newoldwave ago

What the hell, Mulder, they wouldn't let us FBI in, but let in those fucking hippies!

Tallest_Skil ago

No one.

lord_nougat ago

YOU are!

Mogumbo ago

I'll cook you some jerked chicken if you come wit meh bradah

DillHoleBagHands ago

I ain't gots one ah dem dehr deayth weesh.

Mogumbo ago

It's only 100 guard bradah dey has 500 of us and we have dildoes

DillHoleBagHands ago

Beherd! Merch of der dongs!

PuttsMum ago

Can you operate mobility scooters in sand?

XSS1337 ago

Oh fuck.

The better question is , what is happening tomorrow that requires a national slide of news ?

Mogumbo ago

Yah bradah