nikabrik ago

I think you already know the answer, the video simply doesn't fit the media's narrative.

Aboutthejewthing ago

Hello! I'm new to Voat and I'm trying to get enough- reddit equivalent of karma I guess?- to ask a question. How do I do that?

Maybe I can just put my question in this comment section and someone will kindly answer it!

Somebody I care about (the man I'm going to marry) recently told me he has some philosophies that this community seems sympathetic to. So I've been lurking here for a while trying to understand more about this aay of thinking. Some of it isnt far from thoughts and ideas I've already had, but most of it is new to me and I've learned some interesting things reading your guys' thoughts! So thank you!

But I really don't yet understand the undercurrent of antisemitism. I concede that jewish people could be considered their own race. I understand that most people here seem to think that Jews are a manipulative marxist force that control much of American mainstream media, did I get that right?

Please give me all the evidence you have handy, and point me to any resources about the subject that you can! I'm highly motivated to be red pilled, I think I'm using that term in the right context.

The individual who confided his thoughts in me put a lot of trust in me in doing so. I do not think he's an evil fascist. But I dont want to ask him my questions because I believe everything he says ha, I would like to form my own opinions before discussing all this with him in too much detail.

Doglegwarrior ago

wish the girl i was trying to have kids with had your mentality we would probably already be trying to have one instead i fucked it up by trying to red pill her when i should have just been nice made her happy and made a white baby! now she might be bailing! im 45 so i dont have a ton of time and this really sucks! anyways here is an analogy i wrote awhile ago a lot of goats liked it and some dude saw it and posted it some where else online i saw it randomly which was weird . anyways maybe you can give me some female perspectivr on how to attempt to get her back. but its weird i cant go see her because she is seperated and hiding the seperation to divorce from her family.. ya its weird. anyways here is the analogy

The Irish during the potatoe famin sent some of its citizens to Nigeria. When they got there they were considered outsiders but not treated horribly.. they were hard working and smart and good story tellers and dancers. One of the leaders was a banker in Ireland. Well after a 100 years the Irish in Nigeria really did well even though they were roughly 2 percent of the Nigerian population they ended up being the people running alot of major institutions. For the last 50 years they ran the Nigerian central bank, they developed the movie industry and the 8 studios are owned by Irish. They really valued education and 25 percent of Nigerias top 8 schools are Irish. They really excelled in journalism of the top news out lets 50 percent are owned and ran by Irish. Before the Irish, there was almost no porn industry, over 80 percent of the porn industry is ran by the Irish. The Irish were great readers so a big percentage of the lawyers in Nigeria are Irish. With so many lawyers 3 out of 9 of nigerias supreme court are Irish. The Nigerians didnt think much of the Irish until somehow their millitary ended up in Britain fighting the British because they were trying to destroy ireland.. the Nigerians never had a problem with Britain and now thousands of Nigerians were dying in Ireland and only there seemed to be no Irish in the army? Well the Nigerians had had enough but some how nothing was done because the masses of people thought the Irish where the Nigerians strongest ally.

This could be made into a poster, a short cartoon etc.. I think it is a great anology. I have posted here before and had zero positive response... I really dont know why I did this in real life and the person didnt understand my story until I told them if you replace jew with Irish and usa with Nigerian every thing I just said is really happening.. they didnt believe me, I said look up the stats your self.. I purposely made the stats lower. My friend came back kinda shocked a day later and said hey your stats are kinda wrong x amount of Jews are in that field etc etc.. I just laughed.

Aboutthejewthing ago

Wow. Thank you. You guys arent letting me down.

Truthfully, I don't think it matters to me too much that my boyfriend holds these beliefs that are considered by many very extreme. But that is partly because he has friends and a group of people around him that feel the same way. I know that despite his beliefs I will always have community. I can see these other family units that are able to interact positively with the world around them despite their beliefs. I can see that their children are healthy and I am comfortable with how their mothers and fathers talk to them about these subjects.

As much as I know my boyfriend is incredibly insightful and intelligent, it is terrifying to think of accepting this belief system that could potentially isolate me from the rest of the world. It scares me to hear these things, it feels like something I could get in trouble for talking about. If I didnt trust this man with all my heart to provide for myself and our family, I could never accept something that could make us hated by society. If I didnt know that he was able to function successfully in the world, I couldn't accept it.

The truth is, I care far too much about what other people think. I fear being hated. I have had to meditate on that for a long time before feeling comfortable even thinking about these things. Society conditions us well.

Tell your girlfriend that you love her. Tell her you never have to talk about these things again and they will never effect her life. More than anything reassure her that she will live a normal life and this matter wont effect her interactions with those around her!! Reassure her that you would never do anything to endanger yourself or your family. She needs to know she and the children would come first.

But I'm glad you told her, I'm glad my beloved told me. It means he respects me. And in the end I don't actually like most people anyways, It just takes a lot of allowing yourself to be uncomfortable, which people dont like doing, to think a different way than you've been taught.

Cosmicdrifter ago

Fuck muslims, the only language they understand is war.

Doglegwarrior ago

look at the countries with the highest murder rates? you will notice a trend they would almost all be majority christian. muslims which i hate islam seem to be less murderous mainly because they are not multicultural when it comes to their religion at least

Mr_big ago

“They were white so they had it coming to them to check their white privilage should happen to all whites” - jew media

freespeechplease ago

We were allowed to have Muslims on 9/11 something changed. The brainwashing got us all.

Doglegwarrior ago

isnt it weird that the 8 years obama was in office we had fucking non stop it seemed like muslim terrorist acts? then trump gets elected and isis is basicaly gone in 6 months and there have been practicaly zero muslim attacks in western countries? im sure they are still killing each other but nothing like the 8 years of obama

boekanier ago

The evil mass media wasn't at home that day.

BrokenVoat ago

It was supressed in the Nordic countries with threat of prison if you shared the video. I think they claimed it was because it somehow would violate privacy or was not allowed to share a beheading.

The nordic countries were forced to supress the video as it showed that nordic socialism is a complete failure and genocide of the nordic people.

yountly ago

Kikes celebrate white deaths

kingssman1 ago

I remember that. White people were upset but white people also called them "Dumb coal burners traveling in shit hole got what was expected"

Doglegwarrior ago

i get that but imagine if that happend in 1955.. or even in the 80? international outrage americans wanting revenge! now we make fun of them because we have been jewed beyond belief

Mustard_Monkey ago

Pepperidge farm remembers

Thelegend27tons ago

Link to the video?

Doglegwarrior ago

its in comments. dont watch it. it is fucked up and fucking terrible. watching it makes watching george floyds video look like a perfect sunny day. no racism the video of the cops shooting the white guy in new mexico is nothing compared two what these two girls experienced

AhmaudArbery ago

Everything that is going on makes perfect sense when you realize the whole world Hates and wants to destroy whites, including white women.

Doglegwarrior ago

man that is the fucked up part. at the end of the day my final conclusion is its the jew who pushed feminism on whites in america and the white women did the rest.

AhmaudArbery ago

Women are just stupid that's why the majority of advertising focuses on women extremely guillable and love shiny things. Which is why they ar dating niggs it's fun, exciting and white guys are boring and lame because of the Jew media.

AlternateSelection ago

And where was Mr Bigshot during this horrific event? God give zero fucks about any of us. Rewards demons and punishes the good people. Sadistic twisted entity.

Doglegwarrior ago

trump? i figured it was older and obama was still president and he celebrated the death of two infidels

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Damn the comments in this thread. A+ stuff

Merlynn ago

George Floyd was a false flag. I doubt he's actually dead. He and the cop knew each other,they were both actors,and there's no goddamn way you can strangle someone by putting a knee on the BACK of their neck. Plus police jumped out of the ambulance,not EMTs.

If you can drag a guy down the street,you can put him in a goddamn cop car. He was already handcuffed. They did this deliberately so the media had a cover for their paid mobs to run amok.

Fuck this gay jew bullshit.

ManchesterT ago

Have there been any false flags, where they got caught? Other than the USS Liberty murders, and the LeVon Affair.

Ogrearm ago

Sandy Hook with helicopter footage of parents circling firehouse and no 500 children.

Orlando gay bar when they were carrying a guy to the hospital because no ambulances.

Recent riots with piles of bricks planted on sidewalk 50ft apart.

Coronavirus mutates naturally from bat to human in Wuhan. USA funds lab to mutate coronavirus from bat to human at same time in Wuhan. Fauci medical guy on TV never peeps a word about this (total coincidence according to NIH).

Go citizen arrest those TV terrorists and make your own private prison for them in backyard. Tired of this nonsense.

Ogrearm ago

Absurdly large smoke and fireball from low order cooking pot bomb. 10 seconds later 50 countries flags flap in 50mph winds. Someone was late on their cue hitting the fan button. Also there were scrubbed vids on YouTube showing man and wife (very busy) first responder actor couple randomly tending to everyone, also that couple shown in long format promotional video for crisis actor incident simulation/training company.

Wish I had that vid but "share to Google drive" only shared the URL. Stupid. Should be called "save URL txt". "Note this does not actually backup to a drive."

Merlynn ago

9/11,most people know the Vegas shooting was bullshit,there's really too many to mention.

Doglegwarrior ago

i think it was stagged. but a little different. i think goerge floyd was drugged to death. when he fell down he knew he was dying he knew his family would get paid. 13 million and counting he maybe thought he wouldmt reappy die and maybe he didnt. but no way this is all happening organicaly

Godgiven ago

I don't know why someone didn't drop kick him. I watched the video in full and 8 minutes was pretty damn long. It was weird, it seemed like he wanted him to die. If it was an act, it was pretty convincing. Didn't look like cops that popped out of the ambulance to me. That body seemed pretty lifeless as they picked it up and tossed it on the gurney. I've been choked out, this might not be the proper points, but it was probably effective in slowing the blood flow or restricting airflow.

Doglegwarrior ago

dude that knee to the neck in now way was cutting off air or blood to his brain. you have been chocked out? how long does it take 15 seconds if it is blood blockage to the brain or less then 15? he was breathing the entire time if you can say i cant breath you can most likely breath. his air way was never crushed to the point of not breathing.

my theory he was already wacked out on drugs and they overdosed him most likely one of the people in the car with him was paid off to do it then the cops were called in to officialy make the show for the world to see. look up the videos showing all the symbolism around his death

Merlynn ago

He wouldn't be the first actor to die during a death scene.

StrugGlingAutTist ago

Brandon lee ?

Merlynn ago

If he's dead.

TestForScience ago

They were absolutely fucking terrified of that video getting out.
It's hard to force sand niggers into every corner of a country when people see what these subhumans do.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Pretty sure she did call for her mom too right as they started to cut her apart

vastrightwing ago

Select black lives mater.

GrizzlyDark ago

one bad cop "Did this" - did it even happen or was kneegroid floyd a staged death complete with mannequins

Ogrearm ago

The vid is washed out like it's filmed at night and brightened. Same with most FFs. Do brake lights make lens flares in the daytime? Cuz they do in these vids.

ScientiaPotentia ago

The fact that everyday Blacks are filmed doing horrible evil things; looting, rioting, stealing, rape, torture, assault, and murder to White people, Asian people, Hispanic people, puppies, kittens, Indians, horses, elephants, crocodiles, etc. etc. etc. and yet there is no public outage, yet one criminal Black who resists arrest dies or one Karen says nigger, and there is a massive mobilization of media, corporations, rioters, criminals, governments, looters, etc. all attacking anyone and anything that doesn't bow down before the braying mob of cannibals let's me know that we are living in a tyranny bent on destroying White Western Civilization. We live in Babylon and the hoard approaches.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Doglegwarrior ago

i think the jew knows to many people have woken up. they need something to keepnthe heat off them white guilt working

NogsCantScuba ago

Let me start by saying that on average, blacks are definitely more violent than any other human species. However, I don’t think that videos like this prove the point simply because it’s anecdotal vs broad statistics. The left could (and does regularly via controlled media) showcase violent white crimes as a way to paint all whites as being evil. Point being, statistics are the only rational way to analyze crime or anything else.

The media doesn’t care about statistics because it destroys whatever narrative they are pushing a given week. Statistics remain largely consistent and are not emotionally engaging which stunts their effectiveness.

Sensationalism works which is why they do it I guess. Not sure what the answer is just throwing done workers opinion out there.

Doglegwarrior ago

unfortunately as we saw with covid1984 they can manipulate stats to sound terrible. 4 times more deadly thrn the regular flu? ohh you mean we are 99.1% gonna survivd versus 99.4% going to surivive.

if we had done absolutly nothing and put no infected people in retirement homes how many would have died?

Ogrearm ago

I demand those responsible be identified held accountable in a court of law. The people can form a common law grand jury to indict gov't workers.

BoomerHater1488er ago


  • People are tribal and group themselves according to race.
  • While you may believe in the merits of Individuality and condemn, "Identity Politics" they do not.
  • Civic Nationalism will be the death of you, and Christianity is a foreign, invasive spirituality designed to make you intrinsically Civic Nationalist. Don't fall for it.

voatdied ago

she did cry

ALIENS2222 ago

It's OK... White genocide is the plan.

Sunflowerz ago

Awww yea, that was awful. She was crying for her mom.

ezak ago

What country where they from?

Groove_Control ago

One was from Denmark and the other from Norway

Doglegwarrior ago

cant remember one of the super cucked nordic countries.. wait all of them are cucked.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Thankfully I somehow missed that.

ooberlu ago

The media ignored it because it goes against the narrative. "Kill Whitey" "All Whites are Privileged" "Whites are Oppressors" ad nauseum.

uab ago

Number one: you can research this, just reporting what I read, but what I did read is the 'crew' behind that, was led by a Jew. Perhaps a 'nominally' converted to Muhammadism one, but none the less. Secondly, you can keep in mind that this took place in Marocco, the same week as UN signed Marrakech Treaty, also in Marocco... In my view, what happened was a human sacrifice to Satan, in relation to the signing of Marrakech treaty.

Thirdly, contrary to what the Satanist media tell you, it's not 'a neck wound,' nor is it 'slit throats,' when they cut your head off and throw it away... Now, I have avoided the video, and protect myself from any and all pictures and video of atrocities, as much as I can; no need to traumatize myself, as the Satanist want, to be informed. I have, however, by unfortunate accident..., chanced upon a picture of the two girls' heads. If you call that 'slit throats,' I believe you are either even better than me, at protecting yourself from atrocity content online, or do not know the meaning of words you use, or you are, which would be odd right here, lying.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya dont watch it i have. it is fucking terrible and they were probably raped as well.

uab ago

Yes, very bad.

CaliforniasGold ago

Can second this. Don't watch it. Of all the videos I've seen of people dying, the ones of women being executed are the worst. RIP these well intentioned but naive girls. May these animals burn in the worst of hells for all eternity.

Don-Keyhote ago

Moroccans also chased out teen white girls volunteering to build a rural road because they kept wearing short shorts etc. Your theory must be considered in light of the fact that there are indeed genuine people who won't tolerate subversion, esp after the POTUS DAUGHTER visits your country to push women's rights and degeneracy etc.

uab ago

My view is different. Muhammadism is in itself subversion. You may have seen that meme, 'this is not our traditional dress.' Muhammadism is neither the culture nor the native religion of these Third World nations. Instead, Muhammadism is authoritarian legalism, in principle of the exact same kind as that of UN that created that Marrakech Treaty. Marrakech Treaty is intended to dissolve the notion of homelands.

Like UN intends to put all land under its jurisdiction, so does Muhammadism which, by the way, has a strong position in UN itself. Muhammadists are far from nationalists. You may consider it some 'uncompromising' traditionalism, a refusal to bend to Feminism and SJWs, but that is to look on the surface, and to not look at the principles beyond the surface. As the UN and Muhammadists agenda progress, you may more easily notice the convergence which is, as I say, quite a natural one.

Don-Keyhote ago

No, you're just over thinking it like Jews would want you to. The reality is there is only good and bad, and imposing the good by "authoritarian legalism" in an "uncompromising traditionalism" is in fact a necessary duty, which is why it instinctually appeals. When something triggers your disgust reflex, do you not desire to stamp it out?

a refusal to bend to Feminism

Uh that's kinda the whole ball game in a race war, demographics...

uab ago

you're just over thinking it like Jews would want you to.

Assuming Jews want people to think about legalism, we should also expect that the juridical nature of The State were common knowledge. Not only is it not common knowledge, but you can't even explain it to people... Which is also why most people are completely unable to discern between the nation your ethnic people-group, the country the land area, and that constituted legal person The State. Had people, as you say, overthought the notion of legalism, there would be no The State, and if there were, there certainly would be no women's Suffrage.

imposing the good by "authoritarian legalism" in an "uncompromising traditionalism"

Legalism is in its very essence the exact opposite of traditionalism. You either did not comprehend what I wrote, or you are pretending that you didn't. What Jews, Freemasons, Muhammadists and other Satanists are doing, is to set up a symbolic authority, claim to represent that authority, and get you to bow down to it, thus elevating themselves over you, within the context of a legal society, a formal organization. People who do this, are those who feel inferior in the natural social structure, and who profoundly, biologically, 100% hate the natural social structure. These are the people who want to destroy the social groups the family, the sexes, the tribes, the nations, and the races.

That Muhammadists, mainly found in people-groups with an average IQ of about 80, emulate the outer appearances of the nations that they envy and hate, like Muhammad himself apparently stole half his psychopathic teaching from Christianity, far from means that Muhammadists are traditionalists. Again, Muhammadists are nationalists, like Marxists are also not nationalists. To know what I mean by this, you would have to know what a nation is. A Citizenry is far from a nation.

There is no race war in the sense a war between races. There is a war between normal people and those who hate reality. Muhammadists talking about 'taking over' in Europan nations' homelands, is not any race war but a war on nature. They want to subjugate natural, successful nations under their legalistic teaching. The very word 'islam' is Arabic for 'subjugation.' Muhammadism is Satanism. And so my point stands wonderfully: the murders were sacrifices to Satan, by definition, and it seems curious that they happened in the same country, and in the same week, as did the signing of Marrakech Treaty. Satanism is a conspiracy; no, not a 'conspiracy theory' but an actual hidden agenda. Satan is the lord of this world. These people basically run everything, and they are obviously not going to tell you plainly. They are, however, silently closing up their little cube for you to live in, under their ownership and control.

You have been underthinking it. Of you are lying.

BillRiccio ago

Well niggers are expected to act like that so there's no surprise

gosso920 ago

As the media reported it, the girls suffered "cuts to the neck."

FreeinTX ago

Tortured logic to show hypocrisy example #3,637,833,823. Why?

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

I don't think the media wants a race war I think they, and the talmudic scumbags who controls them, want us whites dead

Civil_Warrior ago

Media run by Jews,. Kill all Jews, kill all niggers...glad I could catch you up on the happenings.

voaty_voatface ago

....islamist terrorists in north africa, vs cops in a US city.

you have the same expectations for their behavior?

you are fucking dumb

Doglegwarrior ago

are you joking? are you fucking retarded? the media should have fucking blown up over two white girls murded the way they were murdered while a fucking crack head ex porn star dying in custody shouldnt have even made a headline considering how many blacks are killed each weekend by other blacks ffs.. just fuck off shill

voaty_voatface ago

why the fuck should i care what happens in the countryside of morocco?

go drink paint fuckface

Doglegwarrior ago

wow what a bitch. well unless you are not white then your statement makes total sense.

voaty_voatface ago

you stupid millenial cunt, the argument you make shouldn't depend on your oppoent's race. idiot snowflake. muh feelingx

Doglegwarrior ago

not even sure what you talking about. and millinals would not care because they were white had this been two black hookers killed by white nationalist this would have been the biggest story that year.

Logansrun ago

jew media

CrackerSlant ago

And slavery exists explicitly, then sex slaves, and also 60,000 abducted children annually, drunk driving murders, and on and on and on

AgentSakura ago

Because brutal crimes against our people doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to present.

Just like how they don't talk about war crimes against the Germans. We literally don't matter to them.

They have been actively and systematically destroying us for decades and they wouldn't publish their enemies propaganda but try to silence us completely. They wish their to be no voices or evidence of their crimes that's why they work in the shadows. Everything is covert and secret with the Cabal. Can't have goyim getting all uppity and demanding that they stop being raped to death by their jewish overlord slave masters.

neuschwabia ago

Time to hunt down all in the media and arrest, prosecute and execute for their crimes?

Ogrearm ago

There must be a traditional way for citizenry to do this. Some classic English common law probably.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

lol your narrative is slow

"where's the media???"

you sound like trump in that nigger-crime tweet last night. Slow walking faggot.

Doglegwarrior ago

you shills need better tactics or kikes its to easy to spot yall these days

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Sure thing

he_found_wepon ago

Yes they were two dumb cunts who went to Morocco on their own and were killed during the night by ISIS sympathizers. Typical delusional brainwashed cunts.

SearchVoatBot ago

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lanre ago

The media immediately recommended mountain hikes to that area in Morocco as a top ten destination for single females. I wish I were joking.

syrupbl-ster ago

Any sources? I'm not saying I don't believe you, because that would be one of the least surprising things I've read recently - just wondering if there are any archives of these articles

voatvoatjhsdjkf ago



jthun2 ago

i recall the articles but don't have links

tony2shirts ago

They made it illegal to share the video in sweden/norway whichever country they were from...

Rellik88 ago

Demoralz ago

When did this happen, never heard this story in the UK.

Groove_Control ago

December 2018 about a week before Christmas

killkillkill ago

Where did it happen? Don't wanna watch. I assume it was nigs?

Groove_Control ago

Morocco. It was sand niggers

TheKnightOfGod ago

Better archive that stuff before it get censored. It happened a lot when the media was talking about it, when it was fresh. It was hard to find it, even on Voat.

Doglegwarrior ago

man we dont need to see that again. now think about that video compared to george floyds video?

K1tten-Mittens ago

George Floyd video is fake and gay

Ray1992xD ago

I can't even hit someone in the face. This shit is sick and psycho.

Intrixina ago

Fucking learn to. You'll need to do that, and more, to defend your family when the shit hits the fan.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

This is our problem. Most Western Whites, at least the middle-class ones in the suburbs, have been conditioned since we were toddlers to believe that 'hitting is bad and should never be done'. But no-one else on the planet got the memo.

You might have to get used to the idea of being able to harm someone when it counts, and soon.

Phantom42 ago

You can't even hit someone in the face?

Good luck defending your family.

ManchesterT ago

He's neutered. Pathological empathy is a thing.

Some guys can't kill a man. This was seen often among rifleman in Vietnam.

Other guys can't break a chicken's neck, or gut a fish.

Then, you have guys who can't watch a video on a smartphone. Who do you think crumbles first in an emergency?

offender ago

The guy who can't gut a fish obviously

Phantom42 ago

I remember one night dad and I were out on the back porch cleaning fish... I was about 6 and remember all the guts and everything.

Squishy shit is cool. He never let me touch any of it though because... Well, 6 year olds still have a nasty habit of touching unclean things and potentially putting it in their mouths. 😂

bingo-bango-bongo ago

Well, I need to go take a shower now

Egg_Whitey ago

I tried to watch the video but I just can't do it.

Native ago

Watch it pussy that’s reality. It happened

Egg_Whitey ago

Nah I'm good.

metricisokay ago

Good call. I'm desensitised most of the time but as time goes on you start to realise some of these images have burned themselves into the back of your mind. Some of them are there forever, this video is truly awful.

The innocence and ignorance of this girl led to a gruesome death. I'm not sure that knowing specifically what kind of savagery exists it's more useful than knowing it exists.

Itgetsbetter ago

No more awful than an unborn child's brains being sucked out at your local Planned Parenthood.

Godgiven ago

I believe you absorb the pain their soul had experienced, believe is a strong word, but that was at least Amber Lyon's experience. I've seen enough people decapitated. Heads blown off. It's too much. I don't blame him. It can create mental illness.

fundie ago

Ditto. Damn dude that is brutal, what kind of sick twisted fuck would do that. I turned that shit off after a few seconds

Quidgybo ago

its tame compared to stuff that was on death I'm locked out cuz I didn't make account shit sucks.

DffrntDrmmr ago

what kind of sick twisted fuck would do that

`People of Color'

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

A shitskin does this on the daily

syrupbl-ster ago

Just another tuesday in the liberated non white lands

Glory_Beckons ago

Will you look for the pause button when reality comes knocking on your door?

This is the world we live in. Being sheltered and pretending things like this don't happen is what created most of our problems. Imagine how different the political landscape would be, if every adult had to watch just one video like this, every day, start to finish, or else lose their right to vote.

Itgetsbetter ago

I'd go a step further and make watching this a mandatory part of the grade 9 curriculum. The left recruits by actively exposing young people to shit they are too young to understand or have the sense to avoid. Since young minds are the battlefield, that's where we must fight.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

pussies like him are why we're in this situation to begin with

Egg_Whitey ago

You're all talk and no game either.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago


Egg_Whitey ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

says the pussy with a fragile mind

Egg_Whitey ago

You're the one tough talking on the internet. Clearly a fragile nigger.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I tried to watch the video but I just can't do it.

Call_Of_Goat ago

They deserved it.

JeremiahHamilton1619 ago

Fuck em...People get their throats slit everyday

Doglegwarrior ago

man i tbink these are bots not even real shills?

Literally-Oppressed ago

The media was busy making sure that it was not framed as a racially motivated killing. That was ALL they fucking did. Motherfuckers.

voatusernamevoat ago

The media

You have an odd way of spelling jews.

Literally-Oppressed ago

The media is immunized against all dangers

Aceishigh ago

That vid was posed in whitegenocide but got shoa.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Good. That's the worst video I have ever watched. I've seen all manor of filthy shit online, but this one evokes unfathomable rage in me. Burn those animals feet first.

Aceishigh ago

The one where they stabbed and hacked off the head of girl in jungle is just as bad.

CaliforniasGold ago

The cartel one? That one was horrific and probably the most scarring of all that i've seen.

zachary_hampton ago

Let’s be honest. The media wants a race war. They know damn well what their agenda is about - race-bating blacks to hate whites, and in turn race-baiting whites to hate blacks.

arista81 ago

Actually they aren't race baiting whites to hate blacks. Just the opposite. They are brainwashing whites to

a) Be ashamed of their ethnicity and history

b) Be ignorant of racial differences on things like crime rates and IQ

c) Believe all problems of non-whites should be blamed on whites

Kshtrangya ago

Kind of. Media is sold when Trump said Fake news he really means it. Media is manipulating people with their narrative they want to show what they want to show. Selective outrage of media is purely based on business they are paid and maybe that's the reason these Journalists used to get awards such as Pulitzer Prize for their blatant misinformation sharing.

rebel_1812 ago

this is true. all the cascasophobia turned me racist.

ForgottenMemes ago

I remember when the video was posted on /r/watchpeopledie it was redpilling people right and left, that's why it was banned.

The media wants a race war, but they want a one sided one.

Busty_Neckbeard ago

Yeah the rednecks I know who saw the Floyd video wanted to cut that cops head off. They'd feel the same vs the Nordic girl but probably haven't seen the vid

ChickenExterminator ago

they don't want race war, they want whites to self destruct.

lipids ago

If whites hated blacks this would be over quickly. It's about making whites hate themselves.

Civil_Warrior ago

They want division, but not war...we will win a war..

PewterKey ago

To be honest I think they expect some kind of firefight to kick it off and have everything go hot with lots of action to film. Something where they can stand behind tanks and feel safe in their voyeurism. I think what's more likely is a unibomber. Someone that's brilliant, tactical and able to exploit a societal weakness. It might be collapsing a building, a dirty bomb, mass poisoning, firebombing or other mass killing. It likely will be a war crime. It would be a 9/11 situation where suddenly people are uncomfortable with a fact of life and the day after will be silent. And the media will find it almost impossible to cover, because it will likely hit close to them (aka dead reporters).

We have a huge number of STEM degree holders, including masters and PHD holders, that are unemployed or underemployed. There is a huge surge in dropping out of society in multiple ways, people trying to go off the grid, MGTOW, Gamergate, cancel culture, digital nomads, etc.. Feds infest militia groups and as such groups are unwilling to take action, they are reactive. The political divide is a territorial divide and in addition race and class divides are also territorial. A huge uptick in mental illness that feeds into the media's stochastic terrorism frenzy. It leads towards a single radical lone wolf attack traveling into an 'enemy' location and doing a scorched earth attack.

I wouldn't be surprised if the attack has collateral damage that muddies who was the target.

Fried-Laptop ago

Not if snipers take out the press crew

PewterKey ago

I mean I don't expect there to be a press crew on the ground to even be shot at. But I could see the NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters happening again, but this time it will be like CNN or MSNBC that goes down. And it would likely be some terrorist that managed to sneak in the explosives and blows it while it's fully staffed.

Disclaimer: I do not advocate violence. This is just speculation on future events based on current social problems.

Fried-Laptop ago

They'll destroy their own stations & transmitters b4 they allow Patriots to commandeer them

PewterKey ago

I don't think that's true. The entire focus of using psychological force multipliers and propaganda requires that infrastructure to exist. If people shut down the internet and TV service it would deny that propaganda system to them. They do a lot better demonizing contrasting information than in dealing with a lack of communication. Because the internet bubble built around people insulates them from outside information that makes them question their beliefs. But actually sitting down and talking with political opposition leads to compromise and agreement.

Imagine a world without TV and the internet. All the hyper-extreme subgroups would disband overnight and the individuals would be left in communities they are forced to compromise and communicate amicably with. It would literally restore the community ties that have been dismantled by mass communication.

irelandLost ago

Have people been trying to bait me into hating blacks? They should’ve asked me in advance, I could’ve saved them a whole lot of time and effort.

nowhat ago

race-baiting whites to hate blacks.

No it isn't the media it is day to day interactions that do this.

un1ty ago

Its both, really. I mean, there has been a sort of equilibrium that species obtain when they coexist in closer quarters. The unnatural occurs when a catalyst is forced - like 'diversity' and 'looking the other way'.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

This. Whites and blacks will never get along and (((they))) are just agitating us so that that they can declare holy war on whites and get the worlds zionist militaries to occupy and genocide white lands for (((racism)))

voatusernamevoat ago

the media

You too have the same odd way of spelling jews.

jewfighter ago

I think a race war would be a good thing. Like getting a tooth pulled, it only hurts for a little while, but the benefits are enormous. And it'd only last a couple of days anyway.

Nichtlustig ago

it'd only last a couple of days

You're acting like the U.S. military would be on the side of whites. Isn't it frustrating to have all this power at your finger tips, and not be able to use it? A decade of war in the middle east, when if we really wanted to, we could end the whole thing in a single day.

StankMouth ago

Was reading about how Jew max Warburg embezzled millions to Lenin and trotsky in 1914, subverting the Russian government and funding a Jew led invasion.

Then he ‘escaped nazism’ which demanded moral values and getting rid of the exploited prostitutes, a return to dignity and strength.

Then he ends up in the us as an army officer in ww2. No doubt he loved ww2 but I’m sure he subverted the USA as well, still reading.

Literally cry persecution to emigrate when really they’re the demons.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

A race war would lead to the entire world and the western military declaring holy war on whites. There is no way we can horde off billioms of turdskins with just guns. India and Pakistan are especially dangerous

Gargamel ago

indians are considered caucasian and blm just went after ghandi, he was really worried that europeans would see indians as africans.

jewfighter ago

India and Pakistan are especially dangerous.

Why? Because they have a few underpowered nukes?

NogsCantScuba ago

Dumb fucks like you are what give whites a bad rap. America would fall quickly if a race war broke out. Communism would invade physically instead of the current subversion. We’d be under the yoke in less than a year.

StankMouth ago

I agree with you, the narrative would remain anti-white as things accelerated.

itssomatic ago

America has been explicitly Communist, with its controlled economy, since March.

NogsCantScuba ago

So kill all blacks instead of focusing on the communists?

itssomatic ago

Way to dodge. Why should anybody consider your contention that Blacks have worth if you can't tell America already is Communist.? Blacks are by definition Communists, given that Whites and Asians pay their feedlot fees. They are nothing more than factory farmed animals to ZOG , so what's the problem with culling industrial animals? But, you already know that, Agent Schmeckle.

NogsCantScuba ago

I think about 80% of humanity could be disposed of and the world would be much better off. That likely includes 95% of blacks, 80% whites, etc. I hate all worthless individuals the same and realize they tend to be more worthless the darker the skin color.

That doesn't make it right to hate individuals who have proven their worth whether they be black white or other. I would much prefer to spend my time with a competent civil black person at the top of the bell curve than some groveling white trash.

Skin color is not everything. Not sure why that's so difficult to understand.

And yes, America is pretty fucked, but certainly not full blown communist. Certainly seems to be getting there in a hurry and I support whatever revolution is necessary to end it though i seriously doubt anything will happen. Power must consolidate to grow which is exactly whats happening. I think it's the natural state of the world unfortunately.

MrPank ago

Youre a nigger loving retard. If you think whites, still a majority by the way faggot, NEED to work with blacks to survive you really are as cucked as cucked gets. Youre the type of faggot who wouldnt mind if his daughter dated a nigger. I cant even.

jewfighter ago

Go hide under your bed and suck your thumb until it's over then.

elfmaster5 ago

The problem is that he's right. There are no civil wars anymore. There are only proxy wars. Look at the middle east and Africa. They have civil conflicts and what happens? The entire world gets involved. Russia fuels one side, and the US and other 'Allies' fuel the other side.

The media right now knows exactly what it's doing. Europe is cucked, they hate the US. All it would take is a racewar to break out and the news would be full of 'white supremacists, literally Nazis are killing blacks'. Armor and air support would roll in and we're fucked. Even if we had someone to supply us with vehicles/ ordinance, the war would beat both sides down so hard, that someone would be able to come in and just take over. It happens all the time and we do it ourselves. We take down governments and install puppets. We've been training our troops for urban warfare for decades now.

Furthermore, they've steadily taken away our ability to organize, have you noticed that? People discouraged from talking about important things in person, silencing people on social media. And when the power grid goes out? how are you gonna group up with likeminded people

Even if by some miracle we 'won'. It would be way more than 'only hurts for a little while'

I agree that something needs to be done, but think about how it actually would go down instead of your idealization of it.

Germany had the entire country behind them. And the got rolled, we're living in a dystopia. We'd need powerful, pure intentioned allies, we'd need financing and supply lines, and we'd need coordinated numbers and objectives. Otherwise we'd just be a perpetual resistance like Isis. Vilified on the world stage, constantly taking massive casualties.

NogsCantScuba ago

I will stand shoulder to shoulder with any and all patriots regardless of skin color. I will not hesitate to kill communists and expect it will be necessary in the next decade if not sooner.

I hope we can stand together as patriots.

itssomatic ago

Sounds like you're going to kill Huwhites that live in enclaves and use their own barter-currency just cause some badge-nigger told you they were "Communists".

Cunty84 ago

It’s called the Kalergi plan by kikes.

Splooge ago

I’ve had mixed results with the Kalergi Plan when trying to introduce the JQ. I prefer leading with Agenda 21, then working my way to the Kalergi Plan. Seems to work better with normies.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

They are one in the same. Hilarious to me that people doubt the Kalergi Plan exists but it's literally the same thing as UNESCO's Agenda 21.

Splooge ago

For whatever reason, normies seem more apt to accept Agenda 21 than the Kalergi Plan. It's like they see one as "legit" because they know what the UN is, but the Kalergi Plan is a "conspiracy theory" because muh greatest ally or some shit.

Even if you get them on board with Agenda 21, you're still not out of the woods. You still gotta get over the hurdle of "Well exactly (((who))) founded and now runs the (((UN)))?" And even that brings up all sorts of obstacles, everything from "they're not actually religious lol" to "but jews are white lol" and everything in between.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

But then there is also the issue that people do not understand how the UN works or what power structures it is a part of. The real power in the UN are the Brettenwoods Institutions. That would be the IMF and World Bank. South African economies bubbling up then imploding when the compound interest is called in? That is the IMF. Banking or money is the life blood of all economies. It is the frame the house is built on. At its most basic level, money is the transfer of eneegy. All of these trade agreements like GATT, WTO and NAFTA they fall under the Brettenwoods institutions. No child left behind? That is literally taken directly from Agenda 21, which is a UNESCO plan, which is the UN, which falls under the WB and IMF.

It sounds complicated but it's no more complicated than how the NFL or NHL are structured but people just can't get it.

Then there are blocks on all of us, strong mental blocks that prevent people from understanding how banking works. What you learn in 90 minutes watching Moneymasters is all you need to know but people simply can't get it, like they cannot wrap their heads around the fact they're being charged to use their own money and then being charged compound interest on that loan. Like they can understand a title loan or things more complicated like fantasy football or online gambling but they can't get Moneymasters.

Someone that doesn't understand what the federal reserve is, how it works and what that greenback in your wallet is and how it works can't possibly be educated enough to make decisions on whom to vote for.

Phantom42 ago

Basically, gentlemen, it is more prudent to execute 75% of the global population, else we'll be stuck playing politics for eternity while the Earth turns to Hell under our feet.

1anddone ago

What’s agenda 21?

Cunty84 ago

Google have done some heavy censoring on the Kalergi plan, it’s hard to get to the crux but it’s ultimately Zionist enforced miscegenation to wipe out whites, of course it’s a ‘conspiracy’ on kiked up google.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

I have never heard of the Kalergi plan, just went and did a search and this pops up in the corner for wikipedia LOL

"The Kalergi Plan, or sometimes called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy, is a far-right, anti-semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory, "

LMAO Its always a conspiracy theory of the far right, antisemitic, white nationalists LOL.

What is interesting to note, its NEVER a conspiracy when its left wing or blacks talking about it.

JunOS ago

conspiracy theory of the far right, antisemitic, white nationalists

Means it's true and they just use those words to blanket the entire theory and dismiss it like a little box.

If you see those words it means you should read more about it...

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

If you see those words it means you should read more about it...

That made me lol... so true

cantaloupe6 ago

Use infogalactic

GrizzlyDark ago

you've been here a year and have never heard of the Kalergi plan? we are not doing our jobs

Yuke ago

The Wiki entry never used to say that, btw. That has been added in recent years since people cottoned on to what it was all about. All you need to know is that the Kalergi plan of circa 100 hundred years ago, is alive to see in modern day Europe. They call it a conspiracy theory. He aimed for a mixed pot. We got a mixed pot. They still call it a conspiracy theory.

jthun2 ago

there are even streets named after him

blighty ago

This. I remember reading the wiki about 4 years ago and it definitely did not say that.

Veggiehead ago

Contrary to what Wikicrapia says the Kalergi plan has been unfolding in Europe for quite some time.

Coming to the Americas post haste.

itssomatic ago

It has been in America since Emanuel Cellar and Ted Kennedy brought it here in 1965.

jthun2 ago

kennedy was the drunken frontman that they pressured into being their public face

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Its true. I have been recently reading articles on minorities in Europe and it is shocking of what I have found... all the former Euro countires that had large amounts of overseas territories have a large amount of mixed race people

in their countries today(British Isles, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, and Italy to a lesser extent although those countries today receive a large amount of migrants Russia is included when counting the amount of turks and other asian ethnicities they have absorbed the thing is though most Americans cant tell when a Russian is of mixed race). Eurasians alone make up 300k of the population in the netherlands... historically all non white immigrants to europe have been males and they all ended up misceginating with native europeans women for a long time and even today. Over half of black british have white female partners... the worst part is these mixed race europeans often look very white for the most part and could be confused for being natives...

Civil_Warrior ago


ReAwakened ago

Didn't fit the narrative. You'll have to ask Murray or Schlomo about that.