Jimmycog ago


ScottMAGA ago

1) After 9/11 it made sense to invade an arab county, to show the muslims that if they attack us, we will attack their core (not just a peripheral country like Afghanistan).

2) Logically it should have been Saudi Arabia, the source of the attackers and wahhabism, but they were/are seen as our ally. Iraq on the other hand was an acceptable alternative, both because the public wanted to finish the job of the first Gulf War.

NiggerGuy ago

One reason, my Iraqi fren told me, was to move all the rich jews who lived in Iraq back to isis-ra-el, because biblical prophesy cannot be fulfilled until all jews move back to the greatest terrorist nation ever created.

SirNiggsalot ago

Cuz 19 Saudis flew into WTC , Pentagon, etc. Oh, and John Bolton assured us Iraq had WMD's.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

massive cost of that war

There's everything you need to know

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Greater israel project, nothing to do with oil. At least not before (((they))) acquire the territory.

nomadriders ago

Saddam was the biggest threat to Israel in the region at the time. He had a huge miltary and missiles that could reach Israel and Saudi Arabia.

zxcvzxcv ago

I'm surprised that no one who has commented here knows this: about 6 months (maybe) before the US invasion, Saddam agreed to sell oil to the EU for a currency other than US dollars. The jewFED would not stand for that. The part about Cheney and others making lots of cash using the industrial military complex was just the bribes the jewFED paid for eliminating Saddam for the jewish international bankers. Iraq was about the jews maintaining control over the petro-dollar.

CinderBiter ago

War creates need, need creates demand - who owns the companies? Companies get paid, use money get more power. Use the money and power to make war, and cycle it all over again.

To say this is the only reason, or there's only one reason would be wrong, it's a dynamic cause not simple. One man alone didn't do it, so there's not one reason

AlternateSelection ago

A long list of reasons that do not include 9/11 or terrorism.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

Short Answer: Military Industrial Complex + Globalism.

Long Answer: Iraq invaded Kuwait for slant drilling with supposedly US permission. Kuwait probably offered American $$$ to deal with this problem. Bush Sr. destroyed much of the Iraq army retreating. Supposedly there was an attempt on Bush Sr.'s life from Saddam for this. 9/11 "happened" Bush Jr went after Iraq with the (((media))) supporting it 100% because of "WMD" Any country that is aggressive in the middle east will have to deal with (((you know who))) and is going to be destroyed so it's no longer a functioning country. Something something something central bank.


Because they wanted to and they were able to sell it

WhiteRonin ago


To cover up her tot gate!

eye-bean-around ago

President Bush's desire for revenge.

A grand plan to remake and democratize the Middle East by the force of arms in an attempt to make it safer for Israel.

Re-empower the United Nations by forcing it to enforce its resolutions even more aggressively than it wanted to.


GoyimNose ago

To make the Jews happy

anoncastillo ago

Oil, military industrial complex profits, taking out a fascist too close to Israel, and baby Bush finishing daddy's business.

virge ago

Iraq was oil and Afghanistan was Monsanto which resulted in Fentanyl.

Redcobra ago

An oil pipeline was run through Georgia and Afghanistan so oil would be correct but of course opiates as well

i_scream_trucks ago

Oil and construction contracts.

mralexson ago

There’s no particular evidence that Iraqi oil imports increased following the invasion. Definitely not enough to justify the over 1 trillion dollar cost of the war

Anaximandel ago

They don't care if the war cost 1 or 100 trillion, as long as they get a couple billion.

And the money that had to be printed for the war comes out of your pocket - inflation - and uses your taxes to pay its interest rate.

Element115 ago

Disruption of competition, not outright stealing the oil. All the high level US politicians are heavily invested in the global energy market.

con77 ago

apparently so Dick Cheney could make a shitload of money

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That's gotta be secondary. He's just one guy.

How did the rest make money?

Anaximandel ago

By installing another privately owned central bank and looting the oil.