did @hollakost aka @srayzie let her daddy fuck her kids like she enjoyed so much as a child? (AskVoat)
submitted 5.5 years ago by zyklon_b
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HollaKost 5.5 years ago
As a pizzagate researcher, you must be proud having your husband make posts like this huh @gothamgirl?
Gothamgirl 5.5 years ago
What do you have to be proud of exactly?
Uh, everything. And I didn't marry a pedophile.
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HollaKost ago
As a pizzagate researcher, you must be proud having your husband make posts like this huh @gothamgirl?
Gothamgirl ago
What do you have to be proud of exactly?
HollaKost ago
Uh, everything. And I didn't marry a pedophile.