Slipstream ago

What can I tell you, I watched it way back when. It was funny and I wasn't awake to the JQ. Owen Benjamin did a pretty good breakdown of how psychotic the humor is at one point. I think he's off his rocker but that one show was pretty good.

xenoPsychologist ago

probably not. most are empty vessels, and that defies theyre programming. but the few who do will be worth it.

Rubberdong ago

only jews will get it. you will lose your job. Accomplish nothing. Dont put a target on your head.

Start slow. You can argue against open borders, financial monopolies, the monopoly of information without commiting social suicide.

Doglegwarrior ago

i wont lose my job. im set. as long as the american economy is not completely destroyed. even if it is i will be fine i can build a house from the ground up

never forger circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

once u realize the truth of the statement above u will realize the truth

Rubberdong ago

i think it would be better to start slow.

For starters...Jews hate it when people read the Talmud. Apparently it is equal to killing a Jew because if a goy reads the Talmud and finds out about their intentions..he will eseentially kill a Jew.

So how about we organise an awarenes month? To remember the 6m and ask people to read the Talmud?

Slipstream ago

Seinfeld reference.

FreeinTX ago

I would def get it. Fo sho.

wewuzgoyim ago

Literally 0 normal people would get it

WeekOne ago

haha exactly, yes.

NeoDankZer ago

Let there be a 110:th.

green_man ago

Where can I buy this shirt?

errgnomeous ago

Only the right type of people will get it.

Blood-is-Nature ago

"I've been kicked out of 109 bars - Is it the bouncers fault?"

Doglegwarrior ago

more direct which we might need in this culture war.

squishysquid ago

when someone reads the "you can help by expanding this list" line.

earlymac ago

This is a great way for us to identify each other in wild. A secret code.

ToxicWhiteMale ago


steven_feelsperg ago

If a normie queried about the slogan, ultimately the topic would turn to individual vs group behavior, then NAJALT. At that point, the topic will turn to genetics and history. Be prepared.

registeretakes10s ago

id have a good chuckle if o saw someone with that on

Gigglestick ago

In all honesty... I’d probably think “well that guys a faggot.” More so because you didn’t use the actual 365 bars.

Doglegwarrior ago

no one knows the real number is the problem. i think 109 is becoming a recognized number associated with jews so went with that the other number thrown at me is 1030

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

"Not the 13% that will cause more than 50% of your problem".... If your a... Ya know.... Should be your next t-shirt.

Edit: if you're, ya know

Doglegwarrior ago

im not a grammerkike. I understood what you meant we are not kikes around here we are like friends hanging out at a back yard bar b que only reason i would ask about spelling and grammar is if i truly didnt understand what you meant.

have a good day goat.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

I want one


Have you ever been told that you are restricted to the confines of the " Pale of Settlements " ? Do your shoes squeak when you walk?

Does the sight of a railroad track lined with " cattle cars " leave you with feelings of euphoria knowing that they are conceptually central to an elaborate deception propagated through an emotionally based false narrative? Are you of the mind that your " HOSTS " , and those who go out of their way to lend a helping hand are inferior subhumans? What are your thoughts on FRANK ZAPPA'S tune " JEWISH PRINCESS ", who squeaks when she cums?

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

TBH, I care most about the ones from the last 75 or so years because those are easily proven and the sting is still fresh on them more or less.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I would get it, but I was a bouncer on and off for 20 years and I also don’t like (((them))) at all, so I’m something of a qualified expert on both sides of the statement.

slwsnowman40 ago

Probably not, but most will agree with the asshole bouncers part, remember their names and faces if you can. Those are the ones that should be watched.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

You're all nigger faggots

ninjajunkie ago

I know I get it, and now I want to know where to get one.

spaceman84 ago

It's been done, hoss. PREMIUM WHORTLEY CONTENT

Fialla_web ago

Hello Users!! For those who prefer pretty Girls without complexes💋..more information On Platform... good luck

(copy the link )➤

MOGA ago

Do you prefer rice, or curry?

i_scream_trucks ago

other people might think you're the problem and start reminding you of it.

This could backfire.

Maybe a billboard with hrm... Pretend its a domestic violence PSA with a dude with a big nose and in big letters "IF YOUVE BEEN KICKED OUT OF 109 HOMES MAYBE YOURE THE PROBLEM"

jews be like oy veh normies be like why jew got a problem with this jews be like oy.veh kicked out of 109 is clearly anti Semitic normies be like why, did jews get kicked out of 109 homes? I don't get it. Jews be like no... Jews got Ki.... Uh.... Uh..... Its anti Semitic you Nazi.

Let them red pill the world themselves.

Doglegwarrior ago

did you end with some grammerkike shit? I have my reasons. Im gonna let it slide this time the rest of your comments where good

Uareallidiots ago

You are an idiot.. you all are. Jews bible is later than the Quran and the bible in written form.. look into the true baby killers.. Jesuits hence Black, Grey and White pope. He who will make a king sacrifice his child holds true power.. you are all a bunch of fools. Look into the virgin birth.. yeah Jews don’t have that shit. You have been played. Call me a Jew I’m not. My name is victory, grace of god, happiness. We all have root meanings in our names. Gods speed.. little ones.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont think any of us know for sure when the jew book was written or any of them we dont have an original copy of any of them they are all copies of copies of copies.

SkrutinizeYou ago

If I saw that much text on a shirt, I'd think you're a nerd and not read it.

Anarchy99 ago

my t shirt says Juck the Fews , do you think they will get it?

Computergeek01 ago

"Pass the bikes and race far now"

Doglegwarrior ago

i think i like this one better. well played

Aaronmatic ago

Needs to be short and sweet, something like "109 countries can't be wrong!" or "109 times but it's your fault not mine"

LurkedForever ago

"I did a thing"..... oh shit.... sounds too much like that site we don't name

itssomatic ago

Pants shidded

A FAS cashier for evry McDicks

#MAGA 2020

heygeorge ago

Better idea to get it for someone that doesn’t really get it but likes to wear funny shirts.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

Bonus points if they are (((white)))

CeasarSalud ago


But those who do will ensure you're not getting paid that night.

MOGA ago

Ya, because women sure do hate alpha assholes, they much prefer beta sjw cucks

CeasarSalud ago

Yeah because this is middle school and edgelord t shirts are in.

joecamoe ago

Most people would get the joke.


Basically only pepole who share our views will get it. Could be a good way to meet people IRL who know what we know.

Diggernicks ago

Who cares

Tinfoil buttpluggery is boring

thebearfromstartrack ago

A guy said this to me one day...The one thing in common about all your relationships is YOU.

GetWoke ago

Your camp related drinking problem requires a solution

WeekOne ago

"Remember the Holodomor" I want to make these T shirts ..

AmericanBannedStand ago

If you make this shirt somewhere, I’ll buy one

RarryLeeDacted ago

Those that get it will buy you drinks, those that won’t will laugh with you

naptime_08 ago

the people who need to get it won't get it and it's a dumb joke

Lag-wagon ago

No. You will have to explain it a lot of times.

Upgrayyed ago

I’m afraid to ask.

tom9152 ago

V/loxism header pic

Upgrayyed ago


SpreeFeech ago

The only people who would get it but don't like it are the jews. Anyone else who gets it will like it. If they don't get it and ask about it then bombs away.

traveler573g ago

I think some people may sorrt of get it without realizing it has anything to do with Jews also and just think it's some random number

SearchVoatBot ago

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AmericanBannedStand ago

Annnnnd if they get it and don’t like it, they’ll have to explain why with everyone standing around already thinking “lol it’s funny because he’s the one thing all 109 scenarios have in common and he blames everyone else”

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

Subtle red pill, I like it.

Zednix ago

Most people will think you are just some weirdo with a shitty shirt

CryptoBard ago

Censorship generates some great humor, I love this idea.

SouthernCh0l0 ago

That's pretty good. Hats off to you.

Doglegwarrior ago

I think I actualy got the grammar correct

anticlutch ago

No because that's retarded. It would be over 1,000 then.

TheVOATangel ago


veteran88 ago

1 the people who understand you short will be good friends or want to kill you.

2 Repeating something that was dropped on me. They are worse than 109

WRONG, not countries, city state regions, and its actully far more than 109 regions!

1,030 expulsions of jews

it's 1,030

Would you like a sourced, interactive map?

I think the jews run counter info miscounting to just 109. Plus the 109 list (by the jews?) has DOUBLE COUNTING of city state regions in it. really. loot ak it and sort it.

1,030 expulsions of jews is correct

lucabrasi ago

He's correct, you are wrong. 109 places not total number of times. He can be kicked out of the same bar more than once.

GoyimNose ago

109 countries is accurate. If Jews were banned from America that would be 1 country and 50 states.

veteran88 ago

How do you count the South American primitive tribe that kicked them out?

GoyimNose ago

I would count that separately since they have their own government

i_scream_trucks ago

Finally get handed their own promised land now they are demanding THEIR OWN STATE WITHIN THEIR OWN STATE AND OTHER JEWS WANT THEM OUT OF ISRAEL


MarauderShields ago

I thought 109 was for existing countries, but the 1k plus number was for previous cities, city states and towns. They were much more easy to ban locally from office in that way.

Doglegwarrior ago

i do not disagree one bit. I think the 109 number is in our collective consciousness now.


110 and never again.

memik ago

The black jews got kicked out of etheopia or someshit last year (and got sterilized upon entry to israel). That makes 110.

Shotinthedark ago

Oy vey it's 115. Get with the program!

JunOS ago

I thought it was 6gorillion

LightestHour ago

Get with the pogrom*

Doglegwarrior ago

very nice. good one.

majb ago

Society apparently didn't learn anything from the previous 109, why would 110 be any different?

fataa ago

Things are more global nowadays.

i_scream_trucks ago

mfw it doesnt matter anymore because the US is a vassal state...

Derpfroot ago

The people that do are worthy of friendship.

FellowMan ago

What if a jew gets it and goes off on you?

Derpfroot ago

Trick question. The jew would only agree with you that it was "the bouncers" fault.

ShakklezthaKlown ago


what if they're black?

sbt2160p ago

he said "people", not animals, lol

ShakklezthaKlown ago

people are animals.

Racial_Maddow ago

If a black person can both read the shirt, understand it AND not be trying to “get that grip” then I would call him a friend and tell him how much good he could do back in Africa..

i_scream_trucks ago

That's what I would call "not a nigger"

Unlike my white cunt next door neighbour who didn't finish high school, smokes ice, robs houses, and is on the dole, which in my opinion is worse than a nigger because being white I know this fucktard has been imbued with all he needs to be a successful human being from birth... But fuck that.

Not every black is a nigger.

Not every nigger is black.

We need to learn this.

Its the fucking media teaching us to hate each other by status instead of fact. Status being I hate you because you're black. Fact being I hqte you because you're a lazy retarded piece of shit draining my tax dollar and I want you gone.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

my white cunt next door neighbour who didn't finish high school, smokes ice, robs houses, and is on the dole,

Do you think he might move if the house became uninhabitable?

3dk ago

13% doing 50% of the crime. Then a whole lot more that are useless and unpleasant people. I don't care about the few outliers that are decent people, I don't want them where I am.

Blacks and niggers have an entire continent, a natural beauty, rich with resources, to do with as they please, but over centuries they have failed to create a stable society any white person would want to live in. For this, they should be disqualified.

rubberdougie ago

Enough that some yids will attack you sooner or later.

TomRectum ago

Jews are way too fucking coward to do the job by themself, they will pay someone to do it.

GetWoke ago

Crown heights riots?

Don't underestimate even the cowardly enemies

TomRectum ago

Jews belong to the ghetto and should live among niggers. Jews are exactly like niggers, when you are alone and they outnumber you then they will suddently become brave.

vastrightwing ago

No, but you'd know right away who did!

con77 ago

I'd buy that

HulkJizz ago

The people that get it will get it.

Hooofer ago

but thats the wrong audience! you wanna target normies. It has to be more aggresive without revealing to much.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

That's called a Dog Whistle.

HiJoker ago

What a quirky and entertaining way of saying 'your target audience will understand'.

TrueAmerican ago

Anyone who reads this comment will read it.

Splooge ago

I wrote a reply


I replied to the reply, include me in the screen cap

SearchVoatBot ago

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VandalayIndustries ago

Most def approve. And, no. Most would be mystified. This will change if we have time.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Awesome fucking rant frenbro! Nailed it perfectly. Whats your screen name? You have a new fan in me. (VandalayIndustries) 10 out of 10, would recommend!

👍 This guy.

Slipstream ago


VandalayIndustries ago

Fucking retard.

Slipstream ago

Well fuck me for recognizing your name. Go fuck yourself you faggot.

VandalayIndustries ago, so....?

You have something to go with this?

Slipstream ago