So, what the fuck happened? (AskVoat)
submitted 5.7 years ago by CantBuySkills
I'm speaking in rega4ds to the drama that has been going around... I haven't followed any of it and it's confusing. May I please get a tldr from someone?
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zyklon_b 5.7 years ago
srayzie offerred $3500 to attack qrv and drive em off the site and then did not pay so her kids was doxxed and @pangaea ate em alive
SeanBox 5.7 years ago
Damn. I try and avoid those threads
shizy aka srayzie threatening kids.
its ok cause of pussy pass rules
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zyklon_b ago
srayzie offerred $3500 to attack qrv and drive em off the site and then did not pay so her kids was doxxed and @pangaea ate em alive
SeanBox ago
Damn. I try and avoid those threads
zyklon_b ago
shizy aka srayzie threatening kids.
its ok cause of pussy pass rules