jimibulgin ago

define "redpill"

TheLastCrusader777 ago

Get boomer/Gen-X individual to accept truths suchs as the relation between demographics and political outcomes in this country.

Sosacms ago

Put them in a diverse retirement home.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Delacourt ago

I'm convinced a lot of the anti-boomer memes are a shill tactic to drive generations apart and prevent them from working together.

Not OP's, but some of them.

hello_reddit ago

most of them just don't give a damn anymore. it's like when you're a senior at school on your last month or so. they know their time is coming regardless so why bother.

slwsnowman40 ago

Yes, but you will need to provide sources. Boomers are more likely to believe government numbers, but not necessarily the FBI, and anyone that cites their claims. If they recognize their generation had a hand in what is going on today (my parents are this), they are easier to redpill. If they can't self-reflect on their actions, it is much harder and will more than likely need to experience the redpill, although it would probably be a blackpill at that point.

Patti_McGreen ago

It is true, the Boomers especially the 70-plus Boomers other ones did flaunt the bumper sticker that said "question authority"

The only problem is is they questioning the wrong Authority

Diggernicks ago

Best just to gas them all.

Just to be safe.

Patti_McGreen ago

Always be polite and respectful. Speak in a calm tone no yelling allowed. Use facts that you can back up. Try the Socratic method of asking questions. Sort of like with Q does.

I often start with Dealey Plaza. Then pull in the other three presidents that were assassinated. Then talk about the Oklahoma City bombing. Mena Arkansas Iran-Contra Affair 911. Not all at one time and slow doses but a good place to start is the assassination of four presidents United States and how they were connected to the financial system. That's a good place to start see if you can get them to watch the videos.. the storm is upon us.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

No. Sadly, no.

Boomers made a personal decision to sacrifice the future of the country and all unborn generations to isreal on the promise that they would be rock stars or whatever sick jewish fantasy they bought into. The tiny handful of them that had the will to resist are they guys that already started the movements followed in the modern age.

It is no longer reasonable to believe that even the most myopic boomer is unaware of what they enabled. They are aware. Fully. But theyre trapped.

The sacrifice of their children for their own narcissism left a scar on every boomer mind. Now, because they've invested their entire sense of identity and their perception of the world in the jewish construct so that they could say 'oh it's not my fault, I was busy'.

TLDR ; No. Boomers are not recoverable. Or people. The boomers that could be salvaged did it themselves. Years ago. The rest are willing, knowing soldiers of Eboatha. All agents of the jew. As you can see just perusing any publication, boomers are not only complicit with the jew, but proudly so.

Patti_McGreen ago

I'm a boomer and am lucky to have many close friends who are red pilled have been for years and are totally awaken to what has gone in Washington, Hollywood and the corrupt media.

Close to 7,000 people attended the Trump rally in the fall of 2018. 70% of those people were retirees like myself. Among the group there are retired police officers retired military personnel and actually people from all walks of life. It was equally refreshing to see a good number of young people the same ages of my children that were attending there and supporting our president

I have said this numerous times in thees discussion boards that people need to stop labeling when they see a person standing in front of them without getting to know them.. we need to dispose of the concept that if you're over 60 that you don't have any knowledge of Technology or that you are some leftover Lefty from the 60s.

I have been discussing the the sins of the military industrial complex since the early 80s. I've also done my best to expose the corruption in the medical field in the lies about vaccines and the way that they treat cancer in particular. I've been talking about weather modification since the late 70s when my father a military naval officer first told me about the dod's work and weather modification in geoengineering.

So yes it is possible to redpill a boomer. But I could use some help.


madscientist3469 ago

I have said this numerous times in thees discussion boards that people need to stop labeling when they see a person standing in front of them without getting to know them..

This. This is a prevalentproblem both on the left and the right. We like to say identity politics is what the left does, but people on the right turn around and dismiss entire groups of people by their own chosen group identities. Society would be much better off if we interacted with everyone else as individuals, and let them stand on the merits of their own ideas and actions rather than doing battle under our various different flags.

ImmortalAl ago

We should stop talking about left and right. This is an illusion that keeps us in a cage.

BillyLuath ago

All boomers are alike I suppose... no. Your title should be: "Is it possible to redpill a brainwashed leftie".

Technically, I'm a boomer, but I was "redpilled" at a very young age (early teens, on).... never bought into the cultural degeneracy going on around me.

Patti_McGreen ago

Yes I'm much better statement would be is it possible to redpill a lefty.

Having been conservative most of my life I had to kind of go along with my Lefty friends or be ostracized once I hit about 40 years old I just decided I didn't care to keep these people for friends anyways. 2016 was basically the final straw. I was called a redneck country bumpkin Conservative Christian bigot. A racist with white privilege.

I basically had to explain to these long time friends that I had always held more conservative views than them but I stay quiet to keep the peace and I'm not staying quiet anymore so good riddance.

Diggernicks ago

You're 100% mentally handicapped if you're grown and still have imaginary friends.

ImmortalAl ago

Yes. Its possible. But hard. But worth doing. Their whole life has been one reality indoctrinated into them week after week. A threat to that which they are so emotionally invested, they are certain to take personally. They will take offense to what you say, and will disagree with you before you even speak, but that small seed you plant in their mind will slowly grow as they begin to see the truth in what you say as they go about their daily lives.

kingdomhearts123 ago

if they're mobile and bandy-legged, it's worth attempting. if they're already sedentary with age, you should probably just go have a sandwich instead.

Patti_McGreen ago
