satisfyinghump ago

Haha yeah. To me the smugness is them thinking "dem crackers dink dis be punishment! DIS IZ MY VACATION BITCHES!!!!"

Adherrent ago

Prison isn't a punishment, it's an accolade. Anyone with a brain could see this, unfortunately everyone that has power on this Earth needs one.

HeebyKneegrow ago

Op, you are so ignorant. Here is why they are proud

  1. They're going to a family reunion
  2. While in jail they have time to write dope ass rap songs
  3. Free food and housing
  4. They don't have to work
  5. It's a pilgrimage

I hope you realize what a fool you sounded like

TimMasson1 ago

I like you words about me. I like you.

newoldwave ago

Either smiling or frowning with chin jutting out or half asleep.

illuminalto2 ago

"Well I been doing it since I was a young kid and I come out grinnin'. When I fight authority authority always wins."

-some white guy who probably never fought authority

scoopadoop ago

Getting accepted to NU is a big deal.

SirNiggsalot ago

There are no black people. Niggers are NOT people.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

This is why before the mugshot there should be a quiet, non monitored holding area used for a good old fashioned phonebook beatdown. Fuck these cocky niggers.

Orthalyx ago

Dey is haapy! Sheit! It's pavement ape family reunion time

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

They are excited that the system took an interest in thier issue and will now have a day in court to lie about it. That's all.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

There was an article I read that talks about the difference in behavior of white vs black people at court. Its a pretty great description of how the black mind set is and how they really just do not give a fuck about anything. I wish i could find it again, it was written by a public defender and it outlines how blacks just think the system is against them because 'they black'. Anyhoo, it was a great redpill story.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

Yes. Thank you. Ill save it this time

Vokan ago

So a black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder and the bartender says “Ahhh cool! Were did you get him”? The parrot answered “Africa, they’re running all over the place”.

TimMasson1 ago


resq70 ago

Either a smug smile or a defient, entittled look.

TreeMan32 ago

they don't think 1 step ahead. I smile as well looking at the mug shots. Knowing they won't be getting pussy for VERY VERY long time for any male.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Most niggers are gay, they love the idea of all the butt stuff going on without any of the stigma.

AntiMason ago


ibepokey ago

you should see them in court, or in jail.

totally relaxed, like they're in their living room

Ocelot ago



Drstrangegoy ago

its dey cultcha.

Pointyball ago

Because it is. Street cred.

biscuitrage ago

In a lot of communities, it is unfortunate that it has become a rite of passage.

SirNiggsalot ago

It's unfortunate niggers ever get let out of coon college.

BlueDrache ago

Plus all the down-low they can ask for.

Null11 ago

Happy they finally get a chance to find their father.

BlueDrache ago

Either that, or they tip their head back showing off their hood air-scoops.

w1rtz ago

hahaha! sure! always you will see that CHIMP-FACE smiling around and around when they do bad stuff and got arrested. Zoo Style!

FederalShill ago

Actually, no. They all look angry like a 2 year old that didnt get its way. Where are these mugshots youre talking about????

Goys-R-Us ago

It's entrance into N. U.

holaymackal ago

Prison = nigger networking opportunities

YBDum ago

I heard one say he was going to rob a liquor store because he needed a vacation for a few months. I was gobsmacked.

FoundingUncle ago

Did you see the story about the bank employee who stole and was "building a brand for himself?" It's related.

TimMasson1 ago

Yes I did my friend I was the first one to post about it yesterday!

SadMacKabaam ago

It is a sort of rite of passage for them. They probably think of themselves as righteous freedom fighters after shooting, stabbing, beating, raping, robbing someone. Newsflash, black man: hurting a civilian isn't scoring against the System.

green_man ago

I think they're just too dumb to understand WTF is going on. They probably think they're going to win the nigger lottery and will get a payment for wrongful arrest.

Fuckyounigger ago

That smug smile is from the fact that they know that they will be fed and taken care of even though they committed a crime. That’s not punishment and that’s what they are smiling about.

anticlutch ago

They've just upgraded their life and standard of living. Of course they're smiling.

ClownWarrior ago

This may come as a shock to many, but niggers are profoundly stupid. The definition of "mentally retarded" was actually changed from 85 to 70 in the 1970s because all of the stupid niggers (and their enablers) were all butt-hurt about it.

satisfyinghump ago

The thing that confuses me about these movies and ice actually asked some of the fence liberals about this. If in face, everyone hates on white men and old white men especially because they were racist... how the FUCK would these racist old white men they claim are super racists, go about their racist days and feel good about themselves while hiring fat black women to work as mathematicians on a mission responsible for sending the first manned space mission to the moon!?!??!?!

Cunty84 ago

No shock whatsoever just reiterated facts

SoyOrbison ago

My wife loves that movie about those black ladies that apparently were instrumental in putting those men on the moon. She, being a creature of emotion, couldn't imagine that Hollywood would make that shit up. She prefers the notion that its true and white men could stand the idea of POCs doing math good😂

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

There is always that .0001 % , never mind they all niggers.

ClownWarrior ago

You let your wife watch TV?

BordelonLoop ago

get a divorce.

Goys-R-Us ago

Never saw it but I remember the trailer where the woman were bitching because they had to walk across campus for a bathroom. You can see some jew snorting massive amounts of cocaine while writing this crap.

Plavonica ago

Task about 1st world problems.

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anticlutch ago

source 1 - archived reddit post, yes oddly reddit

source 2 - archive of actual sourced information

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's the anticipation of seeing daddy for the first time...

doesntgetsarcasm ago

or the excitement of seeing all their friends again.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Or knowing they'll get all the butt loving without being labeled gay.

4saken ago

Well street credit is the only credit score they will ever increase.

i_scream_trucks ago

It is a source of pride for them.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

"Ain't no thing."

Veridic ago

They also raise their chin up high as well. Like they are daring you to hit them.

ardvarcus ago

That's nigger chin language. Niggers talk with their chins. This shouldn't surprise white people, considering how far nigger jaws stick out from their faces, but it's alien to white people. We don't talk with our chins, we talk with our voices.

Germ22 ago

Being send to prison is like a badge of honor for those monkeys.