Not_C ago

Where are you guys getting the idea that the issue is cognitive dissonance

People don't say, "Orange man is a Nazi White supremacist" because saying the opposite will get them in trouble. They say it because every time they turn on their tv, every time they go online, they hear it repeated over and over again.

Hook them up to a lie detector and ask them if Trump is a White supremacist, they'll answer yes, and they'll pass the lie detector test because they truly and honestly believe it to be true. Ask them what White supremacist type things he's done, and they can't name one thing. Show them that each of Trump's 10 grandkids is Jewish. Ask them again if he's a White supremacist and they'll still say yes, and they'll still pass the lie detector.

Those people don't think this way because of learned helplessness. It happens because of cognitive dissonance.

Ask people what they think of Trump and some will say, "Orange man bad". And yes you're right, some others may refuse to say that he's done some good for the country (improve the economy or whatever) because of learned helplessness. Yes, learned helplessness does exist. But both Trump supporters and Trump haters will speak their programmed lines. Very few will go off script and say that his grandkids, lineage, descendants, bloodline is Jewish. Just like Hillary's. And that Trump will go up against Biden, who's son dumped his ex and married a Jew 2 weeks later in order for Biden to Jew his bloodline. Guaranteeing the Jews keep control of the White House no matter what.

And you're right, no one is walking into work or school wearing a swastika armband and that's because of learned helplessness. But the reason people suffer from learned helplessness is because everyone else suffers from cognitive dissonance.

Jews are the problem, cognitive dissonance is the tool they use on both sides, and learned helplessness is the result of them using cognitive dissonance.

Remove the learned helplessness and many will walk around with armbands. But the vast majority won't. Not because they're scared, or stupid, but because they're programmed through cognitive dissonance.

Meanwhile, take away the Jews ability to use cognitive dissonance, and we'll free the world. The most effective thing the Nazis did in Germany was take back control of the media.

Summary - Remove learned helplessness and very little changes because cognitive dissonance still exists. But remove cognitive dissonance and learned helplessness also disappears. Well, you can't eliminate cognitive dissonance, but you can removes the Jews control over it.

ReAwakened ago

Translation: The problem is jew lawyers and judges.

poopdawg15 ago

Cognitive dissonance is like liberals acting like blacks are great then doing whatever they can to avoid them in their own private lives.


Ur mum

cattarhero ago

Cognitive dissonance for me is hating kettlebells while at the same time wishing that I had discovered them 40 years ago. What is it to you?

randomfuckingidiot ago

public debasement

This is where our diseased culture really fucks itself. So much vanity. Jesus himself said youd be attacked for doing the right thing, and to tell them to eat your entire ass