Commie_Meta ago

... how he's gonna either die or watch his wife get raped if he's not physically fit enough to defend his views.

Cut the bullshit. He is unlikely to die. The invaders will do what that sort of people always do: segregate themselves into slums, and turn themselves into welfare slaves.

You know why marijuana was banned in the U.S.? Tractors made Southern blacks useless. They scattered across the U.S., bringing marijuana with them. They committed the senseless violent crimes they always commit. The whites couldn't believe creatures shaped like human beings would do such savage things. It had to be EVIL MARIJUANA forcing them to do it. [facepalm]

After a while they wised up. White flight ensued. The cheap neighborhoods turned black.

Tell him the important thing is to get the guns back. Disarmed countries agree always eaten by their own governments. Always. Armed countries might be conquered, but they never fall from within.

Tell him the important thing is where you live. It must be:

  • Separated from cheap neighborhoods
    • Distance
    • Geographic barrier like river
  • Be near source of fresh water (river, lake)
  • Not be near a highway pressing to a major city
  • Be near open country (forests agree a great place for the guerrilla soldier, ask the Vietnam's)


  • Learn to shoot
  • Learn mechanical and electrical work (valuable even in good times)
  • Learn to cook

AnotherGrayman ago

Stopped reading after "cut the bullshit."

Hang yourself, faggot.

Commie_Meta ago

Despair is a sin.

OP was telling a kid that he would get married, watch his wife be raped, then be murdered.

That could happen. In the same way that the kid could be painted green by midgets. Midgets wearing ducks on their heads. Anything is possible in an infinite universe.

OP really does need to cut the bullshit. Things in Sweden will change. It will be tough. But modern civilization will prevail! The blood of Vikings flows in the kid's veins!

Despair is a sin!

AnotherGrayman ago

People like you are why everyone who isn't Christian hates them. You're braindead but you think you're on to something.

slapstick2 ago

Know more news.

False.flag weekly

Drunkenst ago

Fuq Sweden, focus on fuq’d Minnesota.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Yes. Rough times are coming. For everyone.

registeretakes10s ago

thou shall not be afraid for you will meet your peers in Valhalla. here's a sword.


Intrixina ago

There's plenty of non-cucked Swedes. I'm guessing he lives in either Stockholm, Malmö or Göteborg, where the leftist mind virus is at its worst.

He needs to find like-minded people. I would second the suggestion by /u/zillzill401 about There's also a great podcast named "Vita Pillret" which are by a couple of the guys at Nordiska Alternativhöger. They have done episodes on all manner of things that have gone on not only in Sweden, but the world in general. One of the guys who does the podcast is the leader of AfS in Sweden.

The guy needs to learn about what "gaslighting" is, and to look up what Cluster B personality disorders are. When he looks into this stuff, he will realise just how fucking manipulative and cunt-like the leftist horde are, and as a result laugh at their attempts instead of being demoralised.

AnotherGrayman ago

Learning the definition of gaslighting is what ended my marriage to a manipulative negress, then Voat caught me up on what she was a gaslighting do-nothing bitch to begin with.

If only some fucker had enlightened me when I was fifteen, Jesus Christ the shit I'd have avoided.....

Will definitely make a point to link him to some Defense Against Narcissists 101 articles.

Intrixina ago

I mentioned Vita Pillret, which is a Swedish-language podcast done by the guys at Nordiska Alternativhöger (the Nordic Alt-right). and is a Swedish-language website as well.

There's also "Verklighetschecken" which is another Swedish-language podcast about "invandringskritik" or "immigrant criticism". In fact, their old podcast had the disclaimer at the beginning of each episode which translated to "Immigration criticism is not radical, it is normal".

Shekelhekel ago

Turn him on to red ice, the main host Henrik is a Swede and they do good work. They live stream a few times a week and have a great chat - livestreams - archive

Poseidon is good too hes a greek who delivers white pills, humor, and a positive message and also has a great chat when he streams

BJW0414 ago

if he lives in a metro area, my advice to he and his family is: move to a rural area, if possible. probably, there aren't many arabs in the rural areas of sweden. his parents probably still would be forced to pay a lot of tax $ for the arabs on welfare in the metro areas. but at least they wouldn't have to live near them. and there usually aren't a lot of liberals in rural areas.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Shoot first!!

Ina_Pickle ago

Not a civil war. Civil wars are brother wars. Muslims are invaders. That’s just straight up war against an obvious enemy.

uab ago

to hate immigrants

Sounds like a misguided and off-topic focus. The problem isn't simply 'immigrants' (fake refugees) as individuals but traitors, Freemasons and Jews using The State as a weapon against the nation the ethnically Swedish people. If he thinks there's any goal in 'hating immigrants,' his parents have set him on a path leading to nowhere... What is going on in Sweden, as in every Western jurisdiction, is that the anti-Europeans, traitors and aliens, are conflating the nation with The State. If you are able to discern between the two, then you already have the solution...

If you can't go to China, receive Citizenship from The State in China, and thereby 'become' a Chinaman, and obviously you cannot, then you may also comprehend that Somalis are not Swedes, regardless of what papers they have received form the anti-Swedish entity The State. And if you can discern that many Citizens in Sweden are not Swedes, then you know the Swedish nation exists. That is, the nation the ethnically Swedish people. And if you can discern that the Swedish nation exists, then you have two options: either you think the Swedish nation should continue to exist, which has absolutely nothing to do with 'hating' aliens, or you think the Swedish nation should be dissolved and disappeared as identity and people-group, genocide, in which case you are probably either by personality a Swedish traitor, or likely a Jew. You don't need to 'hate' the Somalis. Simply kick them out of your country. You also don't need to hate your neighbors, but you keep them from moving into your family home.

I don't believe The State is the solution, but think every European nation should replace the legal person The State with a living man, a king. No, 'Constitutional Monarchy' does not at all have a king but an office in The State called 'The King' (fakery and a lie, designed only to hide The State from the awareness of the people, which is working wonderfully). If he is interested in a Party in The State, however, this might be something:

Commie_Meta ago

You are making the same mistake you describe in others. Just as they confuse the state with the nation. You are confusing the average Jew (decent, intelligent) with Jewish cultural tendencies (vicious, backstabbing, exploitative).

Hitler made the same mistake, and it killed Germany, turned it into a cultural ruin from which it has yet to recover. He sent his best Jews to America, where they invented the nuclear bomb among many other contributions to the war. If he had singled out individual people for their behavior, he would have had the Bomb in the 1930s. They would have crushed the Bolsheviks before they got the Bomb. The U.S. could have doubled the war effort against Japan. South Africa and Rhodesia might conceivably have been saved; better to speak German in a free country than the fate that befell them.

Our goal in this Cultural Cold War should be liberty. Focusing our efforts on exterminating small groups of people is counterproductive. I don't want to be free of Jews, I want to be free of Progressives and all other exploiters. There are plenty of Caucasians who are willing and able to oppress and exploit us. Death to them all!

uab ago

Thank you for replying.

Your goal in this Cultural Cold War should indeed be liberty. My goal is different.

Jews using The State as a weapon against the nation the ethnically Swedish people

Aliens undermining the local nation, and I do not mean Citizenry but nation, are typically Jews. So either you are dealing with a traitor, or you a dealing with a Jew. This does not say anything about Jews in general, but says something about subversives in particular: they are likely local traitors or Jews. Yes, these days you also come across Muhammdists who are delivering slogans it seems they have been taught by others, and that they seem to not actually comprehend the meaning of. So, even if you these days inevitably see that Muhammadists have come into postions, I consider that more of a symptom than a cause.

So, again, I am not talking about all Jews, I am only talking about Jews subverting the local nation, like the nation the ethnically Swedish people-group. I consider slogans about killing your opponent, to be weak and not well thought through. I support the interests of the Jewish nation, like I support the interests of any nation. What I am opposed to, is Jews sitting in other nations, and subvering those nations. In their own country and in their own society, I wish them all kinds of peace, success and happiness. Also, I wish all kinds of happiness to traitors and Spiteful Mutants, so long as they are not subverting their own nation. Normal people would not support killing them, and if you did kill them, you would cause an injury to your own nation, that would be significant and that could possibly destroy it. Instead of harming SJWs and similar, my suggestion is to create a 'niche' for them in in society, where they could live out their nature, and where they could not sabotage the natural societal structure of their people. Somewhat like ostracism, as Stefan Molyneux talks about in Gene Wars, but in an updated version.

I am not a rightist or a Conservative. I am a family, sexist, nationist, racist and speciesist. I do not support ideology but nature. I believe that the Swedish men should get behind a living man and patriot, a king, and to withdraw their support from The State. The State can only exist as legal person so long as there is consent. Remember that silence is consent. If the men said no, then you would no longer have The State as a person, and The State would no longer be the paper monarch that owns the land of Sweden. In that moment the entire position of Feminists, traitors, Freemasons, Jews, and stupid Muhammadists with 80 IQs, would be gone. They would have no legitimacy. And then you would simply have the task of kicking out the non-Swedes, and of asserting the national interests of the Swedish nation. A nation is a tribe. A nation is not 'culture' or 'values,' nor is it a matter of material wealth, iPhones and Teslas and whatever.

NicotinicAcid ago

Really great comment.

yt4cz9 ago

Tell him to watch the Golden One on Youtube and get in touch with him.

stray502 ago

Tell him to convince his family to move to the US.

charliebrownau ago

He needs to find that Sweden white suburb that was adversited

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Sweden needs guns and ammo...............lot's of it

SpunRecord ago

Justifying talking to a 15 year old boy online.


AnotherGrayman ago

Don't you have a chair leg to sit on, faggot?

SpunRecord ago

Yea, you come across as the perfect candidate to be talking with 15 year old swedish boys.

Fulfill your fantasy, Groomer.

AnotherGrayman ago





SpunRecord ago

That's some liberal thought processes if I ever seen em.

AnotherGrayman ago

That was the whole point. That's what you sound like.

You're acting like I'm a fucking weirdo for talking to another gamer about what's happening in their part of the world, and then honoring their request for better sources of news.





Go kill yourself.

SpunRecord ago

He's not your child. He's not your relative.

You have no reason to desire the attention of a child. And here you are, asking us for help to give you information you can use to justify your continued interaction with a young boy.

You're a disgusting pedophile.

AnotherGrayman ago

You're just a troll at this point, nobody's taking you seriously.

SpunRecord ago

Well you've been messaging me about it for a week now.

I have an idea: I am an adult.

Maybe now that you know I'm not a teenage boy, you'll stop messaging me.

AnotherGrayman ago

Jesus dude, you REALLY have a hardon for suggesting people are fucking children.

I think you're fantasizing about pedophilia and then projecting to get away with it.

SpunRecord ago

Have any good chats with 15 year old swedish boys lately?

AnotherGrayman ago

I sincerely hope you die a brutal death for being such a piece of shit to someone who asked for your help to share news sources with a European citizen living the literal nightmare scenario that everyone here talks about trying to prevent. You really aren't here for any type of legitimate discussion, you're just a bitch hiding behind a screen to talk shit for funsies. Pathetic.

SpunRecord ago

Slow day huh?

Ulfghar ago

The swedes made their bed now let them lie in it.

TerryB ago

gazillions ago

It sounds like he won't die in a civil war if he's the only one in his town that isn't obediently brainwashed. The Swedes are giving Sweden to the muslims and they'll go like every other civilization that the muslims took. Slavery, poverty and death for Whites. That's it, that's all. At some point you have to cut them loose and let them die of their own narcissism and obedience.

Jews are two percent of the US population, yet control all avenues of media and communications and not only have too much money for their percentage, they pool their resources and use it help each other shit all over Christians, Christianity and White people. They own all Swedish media.What can a resistance inside Sweden accomplish that they can't accomplish better from elsewhere?

The resistance we need to be working on are not the brainwashed in Sweden or here, it's the media and the world global organizations that have to be taken apart and buried. The cliche spewing leftists are followers and followers follow. Take down their leaders, and forget about directly reprogramming the followers. The resistance can operate from anywhere, particularly a country where they won't put all the taxpayer's money towards destroying you if you disagree with them.

Personally, I think he should learn Polish and plan on going. He can work his resistance from there. Poland and Hungary aren't going to be able to take in the 650 million Whites in the world. They have to keep the leftist Whites out, and preserve their own culture. He should be looking into requirements and applications now and get in early.

capnflummox ago

Yet another new account asking for links and sources...

WolvenWargod ago

Hey Negative One! Still sucking your own flaccid dick?

capnflummox ago

How is this negative, Einstein?

AnotherGrayman ago

oh shit you caught me, quick boys shoah everyone's memes and fly me back to Israel

Gimmethelolz ago

It's not a civil war if they aren't Swedish. It's an invasion

CeasarSalud ago

Ok groomer

AnotherGrayman ago

Grooming him to be what, a responsible member of his race?

CeasarSalud ago

Chatting up 15 year olds playing video games.

Sounds like something a drag story time member does.

AnotherGrayman ago

No it doesn't, 15 is too old for them.

CeasarSalud ago

But just right for you groomer.

MrPank ago

Oh. I am for killing them. 100% I have said in other places that I think Hitler was too nice. Shit man, is this really what people are arguing about? hahah I thought we were on Voat where ...pretty much everyone is eagerly awaiting the day of the rope...

ty for the clarification.

ForgottenMemes ago

He said the students, the teachers, the media, the advertising, every influence around him is calling native Swedes racist Nazis who should be killed unless they shamelessly give up all sense of rationality in favor of being accepted

He has to flip the script. Anyone who promotes genocide is evil. Anyone. If you call someone a racist you are evil. If you promote the destruction of the swedes you are evil. It is those who want to kill anyone they label as "nazis" who are the genocidal racists.

These things are self-evident. He needs only firmly repeat them and accuse anyone who stands against him of being a genocidal racist. This doesn't work in the media, but it does work in personal discussions. No one will be willing to stand there and tell him that they want to murder him because of the color of his skin over and over if he stands up to them.

AnotherGrayman ago

Comment saved. Solid advice.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Turn him on to Red Ice. The host Heinrich is from Sweden and has a daily show on YT and bitchute. I recommend you recommend to him red ice’s video with E Michael Jones about Sweden and their Hollywood. Very eye opening on how Sweden was the model for here

Shekelhekel ago

Red ice got banned off yt. Henrik and lana are on dlive now

tratakat ago

Show him the Barbara Spectre video. Tell him he must study and get a good education and become an influential figure.

AnotherGrayman ago

Good education where? The universities are pozzitively Jewed

theyhavetogoback ago

Have him check out Ingrid Carlqvist!

Vc83 ago

I for one welcome our 15 yo Swedish zoomer faggots

Kingleopold2 ago

He should be able to join the us military at 18 and obtain citizenship here if i understand things correctly. Bonus, he can get special forces or other combat training to go home and help liberate his homeland when the time comes.

AnotherGrayman ago

This was my first reflex suggestion to him.

MrPank ago

Bro, I am totally lost. Maybe I am CoronaPatient00 level retarded or maybe these people are fucking rambling idiots.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Lift weights. No one questions the strongest guy or the one who makes gains rapidly.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

recon_johnny ago

Glad to see many coming to aid.

Also lots of shitposts, but that's to be expected.

AnotherGrayman ago

You got me bro, I'm at Langley right now getting paid to spy on everyone so we can DDOS your favorite places to shitpost memes

xenoPsychologist ago

fight or run. or die on his knees.


Hey fellow gamers. I'm a grayman. Let's meet up IRL!

AnotherGrayman ago

Aww what's the matter bud, you afraid of people knowing you say nigger on the internet?


yes you idiot. I have a family to support.

if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.

AnotherGrayman ago


It's all good if you're worried about your family, but for fuck's sake dude, you act like 90% of the internet are people trying to put you in prison for wrongthink instead of just normal motherfuckers with nothing else to do but shitpost.


you act like 90% of the internet are people trying to put you in prison for wrongthink

Yes. 90+% if you include bots.

instead of just normal motherfuckers with nothing else to do but shitpost.

dont be naive

ChimpEvader ago

Fuck you! Where can I send him? Why can't he read here? You mean the last places where you ugly crooked faced jew rats haven't managed to delete?

The Synagogue of Satan must fall. I wish the gas would have been true.

AnotherGrayman ago

I'm not putting a fifteen year old who's still learning English on this site where 90% of the comments are fucks like you trying to show how Voat they are by calling someone a kike shill.

Waste of time and high likelihood of blackpill

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Tell him to come to America

The Crusade Begins Here

It Ends With The Middle East Glassed

The Good People Are Over Extended

We Need A Horde

Come To A Land With Guns

Come To Gods Country

Manifest Destiny Is Our Right

HiJoker ago

8/10 glownigger post.

Look at all the bites it got!

AnotherGrayman ago


HiJoker ago

Look at the faggy butthurt, I must be over the target.

Fuck off pedofag glow nigger, coming in here asking for tips on how to groom a teen boy. I can't believe nobody caught that, you're talking up teen boys in a video game. Jesus H. HomoRaptor!

Temp40000 ago

I really hate paranoid faggots like you compromising any sort of cohesive gathering with fear and paranoia. This far exceeds rational skepticism.

AnotherGrayman ago

I'm starting the think the ones peddling paranoia are the actual shills trying to make sure every user on any alt-rightish website is way too scared to ever connect in reality and do anything productive like start men's clubs and youth programs.

HiJoker ago

Glow niggers sucker baiting should always be fucked with. Seriously, who does that? What kind of ratfuck agent of baby dick sucking evil would pull that? It sure as fuck isn't Agent Chag now is it? It's Agent Poindexter on geek duty at best or shilly the shillest shill out for micro shekels per post/response ratios. /handrub /handrub ??

ExpertShitposter ago

There will be civil war in Sweden, but it will be glorious. It will be one of the few wars in history ever, where one side will be 100% right and the other 100% wrong. You will be able to kill ISIS with literally 0 mercy or remorse. Every other time it was some form of questionable shit. Example:

  • WW2 - but did the nazis truly have the right to attack "insert country"
  • Vietnam - but did the americans truly have the right to meddle in commie wars across the ocean?
  • Rhodesia - but do whiter really have any business being in Africa ever?
  • Yugoslavia - but was there really no way to peacefully resolve the split between similar people?
  • Afghanistan - but did osama really have anything to do with WTC?
  • Etc, etc.

Sweden will be 100% RIGHTEOUS slaying of human garbage. 0% hesitation behind the trigger. He must learn to accept the struggle.

AgentSakura ago

Yes we have always had the right to repel invaders and to kill traitors within.

ManchesterT ago

Kid needs to lift, learn jits and Arabic, join the military and attend a Russian Orthodox Church weekly. By the time he's 22 there will be a hot civil war in Sweden and his youth and strength will be needed

buffalo_fart ago

well the good thing is is most swedes arent really swedes either. Most immigrated from europe over the last century or 2. SO the whole blonde hair big boobed with a nice fanny thing is just a myth. go get that from finland or germany before its too late there as well.


while gaming

Thank you for putting this at the beginning so I didn’t have to waste my time reading anything after that. I hope one day in the future that more fags and gamers will put this disclaimer at the top so I can spare myself the disgust of reading their retarded cuck opinions.

Take note- this is how it’s done.

AnotherGrayman ago

I was in a severe car accident and leaving my house for basic errands is excruciating.

Fuck me for throwing on a headset and talking to someone instead of just watching a movie, right?

NoBS ago

Divide and Conquer had a head start in Europe. I still think the Vatican run puppet Benito Mussollini is the best divide and conquer sycophant this past Century.

They got the Mob to work with the Catholics to set up the worlds greatest rat line that included Orphans as spoils of war. Along with a big chunk of the loot from BOTH world wars the Vatican Bank is the first centralized bank in our recent history, bar none.

The fact we think the deep old hidden vaults of the Vatican are poor is the second biggest lie in our life time. The first is the Vatican bank not only bankrolled Benito (not the other way around) but was the driving force behind organizing our FBI's greatest informants. The Blackmailed Jesuits who made the Blood Oath.

Oh. And Vatican run Jesuits did the heavy lifting (Pedo-Blackmail) by legitimizing their greatest scapegoat.

It was the Vatican who brokered the formation of Israel, not the newly formed CIA.

This is why they formed the Mossad with the same Pedovore blackmail. The most powerful Nation building coin. Blood Oaths.

The oldest Military Intelligence on Earth is not the Chinese or Arabs. It is the Military arm of both the Vatican and the vassal we all know and despise, Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuits are rich beyond our wildest dreams.

This Church is also the oldest continuous rat line on Earth today. They are the Vatican Bank, old school looting and pillaging. Care to bet if they still drink the blood from vanquished enemies skulls? The Vatican empowered and centralized the Italian Mob and a lot more. They have always been one of many snake heads behind the Central Bank. Well, the fattest head of the multi-headed viper.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Send him to voat as well. Tell him he needs weapons for him and his family to survive the coming war

AnotherGrayman ago

I opted not to send him here because it's 90% pointless shitposting and he's still learning English. Gonna filter suggestions down to the ones that will get him going without drowning him in blackpill disinfo.

Ilisyer ago

I'd tell him to follow The Golden One and start down the Glorious Path to save himself and his people. Then go hang out with NoWhiteGuilt for awhile and learn to defend against and reject anti-white ideas wherever presented, both in media propaganda and in conversations.

If he wants to be happier, have good friends, save others, etc, he'll need to be smart enough to challenge anti-white rhetoric and strong enough to defend himself physically, if necessary.

Here's a silly Murdoch Murdoch episode: The Return of the Swede.

ChimpEvader ago

Great you just watch that Jewish bitch is going to take down his Chanel now. This is a Honeypot. You don't send people to places remaining of hope. You send them to archives. The Jews even have the power to delete archives He's baiting to get links.

AnotherGrayman ago

Have you ever considered that you might be so utterly overcome with paranoia that you can no longer tell friend from foe, and like a rabid dog, will now bite every hand offered purely out of fear?

Buff_Awesome ago

Well, this one, for starters. The Chans are a good place too. You could also send him to infowars, mainly due to the fact that they aren't afraid to cover this stuff, but Alex Jones is pretty abrasive for the uninitiated, so maybe Paul Joseph Watson instead. There's also that Peter Sweden guy on Twitter. He'd be pretty good for exposing your friend to another native like-minded viewpoint. Remember, you don't want to cram too many red pills down his throat at one time. Even someone as open minded as him can OD on them.

AnotherGrayman ago

Remember, you don't want to cram too many red pills down his throat at one time.

That's why I didn't tell him about Voat

Othmar_Regin ago

How is there a civil war if he's kind are 1 in 100?

whitesilk ago

Suggest he aim for joining the military. Flight trainers at Pensacola Naval Base say the Swedes and Norwegian students are like Vikings.

SoyOrbison ago


Fuckle_Chucks ago

So I ask you, Goats, what information sources would you send to a Swedish teenager who wants to save his friends from genocide?

Buy him a subscription Voat as a start. Most likely he can read English pretty well.

AnotherGrayman ago

Don't want to overload a tiny mind with shitposting and blackpills

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Is he really that much of a pussy? Jesus Christ, the people in Sweden are in for a world of shit.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude at 15 I spent three months in a rabbit hole because of online big dick pill advertisements making me think my schlong was too tiny to get chicks. I was researching medical extender devices, supplements, surgeries, all kinds of stupid shit, freaking out.

Fifteen year olds are dumb as fuck, insecure and easily sidetracked

I just want to send him to some manly nordic sites and push him to get into sports

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Fifteen year olds are dumb as fuck, insecure and easily sidetracked

True enough.

I just want to send him to some manly nordic sites

Good idea.

...and push him to get into sports

Bad idea. Sports is so pozzed that it needs to be eradicated—there is no fixing. If your intention is to get him physically active then there are much better alternatives. If he is already starting to think for himself then he should get involved in things he can pursue on an individual basis like weight lifting, running, etc. "Sports" has always been an indoctrination tool and he certainly doesn't need more indoctrination into the ideals of the Jew World Order.

AnotherGrayman ago

Okay, fair enough on the sports I guess, I just figured it would be a teambuilding experience that included physical fitness, so he'd learn to bulk up and how to socialize with aggressive males instead of being inside on the electric Jew all day while withering into a toothpick.

Commie_Meta ago

Bicycling might be an acceptable sport/hobby, especially off-road versions like mountain biking and cyclocross. Another plus it is an all ages sport. There are plenty of older men in bicycling. It wouldn't just be a bunch of 15/16 year olds in a government facility. And there are a certain number of girls and women!

I don't know what the Swedes call it, but in America people organize "no drop" bike rides. The slow novices are not left behind in a disheartening solo ride.

To learn what is going on in his area, he should visit the local bike shops and ask. Warn him that some shops are snobby elitists. "Here's a Euro kid. Buy yourself a better bicycle." If he finds one, just laugh and keep looking.

And he has to geta good bike, not department store junk. A junk bike is a heavy nightmare with gears that don't shift right. Decent bikes are comfortable and easy to ride.

blit416 ago

LEARN BOXING. HE MUST TAKE BOXING. No jap slapping kung fu shite. Join a damned boxing club. NOT LIFTING / PREENING . Box, man, BOX. Learn to fight.

Tallest_Skil ago

there will be a civil war

There won’t. Sweden is already lost. The war was fought decades ago and Swedes didn’t fight back, so it’s over. There won’t be any genetic Swedes by 2070. In 2016, 16-year-olds were already a minority in their own homeland. Because of this, a massive imbalance has been created between the sexes. You can figure this out with simple math. Out of the “unaccompanied refugee children” that arrived during 2015, 91% were boys. On average 309 entered the country per day. That means 281 boys and 28 girls. 32% of the “unaccompanied refugee children” were 16 years old during 2014 (and 20% were 17). That gives us 90 “unaccompanied refugee boys” and 9 “unaccompanied refugee girls” who are 16 per day. In 2014, there were 52,562 16-year-old boys and 48,627 16-year-old girls. Per day, that’s 144 boys and 133 girls. This meant that 36% of all 16-year-old boys were “unaccompanied refugee children” by 2017. Further, because already now 30% of kids age 13-17 have an immigrant background, we get the following: Boys: 101 Swedish, 133 immigrants (90 “unaccompanied refugee children” included) Girls: 93 Swedish, 49 immigrants (9 “unaccompanied refugee children” included) This means there are 165 boys per 100 girls in this age group in Sweden. This is a sex imbalance unseen anywhere in recorded history. In India, 115 boys are born per 100 girls, and in China the number is only 119 boys per 100 girls, after decades of a “one child policy” which saw many Chinese couples kill their female firstborn so that they could get an extra boy. SWEDES AREN’T FUCKING. NIGGERS AND DUNE COONS ARE. IT’S ALREADY OVER.

what information sources

Get him travel service information. Get him housing and citizenship information. Get him to just about any other nation on Earth. NOW. Before it’s too late.

CapinBoredface ago

Shut the fuck up, kike.

AnotherGrayman ago

I told him to bail and join the American military to gain citizenship and he said he didn't want to be a refugee in someone else's country

Edit: source for the math?

Ina_Pickle ago

For fucks sake, we have towns built entirely by Swedish immigrants here. Tell him not to worry, he can still get lutfisk and Swedish meatballs in the US. We also still sing How Great Thou Art in church, albeit in English.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, thank you, THIS is the golden info I was looking to share with this kid.

I straight up refuse to tell him about Voat because I don't want him turning into a hate-filled radicalized blackpiller asshole like most of the userbase here, but I hoped people here would have something I could give him that would help. So far I've got him a list of Scandinavian YouTubers, bloggers and podcasters who talk about physical fitness, culture and history, and he had even discussed joining the US military to get out of Sweden, and then maybe going back after his time in America.

It'll be awesome being able to tell him there are places in America where his like-minded countrymen have settled.

Kid seems cool and his country is gone, he'd make a good conservative American if he stayed.

Ina_Pickle ago

That is a list of actual Swedes, not including people of Swedish heritage whose ancestors immigrated. That population would be quite a bit higher. The early Swedish immigrants preferred Minnesota and Upper Michigan. Small towns in Minnesota are still very culturally Swedish. As you can see by that chart, those towns are still popular with new Swedish immigrants.

AnotherGrayman ago

Thank you for this, I appreciate you.

Ina_Pickle ago

You’re welcome

Tallest_Skil ago

I told him to bail and join the American military

Told him to go die for jews? Geez.

he said he didn't want to be a refugee in someone else's country

Phew, at least he won’t join the golem. Of course, he’ll die by being raped to death by a nigger or dune coon in his homeland, now.

Edit: source for the math?

Sure thing. The numbers come from their officially reported stats, so take that as you will. Been about four years now, so the numbers will have changed a bit. I just can’t keep up with EVERYthing, everywhere. I don’t know offhand the ebb and flow of Swedish immigration in the last four years, but I do know that nowhere in Europe has been deporting anyone.

AnotherGrayman ago

Thank you for the response.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

want me to post a page with the definition of moving goalposts?

I've seen you sell transportation with my own goddamn eyes. And your rhetoric is shit. I don't need to cite your lack of talent. Tell @Mrpank and @bb22 i don't need to cite a lack of creative talent and presentation.

bb22 ago

Saw my name mentioned so I just showed up to give this mental faggot a downvote.

MrPank ago

Non sequitur ok, moving on.

Ok so pause right there. WTF do you mean by "sell transportation" - wtf does this mean?

Ok, more ad hominems, moving on.

More ad hominems, moving on.

More ad hominems.

Anyone else seeing a pattern here or...?

bb22 ago

He’s an FBI employee having a bad year and knowing he’s about to be fired soon, maybe even in an oven.

SirNiggsalot ago

American Renaissance, and Daily Stormer may be of some help for the poor kid.

fartyshorts ago

FYI: The far-right party is now the biggest party in Sweden, as a direct consequence of mass-immigration.

zxcvzxcv ago

Until someone writes a better one, send him this (pdf warning):

green_man ago

Andrew Angin, who runs The Daily Stormer, was going on about that. His evidence was a an old lolibertarian podcast where one of the TRS guys was doing a bit, he also claimed to ride a predator drone in that podcast. It's not real.

MrPank ago

I am more for fighting for viable land - what real force multiplier does an isolated Swedish nationalist have? In America, anyone who is right of communism is on a watch list it seems, but at least we still have guns (ok ok I am ignoring the fact that if you try and enforce the purpose of the 2nd to instill fear into a politician you will be arrested).

Give me an example of a meaningful way that someone in this boy's position can do to fight for his people and heritage. I am not being a sarcastic cunt - I genuinely want to know your perspective. Are you a "fight til the bitter end" type of dude or-?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

yea. it's that guy's fault.


You keep repeating that. People trust you. I don't think you need to keep repeating yourself. People trust you and you're doing a really great job.

cantaloupe6 ago

There's a way forward, and he can bring others along.

He can use the Socratic method and learn critical thinking in class. I.e. the old "no culture " bullshit. So if mulsims have a culture (by definition) and Swedes have no culture then the only culture in Sweden is muslim culture - hence he being a Swede, is a muslim and therefore has a culture.... Oh what's that.. he isn't a muslim, and it's not that Sweden doesn't have culture it's that muslim culture (way of life) is better? Then why do they come to sweden for a worse way of life. And if Sweden is not a muslim culture then Sweden must have a culture that others see as advantageous.

Just pose it as a curious student who wants help understanding.

AnotherGrayman ago

This is solid advice, I'm copy/pasting it into a text file in case voat drops and comment saves are gone

FEMAcampsforever ago

BRO (WORK OF GOD THERE) well tech him the GOLDEN PILL str8 up then bring him to Voat and tech him multi vpn and internet sec.


    Understand what SYNARCHY is and who they are fukbois... Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario and Gnostic Geopolitics:

  2. Tell him to concentrate few candidates rhat he thinks he can turn from his class. Have him join Signal, Messenger or else and have his friends join in.

  3. Once "HE HAS" 2 or 3 friends start dropping the memes... like basic.

  4. TURN KVETCHING level up through the year.

  5. COLLECT 3 TO 4 lit af Swedes by 2021.

Recyclops14 ago

Don't fucking black pill him. Give him individual hope, western white suicide rates have been up for a while. He needs to work on himself, the road to improvement starts a lot with individuals being the change they want to be. It sounds kinda cliche but it's true. He needs to work on his mental well being and that's hard while his physical well being is suffering, eventually pulling down his spiritual well being. Work out, read, and try not to consume negative social media. That shit is destroying the young peoples mental health.

AnotherGrayman ago

Whole reason I won't send him to Voat

Vc83 ago

send him to voat, baptism of fire is necessary, the weak must be weeded out or they will be destroyed by what comes.

getshanked ago

Voat is compromised by shills and JIDF who seed dissent, despair and no true Scotsman fallacies in an attempt to keep people divided and demoralized. Voat is a good place if you hate Jews, non-whites, and homos, but a terrible place for almost everything else, and absolutely not the place for a 15 year old.

Vc83 ago

It can be very positive. News flash, there are shills and jidf on most popular forums and message boards. Knowing how to spot them and identify is very useful information. Whether or not people are divided or demoralized or hopeful and united is up to our own discourse and how we communicate. Those who share ideals will find themselves strengthened by a common bond. Our positive identity comes from within, no forum is going to give it to you, it will only help you recognize it within yourself. Things such as racial identity is already ingrained deep within us, connecting with it is a personal journey.

The moment my eyes were opened about the world I would revel at the chance to tell a 15 year old me what I know today, it would have saved a lot of time.

GlowWorm ago

Plenty of allies in the boogaloo that don’t need to be fully black pilled.

DanaNordic ago

He is not alone. He needs to reach out to the populist/nationalist movement growing in political power in Sweden.

Arrvee ago

British intelligence paid Soros to be a front for the Muslim states. He bought out or blackmailed all of the media and had them claim the Muslim spies are "peace activists" or "feminists". He took over the assets of old and dying Jewish investment bankers by pointing them to his own PR about what a great pacifist liberal he and his people are, and he sent all their money to the Muslims. No one has done anything to stop him because he's been a protected intelligence asset for decades who is credited with destroying the Soviet Union.

Demos is doing the same thing with the "charity" assets from by the Standard Oil monopolists. Demos convinced the UK to pay it to identify and destroy all political opposition to Islam (see post #327942). The same Demos/Rockefeller network runs Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post.

British intelligence ran a $23 trillion investment fund to support its black ops. It was managed by Ronald Cohen who convinces rich Jews to fund the Muslim war against Israel. Cohen's group of traitorous Jews includes the influential Bronfman family which has major investments in Silicon Valley. Cohen's associate Sonal Shah ran the White House Office of Social Innovation under the Obama administration.

Alwaleed bin Talal owns Silicon Valley. It's not just Twitter because everyone else is following the same party line. Alwaleed owned Citigroup which chose Obama's cabinet. The entire Obama campaign/administration was likely a joint British-Saudi operation.

Saudi Arabia has been running the United Nations' "counter-terrorism" operations since 2011. The UN project is partnered with Rightscon, which is partnered with Saudi, Iranian, and Canadian intelligence. The UN also uses the Association for Progressive Communications as its political enforcers, and the Pritzker family was part of the UN's Office of Partnerships.

Transgender is a hoax to centralize authority under the UN whose security operations are run by the Saudis. It was probably added to the British operation by the Israelis, either to taint it or to make a buck for themselves. They had a representative of Teva Pharmaceuticals in the Israeli branch of Cohen's Social Finance network.

The opposition is top-down and already controls the chains of command. The resistance needs to be bottom-up. Send this information to everyone you can.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#96439) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Arrvee: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

jthun2 ago

Oh, for information sources:

Sweden's Dark Soul, Kasja Norman.

Find the book on amazon, etc.

Yes, she's a woman and therefore has no notion of military issues, but the book is available in both Swedish and English.

Also, as much as Gatestone is a Jewish funded outfit, Ingrid Carlqvuist has spoken openly about how Jews were the ones who pushed mass immigration on Sweden.

This guy seems faggy so he should start with the chicks and maybe someday he'll work up enough testosterone to behave like a man. A man kills enemies, he doesn't sit there crying.

AnotherGrayman ago

He was in 8th grade less than a year ago dude.

He doesn't even know where to start.

jthun2 ago

This is exactly the problem. These 'males' in Sweden are weaklings.

This kid is afraid. He's crying. He's acting like a giant faggot.

He should be seething, dreaming of sinking blades into muslim throats. He should be tracking down the people pushing this stuff and writing up a hit list.

15 is not so young that he can't learn to fight or gather some mental fortitude. I put my own goddamned father through a second story window and into hospital for two weeks at 16 because I had reached the tipping point due to his emotional abuse. Take the anger, learn to use it.

AnotherGrayman ago

I agree with you completely, and so does he, which is why he asked for better influences.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

so you're moving goalposts now. awesome.

"but i really tried to fit in!! I said 'kill all the jews' and everything!!!"

CryptoBard ago

This is sad, I really feel for the guy, my best advice is find some kind of fraternal group of swedes with like minded guys.

AnotherGrayman ago

I feel for him too, I lived in a religious community as an open atheist, know exactly what it's like to have unthinking communist shitheads tell you that you're evil because you don't believe their fairytales.

Doglegwarrior ago

I read the comments and no one is naming the core fucking problem.!!!!


AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, I thought I said I laid out basic truths in my OP?


Kudos to his family

Doglegwarrior ago

the funny thing is in america as a man over 40 everything this kid worries about I worry about for america. I come here because the majority of the people i talk with have been infected with liberalism and I get attacked for my views. chatting here makes me feel sane for portions of the day

jthun2 ago

it's one thing to worry, it's another thing to cry over the prospect of violence.

Civil wars are brutal, awful. Hunger, rape, torture, bombings, all that stuff. However, if Sweden doesn't have one soon it is lost. When the foreign population is 50% it will be too late. He should be relishing the chance to kill his enemies, not crying like a woman. If I was in Sweden I'd be pulling a jack the ripper and cutting muslim throats at night in Malmo just for fun.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya i read on here a coratians or serbians story during the fiasco piece of shit clinton sided with the wrong side dur8ng kosovo conflict. shit sounded horrific but truthfully told.

Doglegwarrior ago

it will happen and when it does it will be the civil war to end all civil wars.. problem is half the whites are liberal faggots thay will fight to help muslim sand niggers to replace them. it is truly a clown world we live in. work out. buy ammo. practice shooting. have a hand to hand weapon you are good with as well.

AnotherGrayman ago

civil war to end all civil wars.. problem is half the whites are liberal faggots that will fight to help .. niggers .. replace them.

I bet this is exactly what people were saying in 1860.

History fucking repeating itself. God dammit, why?

neuschwabia ago

dundundunnnnn ago

Find a church that isn't pushing the diversity and immigration programming.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I'll give it to you when i see you.

fightknightHERO ago

Voat is pretty gucci

tell him to use a VPN though

NicotinicAcid ago

Very depressing if not exaggerated.

SlyerSoul ago

The Golden One, The nordic resistanc movement (, The greatest story never told (can be found on bitchute or comes to mind

RockmanRaiden ago

God bless him and you. You're doing fine work. I hope the kid succeeds and exceeds.

AnotherGrayman ago

Thanks, man. I almost disconnected because he wouldn't stop talking, but after realizing he's completely alone in his world and literally the exact person who needs to know the type of shit we discuss here, I sucked it up and dealt with the nonstop insecure questions in my ear while trying to play Ghost Recon. I figured while I'm just a shitposting loser who can't leave his house without a cane now, it might be that telling this kid to be strong and proud has a butterfly effect on the future of Sweden.

Intrixina ago

You're the one who turned this kid's bleak future into one of glory. He just needed that first step to know he isn't crazy and what he's thinking isn't bullshit - which when everyone around you is spouting NPC garbage it seems like all hope is lost.

RockmanRaiden ago

I pray it does. For all we know you lit the spark that fires his people up. This is exactly the thing they want to prevent. We have to be ready to educate those who actually seek this information.

maaaxheadroom ago

For a kindred Swede he can pull up Henrik Palmgren and Red Ice TV

kingdomhearts123 ago

not if you understand sarcasm?

Sorry it went over your head.

kingdomhearts123 ago

oh yea. You're a hard-charger 99% of the time.

I get the scam. Rile everybody up and then sell transportation and empathy at the last minute.

I get it. Goodtimes.

MrPank ago

Behaves like a woman and insists that staying in a doomed country is the most logical approach.

Emotive arguing with ad hominems and no real "facts." Interesting indeed. :)

Thepotatolobby ago

The first time you're ordered to sell transportation, retreat or balkanization in a physical environment, you'll be murdered.

enjoy the war kike.

MrPank ago

wtf does this even mean.

Thepotatolobby ago

it means delicious tomatoes.

yum yummy.

MrPank ago

Speaks nonsense -> tells others they are wrong and jewish -> will not explain themselves

A lot of this irrational emotive "arguing" going on lately. Maybe you could change my mind if you, ya know, offered any type of information. My perspective is that the swedish have been subverted to a level that is irrecoverable. I think they should consolidate in another land, gather strength and their identity back and then take their land back. Change my mind.

MrPank ago

Are you talking about Boofwell?

fuckinghell ago

I saw that dude on TRR a year or so ago, dudes a total fucking instigator.

goatboy ago

The entire premise and delivery indicates data mining.

veteran88 ago

Tell your friend to join these men.

They will take care of him.

He has more friends than he knows.

goatboy ago

I don't want anybody doing it. That's retarded.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

E Michael Jones has some great bits about Sweden any how and why it got so bad. Culture Wars has a full repository of any podcast Jones has been on, and you can buy PDF copies of past issues. Jones did a pretty thorough article, then spoke about it on a few podcasts, so the article is best because it has footnotes and original sources, but the podcasts are free and good.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

it ends with a call for data and a question mark?

AnotherGrayman ago

You just defined "asking a question."

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

your writing sucks? Sorry that you come off as a liar and a faggot?

Write better?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

that's also not a man.

that's @Mr_Pank and he carries water for the crown at least. probably a transportation whore like you as well.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

by repeating "This", I actually make fun of the subject while appearing to agree with him.

you didn't get that? it wasn't exactly hidden.

holofan4life ago

Tell him to register on voat while using a VPN. He'll get all the links he needs after being on here for a little while.

AnotherGrayman ago

Trying to stop him from having to spend six months filtering through shitposts while learning English.

nazifluidhitler ago

Deus Vult

Plant_Boy ago

Peter Sweden tends to do a good job of keeping his finger on the Scandinavian happenings.

Summit News, Paul Joseph Watson's news site, does a good job on reporting troubles.

TheSeer ago

They are both afraid to address the ZQ.

Plant_Boy ago

Some people can't understand the truth, they shut down their listening condemning you as a anti-semite. Sometimes you need to destable their base of understanding to make them start asking difficult questions and work from there.

Peter Sweden and PJW are good at getting the conversation started and pointing out the problem like TR and the Muslim grooming gang problem. Without TR we probably wouldn't have as much people outraged about the corrupt British system.

My point here is they don't HAVE to address the zionist question, they have to destabilise the status quo so that you can wiggle in the zionist question yourself. As soon as they hit the Jewish Question they will have an onslaught of Maintenance Mode.

AnotherGrayman ago

This guy understands deprogramming.

Plant_Boy ago

I love the goats here that are passionate about their white identity! I love the goats who understand the problem gay people are on society and want to fix it!

But some of goats find it hard to understand that you sometimes can't just hit other people with cold hard truths.

TheSeer ago

I don't know any other way, unfortunately.

I know that THEORETICALLY other approaches may work. But are they guaranteed to be more effective than direct truth/dispensing of red pills? Absolutely not.

Plant_Boy ago

As long as you take action, you find what works best and what doesn't.

TheSeer ago

I usually start with a heavy dose of red pills, and then continue with small doses after wards. I mean, basically you have to repeat yourself endlessly, but it helps if you can 'predict' something. For example, I was able to 'predict' the rise of Greta Thunberg, to ppl in my extended family. That helped them listen when I told them Greta is controlled/has people behind the scenes literally writing her scripts/speeches.

Plant_Boy ago

Any suspicions of what might come next?

TheSeer ago

I find that I see things almost TOO long ahead of time. Elites have held off from having a financial crash for a long time. Lot longer than I thought they would. So they might go full bore with it this time. That would entail the death of the USD (esp. as world reserve currency).

Then they would want to bring in a new global currency, but cashless. Cashless is the globalists' wet dream.

Other than that, they are using corona to herd the population. Demonize 'anti-vaxxers', or rather institute mandatory vaccinations and ostracize (or worse) everyone that doesn't comply.

The push to androgynize the entire populace is also super apparent.

Break up the family unit. Destroy nations. Destroy faith in God, in a nutshell.

Plant_Boy ago

I would laugh if Anti-bacterial soap and toilet paper become the new gold standard!

jthun2 ago

Worse, Peter Sweden is an outright zionist faggot like Tommy Robinson.

goatboy ago

I love these data mining posts. Here you faggot. If war is definately coming teach him how to make his own bioweapons and never rely on anyone else. The simplest and crudest just require him to kidnap a dozen of the target population, a bioreactor, a set of IVs, and an animal virus (most vet clinics should provide one). Take the live animal virus, drip a million doses of the virus into each one patient, and wait for the first one to get sick. Kill the rest. Put the survivor in close proximity to a dozen other starving and immuno-compromized target population (irradiate them first if necessary), and wait for them to show symtoms. Kill any that don't. Repeat process as necessary. Once you have a really good starter, leave that patient in a communal area of the target population and presto-chango-walla, a very sick population. Repeat as many times as necessary to burn the enemy out. Be careful of blowback.

steven_feelsperg ago

OP is a gaming cripple advising a lone non-English speaking teen Swedelad how to awaken, and you offer a Clancy inspired endgame. You are lost in your fantasy. No constructive advice related to the topic. fag/5.

goatboy ago


AgentSakura ago

Dude stfu you retard

goatboy ago

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

AgentSakura ago

Ok be a domestic terrorist who kills innocent people then.

See how much public support you'll have for your efforts.

Plus your comment glows like the sun.

goatboy ago

No. That’s stupid. Terrorism is used to achieve political goals. We have no politics, religion, or goals. We respect all of humanity. However, we are the backup plan, if politics fails and the Genocidal slavers win. In that case, everyone everywhere must die.

AgentSakura ago

Lord protect The League of Shadows

goatboy ago

Mutually Assured Destruction is a bitch.

AgentSakura ago

Kinda been on that path for a while now.... huh

Einstein wasn't wrong about sticks and stones.

goatboy ago

Einstein was a Commie bitch. Fuck that guy. One of the best ways to prevent the covid-19 being reverse engineered and reprogrammed is to let idiots kill themselves with easily containable, crude, novel weapons. So we might as well let them try.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Lol, because the flu is so terrifying

goatboy ago

No, buts it’s components are.

AnotherGrayman ago

Bro YOU are the exact reason I'll never tell this kid about Voat or the chans

goatboy ago

Good. Voat doesn't like immigrants invading our space. Always best to discourage such behavior.

AnotherGrayman ago

Yea, better to make sure no one but alphabet agents are doing the shitposting


Today I spent the better part of six hours with a Goat who wanted to put some good into the world.

I'm not going to name them. What's important is they were one of you.

Right now, my fridge is full because of that Goat.


AnotherGrayman ago

I still have half a box of low sugar instant oatmeal and like two dozen eggs left in the fridge from that shopping trip

Some of the users here are actually human

goatboy ago

If they wanted humans they shouldn’t have threatened war. Since they push extinction of others, they must repent before the demons drag them to hell.


I like positivity.

But you appear to spread contradicting messages.


The gray man concept is basically an extension of OPSEC (Operational Security). It can be as simple as trying to not be picked to answer a question in class or as complicated as safely and effectively meeting a source to clandestinely collect intelligence without giving away your relationship or purpose for meeting

You reveal your identity to some, while hiding behind a username, and encourage others to do the same.

You are encouraging IRL meetups from an online site full of Feds. The exact opposite of "grayman" philosophy.

I'm fine with IRL meetups, but don't fucking advertise them online.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, I don't give a shit about feds because I don't advocate or conspire to participate in anything illegal and all we're doing is exercising our American right to free speech, so literally WHAT THE FUCK are you afraid of?

If I want to swing my dick around and take a gamble that one of you fuckers might actually be a human being, so I can reaffirm my faith in humanity for a day instead of being a scared little net-denizen hiding on the interwebs, that's my fucking prerogative your quakin'-in-mah-boots little bitch.

I don't need you to fucking Jewgle Grayman Theory for me dipshit, like you're out here educating people or something.

If you don't want to meet up for beers and talk shit about Jews in public, be a bitch and stay home, but don't act like everyone who isn't a nutless faggot like you MUST be a federal agent.

Jesus tittyfucking Christ.


our American right to free speech,

...over the internet....

Swedish 15 year old

See the problem faggot? Your dumb ass is gonna get caught "radicalizing" a child w/in some cucked European legal framework.

You've likely been emboldened because of some IRL meetup.

Don't destroy a useful online message board because you're lonely.

If you're american and white, focus on american whites. Europe is a continent away. and far more cucked than the states.

AnotherGrayman ago

Bro fuck you, I'm not being extradited to Sweden for telling a gamer to do more pushups and stop apologizing for being white.

All of you fuckers are so nutless and scared of literally everything.


I'm not being extradited to Sweden

Think of somebody besides yourself...

I'm saying voat could get shut down in sweden, or this kid could get in trouble with his own authorities if he's not tight lipped.

The best advice you can give to him is emigrate to Poland/Hungary/SomewhereLessCucked. You can't expect 15 year olds to counter the decades of feminazis of Sweden.

Tell me I'm defeatist, but South Africa is going the way of Rhodesia. Some places are not strategically defensible..

telling a gamer to do more pushups and stop apologizing for being white


how he's gonna either die or watch his wife get raped if he's not physically fit enough to defend his views.


save his friends from genocide

stop pretending you're a grayman as you keep compromising your privacy/identity while threatening a 15 year old with rape/death.

AnotherGrayman ago

Telling a kid he's at risk for violent assault in his home country and that physical fitness will keep him safer is not threatening him with rape/death, and telling him that media sources are convincing his peers not to care about their own culture or people is not illegal.

Stop acting like you're some kind of brainiac who has me caught in a contradiction.

I don't give a fuck about what you're afraid of, what advice you think I should follow, or what you think of my username.

Suckfire a shotgun, niggerfaggot.


OK Hypocrite.

Temp40000 ago

Honestly mate you're just fear posting.

AnotherGrayman ago

90% of people are sheep copy-catting what they see, and every other user here screeches OMG JIDF KIKE SHILL FED if anyone even so much as suggests any of us actually connect in reality.

I've made plenty of real life friends on other websites, but here people are scared because they say nigger.


just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

stay vigilant

kammmmak ago


facepaint ago

Nothing is really going to wake up other teen swedes. I guarantee that other teens swedes are keeping their mouths shut so that they don't get ostracized. About the only time one of those teens will be open and honest or receptive are the ones getting the shit end of the stick from diversity. Beatings. Molestation.

That said, here are a couple of Bitchute channels that I think are worth while for your young Swede.

A native Swede that talks common sense:

"Angry Foreigner" A Swedish citizen who immigrated from Croatia.

Henrik J. (Native Swede)

badruns ago

Given who owns the media in Sweden, tell him not to trust anything being published or posted from Sweden. Given the state of the country, its clear the grip they have there is all-encompasing.

Honestly in this day and age, the chans are probably his best bet. All normie social media is pozzed, and theres rumors that us goats will be gone soon.

Also what game? Hopefully not some fag shit like fortnight

AnotherGrayman ago

Met him on Ghost Recon. He specifically asked for sources outside Sweden because he knows he can't trust what's around him, and because I'm just a shitposter/lurker who comes for the anti-fag memes, I don't keep up with all the European identity shit and figured the userbase here would be able to help.

zillzill401 ago

Othmar_Regin ago

Are they jewed? I mean are they pro-Israel?

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"He said the students, the teachers, the media, the advertising, every influence around him"

Is he aware of (((the Aschberg family)))?

Is he aware of (((the Bonnier family)))?

Is he aware of (((the Lerner & Spectre families)))?

Gopherurself ago

Bitchute/archive EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE

bbylon ago

100% this. There's a telegram group advertised on the frontpage of Nordfront. I think it would benefit him to go there whether it'd be to ask questions or just shitpost with like-minded Scandinavians. Just tell him to mess around with privacy settings before he joins. Members are usually open about who they are but since he's so young and not a a member of the Nordic resistance movement he should be careful about doxxing.

Intrixina ago

Vita Pillret is excellent.

edgelord666 ago

Lmao what a neckbeardish name for a site make sure you stock up on mountain dew and Doritos before visiting and only virgins allowed lmao

itssomatic ago

We pack chaw and sip Zeroes, bucko.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You know, one would like to think that if you're limited to one post per day you would use it to shitpost something better than this sort of drivel.

Varlet ago

Nordic resistance movement is definatly a go to for scandinavians, great support network and a unified community. Otherwise, I'd suggest Europa the last battle or zerohedge/Russia insider.

Charilko ago It’s not a resistance movement but it does have very good information about what’s going on in Europe.

Plant_Boy ago

Have you come across Identity Evropa?

Is that the American version? I see it's a neo-nazi group (Wiki link) gotten a lot of attention from Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPL link) and ADL(ADL link)...

Its leader is attacked in character (Rational Wiki link) rather than the reasoning of the movement so it must really piss off the jews!

anamazonslittle ago

B-b-but Identity groups are called a worse threat by the FBI, shouldn't we just keep giving them everything they want and hope they don't randomly neck us and rape our women?

RunicSigil ago

Listen to whitesilk. Casey is a retard who can't formulate strategy. He's not capable of leading a resistance movement.

ginx2666 ago

Every large movement needs a sizable unit of basic bruisers, useful retards, the "point at enemy, fire and forget" speds. Kikes have antifa, niggers have... niggers, sandniggers have various CIA backed terrorist groups... IE under Casey's could be one.

Plant_Boy ago

He can rally a people and he's passionate to express the importance of his white identity, he's just not so good at leading I guess.

RunicSigil ago

Yup. That's exactly it. He can rally. However, he doesn't have the humility required to lead people.

whitesilk ago

I used to be in Indentity Evropa. The leader was on a power trip and was a looloo.

ALIENS2222 ago

He's fucking FIFTEEN and he's afraid that he's going to die in a civil war started by Muslims in Europe

he fucking-well betterbe afraid. see if he can get out using the skool system. can he get a student visa? change his name to mohammad mohammad and ho to harvard free ? you see my point though. he needs to be smart and wake up others if he can. get out if he can. tell him to look east as well e. europe nations mat take him as a student.

FEMAcampsforever ago

Thanks bro. You always make my days better.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

JEWS: retreat, balkanize.

CRYPTOJEWS: transport transport transport

Me: You must make less humans who are also biodegradable. It shouldn't be terribly hard since I've seen muslims try to hold territory during the GWOT. They're bad at it. You can kill them easily in hundreds of different ways.

GrizzlyDark ago puts up good links. Whoiswhite. com (or .org)

voatusernamevoat ago

He asked me for sources of news


AnotherGrayman ago

Not sending him to Voat because English isn't his native language and he'd be wasting his time struggling to read aimless shitposting.

I wanted to filter the suggestions down into a few that'll get him going without sending him into a black hole.

Intrixina ago

Swedes often have very good English and he would at least understand some of it. I provided a couple of Swedish-language suggestions in my last couple of posts (as I consume them myself).

AnotherGrayman ago

I've noticed your comments, and while I haven't replied to them individually, I'm grateful for what you've said and shared.

Intrixina ago

No worries mate.

voatusernamevoat ago

You're asking for info sources on an English site and then rejecting on from it being English, expecting people to come up with Swedish sites? Non shitpost will get him going.

AnotherGrayman ago

You're asking for info sources on an English site and then rejecting English suggestions

No, fuckhead, I've literally rejected ONE suggestion to send him to this forum.

That's not "rejecting English sources," that's saying Voat is full of too much toxicity for me to knowingly suggest that a minor still learning how to communicate come here for examples.

Don't pull this "hur dur I got u in a cuntradickshun" bullshit like you've watched me slap away everything that's been offered. I wouldn't send my own fucking adult friends here, I'm definitely not sending someone else's child here.

Anything I give him will be direct links to non-harmful places, like the podcasts, YouTubers and blogs that have been suggested.

J3wsername ago

Sounds gay as fuck.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

I'd tell him to start lifting weights and learn how to fight..

AgentSakura ago

Won't save your from the remote neural monitoring or the bioweapons they have.

Political organization is the only thing we have left now and we are running out of time.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Don't remind me, I was down the rabbit hole of alternate technologies to the point DARPA approached me with a free masters degree and $3,000 a week to give presentations on logic on college campuses.

Basically, here's everything you ever wanted goy, shut up now and work for us.

I laughed in the dudes face.. told him I would never work for the government in it's current state. Gave me some e-mail address to contact him at if I ever changed my mind.

sinclair ago

If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing that had DARPA so interested? You don't post much, was it 3-D print related? Or something else?

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Sure, here's my name, social, and address. Is their anything else you wanted? Possibly my debit card # and mothers maiden name?

sinclair ago

I just asked why they were so interested? Is what you do so special it's uniquely identifying? Sorry to ask. :D

BushChuck ago

Post email, or gtfo.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

I have some stuff that would make that dudes e-mail look like nothing, I'm not sure if I even kept that address as it was a few computers and hard drives ago, I would have to go searching. I remember it was a .edu account because the guy that approached me was part of the control of education. Told me STEM was his idea to push years ago, was an older white scrawny guy with fucked up teeth that was ranting about his broken marriages.

Not sure if I was pinpointed and sought out, or he randomly ran into me at the event I was working and deemed me a worthy candidate from what I told him I knew.

MrPank ago

And here I thought you were genuinely retarded.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

I am.

RoundWheel ago

Woah. Let's not get crazy. Broken clocks and all.

illuminalto2 ago

Dang this is sad bro.

Patrice_oneal_ ago

Fuck sweden, let them fight. A few winters and a winner will rise. You know who

GlowWorm ago

Can you imagine how fast invading shitskin niggers would die without gas and electric pumped into their free state nigger housing.

drakesdoom2 ago

I suspect that the first European country to go to a hot cocoa war will mysteriously get large amounts of white reinforcements from America and Russia.

Mr_big ago

Yea. But it will be to eliminate the white racists who refuse to give up. You think america or another country would stand with the nationalists trying to save their country and children. They will be there to protect the shitskins

drakesdoom2 ago

American support would be unofficial. Russia might officially support them as they know they don't need more moslim Nations at their doorstep.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

pack of defeatist whores on voat today.

bb22 ago

Telling people that everything is okay seems more defeatist to me at this point.

CapinBoredface ago

Is anyone in this thread saying everything is okay?

bb22 ago

Most people in our societies seem to think everything is more or less fine.

CapinBoredface ago

“Most people in our societies” is not who you are currently talking to, so I’m confused on what your point was in the first place

bb22 ago

My point was exactly what I said and I feel like you are trying to read too much into this like the dumb faggot that you are.

CapinBoredface ago

Who are you talking to?

bb22 ago

Who are you talking to?

CapinBoredface ago


bb22 ago

Great job.

CapinBoredface ago

You might actually be retarded.

bb22 ago

But who are you talking to?

CapinBoredface ago

You. Why are you asking again without answering my question?

bb22 ago

Me. Why is the Bored Captain so Bored?

CapinBoredface ago

You’re talking to yourself?

bb22 ago

Basically. How’s your mom?

CapinBoredface ago

She’s fine. Yours?

bb22 ago

Doing alright.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

you can't have a defeat or a victory without a war.. or at least adversity.

WHo the fuck said that I said "everything was OK"

I want to fight a war and win a war because there's an open cause for war in europe. Is that "OK" nigger?

bb22 ago

No because you are too retarded to fight in a war, only smart enough to work for the FBI.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


so after 20 years of GWOT, you think there aren't veterans on Voat?

if you kikes didn't want veterans, you shouldn't have done 9/11 and 20 years of deployments. You literally manufactured 20 years worth of killers and now you don't want us anymore.


bb22 ago

The fucking founder of Voat is probably working for Mossad you worthless heap of fucking foreskins.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

not sure that's responsive to my last post, but that's neat too i guess.

have you ever seen what a 50 cal does to a person? I'm gonna stack you up like a pile of sticks and send a picture to my best gal.

bb22 ago

You sound more like you're in the final phases of committing to suicide.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

you can't even put the barrell of a 50 cal in your mouth and have your fingers on the triggers dick.

if the bullets weren't so fucking expensive maybe I could buy a gun I could shoot myself with, but I bought this big fucker already and now I'm broke.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Triggers can only be moved by fingers.

bb22 ago

I'm sure you could wrestle it around and have it in your mouth and ass at the same time.

TheAntiZealot ago

Sound logic.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago



TheAntiZealot ago

Sound logic

MrPank ago

Oy vey goyim, keep posting and post more in fact! WHy do you kvetch so much?!

bb22 ago

Shut up Jew. Go back in the oven.

MrPank ago

Not a jew but thanks for playing.

kingdomhearts123 ago

lol @ you two...

@bb22 and @Mrpank are fighting!! That must mean ONE OF YOU isn't a kike huh? Because brain-dead retarded 3rd-grader logic says so....

MrPank ago

Who are you again?

green_man ago

For some reason Goats don't like it, but TRS is good shit, they think Mike is a jew for some reason. He's not. Also send him

LurkedForever ago

Everyone who doesn't agree 100% with my very specifically skewed worldview is a jew, or jew-shill. /s

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"LurkedForever: Everyone who doesn't agree 100% with my very specifically skewed worldview is a jew, or jew-shill. /s"

Go suck a sandnigger's cock, JIDF rookie-fag.

jewsbadnews ago


Herbert666Marcuse ago

Phuck off, JIDF rookie.

jewsbadnews ago

no u

FEMAcampsforever ago

SAYS A JEW, A NIGGER, AND FAG FART. Go study now you glownog: Understand what SYNARCHY is and who they are fukbois... Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario and Gnostic Geopolitics:

LurkedForever ago


I snort-laughed. :-)

also, remember to add the "s" to https,

Here's your link, but I have to be honest I only skimmed it because it had a bunch of nutter words

FEMAcampsforever ago

Read the Mystery of the Bellicena Villca then come back to chat and learn kore nigga.

Leonidas4Q ago

Move to Denmark, lad.

antiracistMetal ago

Just convert to Islam, sheesh.

MrPank ago

I would tell him to start looking east or to some other mostly still homogeneous European country. Poor boy. His friends likely are not salvageable or are apathetic. If they are not awoken as he is, then they are brainwashed sheep. He simply needs to ask his friends if they have the same doubts he does and rationalize out his thoughts. If what he says is true, then all he should need to do is point out his own surroundings.

AnotherGrayman ago

He simply needs to ask his friends if they have the same doubts he does and rationalize out his thoughts.

This is advice I didn't know I was looking for until I read it.

Instead of telling them what's happening, ask them if they're worried and lead them into a discussion.

MrPank ago

Sometimes I say things that make some sense.

Boyakasha ago

Not an easy request. Waking people up the situation isn’t easy as people aren’t interested in changing their minds on things until they are. He’s up against a lifetime of propaganda filling these kids with bullshit. You know, just like every place where Jews thrive.

Demonsweat2 ago

Nordisk Ungdom, he can contact Frederick Hagberg.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Id tell him to be looking for a way out of that country permanently because it is too far gone to save.

There are NO good leaders there. The ones they have are actively betraying the public and giving their country and heritage to 3rd world scumbags.

No revolution will happen. In 50 years there will be no swedes left in sweden.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Warning: Jew defeatist attitude present above

Floppyhorsecock ago

Are you openly rebelling against jews in your home town?

Yeah i didn't think so you fake ass bitch.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Haha ok jew

Floppyhorsecock ago

If I were a jew youd just be another one of my sheep and i would encourage your nonsense so the stress of being wrong on the internet didnt affect your wool production.

Sheep ass bitch. Go grow me some hair.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Ok you think you have all the answers good luck

deportshitskin ago

There is nowhere to run, but you know what animals do when they are cornered?

Canada too has no good leaders, it is illegal to be a good leader. Anyway the need for "leaders" is what made everyone slaves.

Thepotatolobby ago

this is a zionist

this thread is full of whores

CapinBoredface ago

What is with all of these quitters?

Sweden hasn’t even tried to fight yet and your advice is to give it up?


Floppyhorsecock ago

Is he going to do it alone or are you gonna go help him?

CapinBoredface ago

I’m not Swedish. I will do what I can for America.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Exactly. Shut the fuck up. It is 1 kid not John Connor going to save the future. He can stay and either die or be a minotaur in his own country with an all female leadership dream team that gave away the country before he had pubes.

It is not worth saving. He should go somewhere white people are welcome. There are plenty of places to choose from still but sweden is fucked and no one is coming to save them just like south Africa but fuckin gung ho fuck nuts at voat think he should hit the gym and build a squad bro.

Right. So how are these people different from any other old fucks who dont have to fight their own fights? Bunch of bitches posting like they would stand up to the Man that dont even stand up to their fat karen ass wives.

Kid should go to Poland hungary russia anywhere that doesnt take shit from jews or muslims

CapinBoredface ago

Are you Swedish?

Floppyhorsecock ago

My nation has naught to do with your faggotry.

CapinBoredface ago

Oh. So I’m not allowed to say Swedish men should stay and fight but you’re allowed to tell them to give up.

Sounds Jewish

Floppyhorsecock ago

You are allowed to say whatever you want. I am also. Thats why we are on voat.

Do you really not know how this works?

CapinBoredface ago

Don’t dodge the point with semantics, that’s another Jewish trick.

Why do you take issue with me saying that a Swedish boy should stay in Sweden and try to fix it?

Floppyhorsecock ago

Do you see an abundance of fighters in fucking sweden?

CapinBoredface ago

Every army always stood, right?

No one ever needed to build their numbers.

satisfyinghump ago

You certainly are a floppy horse cock. Stfu. No one should listen to your bullshit seriously.

stromble ago

on the contrary, we should all arm up, get a boat, and go save sweden.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Yeah that's sure to happen.

herbert_west ago

Id tell him to be looking for a way out of that country permanently because it is too far gone to save

... and where is he going to go? The west is doomed. There are no demographically stable white countries anymore, except perhaps Iceland, Poland and some of the small Baltic countries. When shit hits the fan, the leftist academics will pour into those countries and poison them from within, like the Jews did with America. There is no peaceful solution to this.

Heer_me_roar ago

Id tell him to be looking for a way out of that country permanently because it is too far gone to save.

What kind of defeatist horseshit is this? White men are finally waking the fuck up, and you want to further demoralize him?

Tell him to go to the gym, he’ll make like minded friends, and sit tight fit Ragnarok. There’s a storm coming, I feel it in my blood. My generation is starting to ask the right questions.

PeacefulAssassin ago

Not defeatist to give up ground and make a plan to retake it later,

Floppyhorsecock ago

Your advice to a child is to run in and die alone. Shut the fuck up, faggot. None of you people are giving useable advice. You are all full of grand standing text on a little known website where nobody will ever see your 'real' thoughts.

The truth is none of you have the balls to do what you are suggesting a 15 year old kid should do.

You are a bunch of poser bitches, roleplaying about being real men in a fantasy world.

The kid should go somewhere safer. That is good advice.

CapinBoredface ago

If Sweden is lost then America is lost.

In which case, I’m doing exactly what this kid should be doing.

Start a family, make friends, prepare.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Oh i didnt realize sweden was our last bastion being that it is no where near us and never been our close ally

CapinBoredface ago

What the fuck does that matter?

Why are you advising young white men to leave their homeland, rabbi?

Why are you telling white people to give up their lands?

Why are you telling white men that preserving their way of life in their own home is not worth the effort?

Why are you telling white men to abandon hope?

You’ve either given up, in which case go fuck yourself pussy, or you’re a crypto kike that doesn’t want white people to resist the destruction of their culture.

I hope you are aware that “fighting” doesn’t always mean physical. I’m fighting for my culture right now, here in America. That doesn’t mean I’m out lynching niggers and burning Muslims.

Floppyhorsecock ago

You arent fighting shit. You struggle on a flight of stairs, fatty.

CapinBoredface ago

lol okay

TheSeer ago

Just remember that people were advising white South Africans to flee, as well, when really, they wanted support from the international community. Not arms, but at least verbal support!

Telling people to flee is a short-sighted strategy. Soon there will be nowhere left to flee to.

satisfyinghump ago

It's incredible how the asshole you're replying to, his pot fits his username to a 'tee' and how your awesome and accurate response/post fits your own username, also to a 'tee'.

No one should ever feel that it's too late or too far gone to find a way to fight back. And anyone that days these types of things as "advice" are just devils in disguise.

AnotherGrayman ago

I had to look at their usernames. You're right, and I laughed.

Phantom42 ago

You're about to get a kid killed over your "MUH DAFEETIZM" bullshit crusade. Think, pathetic god damn nigger.

philmchawk ago

Look at his name and posts, that dude is 100% jidf. They are so fucking obvious.

metricisokay ago

This is all very noble and it makes sense to want to defend your country but when you're 15 you have your whole life ahead of you and no good experiences left to look forward in it. You should prioritise your life. If you stay in Sweden then for one thing you're going to continue funding a government that hates you.

With free travel in Europe the worst thing that can happen to a horrible government is for everyone intelligent to leave while they continue bringing in more and more shit heads. Make the country look like it's obvious outcome sooner. Staying is just asking to be used again and again and again until you're poor or in jail woo hoo.

RoundWheel ago

Almost all of Europe is fucked. There is no place to go. Whites must do what we've always done. Stay and live to fight when it matters - collectively.

Running away is what they want. The question becomes, is your nation worth preserving and fighting for? If it's not, then you don't have a valid complaint about the current direction. Otherwise, it's about waiting for the tides to turn and providing a voice for change.

metricisokay ago

The time to fight is passed, and when the actual fighting starts isn't for ages. Get the hell outta there and move back when the general public has become more sensible, otherwise youre fighting your own people as well as the invaders.

You're unfortunately completely underestimating the size of the problem, and it is is worse in some countries more than others. When the fighting starts lines will almost certainly be drawn along country borders. So be in the country that's fighting on your side would be my advice.

RoundWheel ago

Someone is demoralized and therefore useless.

metricisokay ago

You're supporting your own genocide by giving money to Sweden or Germany or whomever, where the tax rate is basically 50+%. Every hour you work, half of your effort went toward a boat or a plane that's bringing in third world migrants. Your position doesn't make any sense.

Mr_big ago

He is but a drop of sanity in an ocean of retarded cucks. It is indeed to late for sweden

Simonsaysgoat ago

The crusades happened because we were killed off 8n large numbers. They too thought it was too late. That is until we stopped it. Multiple times. It will happen again. This time we will ensure the survival of our race and secure our future on this planet once and for all.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I hate what you just said, but it's the truth. Sweden decided to commit suicide on their own. The police were called racists when they arrested Islamic foreigners that were throwing grenades and fire bombs at cars and patrolling and policing their own laws in their "new" communities. Retreat is a good option, for now. Keep the fire in your heart, come back when you know that the propaganda has been revealed to everyone, and then take back your lands like the ancient culture would have DEMANDED. Never allow the Muslims a foothold for longer than a decade; that's all it takes for the disrespectful shitskins to destroy the remnants of a proud culture with one that shits all over the streets and refuses to use toilets because they're "strange" looking.

NicotinicAcid ago

This is what I was trying to say about the jews, "everything is the jews!", meanwhile our women (and cucks) are destroying us.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You can't fault the people fooled by the Jews. They're as much victims as the rest of us. We can fight back by spreading knowledge, outing their tricks, and being aware of their presence.

RoundWheel ago

Who do you think led the women's suffrage and civil rights charges? Wwii created the cucks?

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Case in point. Paterson nj its here too

RoundWheel ago

If you look at the "leadership", women did this. There literally is no greater threat to a nation than women in prisons of power.

Women destroy countries when they have power. No exceptions. This is the sole reason suffrage was forced upon women.

ketoll ago

That's what happened to Sparta. All the men died in wars and the women took over and ran them into the ground.

RoundWheel ago

I did not know that. Ty.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Also very true. Feminist leaders helped destroy Sweden when they got into power screaming about their vaginas and not having enough influence over policy. The women are so indoctrinated into the cult of diversity that they passed policies that intentionally made going out in public LESS favorable to women. It's hilarious that women as a majority haven't woken up to the fact that every leader that they elect is more susceptible to bribery and blackmail than most of the male candidates.

Gringojones ago

Sweden decided to commit suicide on their own

Statements like this always piss me off. Sweden didn't do this. The corrupt fucks in charge did it. But in the end, you're also right. Because the people, with their closed eyes, allowed it to happen.

Doglegwarrior ago


stay on point

Gringojones ago

As I said, the ones in charge.

Doglegwarrior ago

good point on voat we should just awsome when someone says the ones in charge we are talking about the international jew. got it.

satisfyinghump ago


The swedes who support the invaders are weak minded and have been brainwashed.

The leaders who helped this happen were either blackmailed or bought off, either option making them weak.

Its important more people understand the truth you are saying, because otherwise it will happen again and again.

metricisokay ago

They didn't just allow it, they voted for it. Several times over! It's right in front of their face how long are people going to continue not passing judgement on the population?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

I'm glad that you're pissed off; it means that you have a working brain and a working heart. Getting kicked out of your own home is regrettable for anyone. But the simple truth at the end of the day doesn't come down the corrupt fucks in charge, it comes down to the people and how far and fast they are willing to go to counter bad policies. A lot of the Swedes were far too complacent initially, with attacks on civilians and police being downplayed, and the diversity bullshit line being towed, and towed strong. You can't fix a problem if a majority of people don't see a problem, they see a symptom and don't want to talk about the disease.

Chuga ago

Only thing left is to burn down their country so they can finally see what they've brought upon themselves. Then they might have a chance to rebuild.

MrPank ago


spikes4kikes ago

nice trash-tier post you fucking lazy faggot

MrPank ago

WTF is your post nigger. Your effort here was to call me a faggot and offer nothing else. Eat a dick and choke on it nigger.

ThisIsMyRealName ago


MrPank ago

hahahahaha <3

auto_turret ago


Confirmed actual faggot.

MrPank ago

Yes I love the cock. YOU GOT ME.

Meanwhile in reality...

auto_turret ago

Your admission of guilt has been noted. Weighed against the evidence, your guilt has been validated and verified.

MrPank ago

kk What is the sentence?

auto_turret ago

10 years in /u/carnold03's gay ass rape room. You'd probably love it there, actually.

MrPank ago

10 whole years? I'll take "Jackpot" for 500, Trebek.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

thanks for co-signing faggot.

reddit tier nigger fantastic

MrPank ago

Anytime, faggot. Thanks for validating my post by commenting on it and not contributing anything other than "EVERYTHING IS OK! EVERYTHING IS GREAT!" Fuck yourself with a loaded shotgun faggot.

kingdomhearts123 ago
