EpiPendemic ago

Many users here do that for free there is no financial incentive the reward is endorphins from the likes and upvaots. For me I am do it all for the lolz plus it is God's work when I shit post there is no charge for me doing what is just.

OurGoy ago

It's about control not money at this point. This is a cold war as much as I wish it wasn't between the right and the left. Antifa is the one exception, using violence to create fear and silence people at the government's request (the cops were told to stand down)

Tallest_Skil ago

whites literally being slaughtered in the streets

all laws passed are against the existence of whites

all media calls for white genocide

whites poisoned by the very food and water we drink


For fuck’s sake, you’ve already lost.

OurGoy ago

No I get it you are right, but IDK what to do honestly.

Tallest_Skil ago

Grab guns, kill nonwhites. Absolutely nothing else, anywhere, in any form, will solve the problem.

OurGoy ago

So getting the whole platform FBI followers as well as international publicity for being "another example of violent right wing organizations" or whatever what exactly is accomplished? You going to jail/executed and what a hundred people dead at absolute most? The problem is much easier to be solved legally through mass deportation and white separatism. No need to spill blood, just physically keep them out (you know like what we are supposed to be doing in the first place?) Triple the number of ICE workers and just have them deport as fucking many as they can. At the same time let in ZERO new immigrants from anywhere. We need to think of America first (or germany or wherever, this works anywhere). Violence gets us nowhere, but IDK if anything else will either, trump fucking ran on immigration and has done fuck all lol

It's all just a joke mate, this whole planet.

Tallest_Skil ago

So getting the whole platform FBI followers as well as international publicity for being "another example of violent right wing organizations" or whatever what exactly is accomplished?


Enjoy your genocide. You have nothing to add here.

You going to jail/executed and what a hundred people dead at absolute most?

Nice demoralization spam.

The problem is much easier to be solved legally


through mass deportation

Will never happen. Get fucking used to it.

and white separatism.


No need to spill blood

You have already lost. You’re dead already.

just physically keep them out

By spilling blood, you fucking dumbass.

Triple the number of ICE workers

I’m not paying for larger government, no.

and just have them deport as fucking many as they can.

Will never happen. You’ve already lost.

Violence gets us nowhere

Fucking kill yourself. Violence is the only thing that has ever done anything in human history.

It's all just a joke mate, this whole planet.

Which is why you need to either go back to reddit where your milquetoast bullshit is worshipped for whatever ungodly reason, or you need to grab your fucking guns and start killing nonwhites. Either you learn that what I’ve said is true or you get raped to death by niggers in 5-10 years and I get proven right yet again.

virge ago

This is a cold war as much as I wish it wasn't between the right and the left.

Maybe. I'm just not convinced. To me it feels suspiciously like I'm supposed to think that.

Antifa is the one exception, using violence to create fear and silence people at the government's request (the cops were told to stand down)

There are many exceptions. Antifa is financed, there is also profit to be made there, in fact.

OurGoy ago

what do you think then? I definitively don't hold all the answers at all, I'm completely new to all this.

virge ago

what do you think then?

Fundamentally, we end in the same place - money. I think the more I learn about just about anything, the more it all boils down to money. No business in a Capitalistic society that isn't funded by something off the books doesn't have a business model of profit.

Media, they're just companies with a board demanding dollars. Everything is a march to the top to become a monopoly and then use your monopoly status to stop innovating and shift your entire business model to predatory; buying up your competition any time they pop up and assimilating their best talent while slowly brain-drain firing the rest.

Current trajectory, not really predicting the unknowns of the future, seems to be surmised as one where we live in a neo-dystopia, a transition period of sorts. Right now the aged and technically ignorant Government is being replaced by the large monopoly Corporations at such a rapid rate that Government is being legitimately absorbed into Corporations, unlike the other way around as some seem to think.

In the end, becoming a "Corporate Citizen" where you give up your rights and individuality for all the hand-fed creature comforts we enjoy today is as simple as signing a contract with Alphabet-Facebook-CIA instead of filling out Social Security at birth.

OurGoy ago

I can totally see that. Wow it really shows that it's the money-blinded leading the product-blinded.

:/ this world sucks.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

News postings are automated knucklehead. People aren't literally sitting around posting them. And its done for ad clicks.

WhiteRonin ago


Won’t buy me out but cries about me running him off ... wait I’m the one leaving!

virge ago

News postings are automated knucklehead. People aren't literally sitting around posting them. And its done for ad clicks.

I get that, no issue with the free market. What I mean is, what's the going rate? If some Liberal douchebag can pay for a literal bot army, I just want to know how cheap our side is being and why.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

It has to be shit pay. You're competing with Indians and subhuman slavs. Even craigslist internships pay only like $15.00/hr.