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Rotteuxx ago

@Crensch shouldn't die, his miserable existence provides too much entertainment.

He should definitely kill himself though.

Crensch ago

Why does SBBH have so many half-breeds, leftists, Jewlovers, pedos, and pedo-protectors?

Rotteuxx ago

Because we're welcoming of Qtards, all you degenerate boomers can post here.

Crensch ago

What did @srayzie do to deserve y'all doxxing her and attacking her while your pedophile buddy was threatening to rape her child?

Crensch ago

Defending a pedophile? Taking a page out of trigglypuff's book?

No, she didn't doxx him, but nice try.

Crensch ago

How'd your thinktank PR response work out for you?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Prove how i am defending whoever it is you are claiming i am defending.