White_pride_cis ago

Why would he pay you?

virge ago

Why would he pay you?

WhiteRonin is employing a strategy of misdirection.

He spins a large LARP about some agreement between us, out of nowhere. Then spends the next month chasing me around about it. I never asked, offered, or engaged. I don't bother giving it a reply because it's obvious what it is.

If he wants to keep wasting his time like this, it doesn't hurt me any. Anyone who believes him is either part of the same organized group he is, is allied to the organized group, or someone who's just generally unaware of whats going on. All three are not someone I'm trying to help in the first place, so this just optimizes my own efforts and saves me time.

It's actually kind of funny. In a way, everything WhiteRonin is doing is helping me.

@Nadeshda since you tend to show up in all my posts anyway, I figured I'd help you prioritize this one for your consideration.

Nadeshda ago

Thanks... literally running around today and have a few classes to run. Much appreciated Sir! :)

You are too funny... have a good day!

White_pride_cis ago

I am familiar with the @sryazie, @gothamgirl, and @kevdude drama... and I believe this is related, but it got to be a little much to follow

virge ago

and I believe this is related

Interesting. How so is it related? I'm not involved with any of that, and I avoid both GA and Pizzagate because they're both infested with Glowniggers for obvious reasons.

I've seen WhiteRonin sperg about me, but he's literally called me a man, woman, dog, Crensch, sryazie, gotham, chad, kevdude, etc. He's made posts calling me everything but Putt last time I checked so I stopped paying attention.

White_pride_cis ago

Are you retarded? You ask how it is related, and then you had the verbal diarrhea that followed, that said the same fucking thing that I did. I don’t even know you, but you seem like a cunt.

virge ago

Oh. You needed it in retard ELI5. My bad.

How is someone suddenly related to something else by just being called those things?

I don’t even know you, but you seem like a cunt.

Yes, I have a small tolerance for stupid.

WhiteRonin ago

Then why would he run and throw like a woman and have no balls to ping me directly while he slanders me?

White_pride_cis ago

I am not sure. Some people get their dicks hard off of creating unnecessary drama. That’s why I don’t really talk to my cunt of a mother anymore.

kingdomhearts123 ago

All name dropping character arc posts are Babylonian niggerdom

WhiteRonin ago

Seriously! I will leave, he pays me shekels and I’m gone. Never to return.

Oh, but Virge thinks that means I am driving him off the site.

Fuck, what a Jew!