WickedBaker ago

I can actually see them arresting at the border as they walk across, and deporting those. But the roundup of the MILLIONS shitting up the place currently? No. The man power alone would be incredible, and we don't have that kind of man power. There are smarter ways of getting the taco niggers out of here.

heygeorge ago

If you were serious about arresting and deporting all kinds of people, you wouldn’t fucking telegraph it a week or two before.

Simonsaysgoat ago

NO. He is a jew puppet. Why does anyone hold out hope?

zyklon_b ago

I agree and upvote all your posts i see

Simonsaysgoat ago

No shit? I too look for your name lol. I try to be pro white and fair with everything. I want us all to unite and realize things the way they are. Any suggested pro white podcasts or sites of interest you recommend? I listen to Goyfire podcast, radio Aryan, red ice radio. And I have a bunch of sites I could recommend, I'm just looking for more lol

zyklon_b ago

yeah. Black pilled is only thing u not mention i like that one too..corbett report is good too.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I never heard of black pulled. I'll look it up. I also love Carolyn Yeager. Talk about a woman. Go to her site at carolynyeager.net

zyklon_b ago

Ok i check it out.

do u wanna mod my /v/BEATLESTROLLARMY

Simonsaysgoat ago

Gosh! Im flattered but I,dont,know what a mod does exactly. I wouldnt want to ruin your sub haha

zyklon_b ago

u b3 ok

Simonsaysgoat ago

Is it a pedo hunter sub? Lol I'll help out, I am on here enough I suppose

zyklon_b ago

Pedo hunting is part of it but you can post intetesting podcasts, videos basically anything especially shitposts go. But for certain exposing pedos!!!

Simonsaysgoat ago

ok I get what your going for. Is there anything you would like me to adhere,to or do as moderator?

zyklon_b ago

If u ever see anything illegal delete and ban the OP immediatly and also not take too serious cause is all for fun

Simonsaysgoat ago

Ok, I'll be sure to do that. Oh I know it's for shitposting and trolling lol I was just never big on having fun here. I always looked at voat as a place to gather with like minded individuals to figure out our best course of action to take our countries back world wide and unite the white race globally

zyklon_b ago

Its gotten so bleek we must laugh to keep our sanity.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/frenworld comment by @Crensch.

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Simonsaysgoat ago

True, that's why I like the Goyfire podcast you still get info but in a more palatable format

Liberameya ago

Yes! T Boone Pickens spent a bunch of money on airlines stock

zyklon_b ago

trump raped a 13 year old

MrCobraFace ago

I think he said that as a deterrent for people to not try to come, which is smart and helpful.

zyklon_b ago

no he said to fool those that still follow him

MrCobraFace ago

Glad you can read his thoughts, but the end result is the same no matter his intentions.

zyklon_b ago

agree 100% would be same policy if hillary was appointed. all smoke and mirrors.

MrCobraFace ago

I doubt it. Trump tends to exaggerate, but messaging is important. Democrats literally brought an illegal immigrant on stage at the DNC, so it's pretty clear what their message is.

zyklon_b ago

Trump is a pedo

syntaxaxe ago

Of course he will. I mean, he's already refused to bomb Syria, de-escalated the warmongering in Iran, and used available funds to start building the wall rather than aiding immigrants, right? This is an America First issue, snd I might have doubts if he was another president who put Israel first in all things, but he'd never do that.

I have been in a coma since 2016, but I assume everything's gone to plan from the campaign.

zyklon_b ago

thanks for commenting my friend. feel free to add more.

Corpse_washer ago


zyklon_b ago

When mexico didnt pay for wall the qtards blamed other ppl so probably same scenario. Not (((His))) fault

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Absolutely not

zyklon_b ago

why but (((trump))) said it....

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Trump says a lot of stuff. Not a whole lot of action comes after

zyklon_b ago

He consistently sucks Netanyahus cock

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would anyone believe that?

Corpse_washer ago

Becuse comforting lie wins every time.

Tallest_Skil ago

I guess that’s why people live so long these days. They just lie to themselves about how “good” the world is instead of thinking about it and whitening their hair early.

Corpse_washer ago


zyklon_b ago

I do not believe but @Socasms seems to believe?

mr socasms explain please?

virge ago

Zyklon_B is incapable of making a serious submission. Type 1, Type 2, Type 4, and Type 5 Disingenuous.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey fag!

Why u scared of me?

Accept my challenge bitch!

Prove your manliness and to all of Voat how you were right about me!

Site scraping. Fucking liar! You ain’t no python script kiddy. You aren’t even using Gherkin. That’s too easy.

Nah, I know what you are doing now. Pretty good idea actually. Make you rich.

So, buy me out!

zyklon_b ago

why not leave this shit in the shitposting subs.

@gabara @kevdude @heygeorge @whiteronin see he keeps kicking the hornets nest and then when get stung will cry for halp halp


WhiteRonin ago

He chicken of me!

zyklon_b ago

hey gay