Plavonica ago

Well, slave labor and such really is good for a corporation that can sell that shit to a place that doesn't do slave labor.

ketoll ago

This is more of a statement than an AskVoat question, but important regardless.

UltronWasRight ago

I mean, it has a question mark at the end.

justregtoasku ago

Dodgy period

UltronWasRight ago

It's a direct quote from the PDF.

justregtoasku ago

I see.

ketoll ago

Haha it does, doesn't it?

UltronWasRight ago

Doesn't it?

ketoll ago

No question about it, right?

Alinia_HH ago

Hi Users!! I invite you rate Selection candid pics with me..real Photos(no photoshop) ☑️..uncensored...I like to show myself..for those who prefer beautiful natural..female bodies..waiting for your assessment✔️(@ lexiswetty)...(copy Link )=>>

i_scream_trucks ago

yes. You did.

You also know all... all of your universities (and ours) do it as well.

Ruad9 ago

Who is "ours"? Tel Aviv?

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY isn't Nascar self driving cars now? I mean HOW SIMPLE is that kind of driving A testing lab, at least SOME cars should be self driving! Using appropriate sensory inputs to keep the car on the razor edge of control and speed PERFECTLY.

tourgen ago

The human element and the pseudo-fake daytime TV drama that it creates is the only thing that makes NASCAR interesting to your average audience member.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I think it would be interesting if all the cars were electric. Maybe REMOTELY controlled by "drivers" (amateur winners of local competitions). OR self driven (AI). ACTUAL development arena for self driving (round and round) BASIC systems (boilerplate). Then maybe later road courses, then cross country. Points for efficiency (energy) too! such possibilities.

running aound in pushrod gas engines serves no purpose.

UltronWasRight ago

The cost for that kind of precision would be astronomical. Also sensors add weight.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Wrong. It's physics, just need a SMART developer (knows physics), then the sensors (eg friction on track at given instants) along with traditional (todays cars) sensory ECU tech, Just off the rack sensors mostly. weight would NOT be as high as a driver's weight. ELECTRONIC.

Besides precision metrics could easily be mastered via trial an error, given KNOWN tolerances (generally) for driving with a driver!

i_scream_trucks ago

How hard can it be when the car on has to accelerate fully, accelerate less, turn one direction, accelerate more, accelerate less, turn the same direction again, rinse and repeat for 500 miles.

Gorillion ago

It would be an effective AI challenge/competition between colleges. Like when they do that solar car race, but with NASCAR rules. And with the added bonus that the worse the AI the more fun the audience has as with all the crashes (which is why they'd never do it, they want there to be the illusion in the public mind that Car AI is infallible).

antiliberalsociety ago

One group of niggers is all it takes

fellowwhiteperson ago

America could learn a lot by adopting Israel's policies. Like a strong border to keep immigrants out, deporting blacks, sterilizing blacks, and more.

Sam1976 ago

Yes don't forget the the very stupid racist pos as well who think because they were lucky to have been born white somehow makes them special as they try to ride the backs of other great white peoples achievements...and as you try to take the credit for others deeds for no reason other then having the same color skin...remember that white people are also responsible for a great many evil acts...just like every other color or race...but if only you had a couple brain cells to rub would realize that...How about sterilizing idiots...that would make more sense...

antiliberalsociety ago

We must increase our efforts 10 fold

  • JIDF

WWG1WGA4Israel ago

This is new

i_scream_trucks ago

No its not.

Not even remotely.

You e been calling people who tell you all about these things conspiracy theorists for years (so have i) without acknowledging that there is also conspiracy fact (operation fortitude, operation mockingbird, watergate) and keep pretending that except for those conspiracies that were admitted to.... No conspiracy ever existed.

Think of the old 'what have all the Romans ever done for us eh?' Joke - 'roads' '.... Ok we got roads but what else?'

Change the words around -

"when have you ever heard of a conspiracy being real?"

"Gunpowder plot!"

"All right all right there was the gunpowder plot but aside from that, what conspiracy has ever turned out to be real"

List every proven conspiracy

"Yeah? Well except for... A, b, c, d,.... X, y, z, when have you ever heard of a conspiracy being real? Never. Weirdos."

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh, you need one of these.


UltronWasRight ago

Did you just reply to yourself? Haha.

antiliberalsociety ago

Are you retarded?

ATF-AgentDrake ago

Just wait till you see what our attorneys have been up to while you've all been distracted and the courts have been paralyzed.

HoneyPots4Days ago

..go on.

ClAsockPuppet ago

Nothing. He's delirious. Right Agent Drake?!