Don-Keyhote ago

Death to all qtards

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did you know that you and I work in the same office? I guess we should start having a torrid affair now. Ready?

Don-Keyhote ago

How bout a horrid one

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

meet me in the janitors closet

Don-Keyhote ago

I haven't lived there for months

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

where do we go then? maybe srayzie has an extra room, if you don't mind her watching

Don-Keyhote ago

I do not

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

don't let her touch anything. K?

virge ago

I have nothing to do with any of this. As far as I can tell they have stopped attacking me for not using powers I don't have to stop Beatle. Beale has been banned by someone who has the power to ban. Case closed.

And this is how it should be.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And now he's busy shitting all over poal.

virge ago

And now he's busy shitting all over poal.

I don't use Poal. Can you please elaborate?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I left as there soon as he arrived. Like others, I Had gone there only recently to get away from the trashy drama and paedo sympathy here, because unlike VOAT, they don't tolerate the sexualisation of kids there. Well he turned up there and posted info about sraysie or whatever her name is. Posted her address i believe and was promptly told by admin to remove it.

sguevar ago

kev, I understand your position.

And I also believe you. I am not linking you because I think you are part of this. I am linking you because after all, whether you like it or not, you were part of this drama that has gone way out of control and hence you are one of the parties that can help us reach a closure on this.

I also am waiting regarding the new functionality that in that regard will allow v/ProtectVoat become what it needs to become, as per my eyes. An informative subverse and not a weaponized one as many have put.

But you are relevant in here in order to reach closure.

sguevar ago

@WhiteRonin, I certainly do not support this.

The post you are linking here can be considered breaking the rule 3 on that subverse: Do not abuse the anonymity of this site besides breaking the Voat rule on Doxx: Content contains personal information that relates to a Voat users real world or online identity

@kchmiel and @OneForrestOne, I am extending a formal request for this post to be removed as long as with any other post following the same nature of this one.

@PuttItOut please see that these moderators comply with the removal of the post in question and all comments that hold personal information from u/srayz.


WhiteRonin ago

I did not create that content nor posted it and have checked with people who might know more. They are just laughing their asses off but nobody is claiming ownership.

I am linking to a post as much as you did yourself. We are addressing this in different ways as usual. You called for police action and I didn’t because every time I called for action, nothing was done. So, I drew public attention to it. That serves 2 purposes: exposes Srayzie and exposes the content. I’m tired of Srayzie lying her way around things.

That content should be deleted.

If I were the original anon poster, Putt can verify with SQL query magic and associated my IP with the poster. I’ve been on my phone mostly so, since I’m not banned, I’m still clean.

I am not gonna generate content nor post anything to get me in legal trouble. Oh fuck no! I like my job and besides it’s against my morals.

sguevar ago

I am not saying that you were the one who created the post. I am not going to jump into an assumption based on circumstantial evidence (just because you linked it) You know I do not work like that. But I do have to express my dislike with sharing this post in a way that it promotes this behavior.

Instead of reporting it you are sharing it as a way to attack your detractors man. You said it yourself:

I’m tired of Srayzie lying her way around things.

I understand that you may not like her and her supporters for that matter but I am asking you to stop promoting this behavior man - at least add a disclosure and report it. It shouldn't be hard on you to do it. Without it, you are hurting Voat as much as her supporters did on their doxx attempts.

I am not gonna generate content nor post anything to get me in legal trouble. Oh fuck no! I like my job and besides it’s against my morals.

Good but then report it. Don't share it all the way (repeated occasions as multiple posts are found on your post history cross subverses) as it seems that you are supporting this behavior. It may not be your intent, but you are falling into convenience as your detractors did.

I am extending a friendly advise man.

sguevar ago

@kevdude, @Crensch, @PeaceSeeker, @MadWorld, @Dismember.

The escalation of this matter can only stop if we stop this. I am once again asking for a dialogue and reach an agreement.

WhiteRonin ago

Team Srayzie can end this. They attack from the shadows. They use multiple alts and enjoy targeting us lone actors. They want us to fuck up so we can get banned. It’s pretty smart what they are doing.

sguevar ago

I never defended their wrong doings as I didn't defend zyklon_b's and hence I can't defend what you are doing on your multiple links cross subverses.

Again I am not saying you are the creator but I am saying that without a disclosure you are hurting Voat. Without reporting it you are hurting Voat. Just as they did man.

virge ago

This is one of those times I wish I had an another account, so I could point out how hilarious it is that WhiteRonin abuses anon to dox people.

And now back to your regularly scheduled ignoring of the #3 Shill for Israel.

WhiteRonin ago

I picked up the links and spread them around because this is what Srayzie does. You wanted this war. I didn’t .

Buy me out and you will get my permission to get Putt to run sql queries against my accounts. I dropped it to 8 bitcoin. Limited time offer!

So, race traitor. What do you say?

Diggernicks ago

C'mon niglet

Don't be a tinfoil hatter and blame everything on jews

It's unbecoming

virge ago

Don't be a tinfoil hatter and blame everything on jews

The problems with absolutes is they're often still true.