SparklingWiggle ago

Damn near. It has always been an amazing country. I'm surprised the rest of the world didn't adopt our Constitution and mentality.

outrider787 ago

The Stunning Inventions of The United States, seems like we invented almost everything lol

Butelczynski ago

"Lord helps those who help themselves" type of attitude.In other words get your shit together and do it instead of waiting for someone else.

This way of thinking use to be shared by a lot of Canadians until liberal education brainwashed them.

goatsandbros ago

That people are honest about their feelings and not afraid to tell the government to fuck off (though we've lost this quite a bit in the last 50 or so years).

Warnos44 ago

Our men.

Not the candy asses that are labeled men these days.

But the legitimate, a little rough around the edges men who are that way because they are able and willing to protect what they love.

It wasn't too long ago I found myself at a major intersection that takes forever for the light to be green due to single left turn light signals.

While I was there I took a moment to take in the people around me. It really stood out, the men both young and old, who you could tell really still believed in the America most of us goats wish would revive. They usually were driving trucks but there were a few in gas saving cars. It was really amazing how much they contrasted against the commie liberal soft bodied and mind men in their vehicles. There's a look, attitude, awareness, that distinguishes.

These are the men I can believe in, the ones that deserve all the support, the ones who are the only thing that will have a chance at stopping the zog. They're the only reason we have had an America to begin with.

I love the sons of America. May the newest generation be stronger, tougher, wiser, more numerous, we need it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SparklingWiggle ago

Make a plan. Start saving.

Booklet ago

I'd like to visit one day if just to compare the movies/series to actual life and see how it really is. I think owning a gun or any weapon would be cool if just for sports, here I can hardly get hold of a decent hand catapult for practice. I like the freedom that's currently in danger, but that's just about anywhere on the planet. Seemingly being much more free to chase your dreams. The amount of shit you people take from the rest of the world and still not give a fuck.

SparklingWiggle ago

Make a plan and start saving.

Booklet ago

I'm managing to put aside a fair amount every month so it will happen.

SparklingWiggle ago

You have a lot of people around here to give you the scoop on places to visit and things to see.

xx88 ago

The admiration for honest, hard work. While it is a trait that is sickeningly twisted by Jew capitalists, it's a very pure trait unique to Americans among the white countries.

petevoat ago

It's constitution, because the rest of the world sucks without one

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Firearms and firearm accessories

BillyLuath ago

Public land.

daskapitalist ago

The assumption of freedom and personal responsibility. Also firearms, which go hand in hand with both. While much of the world wants to know if you have a loicense for that m8, 'murica will tell you to molon labe and then chamber a round.

Apexbreed ago

Being able to work for anything I want. One thing at a time. Car, then truck, then motorcycle, then quad, the gun arsenal, then prepper gear, then whatever I want next. I'm not rich either, I just save up until I can afford the next thing I want. A lot easier when I don't smoke or drink...

SparklingWiggle ago

That is something I take for granted but you are right. That's the marathon and not the sprint. If you know how to work on those machines you will do even better. Good on you.

lilomeunq ago

I love our roads - and the people you meet on them. "Let's Roll" rang in the hearts of Americans long before Todd Beamer rallied the passengers of Flight 93 with those words. Our roads, be they highways or byways, represent a culture that connects the cultures of each state or region. It's summertime, let's roll!

Dailytacs ago

Texas, remember the Alamo.

Rellik88 ago

BBQ, Patriotic, Guns, Speech, badass and brave. Every major advancement of humans in the last 100 years.

bamex ago

Being able to buy just about anything you want. Fuck yeah.

DeliciousOnions ago

Backyard cookouts are pretty excellent, those are probably my favorite part of spring and summer.

American car/motorcycle culture is pretty great - a bunch of gearhead mechanics each upgrading and maintaining a prize piece of high performance machinery!

I'm also in love with small towns and rural culture. That one restaurant on the edge of town where the watress seems to know everybody, if you drive through the flyover states it's like every 50 miles there's a new little community with all its own quirks and idiosyncracies.

SparklingWiggle ago

Small non-chain restaurants are the best places to eat. My mom use to make a flat fried cornbread. She forgot how to make and while working in a small town they had it on the menu. I was blown away. Never saw it before or since.

user9713 ago

I love everything about the South. I can't stand the North and liberal cities, in general.

SparklingWiggle ago

Go North and say hi to strangers. They don't know how to act. I'm a died in the wool Southerner. You cannot add sugar to unsweetened tea.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

Q: how much sugar do you put in tea?
A: til it's sweet enough.

hang_em_high ago

I'm not huge on Christmas time; I think a lot of it's meaning has been lost but I love Thanksgiving. Just good food, family, and friends.

lilomeunq ago

I found that the more I learned about Christmas traditions, how and why they came about, the less I enjoyed Christmas.

SparklingWiggle ago

Jews. Really, every Christmas movie is filled with Jews, from the first ones to the newest ones.

lilomeunq ago

LOL I didn't learn the truth about our pagan traditions from tv at all, much less a Christmas movie!

SparklingWiggle ago

Thanksgiving is great. Leftovers for days, literally.

Le_Squish ago

Casually exchanging life stories with a stranger in a grocery store line.

Apexbreed ago

My wife says I'm an old man for doing this, but I think it's part of being a good member of a community.

SparklingWiggle ago

As usual the woman is wrong.

SparklingWiggle ago

I went out West, people were okay but not hometown nice. A cashier in a supermarket strikes up a conversation and helps me save a few bucks. Turns out she is from my hometown.

xx88 ago

I'm from the West coast, but lived for a few years in central IL. While geographically speaking I couldn't settle in the Midwest (I NEED mountains) I adored the small towns dotted throughout. I loved the genuine connections easily made with people there. Over here it seems to take months to get on the same friendly terms with someone that it only took a day or so for Midwesterners. I will always have a super soft spot in my heart for them

SumerBreeze ago

People in Europe have riverside cookouts instead of backyard. Christmas decorations here are energy wasting garbage boons. Family dinner is nearly nonexistent and foreign - what the fuck are you on about?

SparklingWiggle ago

A study found that the single greatest indicator on the success of a person was the amount of time spent at the dinner table as a child.

lilomeunq ago

Everybody has their own normal. You made me remember all the Americans that used to live riverside, but have watched their homes being taken by the rivers this spring. The culture of neighbors helping neighbors is not unique to America, but the generosity during adversities is known worldwide.

Rellik88 ago

WTF do I care about Euro trash on a post about America? Have fun being a subject.

SumerBreeze ago

Read it again you dumb kikefaggot

hang_em_high ago

Family dinner is nearly nonexistent and foreign

For you maybe. Probably why you turned out to be such a shitty person.

SumerBreeze ago

look around you, white nigger - change yourself and others to be right

fluhthreeex ago

I think this would do better in a Q sub

Eualos ago

First and second ammendment

SparklingWiggle ago


fluhthreeex ago

The Pentagon Papers. @Eualos

Diggernicks ago

Hookers are readily available and reasonably priced.


Rellik88 ago

If I was ever to buy a women, it certainly wouldn't be the cheapest one I could find gross.

SumerBreeze ago

They are some of the most dirty and especially expensive. Have you never been outside the United States?