whatsupwithvoat ago

Whats up with voat? No search, no making new Subs?

I would love to call this place home but seems a little lacking without those.

I am a long time reddit reader but not poster,. I recently signed up and got more involved and what a leftish hell hole it is. It would be great if there was a viable alternative to reddit. I have read a bit on the volatile history of voat, but what is the recent happenings?

I am sure all this has been ask over and over, but no search.... Sorry :-(

SearchVoat ago

telleveryoneyouknow ago


HaleyPeno ago

The new site has its positives and negatives. The negatives are that there are a lot of reddit type fags. The positives are that there is new content, some good, some shit (anything from AnonAll) but the best part is I don’t have to read the same retarded shit you spergs kept posting over and over. No not every nigger is bad and Jews are not responsible for everything. Just most of them. And I still believe most of the Qtards should probably be medicated.

whatsupwithvoat ago

Jews have a chicken and egg problem. Their behavior gets them treated badly, and getting treated badly causes their behavior. I am sure there is a genetic component, but Jews are really quite diverse genetically.

FullnessofTime ago

I had to login

Bill_Williamson ago

Now is the time to grow. All the big sites are banning good people. We should welcome them. Also, by being viewable, we expose normies to reality. The other tab I have open, is about instagram banning the posting of Federal crime stats. It's getting whacky. As for cucks, jews and other filth visiting, first stop is the showers bawhahahaha.

Zen117 ago

Agreed, makes you appreciate being a member more. It did for me at least. I waited too long to sign up because i was lazy. Then some goat dropped like a 23 page essay that didn't just name the jew, it straight named the mother fucking jew and every square mile of that fuckers nose. Then you got ddosed for like a week and it was months before i could sign up.

ventisette ago

Maybe there is some sort of middle ground. Like if you aren't logged in some sort of a virtual version.

observation1 ago

The timing is peculiar. It's like they want to fuel hatred via direct links from Twitter and other platforms to normies who arent ready.

The video of that girl who's sister got shot and killed and the comments from people who havent made a comment in over a month suddenly flooded with soulless comments. Its propaganda.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

It's bloody annoying the way voat is down for large parts of the day lately.

Tyrodragon ago

Voat is now back to what it originally was before. This^^^ is the way it use to be. I like it this way because I choose to lurk without logging in.

whatsupwithvoat ago

I hate to be the pessimist but if you get forced to login to view it creates the perfect condition to be profiled. I like voat because of easy account creation and non blocking of proxies you have a chance to remain anonymous. I love 4chan but they block all proxies so you are technically usually not anonymous posting there.

Deepstate loves to profile, so they can lock you up before you do what ever it is they don't want you doing.

LurkedForever ago

Yup... I lurked since circa chairman Pao, and then suddenly couldn't view voat for 3 months with no explanation.

SyncStatus ago

I went Poal for a short period during the downtime.

LurkedForever ago

I like poal. I'd say they're more polite, not necessarily more timid. Also, they have less off an echo-chamber, which is nice. The largest problem is that it isn't content dense because off the very small user base. Pros and cons.

christophoros ago

that is what happened to me

not sure if voat know what policy they want

Azamuku ago

Echo chamber is just a few talking to themselves. If we can't direct link to facts on this site it is just a circle jerk.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

i feel like we're supposed to incubate ideas here, and bring them 'out' of here to share with others. not link them here. without the login firewall it seems like the site goes down a lot

Azamuku ago

It's the same. Crumbs bake bread. Goats work better in packs. (Even if some are assholes and others glow.)

VoatViewer ago

You shouldn't need a god damn account to view this website. I decided to delete my account ages ago but got completely fucked over when all of a sudden Voat blocked anyone from viewing the website without an account, AND NO WAY TO REGISTER, for several god damn months.

I was happy when they finally added back the account creation page so I could create another account to view the website again.

I was also happy in the past week when I found out that you don't need to be signed in to view Voat anymore. I can finally share my Voat links again to other normies on the internet (without 95% of them clicking away due to needing to sign up before viewing anything).

JustSayIt ago

I was also locked out for many months cus I didn't register an account for lurking and then could only register this one when registrations were open a year ago.

This place has already been ruined but kikes and shills. Voats best days are behind it and it seems like it's probably too late to save it.

LurkedForever ago

all of a sudden Voat blocked anyone from viewing the website without an account, AND NO WAY TO REGISTER, for several god damn months.

Yeah, that SUCKED, @Puttitout , it was around the epstein thing and I couldn't find any reliable news. Moved over to Poal as my primary, and Poal is great (significantly more polite, wider spectrum of opinion) but it just isn't as content dense.

I can finally share my Voat links again to other normies on the internet (without 95% of them clicking away due to needing to sign up before viewing anything).

Also agree.

Hellion ago

Then we’re fucked. Because if you can’t rise up with thousands of people, you won’t have public support. Without public support you’ll end up in jail or dead...or both.

That’s how it’s worked all through human history. This situation isn’t the first time it has happened.

We’re all fed up. It’s incredibly frustrating to see this country, our people and our history being destroyed while the normies bend the knee. But if you stand up alone, right now, even with 100 people, you will be forgotten and will only strength the opposition.

AnotherGrayman ago

Spare us your antifa-level "rise up, brothers!" rhetorical bullshit.

Stop trying to stir shit up. Normies are already being redpilled on the insanity of the left and the necessity of the first and second amendments, and eventually politicians who embrace American values will start to pop up again. It'll get worse before it gets better, but you "muh civil war 2.0!" shitheads are either subverters or retards.

Hellion ago

“Spare us your rise up bullshit” “it’s time to rise up”

But I’m the retard? Kill yourself

MarauderShields ago

Logic fail.

AnotherGrayman ago

You're trying to pretend like you've caught me in a contradiction, when nowhere in my comment did I say anything that even suggests "it's time to rise up."

Nice sleeper account, kike faggot.

Hellion ago

You came out contradicting me saying not to do anything - it’s implied dumbass.

AnotherGrayman ago

I think your brain is broken.

MarauderShields ago

Dude, you have the patience of a saint.

892012518HEROS ago

I'm always devastated when I can't access voat.co then I have to go to the chans voat is really the best site to learn and teach

LurkedForever ago

Try Poal if you're next best is the chans. Not as content dense, but people are much more polite.

Hellion ago

You think it’s a coincidence that @puttitout dropped that right when race riots started? (((They))) want us to be able to be doxxed by the lynch mobs and media.

observation1 ago

My thoughts exactly

El_Syd ago

It's denial of service attacks.

bitbug ago

I hate the new voat. Lots of faggots

codeinemassacre ago

Bring back the version of voat that required registration but had it disabled.

I only made this account after lurking for years because of that.

uvulectomy ago

I'll take the occasional glitches in return for being able to direct-link normies to things they need to see on here.

SSDS ago

There have been some really retarded trolly jews lately too. Like more than usual.

asdf23 ago

You'd need some sort of web administrator to carry out that request (to ask and the pajeets then double check their work) voat doesn't work that way

Hodor123 ago

Deal with it. There are too many that would not login to see voat. Now all this shit can be seen.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Shit. It was retarded to go live anyways. Are we trying to copy Reddit (the anus of the internet) and look edgier?

whatsupwithvoat ago

I love this place! Reddit truly is the anus of the internet!

AntiMason ago

Lol like it was stable before?

FreeinTX ago

Here, here.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

It's "hear hear"

El_Syd ago

It's "hare, hare"

FreeinTX ago


RM-Goetbbels ago


BlackGrapeDrank ago

we need a jew gasket.

SparklingWiggle ago

Will a wooden door work?

whatsupwithvoat ago

Won't seal well enough for the zyklon.

SparklingWiggle ago

You don't need a seal for zyclon b. It only kills lice.

RM-Goetbbels ago

With a window. IT MUST HAVE A WINDOW.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


nowhat ago

If you can believe that the riots are keeping testimony out of the news you should assume that cyber attacks are booting voat on the daily.

LeoLittlebook ago

For a long time I thought the site was dead due to the login firewall. Just registered and it's bigger than ever IIRC. How did that happen, and why?

ciaozuzu ago

Qtards boosted our numbers. Some assimilated and some stick to their anonymous sub.

LeoLittlebook ago

That explains the increase. But why was registration and viewing blocked for a long time? Or was that just me?

Lurk541 ago

There was a massive DDOS attack directed towards this submission: https://archive.fo/ArZdi, hence the change to required logins and no new accounts.

ciaozuzu ago

No it was for everyone and honestly I'm not sure why.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I think it was a bug mitigation.

ciaozuzu ago

There have been some really retarded trolly jews lately too. Like more than usual.

JustSayIt ago

I was gonna put together research on a topic (((they))) really don't want you to know about but decided this place just isn't worth it. I wish that wasn't the case but maybe one day there will be a place on the internet that isn't ruined by jew trolls, paid shills and bots.

Hellion ago

Especially people calling for violence. I got down voated by several for saying now isn’t the time.

rebel_1812 ago

now is the time. what do you think happens after the defund the police movemebt. then antifa thugs become the police. good luck after that happens.

Doglegwarrior ago

good luck to commie cops in america thats a death sentance

voatuser1128 ago

now is the time.

Exactly, Texas and Florida is projected to turn solid Blue like California (which used to be Red) in 15 years due to Hispanic births. After that there is no chance a republican (as useless as they are) will ever get elected to the white house.

rebel_1812 ago

the crisis will hit peak in september. what will happen in the election. are kids going back to school. will gubberment gibs last. how big will the food shortages be. all of this will come to a head in september. start forming your neighbourhood defense gang now.

Marzh ago

they already made an "autonomous zone" in Seattle

Hellion ago

If you stand out now, you’ll be the last person they arrest out the door.

Optics matter, and if you try to stand up now, you’ll lose any and all support.

It would be easier to form a security group, of like minded people, after they shut down police.

Right now we need a central person to unify and organize, so we can rise up together.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Cunty84 ago

There’s a lot of Uncle Tom niggers that pretends he is an intellectual chimp, and lots of nigger lovers coming out of the woodworks.

TerryFlaps ago

Dude. That was poetry.

MarauderShields ago

That may be true, but quite frankly they Need to see the kind of things here that they can't see elsewhere. Still, it's not much effort to sign up. That little barrier was welcome.

Nosferatjew ago

Border security for voat!

GretaThornburg ago

How dare you !!!!

Infearmal ago


Hellion ago

Build the wall!!

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I am not opposed to this idea.

generate ago

we were rotting here with same retards posting same shit every day

whatsupwithvoat ago

Well I am new, and I think many new people would come, but for me you can't search or make new subs....

generate ago


the owner of this website is retarded when it comes to programming, so no search. Still name me a better site

BobSmooth ago

So send invites.

CapinBoredface ago

You have to have friends to send invites

andrew_white_forever ago

I honestly didn't even know we could send invites before.

Tbh there are a lot of telegram groups now, voat is kind of 'old tech' but I prefer to browse information this way.