That and CARBYNE 911 . If you want to call emergency services you MUST agree to give access to their surveillance program.


bbqchipz ago

Tell me something they aren't already doing.


don't worry, it'll be just as fucked as every government project

MuhTriggersGuise ago

Do the government even care where the sub $100k/year earners live?

justregtoasku ago

Could be a witch though - dunk him in that pond over there to make sure

prairie ago

Spend it only on basic groceries, and spend your own money on other things.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Not everyone will get it.

Fuckyounigger ago

Who got money I didn’t?

Pointyball ago

Everyone who makes over $99k a year won't get anything. That is a lot of taxpayers who aren't rich watching their money go to welfare recipients.

spaceman84 ago

Pelosi wanted prepaid VISA cards in her bill. For obvious reasons.

CapinBoredface ago

I don’t know how that would work. I always have my refund mailed to me.

fundie ago

No, it will be based on existing information. Last I heard it will be based on 2018 tax returns - which means if you didn’t file a tax return you are out of luck.

SquishedSpam ago

Not him, heb. I bet he don't even like spam.

Chuck_Brown ago

ye's it will's!

FoundingUncle ago

Today, many Americans who did not file tax returns want to.

In the short term (2 months) they will send money to people who already filed tax returns.

In the medium term many Americans will file next year even though they do not need to.

Redpilleveryone ago

Lol it’s from the irs.

ScreaminMime ago

This was already done under Bush, twice.

BJW0414 ago

if you pay taxes, you would repay the $1,200 + "interest" to the federal reserve.

instead of the federal government "giving" $1,200, how about a class-action lawsuit against the zionist media?

many doctors say the panic is much worse than the virus. there's no doubt that the media has caused medical problems due to stress.

the zionist media has been terrorizing the usa, europe, canada, australia, new zealand, and south africa, almost this entire century.

and, even though i suspect the virus was caused by zionists attacking with a bioweapon, and the "pandemic" was planned, i wouldn't be against suing the federal government for failure to protect u.s. citizens. and i would think "non-essential" business owners have a good reason to sue the federal government.

$ is the only thing that matters to zionists such as rothschilds, rockefellers, soros, adelson, etc. taking away their $ is maybe the only way to take away their power. honestly, i'm not sure if lawsuits would work against them, because they are heavily protected by corrupt federal courts.

Uncle_Slob ago

Um, considering people e-file their taxes, that's how they are issuing payment, aren't you already on file?

DeseretIndustries ago

I’m bothered that they’re only giving it out to people making less than $75k. It’s dysgenic.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Just go to a check-cashing place.

ScreaminMime ago

Still need an ID, I thought IDs were racist...

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Most don't care. They'll even cash checks made out to other people.

markrod420 ago

I mean... cell phones...

TFS ago

There's no such thing as a free lunch...

Cat-hax ago

The government knows my bank account

No6 ago

It's NOT to every American. Don't let them get away with saying that. Only exclusions are "non-resident aliens" meaning illegals get it.

Ozzsanity ago

You can't honestly believe that Trump's govt would ever do that to the people he loves so much. He would never sell you out or spy on you. The Leader loves you and looks out for your best interests.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Look at social security. How isn't that enough?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

If we ever even get that money it won't be in the form of a check it will be on a Visa debit card that will have fees taken out of it because you know the Jews are going to want their cut to

Voat_Monster ago

Yup. Thank you census 2020!

thebearfromstartrack ago

I wonder what (if any) hidden agenda the elites will LATER claim it PROVES about citizens. In other words, cashing that check suddenly (surprisingly) means (as a matter of LAW) that you agree to X. This is EXACTLY how feminists operate (they make you signatories to contracts they write IN THEIR HEAD, that YOU never READ OR AGREED to).

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Given that they are refusing to release the text of the bill, it's actually possible.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Possible? It's a FACT.

Tallest_Skil ago

They released it.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Only if it keeps making payments. The population is always changing. Without making ongoing payments what you have is a singular snapshot of time. Not very useful compared to all the data they already have, which is nearly everything there is to have.


No more than tax returns will. How exactly do you think they know which addresses to send peoples checks to?

reason247 ago


.. It's THE IRS database. So if you have received IRS tax returns then you a re already tracked.

CryptoBard ago

Creating? Dude, social security, it's already there.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Social security connects every Citizen to a bank account?

You realize you can open a bank account without a social security number in all those Liberal sanctuary States, right? That's nearly half of them at this point.

CapinBoredface ago

Why do you think these checks will have to be linked directly to a bank account?

Is there something saying that in order to receive these checks it has to be direct deposited?

anticlutch ago

Social security connects every Citizen to a bank account?

Yes. You need to provide your SSN to open any type of bank account.

You realize you can open a bank account without a social security number in all those Liberal sanctuary States, right? That's nearly half of them at this point.

Nope. That's why those cities are giving SSNs to illegals. That's why illegals steal identities.

CryptoBard ago

Not mine, not credit checks, all that shit relies on SS. Even if it's not directly tied, it's like, 2-3 degrees of separation.

anticlutch ago

You're a dumbass if you think this will give info than is already had.

They use info on tax returns. You're already a known quantity to the IRS.

To think that just now this information is going to be gained is the most ludicrous thing I've ever read.

Commiefornication ago

Your jewdar is on point.

Slipstream ago

While I agree with your conclusion, you're obsessed with account age like your 5 years makes you some kind of hero. In my mind that just makes you stupid for not practicing opsec.

You're no better than any other goat. Go fuck yourself.

uvulectomy ago

A 5 year old account might now make you a hero, but a 16 day old account sure as fuck means you have yet to prove yourself, faggot.

Slipstream ago

I wasn't talking to you faggot. Go fuck yourself.

Gethsemane ago

How much of a fag am I?

justregtoasku ago

Judging by the question, probably quite a big one

Bobtheviolent ago

This! The IRS already knows how much your taxes are before you file

ababcb ago

The IRS (who is that?) doesn't "know" anything at all and they cannot testify in court because they do not have first hand knowledge that anything they allege is true.

ketoll ago

The only thing that would aid them in taxing more is if all currency were digital blockchain ledger, then they could tax ALL transactions. That would open up a huge new tax resource. This is most likely the goal behind digital dollar.

QualityControl ago

Yeah don't ask them for help to figure out how much you owe though.

thewhitewizzard ago

We could, and it would save money for the IRS and time for people.

BUT, turbotax and other companies lobbied against it.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

It sounds like you're just trying to nit-pick. To demonstrate the obvious issues with your argument:

You're a dumbass if you think this will give info than is already had.

Ok. I'm a dumbass, then, because I do think so.

They use info on tax returns. You're already a known quantity to the IRS.

So in the fantasy world in your head, every single person that files a tax return ties it to a bank account instead of getting a paper check, and every single kid in the US files a tax return. Got it.

To think that just now this information is going to be gained is the most ludicrous thing I've ever read.

Boy, you sure convinced me.

Uncle_Slob ago

Have you heard of social security numbers?

CapinBoredface ago

Who says you’ll have to get your $1200 direct deposited?

Uncle_Slob ago

If you efiled it will go to where your taxes went, if not it's mailed.

SquishedSpam ago

Anticlutch is right and you are a faggot.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

You've certainly convinced me with your reasonable argument and evidence.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Your file with the NSA contains every phone call you've ever made, every address where you have lived, all account info for every merchant you have an account with, everywhere you have made a card purchase, every time you made a cash purchase in a shop with a camera tied to the internet, a list of everyone you are associated with and links to their files, every street camera you have passed in your car has recorded your plate which is tied to you, every venue or building with a camera has your face, and if you have a cell phone or a laptop or PC, it just gets worse from there. And since that traitor Obama passed a law that all the alphabet agencies can share this information on you, then the FBI has it, too. So, you might as well relax. Your best bet is to hope the CIA is ordered to permanently delete our files when they are disbanded because it was against the law to record all of our info in the first place. But you probably know how that will go.

SquishedSpam ago

What do you not understand about the database you are worried about the government compiling already existing?

TavistockInstitute ago

Found the anticlutch alt

SquishedSpam ago

He's a faggot too though but he's right.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

You mean aside from the argument I've already given that you haven't bothered to negate in any way?

SquishedSpam ago

Reread anticlutch'd comment. If still worthless kike, reread again.

goatsandbros ago

Jewish men should marry black women, only.

Silver_Sky ago

You are retarded. Jewish men should have to raise their jewish husbands' transsexual black children.

sore_ass_losers ago

Then we’d have great numbers of Jussie Smolletts.

Mr_Wolf ago

you noticed the Jewish man and black woman narrative on TV too?

agitatedwhiteguy ago

I'd vote for you.

Heebro ago

Tax break would have been better. Rewarding unemployed basement neckbeards is bullshit. We should reward those who work.

Rickybobbys_leg ago

If you didn't work full time you don't get paid.

ginx2666 ago

Kikes might be too afraid of an uncontrolled chimpout. Niggers, sandniggers and beaners will go looting as soon as gibs will stop coming, and they won't stop. Sure, white neighborhoods might be hit in the first wave, but as soon as there's nothing to steal and rape there, apeoidic niggers interbreedable with apes will turn to looting kike hives.

Similar "measures" have been implemented in other places - gibs for subhumans instead of tax reliefs for working people. There are more subhumans and humans with room temperature IQ than worthy humans, which is why governments in democratic/republic countries cater to the former.

Heebro ago

When the white people finally start shooting it'll all be over in 5 minutes

spaceman84 ago

You discount the millions of low wage workers with multiple kids who are also going to receive the stimulus. Miners, factory workers, etc who don't make much on paper after they claim the standard deduction and tax credits. These people are essential and beneficial most from the stimulus.

SergeantSlother ago

I don't think unemployed leeches are getting money. You had to file taxes for 2018 / 2019 and made a minimum of $4,000ish to qualify. Watching the people who didn't have jobs but feel entitled to the money cry is rewarding. So many people crying that "but I'm a student who lives at home and could use 1.200!" is hilarious.

Mr_Wolf ago

I'm considered "essential" with no extra pay or any PPE, extra pay would be nice. Those having to work should be getting something

ginx2666 ago

Dunno about your country, but those who don't have to work in mine are simply let go. Thankfully IT infrastucture's essential, so I'm safe. No extra pay, but I'm working from home, sitting in pajamas, playing video games most of the time, and getting paid.

Cat-hax ago

Same, yet it's been slow as fuck at work.

No6 ago

I haven't yet found a person who isn't "essential" and I was buying some seriously nonessential bullshit for work this week.

It might be actually just restaurants.

Mr_Wolf ago

It's mostly office, retail and construction thats shut down where im at. trucking/delivery, oil, mining, food production warehouses are all still going, might be some other things but most is closed. Media and politics are trying to give everyone a hard time for being outside and going to the trails and other outdoor activites.

No6 ago

Office workers are working from home. In fact, they respond to emails faster than ever.

ScreaminMime ago

I had some Landscapers come around, appreciate getting the job done but they shouldn't had been out.

Cat-hax ago

In my state the major highways are dead and I'm on the east coast so there are alot of none essential places closed right now. Usually the roads are packed at all times especially now.

GrizzlyDark ago

Getting paid to work plus $1200. To gas the gas station worker who provides my my dip and seagrams dark honey shooters each night, that's a decent bonus! That'll stay essential, right? Damn I'd be pissed if they started closing down gas stations

Maroonsaint ago

Lemme see your dick

Mr_Wolf ago

As long as there's product to deliver someone will bring it, you'll have it until stock/supply runs out.

Not sure if tobacco production is still going, but stock on items is typically a year ahead.

Looking up dip

From production to expiration, a tin can last anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks.

I've talked to some gas stations that have had to throw dip away due to being expired over this. take it no ones hoarding cans, you should be good.

ScreaminMime ago

Pour a little whiskey on it and the expired stuff breathes a whole new life. I used to put a fe coffee grounds in my little mix as well.

itssomatic ago

No blackpowder?

You have a shorn scrote and tie a ribbon-bow 'round your prick too?

ScreaminMime ago

You can ask your mother about that...

itssomatic ago

Turn around is fair play, haha.

Just giving you shit, meant to be funny.

SquishedSpam ago

Productive citizens aren't going to go out and blow all that money. Most would sit on it which is the opposite of what the feds want right now.

ToFat2Fish ago

Hum didn't think of that. Interesting.

agitatedwhiteguy ago

Government and Citizen databases are the worst travesty since the Constitution was created.