dinner? The main point about them is that they don't give.a.fuck. about what you think...that is the point. Hospitals fucking kill people...the more you learn about medicine the more you learn to stay away wherever possible.

CouldBeTrump ago

Tissues. Bandages. Soda. Processed garbage. Unless, of course I'm referencing that particular brand. My point was that, in an anti-censorship corner of the internet like Voat, we try to dissuade people from using censorship giants like Google. Of course, since this is an anti-censorship platform, you can say whatever you want, niggerfaggot.

The Amish do care a little bit about what I think of them, as evidenced by my Amish neighbor telling his truck drivers to stop using their jake brakes at hours we were sleeping when we brought it up to him. Amos who owns the hardware store asks how I'm doing when I drop by, so he might care a little, too.

I've worked a bit in medicine and I've lived around the Amish. If you re-read what I wrote, you'll see that we probably agree with each other.

beefartist ago

Free speech (in the context of how voat fags talk about it) is utter drivel. He cares about his neigbours in a Christian way, he doesn't give a fuck what you think of his lifestyle...also get out of bed earlier you lazy fucks

jimibulgin ago

They "do" use them... occasionally, but so what? If those things disappeared overnight, it would be the removal of a minor 'convenience' for them, compared to a royal catastrophe for the rest of society.

CouldBeTrump ago

Occasionally my ass. The neighbor with the trucks and generators was my neighbor. It was a quiet neck of the woods until he moved in.

Ken_bingo2 ago

If they are using tractors without rubber tires they are Mennonites, not Amish.

CouldBeTrump ago

I'll have to go back to my old place and tell the Amish neighbors they're not real Amish since their sect decided tractors with metal tires were okay.

SparklingWiggle ago

I wonder why they don't use obsolete farm equipment?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Because of the 13th Amendment.

SparklingWiggle ago

Oh, I thought it was because they aren't worth the effort. By the way, it is still legal as a means of punishment.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yeah there was a movement to amend the amendment to remove that claiming it was unfair prisoners were being made to work for substandard wages. It wasn't even just prisoner rights advocates, either. There was some support from non-criminals because it may, in fact, have a wage depressing effect on the non-prison economy. I haven't heard any mention of it in a while, though, so it might have died.

Thrangulor ago

Many will now also own vehicles as long as they are black and subtle. The point is they don't flash money around and when they have a large expense like building a barn or house their community help instead of leaving them to the mercy of jew bankers for loans.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Also not Amish. Get your facts straight. There are offshoots and Mennonites, but the definition of Amish forbids that.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Do they buy modern guns?

CouldBeTrump ago

Some do for sure, but by doctrine they're pacifists and the guns are for hunting or farm chores rather than defense.

beefartist ago

I am sure some do but actually they aren't about hunting as much as you might think. Have you tried buying a non modern gun? Expensive!

BoomerHater1488er ago

Because the Amish are white.

Bintemcflinty ago

I visited belieze once and one of the first things i saw was an amish guy just been amish by the side of the road.

Apparently they are big farmers down there.


Amish people have money stashed away. They work hard to earn it and they live below their means.

gazillions ago

The niggers are going to see your first sentence.

minx88 ago

most knickers can’t read properly look at that Knigge DEA in the US with a law degree and still yet can’t manage to properly enunciate a fucking word they don’t have the brain capacity

To pronounce a word clearly and fully they always shorten the word because their brain neurotransmitters do not let allow them to do that because they don’t have that ability It Hass to do also with their skull that have to do with their DNA they are closer to the primate their average IQ is 60 or 70 which is clinical retardation 50 even at times

hang_em_high ago

They have tons of money. Where I am from when land goes up for sale they pool money and buy it up with cash.

ALIENS2222 ago

... There is another way?

jimibulgin ago

Usury, goy!

hang_em_high ago

You pool money with your community? Wouldn’t be terrible to do something similar with family.

Gimmedatt ago

Basically how all of America used to before the credit card.

minx88 ago

Cut up your credit cards man it’s nothing but debt slavery kike Usery!! Spread word quick!!

Also find ways to have your money safe to get away from dependency of the banks!!!

Look at what happened in the 1930s with the depression and the bank runs they tried to do that in France just recently and the Jews closed all the banks and wouldn’t allow anybody to withdraw because you’re spiteful rats and they don’t like the shackles taken away from them or the ability to to scam people so the best thing is to just get out of being dependent on them!!

And those rats will always find a way to harass and intimidate and scam like that cashless bullshit or the chip mark of the devil bullshit because the rats are synagogue of Satan but their shit is exposed and they can do nothing about word spreading like wildfire especially since they expose themselves

minx88 ago

Replace credit cards with prepaid cards


Amish people have a more money squirreled away than people usually think, but they choose to live a life without debt and outside of modern consumerist culture.

superspathi ago


vonHugenbuben ago

White men using the Bible as a tool of oppression or some such bullshit.

RealBiggly ago

That's racist!


Maddmartigan ago

Most people with a working brain know the answer.

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omnimattymattymatt ago

Must be the video games.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I doubt it. My Amish simulator game didn't sell for shit so I had to drop my plans to be a rich game dev.

AhmaudArbery ago

Because they are fucking white...

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Because they work their asses off from 4AM until 8PM, 7 days a week. And they don't expend their energy arguing with strangers on the internet. lol

VladDracula ago

White supremery and suberbery, you mean.

SirNiggsalot ago

White Privilege

ArielQflip ago

What I said to wife. Lol

BulletStopper ago

^ Came here to say exactly this.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Well done Arbery...it seems in death..you’ve improved.

TheManyHands ago


AngelofDeath ago

Many of their congregations speak only German during services. Good way to keep the rifraf out.

minx88 ago

Yes and now I’m gonna learn German German is cool they just have to get rid of that fat, commy kike Merkel Set a sweetie for that fact have to get rid of their Jews Feminist witches in their politics

Doglegwarrior ago

the one down vote! lol

rndmvar ago

JIDF is salty AF.

CapinBoredface ago

That’s not what a liberal would say though.

Theyed probably point out that inbreeding and abuse are rampant in Amish communities and then try to take a moral high ground without addressing that those problems are also rampant in nigger villages but they still can’t build a mill.

minx88 ago

Well the liberal said that about the Amish and the majority of liberals are second you rats and they always trying to portray whiteis in bed when we haven’t done that for hundreds of years if ever that’s still Jewish lies pushed by the BBC in Hollywood it’s actually illegal slander and ADL needs to be shut down for the hypocrite deformation shit.!!!

What’s more Jews are like Nager’s low IQ and their psychotically synagogue of Satan jealous of whites because we are intelligent and whites have superior intelligence therefore we created the civilized world with all those Third World retard is what seem to want to come to and parasite on well bitching about minority and victimhood shit no they’re not minorities they’re just retarded and there’s ass ugly Muslim black and you are inferior ugly and they know that whites are more intelligent that’s why they try to demonize in Hollywood but we’re sick of their shit will kick them out 109 times for Jewish ritual murder and constant attacks on usAnd I’ll bring the black Knigge Muslim to do the work for them they think they can try that shit again but now they’re going to be sent back to hell

FerdTurgeson ago

This is fucking gold...scroll down and see how many proclaimed voatists throw down the inbred or "Yeah but some of them have minivans!"...as if that is an argument against anything

JackKelly-lawoffice ago

I think it is what they'd say because they are elitist, but unaware.

WyattMale ago

Vast parts of the muslims world are considerably more inbred than the amish:





Upwards of 60 percent cousin marriage in Pakistan.

And somehow, ashkenazi kikes manage to have even more fucked up genetics than that.

minx88 ago

First of all the Amish are not inbred.

What is a Jew lie to say that white men in bread we have not done that since maybe two or 300 years ago however the Muslims do in fact have sex with their cousins and also their siblings and even their own children that’s right and they’ve been doing that since the six century and they still do a lot of their four wives are actually cousins and so they are creating more and more of these psychopathic demon deformed ass ugly actual shit

killkillkill ago

Gavin blowing Joe Rogan's mind with the Muslim inbreeding stats:


FerdTurgeson ago

Nobody mentions how Jews or European "royalty" are just as inbred as shithole "muslim" villages (they aren't inbred because of Islam, it is because of low IQ and remoteness). Amish don't inbreed that is a filthy kike (circle) lie

NoTrueScotsman ago

My understanding with the Amish is that it's just a small gene pool that has led top increased prevalence of certain genetic defects. Not necessarily that they intentionally marry their cousins like arabs do.

Anarchy99 ago

Every race and culture in breeds especially Jewish

RogueWaveofGoats ago

The Amish are given a chance to leave the lifestyle as I recall. It's some kind of event that happens when they're fifteen or sixteen, when the normal person wants to party and experience adult life. They can drink, have sex, smoke weed, pretty much do whatever they want until a later date where they're asked if they want to come back to the Amish life. Kind of takes the idea that it's a cult away, at least to a certain extent.

minx88 ago

Yeah but they go back. it’s not a cult. it’s homesteading it’s a way of life we did this way of life along time ago and it worked very well.Look at these men they can build a house with their hands fantastic and yeah we’re 20-year-old doesn’t want to go out and party for a while that’s normal that’s not a cult it’s spring break

FreeRebel ago


BjornIronside ago


facepaint ago

Yup. One single chance when they are young to experience it all with little preparation. The downside is that once they come back, they have to stay Amish and follow the faith. If not, they will be religiously shunned by their whole family and everyone in the Amish community.

SirNiggsalot ago

Shaming/ shunning works sometimes.

BjornIronside ago

Worth it.

facepaint ago

The downside is inbreeding. The Amish father try hard to get some genetic mixture.

BjornIronside ago

See above.

FerdTurgeson ago

Who the fuck ever said Amish were a cult? Anything negative you have heard about them is likely a result of their general resistance to corruptibility compare to most of us,

killkillkill ago

No, there's some negative stuff that goes on in regards to sexual assault and inbreeding. I've heard stories from Amish who have left for that very reason. I doubt the rates are higher than normal society however. I'm just saying it's not perfect.

ThenThatMouth ago

I've heard the "it's a cult" argument before. Someone mentioning Rumschpringa keeping it from being a cult is good ammo in case I run into that dumb ass argument again.

FerdTurgeson ago

Meh...one cool thing about Amish/Mennonite culture is that they don't give a fuck what the "english"(non Amish) think. Personally I have hertiage there and want to get closer to that lifestyle

CapinBoredface ago

Rumschpringe. I’m aware.

All I’m saying is that I know what a faggot would say as a counter argument, not that I agree with it.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Lol, no doubt. But then faggot sjw's aren't people so who cares?

Wuweialldays ago


TripleZ ago

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but since you're recently off the reddit boat, I'll assume yes.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

White as a glass of milk.

beefartist ago

Fuck no they aren't. They have heritage and they don't buy into jew bullshit...Amish don't even consider themselves "german" or "american" or what have you..they are AMISH.

CapinBoredface ago

The fuck are you talking about.

Amish are white.

beefartist ago

White is a jew construct that I think they only tried for shits and giggles, they didn't think people of Polish, English, Irish, German, etc. etc. heritage would fall for the same shit as niggers, I mean blacks do

CapinBoredface ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

beefartist ago

I am saying jews knew that "blacks" are dumb enough to lump themselves together by skin colour (because they don't have any fucking heritage beyond made up African sounding names)...Polish, Czech, English, etc. etc. used to identify as such...when you don't you lose contact with your heritage, like a fucking nigger...clear enough for you?

GreenSlug ago

Fuck yes they are brainlet. All whites have heritage that we celebrate and honor. Unless you are one of those retarded faggots that says "herr derr there is no white, we are english, german, scottish, etc..."

ch3f4554551n ago

He's right, you know; you are an illiterate. Calling all European, meddeterran, North african, western Asian, turkic, finn and Altaic, Hun, Celtic, and Basque people 'white people' is applying a child's understanding of genetics and anthropology to race and culture.

It's how nigs think: ima blak peepo! U a white mayne!

Go beat rocks together, or study. Lightweight.

beefartist ago

You aren't honouring it when you call yourself white...and if voat is any indication I don't think crying about jews, niggers, and muslims is celebrating your heritage.

GreenSlug ago

I honor my heritage every day. I am white. I am an American, but my ancestors were from England, Scotland, Germany, and a few others. I know my history, my families history. Doesnt stop me from being white. I can be brothers with the English, Scottish, German, irish, polish, and so on. I cannot be brothers with a Nigerian, an Israeli, or a jap. I can however ally with the japs, as other people of sophisticated evolved culture. You can choose to divide further if you want i guess, might as well consider your individual county as your ethnicity if you wanna not say your white.

beefartist ago

Keeping beating your retard drum if it makes you feel better...You can share values with your neighbours but stop confusing those values with skin colour. Why don't you explain (in a very basic fashion) how YOU can "ally with a jap"? Your shitty public school education is conflicting with reality but you aren't equipped to understand that at this point. PS you should know that not a single true "nip" (Japanese don't really call themselves that) would want to ally with your stupid round eye face a thousand years before now, or a thousand years after. "Asian" people are racist as fuck (that's not a bad thing) but "white" is as stupid a label as "Chinese" or "Russian"

obvious-throwaway- ago

I just want to know their secret, how do we get our own white community, schools and a disconnect from the US in every way possible?

beefartist ago

Their secret is their (shared) religion, work ethic and sense of COMMUNITY. When you get married and need money for land someone will give it to you with no interest, and you will do the same. Someone needs a building? Everyone gets together and builds it. Get right with God and start building your community

slumbermachine ago

Let's make that the entire pacific northwest.

gazillions ago

Buy property, declare a religion and wait for the government to send in the FBI to shoot your kids and burn you out.

SparklingWiggle ago

When have they ever done that??? Just kidding. Janet Reno should have hung.

slumbermachine ago

I was sad when she died cause I was looking forward to her public hanging in the future.

SparklingWiggle ago

I wonder where she is buried. I would like to drop a deuce on her plot.

thepietaker ago

No technonolgy and hard work two things that will net you a 100% white population.

DavidsHogg ago

If they do a dna test it will show 100% white. I don’t give a fuck what they call themselves. Their genetics are German Caucasian. That’s why they can succeed. Not because they say they are Amish.

BTW I grew up and are friends with many ex and current Amish.

beefartist ago

You can't be fucking serious..."dna tests" don't come back "white", tard. They pre-date "Germany" and come from closer to Switzerland and/or Holland originally. The King of Bavaria had a bunch of farm land he needed worked and invited them there because of their reputation as able and dedicated farmers (and pacifists)

cattarhero ago

What you said.