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goatboy ago

I love these data mining posts. Here you faggot. If war is definately coming teach him how to make his own bioweapons and never rely on anyone else. The simplest and crudest just require him to kidnap a dozen of the target population, a bioreactor, a set of IVs, and an animal virus (most vet clinics should provide one). Take the live animal virus, drip a million doses of the virus into each one patient, and wait for the first one to get sick. Kill the rest. Put the survivor in close proximity to a dozen other starving and immuno-compromized target population (irradiate them first if necessary), and wait for them to show symtoms. Kill any that don't. Repeat process as necessary. Once you have a really good starter, leave that patient in a communal area of the target population and presto-chango-walla, a very sick population. Repeat as many times as necessary to burn the enemy out. Be careful of blowback.


Today I spent the better part of six hours with a Goat who wanted to put some good into the world.

I'm not going to name them. What's important is they were one of you.

Right now, my fridge is full because of that Goat.


AnotherGrayman ago

I still have half a box of low sugar instant oatmeal and like two dozen eggs left in the fridge from that shopping trip

Some of the users here are actually human

goatboy ago

If they wanted humans they shouldn’t have threatened war. Since they push extinction of others, they must repent before the demons drag them to hell.


I like positivity.

But you appear to spread contradicting messages.


The gray man concept is basically an extension of OPSEC (Operational Security). It can be as simple as trying to not be picked to answer a question in class or as complicated as safely and effectively meeting a source to clandestinely collect intelligence without giving away your relationship or purpose for meeting

You reveal your identity to some, while hiding behind a username, and encourage others to do the same.

You are encouraging IRL meetups from an online site full of Feds. The exact opposite of "grayman" philosophy.

I'm fine with IRL meetups, but don't fucking advertise them online.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, I don't give a shit about feds because I don't advocate or conspire to participate in anything illegal and all we're doing is exercising our American right to free speech, so literally WHAT THE FUCK are you afraid of?

If I want to swing my dick around and take a gamble that one of you fuckers might actually be a human being, so I can reaffirm my faith in humanity for a day instead of being a scared little net-denizen hiding on the interwebs, that's my fucking prerogative your quakin'-in-mah-boots little bitch.

I don't need you to fucking Jewgle Grayman Theory for me dipshit, like you're out here educating people or something.

If you don't want to meet up for beers and talk shit about Jews in public, be a bitch and stay home, but don't act like everyone who isn't a nutless faggot like you MUST be a federal agent.

Jesus tittyfucking Christ.


our American right to free speech,

...over the internet....

Swedish 15 year old

See the problem faggot? Your dumb ass is gonna get caught "radicalizing" a child w/in some cucked European legal framework.

You've likely been emboldened because of some IRL meetup.

Don't destroy a useful online message board because you're lonely.

If you're american and white, focus on american whites. Europe is a continent away. and far more cucked than the states.

AnotherGrayman ago

Bro fuck you, I'm not being extradited to Sweden for telling a gamer to do more pushups and stop apologizing for being white.

All of you fuckers are so nutless and scared of literally everything.


I'm not being extradited to Sweden

Think of somebody besides yourself...

I'm saying voat could get shut down in sweden, or this kid could get in trouble with his own authorities if he's not tight lipped.

The best advice you can give to him is emigrate to Poland/Hungary/SomewhereLessCucked. You can't expect 15 year olds to counter the decades of feminazis of Sweden.

Tell me I'm defeatist, but South Africa is going the way of Rhodesia. Some places are not strategically defensible..

telling a gamer to do more pushups and stop apologizing for being white


how he's gonna either die or watch his wife get raped if he's not physically fit enough to defend his views.


save his friends from genocide

stop pretending you're a grayman as you keep compromising your privacy/identity while threatening a 15 year old with rape/death.

AnotherGrayman ago

Telling a kid he's at risk for violent assault in his home country and that physical fitness will keep him safer is not threatening him with rape/death, and telling him that media sources are convincing his peers not to care about their own culture or people is not illegal.

Stop acting like you're some kind of brainiac who has me caught in a contradiction.

I don't give a fuck about what you're afraid of, what advice you think I should follow, or what you think of my username.

Suckfire a shotgun, niggerfaggot.


OK Hypocrite.

Temp40000 ago

Honestly mate you're just fear posting.

AnotherGrayman ago

90% of people are sheep copy-catting what they see, and every other user here screeches OMG JIDF KIKE SHILL FED if anyone even so much as suggests any of us actually connect in reality.

I've made plenty of real life friends on other websites, but here people are scared because they say nigger.


just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

stay vigilant