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RM-Goetbbels ago

Like Vote Manipulation: what ever they deem it to be that day and depending on who does it.

I was trying to Putt this shit behind me and MOVE THE FUCK ON!

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, box hammer - what’s your main alt.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

"Don’t use the same name on Twitter and Voat."

"Twitter is public domain."

Voat is public domain. Did you have a point, or were you just having a split personality episode and wanted to share it?

WhiteRonin ago

How about this dear, go to and and ask them to remove your picture from the top page! But then they will say it’s “twitters” fault which is true. So, go to twitter and remove your picture.

Then we shall have a conversation. You apparently are only pissed because your pictures were used as CSS and passed around.

My personality is not the issue for this topic at the moment.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

You are quite stupid, it seems.

Voat is public domain. I can use it, yes? Google too? Good. Bring triggly back and thanks to @ExpertShitposter that information is no longer contianed to voat and the stories i can tell. do you see my stories? my account is my story. i wonder what will cause the most havoc.

triggly stays banned or that happens, yes? is legal. i keep my story and you keep your coalburner.

Or I get banned for what I have done and so does zyklon, because i have done exactly that. the level to which you all want to fight is the level to which others will fight.

it is called escalation and shitposters continue to escalate and defend a username that doxxed kids to pedos.

it did not have to be this way.

nobody cares about your personality, but you did ask me to dox myself. your simplemindedness does make me happy.