mitoriomyt ago

Why is your friend disillusioned?

PFCKaji ago

Check out the Benjamin Freedman file I linked, he goes into a lot more detail about this.

PFCKaji ago

The FBI file on Benjamin Freedman, who was a convert from Judaism to Catholicism, is an interesting read.

Messianic Christianity is essentially a form of Evangelical Protestantism. Protestants are Judaizers; for example, they use the Masoretic text produced by Jewish Rabbis during the middle ages as the basis for their Old Testament as opposed to the older Greek Septuagint used in the early Church and which is still used in Orthodox Christianity.

Per Freedman Jesus wasn't Jew, but a Judean. Iesus Basileus ton Ioudaion, is usually translated 'Jesus King of the Jews' but it would be more accurate to translate as 'Jesus King of the Judeans.' This very important distinction has been deliberately suppressed by Protestant Judaizers who were very successful in popularizing the slogan 'Jesus was a Jew.'

The religion were think of today as Judaism didn't exist during the Second Temple Period. The Biblical Hebrews were essentially pagan, their religious practices as different from rabbinical Judaism as from Christianity. By the second temple period, three major religious factions has emerged in Judea: the Sadducees, the Essenes, and the Pharisees.

The Pharisaical movement supplanted the old Aaronic priesthood of the Sadducees shortly before the time of Christ. The religion we think of today as Judaism evolved from that of the Pharisees; the people Christ warned his disciples about, and who were responsible for his crucifixion. The main holy text of Rabbinical Judaism, the Babylonian Talmud was completed approx. 500 AD. For their own benefit, Talmudic Jews have tried to pass themselves off as Hebrews, Israelities, etc., as forerunners of Christianity; but their claims of direct descent from ancient Israelites are dubious and their religion evolved contemporarily and in competition with early Christianity. Until recently, most Christians understood the Nation of Israel, God's Chosen People, to be synonymous with the Church. Again, you can thank Judaizing Protestants for the confusion.

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AntiMason ago

Send them to John MacArthur's Youtube channel. He is good.

mitoriomyt ago

Another goat here to say that John McArthur is solid when it comes to Scripture.

AntiMason ago

He has even called out Freemasonry.

mitoriomyt ago

Which is why I like the guy. If you're into bible study, I can also recommend Chuck Smith. I recently started to listening to his sermons on YouTube on recommendation of a friend. Chuck Smith's knowledge of the bible is vast and impressive.

MetaCog ago

2 in the chest, one in the head.

CarpenterforChrist ago

They need to trust in God for understanding of the Holy Bible, not man. Man is fallible, God is not. God bestows all wisdom and knowledge upon man. What better teacher than God? Jesus Christ is the example we are told to follow, because He was God in the flesh. People get too caught up with esoteric knowledge rather than trying to emulate Jesus Christ. This is one of satans tactics for well intentioned believers to stray from the narrow path.

CornyGoatWeed ago

Titties, short answer

neogag ago

If they're looking for a "package" to follow then they've forgotten the point. It's not supposed to be a bunch of rival fan clubs pretending to be officially accredited by God, each with its own layer of fan fiction on top of the actual thing they purport to be about.

Remind them that Christians should only concern themselves with the teachings of Christ, which are very simple yet elude the dishonest.

"Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and don't do what I say?" (Luke 6:46)


“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23)

The mission of Christianity is not to provide titillating lore to keep people from getting bored. They should play some video games if that's what they're looking for.