Where does doxxing become a problem? (AskVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by DarkRaven
@scrubbinoutblue is Srayzie (the previous owner of GA).
P33psh04h 5.7 years ago
When retards post incriminating information on public social media accounts. Location on a semi-private website such as this is already bad enough.
Tallest_Skil 5.7 years ago
When it’s done to white nationalists. It’s fine otherwise.
CameraCode0 5.7 years ago
Proof that it's Srayzie? That account should be banned, doxxing and drama are gay.
DarkRaven 5.7 years ago
Proof that it isn’t?
She has about 5-6 alts that are active.
P33psh04h ago
When retards post incriminating information on public social media accounts. Location on a semi-private website such as this is already bad enough.
Tallest_Skil ago
When it’s done to white nationalists. It’s fine otherwise.
CameraCode0 ago
Proof that it's Srayzie? That account should be banned, doxxing and drama are gay.
DarkRaven ago
Proof that it isn’t?
She has about 5-6 alts that are active.