HollaKost ago

As a pizzagate researcher, you must be proud having your husband make posts like this huh @gothamgirl?

Gothamgirl ago

What do you have to be proud of exactly?


HollaKost ago

What do you have to be proud of exactly?

Uh, everything. And I didn't marry a pedophile.


Wazhappenin1 ago

Zyklon you're better than this

zyklon_b ago

@hollakost aka srayzoe openly confessed on Voat that it felt "great" when her father fucked her so why would such a "loving" mother not want they kids to feel good...

Wazhappenin1 ago

There's obviously a feud between you and her whoever it is how you know Holocaust is stray Z and isn't strazy the one who's complaining about

zyklon_b ago

ima hit em with facts

Wazhappenin1 ago

Since I don't have a dog in the fight and I'm a newcomer here can you just level with me. Are you a professional agitator? For example I'm a guy with a job family and a home I enjoy the proactive nature of voat to me it's better than just reading the news in a way the interaction resembles a community of sort. What's your deal?


He married a fat hideous whore who has 2 mentally retarded kids. 1 is dead. He doesn’t have custody of his half breed. She’s only 12 and his mom has her because he’s on drugs. This bitch he married is so desperate that she supports his disabled ass. He doesn’t work and collects food stamps.

They are obsessed with 2 women on Voat, Shizy and Srayzie. They threaten their kids. They post pictures of dead kids and then say Shizy and Srayzie’s kids are next. They spread fake PM’s and fake nudes. If I were you, I wouldn’t talk to them.

zyklon_b ago

i have a family n own home outright. my deal is voat is my canvs and im painting stories n plays

Wazhappenin1 ago

It seems lately you've been on a scorched-earth policy about strazy that's all. That's the problem with feuds it becomes a singular Focus. Anyway I like it better when you stick with the niggars and the Jews. I find it hard to believe that's strazy said what you said she said it boggles the imagination I guess I found my limit of free speech. I know guys that specifically Target sex offenders to beat them up the patterns going back and forth to work are very recognizable their addresses are known through Community notices and they can't really do much. I wouldn't do that because I have way too much to lose these people aren't worth it I'm just wondering is strazy worth it for you?

zyklon_b ago

im a killer in my own mind and be happy i like u

HollaKost ago

Wrong, wrong, and wrong again. Lay off the drugs n alcohol before you start posting and your crazy shines through.
