SearchVoatBot ago

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killallofthem ago

Too many shills flooding in at once, sure lots of refuge come but lots of the non-freespeech people will come with them and slowly weasel their way into mod/admin positions to try and "culture" this site and then soon voat will be reddit-lite.

jonnyquest ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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budhahead ago

I didn’t even know we were invite only....and there’s no way to send an invite? I can understand that a little bit, it keeps the riff raff away BUT seriously what if I had like 1 real life friend Who deserves to be here?....I can’t even trade in some ccp and send a link invite? That would make it cool like a secret club if we could....and we wouldn’t just invite any dumb retard if it cost us our credibility as a reference

digitalentity1497 ago

Remember the Qtards? I remember the Qtards...

slope ago

Noobs can lurk a while

ANannyMouse ago

I don't understand how you can claim to be the last bastion of free speech and anti-censorship, and then not even allow people to join. If someone wants to comment and they can't make an account, are they not effectively being censored? And invites are a lie, there's no way to send an invite to someone that will allow them to join.

killallofthem ago

whatever you say Jew

ANannyMouse ago

Can't even say the word kike? That's pretty Jewy of you

winterdreams7 ago

I agree, and as is the case above: any thread or thought that departs from voat's standard idealogy is met with "fuck off kike. You're a shill". This is the last bastion if conservative speech and much of it is spent attacking each other

Chromium ago

Judging by the comments most people here seem ok with it. I guess they really just wanted another safe space after all. It's very sad.

Haywood_Jablomeme ago

Have you never seen a massive brigade? Those fucks will do everything they can to be annoying and get us shut down

ANannyMouse ago

I don't think they want a safe space, I think their heart is in the right place trying to protect the website, but this particular choice is over-correcting and taking the easy route. It's a blanket ban on all new users just because they don't want to deal with new trolls and shills, rather than dealing with them as they come. The person getting the shortest stick here is the normal guy potential goat checking out the website hoping for a new home and finding that they aren't welcome.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/WhatYouMissed submission by @virge.

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R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

I hope so

Spyder ago

Who is able to invite people? I don't see this ability for myself when I look around my profile / settings.

underground_lurker ago

I could be wrong but last time it was a joke. Aka there’s no mechanism so it’s a temporary “fuck off we’re full”.

MinorLeakage ago

They can all come to Voat, they just can't comment or post. Which seems sort of perfect. I don't think there is a single person here losing sleep over not having enough new Redditors around....

Why not offer your account to one of your immigrant friends?

ConcreteGaloshes ago

HA! A sudden funny! I was unprepared. Thanks.

Chromium ago

I'm not saying that the average frontpage redditor should come here. I'm talking about the quarantined subreddits that constantly fuck with the faggy reddit community and their rules which eventually gets them banned. I mainly posted this because r/opieandanthony got banned recently which had great content with tons of racist humour. They would fit in here perfectly, trust me. Tons of people where able to assimilate here when the MDE sub got banned and nobody had a problem. But now the subverse for v/opieandanthony/ almost has no traffic because of this fucking invite only bullshit.

Do you honestly think I'm talking about the average frontpage Redditor

MinorLeakage ago

In time it will be opened again. It's not like there are actually invitations anyways. Til then just enjoy the calm serenity of SBBH drama.

Chromium ago

What is SBBH?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Oh, you lucky bastard...

Chromium ago

.. I guess?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Check 'em out if you like dramafags and shitposts, v/soapboxbanhammer

Chromium ago


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Shut up, faggot.

OP is a shill, 3.9 year old account with barely any ccp or scp.

Why is it invite only? So shills like you cant make multiple accounts or have your shill buddies come in and fill the pool with AIDS.


3.9 year member but you still chose to frequent reddit and contribute there instead of here. Fucking kill yourself, kike.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

This Fucktard...."Your account passes the age check but you don't post enough so shut up and don't post"

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Yeah its almost like I question peoples motives or something.

Chromium ago

Yeah I still used reddit quite a lot up until the MDE sub got banned. Voat honestly gets boring very quickly. Every subverse has the exact same content. It's an absolute echo chamber and with the site now being set to invite only it makes even worse. Call me what ever the fuck you want but I would actually welcome some different content and viewpoints on this site.

Le_Squish ago

If you don't like it here, then why the fuck do you care about it being invite only?

You could even, gasp, post opposing view points and create discussion.

Chromium ago

Isn't that what I'm doing right now? Also I do like it here. It's just that the attitude of the Voat user base with this basic 4chan mentality of wanting to "keep the normies out" is getting kinda gay. I want Voat to become the new reddit with lots of new discussions and view points. The important difference would be that everyone here has to deal with actual free speech. We will never defeat our (((enemy))) if everything keeps being contained on some edgy fringe forum like this. That's why reaching the normies is important.

Le_Squish ago

Nah you just whinning.

Chromium ago

Great discussion, dude.

Le_Squish ago

I know right. Maybe you'll learn to adult one day and interact and question without out seeming like a whinny girly man. I can literally hear the rising intonation in your replies.

Chromium ago

Whinning / whinny? Are you actually retarded??

Le_Squish ago

Only on Saturday. You probably got a horse face like most beta whiners though so it's all good.

Chromium ago

Nah, only a horse dick. Your mom can vouch for me.

Le_Squish ago

Miniature horse playing as a stallion. So that is what she was laughing about...

Chromium ago

Damn what an epic reply. At least she remembered it. I bet it's hard for her to keep track at this point.

Le_Squish ago

Women never forget disappointing things.

Chromium ago

Then she'll never forget about you, how sweet <3

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Now that's funny.

Flirp ago

Nah, the miniature horse playing stallion was better.

MightoScrub ago

I didn't even know we were set to invite only. That would explain why its been pretty chill around here lately.

DontBeRacist ago

Today, I din't even hafta use muh niggerfaggot

I gotta say it was a good day

Salicaz ago

This is better.

heygeorge ago

We’re waiting for the le edgy teens and twenty-somethings to herd themselves to the chans

0_--_0 ago

edgy teens and twenty-somethings

I see Traditional Wives, Q Anons, Shitposters, and Nazis.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

You're a derisive fucking nigger, and your /u/ is obviously an alt. So which one of your accounts got permabanned, ya fuck nigger kike.

0_--_0 ago


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuck. . . . . . .

heygeorge ago

It must be working then

virge ago

I see permanent solutions.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol We would if it weren't for that fucking format over there good god

DontBeRacist ago

Yeah, those kinds of sites are so ugly.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Really makes you wonder why (((they))). want us isolated like this. Maybe quarantined is a better word.

@puttItout really needs to address this now. I had two people that wanted to sign up over the last couple of weeks. I gave up and sent them to Poal . Maybe this has something to do with it.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

I saw that too. Makes me wonder what else I've missed, what's being cut and what barriers are going up for voat.