TechDumb ago

It's a light red mark of about 1inch at the top of the neck/bottom of the back of the head. Most people have it covered by hair. It's mostly present for the German side, so generally pale skin blue eyes and bond hair as well, though not always. As for the exact type of red, It looks like an area you just massaged for 5min except you didn't.

Thus sayeth the fellow with the birthmark.

blumen4alles ago

Thanks goat!

TechDumb ago

No problem, thank @registerinsecond for providing the info in the first place :)

TechDumb ago

I'm still waiting on a reply from the buddy that originally posted the comment. Will update if/when he does.

tokui ago

I only know of the "mark of the mongols".

Oddly, one of my biz clients evidently had the mark (as a child, of course). Plus, she had no body odor. The lack of body odor is a very east asian genetic expression, with locus in Korea (95-98% ) followed by Japan (90-95%) then Mongolia (90%). (Percentages are from memory). In these societies, if you produce body odor, you're gonna stick out - badly. You may have more trouble reproducing.

Her ancestry? Hungarian jew.

BillyLuath ago

I had never heard that. I'm basically 80% Anglo with the rest Northwest European (German/French) and I don't normally have body odor.

Well, not exactly true, unless I;m in a very stressful situation, I don't have an unpleasant body odor. It's not my imagination, every girlfriend I've ever had and my wife actually have always said that I smell good all the time.

This includes when I haven't showered for a few days (which is rare, but happens). I've talked with other guys over the years, bu I've never met anyone that has experienced anything similar.

tokui ago

It's tied to ear wax type. If you have "dry" earwax (flakes) vs "wet", that would be a big indicator.