BalfourYourFace ago

I'm at a bar last night and it's nigger ball on the tvs and nigger music blasting everywhere. I can't stand it anymore.

Whitening ago

We used to have the freedom to not care at all about them. But then came the 196660s....

Doglegwarrior ago

ya ive had this though many times.. who ever pushed the hippy cultural revolution of the 60s is who is truly responible for the downfall of america... we all know who was behind it (((communist))) the kgb guy spelled out exactly how it was done and he was amazed at how truly successful it was.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

why the fuck do we care so much about blacks?

Because the law says so.

Why does the law say so?

Because politicians voted it in.

Why did politicians vote it in?

To win black votes.

Why were blacks allowed to vote in the first place?

So politicians who gave them a vote can get their vote in the next election.

How do we get out of this mess?

Abolish democracy.

Herkules97 ago

Could be that he agrees with the rest, but didn't mention that.

Something like "You're a fucking weeb, commit suicide but I do agree with the rest"

zxcvzxcv ago

93.4% of all questions on "Askvoat" can be answered with a set of 3 parentheses.

Doglegwarrior ago

you are correct i blame the christians on this one but most likely the root problem was started by (((them))) influencing their subservient christians

Brawndosaurus ago

It stems from slave traders with names like moses and Cohen

Brawndosaurus ago

Same source.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Because they want you to accept "white" as your identity, so that they can control you as a pawn in a color revolution. They use fear to divide you in belief based and white, left and right, capitalist and communist, democrat and republican, poor and rich, rural and city, Nintendo and Sega, Apple and IBM, pop and rock, love and hate, heterosexual and homosexual, Christianity and Islam,believer and non-believer and so on.

You have to stop accepting belief based labels and start comprehending what they are doing. It's so obvious and they are at it for thousands of years.

Doglegwarrior ago

i kinda agree with this but when i see japan and iceland with homogeneous populations and practicaly no crime i know for sure multiculturalism and diversity are absolute bullshit and needs to be fixed. the idea spread by Q that we are all in this together flies in the face of reality when 6% of the population is commiting 50 percent of thebmurders and an insane % of the rapes and this is just the reported crimes imagine how disgustingly bad the reap numbers are.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Keep your eyes on Christianity and the Jesuit order, who are our biggest threat in terms of pushing miscegenation to create havoc. They are the ones having the most poisonous sway with their message of "we are all the same as long as we believe". This is followed by Islam, who at least keep their hostility against converted infidels up. But all in all the mixing of races is the most severe crime against nature they are pulling off, because it dilutes the blood line, which diminishes the output of individual traits (intelligence, strength, creativity), while also destroying culture, nationality and race, as well as endangering the family units, because when the lust resigns, the natural resentment will reemerge.

They are openly defiling the laws of nature by preventing segregation. nature segregates to create differences so that our senses can perceive those differences so that we can learn from them. If we all are the same, then our senses have nothing to react to; nothing to learn from. Of course this is more of a long term negative consequences, but according to our "alleged" history that shit is been going on for millennia. You only have to look at the usury generated 3rd world poverty to see what that gave us.

Merlynn ago

Whites are force fed guilt about what the jews did to them under the pretext we did it instead of the jews. It's a simple play on empathy.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Nazi shame syndrome like Germany has indoctrinated into their people. But in the United States we have a 24/7 indoctrination too. Idol worship of niggers in Music, Sports, and Hollywood.

Poinifie ago

We Should be caring about the mass migration of extremely poor and extremely uneducated people that have no desire to assimilate from third world countries that is happening and will continue to happen over the next 50+ years.

Fuckyounigger ago

How about you let me ask the questions around here.

SoOutraged ago

Because they wuz kangz

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Watch politicians.

Dindu_nuffinman ago

Taking advantage of white empathy, bravo jews

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The format of your message should be informed by the demographics of your audience. If they're competent and functional people, one should generate messages of the normal quality. If they're the lower 80%, feigning an inability to master your own primary communication protocols is likely to be appreciated, and gain favor for your message.

SpunRecord ago

Because they cry

Fuckyounigger ago

Fuck off kike trying to make us put a blind eye to an enemy

Doglegwarrior ago

im not gonna be mean yet. i think you are confused or maybe a bot. or you read what i said inversly wrong

neuschwabia ago

12% of the population account for 78% of the crime.

valleysunshine ago

Source plz

aefibes99 ago

Melanin extraction?

It_was_the_juice ago

Fuck you. The word is niggers.

RodentLord ago

I've really been coming around to the phrase "the Negro". It is so classically racist that it clearly causes a shock in the system of most under-60s to hear it come out of someone's mouth in all seriousness today, and that allows me to use it as a trigger phrase to hypnotically program NPCs.

Hey, if (((they))) can use and publish books on trauma based mind control, I'm allowed to learn a thing or two, ain't I?

DontBeRacist ago


registeretakes10s ago

Cuz else ur racist!

tech-adm ago

Montana has an African American population of 0.67% - I have just rented a U-Haul

Doglegwarrior ago

lol.. it went from .66 to .67% and thats way to many!!!

DontBeRacist ago

1 extra nigger out of 10,000 people. damn. too much.

Shotinthedark ago

Because white people have empathy towards animals

Leveraction ago

I, for one could not give a fuck if every nig nog contracted the coronavirus.

NakeFews ago

No one cares about niggers except niggers. Dems fake it for votes.

BalfourYourFace ago

You don't know the history of the republican party then.


Niggers don't even care about niggers, just look at the state of the 3rd World...foreign aid only finances corruption.

midnightblue1335 ago

I'm not sure niggers even care about other niggers.

They care about themselves. They epitomize selfishness.

Crabs in a bucket perfectly sums up niggers. They'd rather all of them die, than assist one in escape. They lack the foresight to think of things like "If the top crab manages to climb out, he may be able to reach down and pull the rest of us out, like a chain of crabs."

No, instead they think "Well, this sucks, we're all in deep shit. I am suffering. Everyone must suffer equally to me. Also, muh dick."

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

"If the top crab manages to climb out, he'll probably throw rocks down at us while calling us stupid."

anticlutch ago

Can you translate that into English please?

Doglegwarrior ago

for example could you imagine the japanese having a minority group of africans causing 50% of the murders and instead of wiping them out samuri style they spent billions trying to civilize them and educate them and pay for them to have more murderous raping babies? its so fucking far fetched it seems like science fiction. but its actualy happening. then to have a political party trying to being in illigals and pay for their education and medical bills.. what the fucking fuck democrats are fucking evil

RodentLord ago

Keep in mind the USA is the nation that gave a pair of parents a literal chimpanzee as a surrogate child and had them raise it alongside a human infant in an attempt to create a humanlike monkey.

They abandoned the experiment when the human started acting worrisomely apelike, FYI.

anticlutch ago

wiping them out samuri style

Holy shit. You're a fucking weeb. Commit suicide.

Doglegwarrior ago

kike personal attacks never mentions the topic at hand your jew tactics are getting old.

Doglegwarrior ago

what does it say about you when you say something and everyone calls you out for being a cunt? didnt get the response you were expecting? this isnt reddit kike go back to your fellow pussy liberals and try to fit in over there

Herkules97 ago

I wonder why you're expecting a response? He said his thing, there is no reason for him to reply after that.

It's like a "hello", you just say hello. There is nothing after that.

Doglegwarrior ago

i guess he could have said.

what the fuck you retard you cant spell for shit. then said but i think america is overly concerned with blacks because of.

  1. white guilt

  2. whites empathy

  3. christianity combined with whites empathy

numerous answers not just leave a negative comment. my spelling and grammar is bad but in this case it was not so bad that you couldnt understand what i was saying. he was 99% being a jew grammerkike trying to muddy the waters and fuck with open discussions

Doglegwarrior ago

doesnt make sense for americans to care so much and spend so much money on blacks in america... they were brought here by jewish and muslim slave traders and we used them as slaves our forefathers were fucking idiots to keep them around espcialy the christians who taught them to read and tried to save them only to have them rape and murder on scales that a minority has never done from the inside of another country. it is fucking insane

Herkules97 ago

Because people don't want to be mean, but I could be wrong.

puggy ago

the Dems have to pretend to care about their every petty complaint in order to keep their votes

RodentLord ago

Your comment is confusing. It implies you believe voting in USA elections does something.

unclassified ago


Charilko ago

Exactly. It’s about keeping the populace split into special-interest groups. Easier to control people that way.

Samsquamch ago

^ This - If blacks ever drifted and started voting more evenly, it would be nearly impossible for Democrats to corral them back onto the ranch. Instead, they appeal to their tribalistic nature, try to divide everyone into small groups and pit them against each other, where the Democrats generally side with the colored tribes regardless of issue.

I have to give it to the Dems, they are very talented at manipulating less intelligent races into voting almost entirely for their party.

Maroonsaint ago

I like blacks because of Nevada

cantaloupe6 ago


Heathcliff ago

There is a precedent in history for the multi-cultural state where people are united by a political system instead of a common culture such as the US is rapidly becoming: the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The result was World War I.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Yugoslavia too.

SearchVoatBot ago

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LevelRelationship ago

I'm not confident we'll see another meeting of the minds in our lifetime. Would be nice to be wrong, though.

Heathcliff ago

I don't mean to predict world war. Just an example of how unstable this is.

LevelRelationship ago

I'm not sure we'll ever see another World War. Too many electronic systems of manipulation, pulling levers of all forms of our system. At this point you could just buy entire Governments.

Sweettendiesloving ago

Learn to spell and form coherent thoughts faggot

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Am far more grammar-fag than you, and can't help but notice you seem to struggle with punctuation. Sorry, but you're down there in the lower 80% with the rest of them.

Doglegwarrior ago

god i clicked on your name. wasting my time communicating with an obvious shill jew

drj2 ago

A professional slider. I try to not reply to them.

Doglegwarrior ago

im stubborn and they infuriate me so its like i have to. i dont truly get up set they just are digusting non humans at this point.

drj2 ago

Well that’s their goal.

Doglegwarrior ago

hey grammerkike... make a point after complaining like a little jew bitch dont be a kike and just personaly attack people and muddy the waters add something to the topic on hand or just keep being a self hating parasite hook nosed kike that can only attack and build or do anything constructive. you sick twisted piece of shit jew?

was that clear enough for you hook nosed beedy eyed piece of shit pedogphile inbreed disgusting parasite of a non human?

Herkules97 ago

He added something to the topic, he criticised your spelling.

I'll criticise you too, in your ironic comment about being attacked, you attack him with even more vile attacks.

Doglegwarrior ago

im here to debate not be a grammerkike if i notice you using jew tactics to disrupt friendly voat conversations i will come at you with the same tactics as the jews use. no room for jews in debates because they dont debate the only

  1. attack personaly

  2. attack spelling and grammar

  3. muddy the waters with nonsense

  4. make irrelevant jokes i call reddit style jokes

  5. say racism... we dont get that here they know they will be mocked endlessly yelling racist had lost all power here and is starting to lose power in the real world

Sweettendiesloving ago

What's the point about complaining about niggers when you are as retarded as any of them. Low IQ mongrels have no place here either.

Shotinthedark ago

And yet hers you are

Doglegwarrior ago

you literaly cant communicate like a human. im actualy starting to be facinated by you jews its truly like your not humans. if you think blacks are subhumans you fucking kikes are way below blacks. jesus christ all you can do is personaly attack and muddy the waters we were warned of this in the 50s and again and again and you fucking kikes just cant help yourself its truly amazing...

judging someone based on an informal platform like voat is just fucking retarded. im two thumb typing from my phone you fucking jew im not using spell check or worrying about spelling and grammer its like being in a bar and discussing current events. this is not a pier reviewed fucking journal you stupid kike. we know your tactics its obvious and its sad... go back to counting your nickles you hook nosed fuck.