RealBiggly ago

This one.


sLnTsRvC ago

After the heart starts beating 19 to 22 days, its murder.

RealBiggly ago

I'm saying I don't believe anyone should be charged and convicted of a serious crime without proof and evidence making a case beyond reasonable doubt.

I'm also saying that if there IS such evidence then the fact other people lie makes no difference to the ability of the victim, police or prosecutor to bring the case.

YOU on the other hand, seem to think that evidence or proof are not required, and we should just cuntin' 'believe' whamen? No, FUCK you, bring me the evidence? No evidence, no proof? Then get the fuck out.

Which part of that are you having difficulty with?

forget-me-not ago

What the heck is wrong with you, you low IQ vagrant ? Where did I say that? Get reading comprehension, loser. I can't even understand your second sentence becauae it's so badly composed. Fix yourself.

RealBiggly ago

You admit you can't comprehend, then tell me to get comprehension? You don't even understand yourself ya soft fuk.

forget-me-not ago

Haha, much funny. However, poor composition is beyond even bare comprehension.

RealBiggly ago

Yes I'm funny, but you have no idea how funny you are...

Let's try again, as I have faith in you, I really do. I said:

"I'm also saying that if there IS such evidence then the fact other people lie makes no difference to the ability of the victim, police or prosecutor to bring the case."

Let's make this simple.

Susan tells a lie. A whopper. After looking into it, everyone knows Susan is a dirty fucking liar.

Angela says that Tommy stole her sweeties.

CCTV footage, 3 witnesses and the sweeties found in Tommy's locker confirm this fact and Tommy gets his botty spanked.

At which point did Susan being a dirty fucking liar prevent Angela from complaining about her sweeties being stolen or prevent Tommy from being spankicated?

The answer is at no point. It didn't. Because Angela had a strong case, beyond a reasonable doubt.

So if you're saying there's something wrong with the above scenario and that Susan's behavior affects Angela, you are, by defi-fucking-nition, saying that allegations that DO NOT have a strong case beyond a reasonable doubt, should be taken seriously, ie CONVICTIONS OF INNOCENT MEN, because we are all, even us lowly males, innocent until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.

If this is still difficult to understand could you try turning your head off, wait for 20 seconds and then turn it back on again?


HyperAutismo ago

I've personally never been against abortion, as I think there are too many fucking people already. Regardless, I've also never thought anyone who wasn't prolife had an actual argument to make aside from these exceedingly rare exceptions.

Either way I don't care, same with the death penalty. The moral arguments are clear, but I'm always pro- "less people."

llamaking ago

Some of the most extreme laws like complete banning and no exemptions are being set up for SCOTUS arguements. Listen if we are going to be consistent with our principals we have to argue legally a life is a life and no one can just decided to kill it or stop it. If we allow the exemptions then it just weakens our case and strengthens their case. Like any good Jew would they would try to find somewhere to gain an inch and take a foot.

"Oh so you'll kill retards in the womb so thats where you draw the line; what if ..."

"What about muh incest!"

So they'll jus ttry to tee up the worst possible scenario to get you to capitulate. And half the time we do because we are too nice and reasonable.

TheKalergiFan ago

No incest/rape abortion to appease Muslims because they do rape and incest all the time.

everef ago

All of these problems can easily be solved by taking away the woman's right to choose. If she's married, her husband decides. If she's not, her father decides. If he's dead, her brother decides, or her uncle, or grandfather, or whatever male is at the head of her family.

I seriously doubt very many people care about the life of an 8 week old fetus. Some mega-christcucks do I'm sure, but not most normal people.

What people care about is stopping women from acting like disgusting dirty whores. Step 1 is to remind them that their reproductive organs are not theirs to control.

mentalbear ago

This common line takes for granted that abortions only harm one person when they murder the child. Did you consider that abortion is fundamentally harmful to the mother?

Of course, to the pea-brain of the metaphysical atheist, the unseen doesn't exist (out-of-sight, out-of-mind). By the hippocratic oath, a doctor should do no harm; yet we have plenty of professed physicians spending their lives poisoning and mutilating their patients, don't we?

Honk honk.

newoldwave ago

Women wanting an abortion will simply be claiming rape/incest.

thelma ago

I'm gonna rape @forget-me-not now.

For science.

bitbug ago

In the cases of rape/incest there are two victims. The mother and the child. The child didn't ask to be born, you know. It's unfortunate the case that the mother is in, but you can't just kill the baby thinking this somehow fixes the wounds of the mother. Two wrongs don't make a right.

jozsefsz ago

Bullshit argument, straw-man used by the left. If you've been raped, report to the police, see the doctor, take plan B. Same if you've experienced forced incest. Call CPS as well, you're out of there in a heartbeat without any proof necessary. They want to murder the unborn, and they use these fringe cases to force the opposition to divide and compromise. No abortion, ever, under any circumstances, is ever justified.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Along with what some others have said, there's no sense executing the child for the sins of its father.

At the March for Life every year, there are people holding signs which read "I was conceived by rape". The child is innocent.

MarauderShields ago

It's conceivable that impregnation was the aim of the assault, not just defilement. On that basis, the woman's right to choose should be involved. Part of the principle of invading forces is to conquer the reproductive aspect of a host and kill any offspring present.

IquitzuOcha ago

Don't promote a topic which was decided nearly 50 years ago and it's now being used as a distraction from what REALLY matters like some kind of MSM punk.

Zoldam ago

I think that title sounds like it's pot stirring.

waterniggas ago

Only niggers rape. So the bill forces white women to bear black rape babies. It's absolutely unacceptable.

Incest is just as bad for obvious reasons. No sane woman wants to keep a baby born of violence and trauma. Not to mention how seriously that fucks with epigenetics.

ShadySlim22 ago

"only niggers rape" lmao dude cmon

waterniggas ago

ok, you got me. every other flavor of taco, pooinloo, raghead, and faggot rapes too.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I think you have to be a retard to not know that this is political right wing posturing. They're using peoples religious convictions to gain points for themselves and the democrats are pretending that they're against it for their own points. This will be thrown out in the supreme court asap. It's all theatre.

Warnos44 ago

The morning after pill works for a few days after such a thing.

TheGrandMaster ago

I just want to thank you for starting this conversation, lots of interesting reading here.

RustyFender1 ago

They are not stopping the use of the morning after pill for rape. As far as incest goes, castration for the perpetrator works 100% but only after the fact.

Risen_In_3 ago

Which case in particular are you referencing? All of them that I've seen have those provisions.

Jeckle ago

I think abortions should be publicly funded, free and celebrated for niggers but absolutely prohibited to whites except in cases of rape. This includes the pill.

auto_turret ago

Rape fetuses deserve to live!

slowcrash101 ago

Why are 11 year olds being raped in the 1st place?

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago

I think that every action has a reaction so if one state is going to legalize murder, the other state is going to regulate birth. This all leads to Roe v Wade being overturned and me LOLing at all the Leftist shits that started breaking promises and lying. Like when they said that abortion wouldn't be killing living, breathing babies. Or when they said gay rights were gonna stay in the bedroom. They took shit too far and now I'm pro Life out of spite.

yevrei ago

Fetuses conceived through rape and/or incest are still people, and thus have the right to not be killed.

dirt_reynolds ago

If my wife or daughter were to be raped and impregnated, the second person I'd kill would be the person that prevented them from having an abortion.

rektumsempra ago

Is it ok to kill a rape baby or incest baby? That should be your answer for if it's ok to "abort" a late-term fetus. The conversation on abortion should be about at what stage in development it becomes immoral to kill a fetus, ranging from conception to birth. Everyone has an opinion that falls within this window. Unfortunately, most people are idiots. A zygote is just as immoral to kill as a sperm cell or skin cell. A baby due in five minutes is just as immoral to kill as a baby born five minutes ago. Maybe it's a line, maybe it's a gradient, but a policy regarding which (if any) almost-mothers to arrest for murder seeks to draw a line. When a line is drawn on a gradient, which governments do all the time, the line should be drawn in a conservative place because it's already bad policy.

bisteot ago

All abortions should be legal in the first 3 months.

Do you really want to create a black market or have a mother like that forging the future? More poor people and niggers and fatherless kids?

Just let it be and regulate it. It is one of those things that will always be around and that if you don't control will be worst operating in the shadows

Lavender7 ago

after 6 weeks, no exceptions.

GreenSlug ago

I agree. Very few cases where i think abortion is ok. Rape, incest, and genetic flaws, especially heritable. Cant allow bad genes to weaken the species.

Tom_Spanx ago

I don't think kids should be born unwanted, without a home and family to go home to, or as punishment for the parents. Birth control is obviously preferable, but it's too late for a condom if someone's already pregnant. I don't see it being any more complicated than that.

Related, I think either parent should be able to forfeit parental rights prenatally. Women wouldn't be able to trap a man into paying for a child he didn't want, and probably sooner than people think, a baby the mother doesn't want could be transferred alive into an artificial womb supported by the father. Aborting a baby she knows the father wants and has the ability to support in this way would be a crime. I don't know how far the ability to extend forfeiture should extend, or what restrictions should be on it after birth, but before birth there's no reason to make it a pain in the ass.

Also, no abortion means more niggers of every kind.

voatusernamevoat ago

Yes, it's bad news.

Jimmycog ago

I think it Is criminal that abortion laws recently passed allows the murder of healthy full term infants.

Distrikt7 ago

In healthy society it will be ok to abort ONLY for health reasons which can include trauma on mind and body

IdoubtIt2 ago

But “trauma” is defined as “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience”. I find the Saw movies to be deeply distressing AND disturbing. Trannies find your unwillingness to call them Zir deeply distressing or disturbing. There are liberal fucktards that find your unwillingness to stuff a 20 in Desmond’s G-string to be deeply disturbing or distressing. So, basically, anything and everything can, and is, labeled “traumatic” these days. Congratulations, you just aligned yourself with the leftist stance on abortion.

forget-me-not ago

I think that would be completely fair! That would cover underage girls and possibly rape victims as well.

bezzy ago

Imagine being forced to carry some nigger rape baby to term, absolutely disgusting, the people who passed these laws should be raped

Plague1 ago

Listen, I think it's great that you're championing the 1%. I think it's important that we find common ground with liberals like you and now that you're here to defend the top 1%. But considering these types of abortions happen less than 1% of the time its incredibly irrelevant. If it was something like abortion was so rare these were like, 50% of the abortions being done the VAST MAJORITY of us would have no problem with that exception whatsoever.

As it stands, it's time to start hurting the monstrously evil organization of Planned Parenthood. And with an enemy that unbelievably evil there can be no exceptions. I'd say sorry but I'm really not. You have the audacity to show up and say we should be compassionate baby murderers and we want to tell you this as explicitly as possible: NO MORE TAX DOLLARS FOR BABY MURDER

ChristopherMarlowe ago

when you have to argue the exception, you are already admitting that the rule is right. e.g. There is a law against murder, but the exception is self-defense. Nobody would argue that all murder should be allowed because of this exception. In the case of rape/incest, it is a rare exception. Most abortions are for convenience. But let's look at the rule of abortion. Why is it being made illegal? Because it is murder of an innocent being. Is the child of a rape or incest an innocent person? Yes. So is the abortion of that child also the murder of an innocent person. Yes. Murdering that baby does not undo the rape or incest, and it does nothing to harm the perpetrator. Thus these exceptions should not be allowed Should a woman be permitted to kill a rapist? Yes, of course. But the baby did not commit a crime.


Focusing on rape/incest abortions is like focusing on tranny fags. It's such a minuscule percentage that it's obviously a distraction issue. Remember that women fake claim rape all of the time especially when it's to access government gibs and sympathy to make up for their poor decision making.

HansWithTheGas ago

All that would need to happen is if you are raped by a stranger or family, you have to report it within 24 hours. That generates a report and a record. Thos is then the only 'ticket's or 'excuse' for getting an abortion.

Additionally, Plan B should be given when the rape is reported, largely negating the need for any rape abortions.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I think if people are allowed to kill babies, and we're going to keep it legal because "the women don't want the children", then I have every goddamn right to start killing adult Jews, niggers, spics, etc. because "I don't want the non-whites".

Same logic.

Either make infanticide illegal and punishable by death, or make killing immigrants, niggers, spics, Jews, mudslimes and all other non-whites legal.

It's either one or the other. This shit is all a zero-sum game.

Shituar ago

what if a black man kidnapped your daughter, raped and impregnated her in an attempt to breed her and undermine the white race. Let's say she escaped a couple months later and now seeks an abortion. Would you help this black man undermine the white genetic pool and force your daughter to conceive and birth a mixed baby, making her undesirable to the majority of successful men. She's already used goods... but now will you make her "all used up" by conceiving? Stretch marks and all.

you want that for white women? You think white women don't get raped or something? You some kinda cuckold that likes to see white couples exhausting their resources on black babies?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I'd kill the nigger, the niggers entire family, anyone who supported the nigger, and when the baby nigger was born prematurely, I'd kill the half-nigger baby too. I'll be damned if I'll have a half-nigger grandbaby.

Just for good measure, I'd kill a handful of niggers, unrelated to the entire thing, just for punitive and collective punishment.

Shituar ago

our just get your daughter an abortion and move on with your life Jesus

ToFat2Fish ago

The child is a innocent party in all of the regardless of how it was conceived it should not be murdered.

arathans ago

why not go the same way as israel where you have to apply to a committee, present your reasons and get official permission to have the abortion. Seems to work for (((them))).

IdoubtIt2 ago

The synagogue of Satan has less degenerate laws regarding abortion than the US. That should really fucking make you think.

friendshipistragic ago

Look if Alabama aborts every incestuous fetus the population is gonna shrink fast

ScottMAGA ago

I think that abortion should be MANDATORY in the case of rape. Behavior is genetic and I'd like to see rape go extinct.

Pimarinesgt ago

My father is a bad person.

I am not a bad person.


The exception to the rule is not the rule

Upchucktheboogie ago

"Sponsors of the bill, which was signed into law by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey Wednesday evening, say the lack of exceptions is necessary to get the ban in front of the Supreme Court, where it could result in the overturning of Roe v. Wade." Vox.

BadSushi ago

I think a rape victim should be allowed to kill all of the rapists' children, just to eliminate the genes from the gene pool.

Scald85 ago

Most rape wouldn't happen without legal abortion. Women put themselves at risk because they know they have a backup plan. Pretending to be concerned about rape is just another Orwellian leftist meme. Conservatives cuck out the hardest when they fall for it.

As for incest, everyone is inbred to some, well, degree. It's not a real issue. Freak cases of incest are a rounding error, and even then do not usually result in potato offspring. And if they did, it's no justification for abortion either.

Shieldmaden ago

The child is innocent. Take the morning after pill or give the baby up for adoption at birth.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Muh muh muh rape victimmz

totes_magotes ago

Murder is murder. Infanticide is what Molech (Jew god) demands.


Yeah fuck that. I would never have a nigger child. Only way that would even be a possibility is if I were raped.

Rape is such a small percentage of abortions though. If you want to save child lives than support more girls carrying guns to prevent rape.

I don't really care though. I don't care much about abortions one way or another since majority of women who get them are minorities. Any white babies are highly coveted for adoption so no point in aborting them for a number of reasons.

IndigoElectric ago

I have come to view it as this:

The relationship between concepts of objective morality, which we know exist, and the application of such concepts via laws and other social measures in reality is not always direct.

For example, in Mathematics the concept of 10 exists. However if you were working on an engineering project and I asked you to cut me a piece of lumber 10 feet long, you probably couldn't do it. It would be 10.1', 10.001', or 10.000000001' but technically not the number I told you. In the end though, you need to get this project done so you need a piece of lumber as close to 10' as possible. Even if you were not able to fulfill the instructions.

In cases of abortion via rape/incest it doesn't mean the act of abortion suddenly becomes moral. After all we can deduce thru reason and evidence why such an action is immoral. It's just we have a situation where we fall short of achieving a perfect relationship between objective concepts of morality and their application in daily life.

Ultimately, we should look deeper at the causes that lead us to these to these terrible scenarios so we may prevent them. In the same way an engineer continues develop better and better tools so he can cut a piece of lumber closer and closer to the ten feet requested of him

IdoubtIt2 ago

Once you open the door to the idea of something being “mostly moral” then you open the door to moral relativism. That’s basically what you’ve said, just in different words. Morality is either objective and absolute, or it’s not. And if you side with moral relativism, then I’d really love to hear your rational argument in support of it (hint: there is no rational argument that supports moral relativism).

IndigoElectric ago

Utter nonsense

Please re-read my comment. I stated precisely that abortion is objectively immoral. If I believed abortion was subjectively immoral then I wouldn't even hesitate to say "go ahead and kill all babies of rape".

What I was alluding to is that sticking to objective moral principles is always going to lead to tough choices. It's why history never remembers fondly those who chose to abandon their principles for short term gain (see Judas Iscariot).

IdoubtIt2 ago

Your reply is nonsense. Moral choices are only hard because we start engaging in moral relativism. It’s simple really, is killing an innocent child morally wrong? Yes? Then no abortion. It’s actually that simple. People want to complicate the issue with whataboutisms. Also known as, moral relativism. Murder is right or it’s wrong. Taking life isn’t the same as murder. Murder is the purposeful taking of INNOCENT life. Defending ones own life against a rational human who has chosen to harm you, isn’t murder. People conflate the two though. So, your reply says nothing. Moral choices aren’t hard when you are clear in your moral stance. If you are being morally objective, then abortion is wrong, full stop. Any other justification is moral relativism “murder is always wrong except when I say it’s not”. That is the nonsense.

IndigoElectric ago

Again, I'm not arguing moral relativism. We have an actual case of an 11 year old forcibly impregnated by an illegal immigrant. It's not unreasonable to see why carve outs in the law exist for these situations. That doesn't however make abortion moral, even in that case.

I'm trying to highlight that relativists are always going to try and produce scenarios in order to get people to accept their warped view of morality. Furthermore, just because you're being objectively moral doesn't mean your actions won't have adverse effects. See the case of the 11 year old carrying the baby to term.

IdoubtIt2 ago

True, there are real world consequences and sometimes the innocent suffer because of the actions of another. The 11 year old would be causing the unborn to suffer as well. Why is the suffering born out in the fetus ok, but the suffering born out on the 11 year old not?

IndigoElectric ago

Philosophicly speaking, neither are moral. Even if we have to make a choice in making one party suffer for the sake of another.

The point is, Just because we face these choices doesn't mean we conclude morality is relative and we can have abortions on demand.

Lundynne ago

I don't agree. I think the problem is that it also bans the morning after pill.

The correct procedure after being raped, if you survive, is to call the police, and then go to hospital. At the hospital, they should administer after-care treatment and prescribe a morning after pill and a course of anti-retrovirals. This should nearly eliminate the chance of getting pregnant from a rape.

calfahul ago

I do think a lot of these new laws are too restrictive. I don't know where the right point is, no one really does though the life-begins-at-conception fundamentalists at least have a consistent position (fundamentalism often has that advantage). If life doesn't magically happen at conception, why should we believe that life magically begins upon passing through the birth canal? Furthermore, the recent law in New York State (perhaps elsewhere) that allows a healthy, live-birthed "fetus" to be killed outside the body certainly seems like a bridge too far to my (admittedly, above, subjective and arguably arbitrary) ethics. In that sense, these restrictive laws (which will likely be walked back) form a counterbalance to the leftward Overton Window expansion. It's my hope that a reasonable compromise will result, though unfortunately more likely is a continued move towards two extremes with louder and more violent rhetoric from each side.

gonight ago

Hey you forgot to say "le thanks for gold epic kind stranger le xd" in your reddit-edit.

Shituar ago

okay but what if a black man rapes your white daughter.... you gonna raise that kid or abort it ya fuckin cucks?

Maroonsaint ago

Abortion drastically lowers the nigger population. Outlawing it hurts law abiding citizens as well as the white population. The nicest and rape thing is about as stupid as making it illegal to begin with so it’s not a surprise

DintDoNothin ago

If you have a rape exemption false rape accusations will skyrocket. Many innocent men will be punished. Also why should the child be punished for the rape? If the mother does not want the child he can be given up for adoption. This thing is never going to be perfect, there's no way to make everybody happy. You just try to get as close as you can to what is morally correct .

phw ago

I'd be OK with exceptions for statutory rape pregnancies where the purpose of the trial not to determine if a crime has been committed, but merely to determine who to send to prison for it because whoever it was impregnated her committed a crime in doing so. But yes, other than that, I'm generally against creating incentives for false allegations.

gonight ago

This is correct. Roasties have come out of the in thhese comments to do the usual whining and goalpost moving.

Read the rest of these comments if you doubt that we should repeal the 19th ammendment.

ShadySlim22 ago

Its unheard of. So a nice young lady gets raped by a filthy nigger and she is now forced to raise that niglet as her own and care for it? Fuck that. Its disgusting.

PraiseIPU ago

If you get pregnant from rape then god obviously needed you to get pregnant RIGHT NOW.

to get an abortion is thwarting gods will.

Glipglup ago

There are people who really believe that but it's retarded because the rape is the action of a man, not divine intervention.

IdoubtIt2 ago

So, you’re arguing that life only comes by the will of man? Did God create life, or did man?

MrDarkWater ago

Nope. Don't punish the babies for the evils of the parents.

KinkRaven ago


I'm tired of these arguments without data, how many women have rape babies and incest babies in the US?

Are we talking 10 people per year or 10,000 per year?

Numbers matter, just like this trans bullshit, it is a tiny group of people inflicting their world view in the majority.

Yes it sucks for them but a rape baby can be given up for adoption, it's harder and sucks but it is legit.

That rape baby did nothing wrong.

6cd6beb ago

Rape is a great rhetorical prybar to use against anti-abortion legislation.

To get an abortion you would need to prove it was rape. Either that's as simple as a checkbox, and people will just lie (rendering the legislation ineffective), or the attempt to prove it was rape is thorough, but you only have 5 weeks until the baby's heart starts beating so you can't be that thorough.

Abortion is one of those issues with no easy answer, even though it sounds like it has multiple easy answers. So it's a fucking perfect talking point for the left/right politicians to play out their kayfabe on.

The left gets to pump their base up by saying they're crusaders in the field of women's rights and just need abortions to be legal, cheap, and accessible.

The right gets to pump their base up by saying they're fighting baby slaughter and need to get rid of abortions.

The complexity of the issue guarantees that we'll always be somewhere between the two, so yelling about abortion is nearly always a safe bet.

slwsnowman40 ago

I think it will lead to a bigger nigger problem as there's no other reforms that are being talked about.

Of course, the crazies on the right in the GOPe always do this. They go straight for Roe v Wade instead of the easier victories instead of building up to that. They will lose in the courts and then at the ballot boxes which will drive the leftists to ask for another inch while taking several miles.

Enjoy your albatrosses you fucking cucks.

Chap ago

My opinion, serves them right. We’ve got liberal little white girls fucking pakis and niggers up and down the country here in the UK. Having dick sucking competitions in secondary school, you know the sort. They’ve ruined themselves and this country.

This law will make it so they have to live with the consequences, not us. Wanna fuck about? Your paying, not the tax payer or the neighbour hood, it’s you this time. Serves them right for destroying so many communities for they’re multiculturalism and perversions. Knew it would all catch up with them one day.

White women have more coloureds baby’s than they do white guys baby’s nowadays, and they’ve been doing this for some time. With these laws passed, the white guy doesn’t have to pick up the bill for the dirty little sluts and they’re 3 baby “daddy” homes, they will have too.

Knew women where they my equal from day one. This will teach them the error of they’re ways. Too little too late if you ask me, but it’s about time. They’re future is different to ours, so they should pay for it, not us.

Get some bitchs. Get some...

ErrorHasNoRights ago

It's an emotional argument.

Here is a rational argument: once a person exists, killing him or her is murder and nobody has the right to do that.

FattyWhale ago

Here is a rational argument: once a person exists, killing him or her is murder and nobody has the right to do that.

So if a person breaks into your house armed and you decide to kill them in self-defense, it's still murder? To frame this in terms of abortion, if the woman's life is in immediate danger because of the pregnancy, this statement states that it would be murder to perform the abortion, even though, for all intents and purposes, it's being done as an act of self-defense.

To make this argument more analogous to pregnancies caused by rape, it's the equivalent of someone forcibly squatting on your property. They may not present an immediate and present danger to you, but is it still within your rights to forcibly remove them from the premises? Of course, I will admit such an analogy is not 100% perfect, as the squatter will not automatically die if evicted.

I guess to put it simply, it becomes a question of whether someone's right to self-autonomy overrules another's right to existence. For me, this is quietly the core of the abortion debate that no one actually seems to bring up.

As an aside, incest is a completely different can of beans. I presume that the pregnancy would be caused by two consenting parties, otherwise it would fall under rape, and incest being treated as a different case comes from a point of utilitarianism, due to the high rate of birth defects babies born in such a manner have.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Holy shit, do you not understand false equivalency? For the 500 billionth time- and read it slowly, allow it to sink in- a thief, murderer and rapist are making the active, rational choice to commit a crime. A baby, born or unborn, is not. Get it?

ErrorHasNoRights ago

So if a person breaks into your house armed and you decide to kill them in self-defense, it's still murder?

That wouldn't be an example of murder though. Killing an aggressor is not considered murder, which is better defined as the unlawful taking of an innocent life. Not all killing is murder, though all murder is killing. So some killing is lawful.

However, the child in the womb is not acting as an aggressor.

It may be permissible to perform an "indirect" abortion -- under the principle of double effect -- in the case of, for example, an ectopic pregnancy. In such a case the death of the child is not willed, but unavoidable.

forget-me-not ago

Then wouldn't you have to remove the exemption for the mother's life being at risk due to the pregnancy?

fluhthreeex ago

as long as you arrest and charge the baby with murder when the mom dies post birth... hon.. fuck this shit. abort them. One simple chart solves this question for everyone here anyway. It's a non-question.

Apexbreed ago

I support abortion in the first trimester regardless. Let me rephrase, I support keeping it legal. I'm against any white woman killing her fetus, unless it's ectopic. But no one well ever ban the removal of an ectopic fetus. They cannot become viable anyway.

If a woman doesn't figure out she is pregnant in 13 weeks after being raped, she should be thrown in a wood chipper. Dollar store sells 2 pack Prego tests that are 100 reliable once enough hcg is being produced. Which is well before any first trimester cutoff could be.

waritah ago

The whole pro-life argument is that life begins at conception, or, at the very least, when the fetus has a heartbeat. If you start putting any conditions on the value of that life, like the life doesn't matter if it was from incest, or the life doesn't matter if it was from rape, then you are saying that only some life matters.

That gives the left an out. They can say, well, you only think it's a life that is worthy of protection in certain instances, so they will continue to add more and more conditions on when it is a 'life' until you wind right back where we are, where partial-birth 3rd term abortion is legal in New York.

the_sharpest_knife ago

While I don't care whether any person I don't know lives or dies. What you said is true.

voatusernamevoat ago

One crime doesn't justify another,

Not spawning nigger spic/rape babies isn't a crime, you're propagating the original crime exponentially.

bezzy ago

Of course only some life matters. As if being raped by a nigger is some edge case that never happens

waritah ago

I'm not taking a side here, I'm explaining the pro-life position.

Frankly, this is a set up for a new supreme court case. For that end, you want as pure a bill as possible.

bezzy ago


prairie ago

It's basically saying that in some cases, the human life is worth less than alleviating an adult's feelings.

Bobtheviolent ago

Only Some life does matter. Saying all human life matters says rapists murderers ect are the same as a infant whom has no ideas at all and therefore is innocent. Though I do get your point.

IdoubtIt2 ago

False equivalency. A rapist or a murderer is making an active, rational choice to rape or murder. If they are not, then our justice system allows for “reasons of insanity”, etc. for those who cannot make a rational choice. So, those who commit crimes so heinous they are put to death, are aware that they chose to do the crime and what the consequences might be. An unborn child does not choose anything. So it’s about the rapists life mattering less, it’s about personal culpability. The rapist has some, the fetus has none.

It might be a hard pill to swallow, but the very second you put variant values on life based on arbitrary human beliefs or social constructs, is the moment you devalue life, period. Which leads us to exactly where we are now. Deus Vult, God wills it, was the motto of the Catholic Church. So a child conceived from rape, even incest, is God’s will. Unless of course one wants to claim that their human mind can conceive Gods mind, judge it and find it wanting. Don’t like that explanation? Then you’re choosing a Godless society, and well, you’re presently in it.

Ultimately it comes down to fact that humans believe they know better than God. Even Christians do this. Pretty fucking sad day when as violent and fucked as Islam is, you cannot point a finger, not fucking one, at them for wanting to destroy the west for its degeneracy. We have become a joke. And, well, Islam will win because it’s the only order being allowed in this chaos and Christianity has completely and utterly lost the plot, and it’s ballls.

Bobtheviolent ago

You missed my point there is no equivalence but some human life is not valuable. Rapists have no value yes it is due to an action they committed. This means not all human life is valuable, it has nothing to do with culpability or even law and punishment. Their life has no value, their existence is actually detrimental.

forget-me-not ago

The whole pro-life argument is that life begins at conception, or, at the very least, when the fetus has a heartbeat. If you start putting any conditions on the value of that life, like the life doesn't matter if it was from incest, or the life doesn't matter if it was from rape, then you are saying that only some life matters.

That's kind of what I'm pointing out -- we're already doing that when we say abortion is okay even if pregnancy is a threat to the woman's life. So do you think that should not be an exemption either? (I'm digressing slightly out of curiosity)

waritah ago

we're already doing that when we say abortion is okay even if pregnancy is a threat to the woman's life

I think the justification for that is: pregnancy is risky no matter what. There's no guarantee that the baby will survive. If there is a dangerous pregnancy that puts the mothers life at risk, that also threatens to kill the baby as well in almost all cases. To abort that pregnancy actually preserves life, as the mother survives and can conceive again.

jwm5514 ago

I think abortions in the case of a woman’s life being on the line makes perfect sense. Who has the say that one life is worth any more or less than another. You can say the baby is innocent and that it should enjoy a longer lifespan than the mother, but if the mother dies it will destroy an already existing family and the baby will have to grow up without a mom. The choice is difficult and both sides have merit. In cases that aren’t black and white, I don’t believe the government should have any say because they will almost definitely fuck it up.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The reason we have that is because our society is built on radical individualism, basically the reason for this is, is "just because the father was a rapist and a terrible person doesn't mean the offspring". There should be abortions allowed for this reason because the degenerate doesn't deserve to propagate their genes, whiles other don't.

Wheatstone ago

Psychopaths make all our laws. That's why every law manages to pick out innocent people and destroy them.

These sick fucks attack the victims of the worst crimes deliberately.

We should be calling them out for this pathological behaviour that will cost rape victims their lives and sanity.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Rape is hardly “the worst crime”. Now, I’m not downplaying it’s brutality, but...I’d be willing to wager there are worse things that could happen to you. Much worse.

Anti-Stupid ago

Rape and incest cases are less than 1% of all abortions. If we keep that in, women would just lie about rape, kind of like they already do.

TheAngryImperialist ago

I think that fringe cases such as rape and incest we used by the Left to justify mass abortions in the first place, and that women would lie about the sexual act in question to facilitate the murder of children, just as happened in Roe vs. Wade in the United States.

While I personally consider killing the product of rape to be a reasonable action in the same way as I consider killing people who trespass in my home to be a reasonable action, I would consider the rational approach to abortion to be to place strong, universal pressure against it in all cases, then for society to turn a blind eye to the fringe cases where women are willing to act against both law andsocial pressure to kill their child regardless, since those are likely the cases with extenuating circumstances.

Hebrew-Virus ago

...fringe cases such as rape and incest we(re) used by the Left to justify mass abortions in the first place...

Bingo; that is EXACTLY how they did it!

NotHereForPizza ago

Men who force a woman to be pregnant don't deserve to reproduce.

CameraCode0 ago

How do you turn a blind eye to rape abortions, though? I think a legal exception for rape abortions needs to be made for that to actually work. Doctors still would need to be trained to perform abortions, and I don't think doctors would risk performing an abortion with only the promise of "we'll look the other way". Most women would probably end up just having the kid because they would need to call around and get contacts and info on a sort of "underground rape abortion" network of doctors when no one would be very willing to give her that information, and someone who's just been raped is likely traumatized and not motivated to do anything.

And how and when would the abortion happen? Would it happen after she went to the police to report the rape, or would the rapist actually have to be convicted be a court first? It would probably be far too late by then. If you turn a blind eye to any woman who files a rape report or claims she's been raped you're in the same exact situation you would be in if you had actually made a legal exception for rape abortions.

beesmeesmonies ago

because many abortions from rape are actually caucAsian females raped by subsaharan cannibals, that's the (((plan)))!

1John_Doe ago

HOW do you determine whether the pregnancy was the result of rape or incest? Maybe a DNA in vitrio for incest, and yes if the kid is under age (by definition). But every other woman in the world could just falsely claim "rape" and voila', every woman could kill the child in her womb if she so desired. Oh, maybe you think women are stupid and would never think of that, or you think women are honest. Ok then, I got nothing in that case.

Vrblpollushin ago

Exactly. The exception, not the rule.

forget-me-not ago

So you think abortion laws have been relaxed because of a slippery slope? I can see that. I think the slippery slope is not a fallacy at all. It appears to be a real phenomenon. I still think it would be more efficient, so to speak, if we already have exemptions for proven cases of rape/incest.

I think the analogy to trespassing is a good one. Thanks for the comment.

Duchozz ago

Just cross the border and get the damn abortion in that case fuck

Damnpasswords ago

How many "fallacies" have been scientifically/philosophically tested/examined?

upsist ago

Just so you know the “slippery slope fallacy” just means that you can’t form a “logic” argument based on the slippery slope. Logic argument are irrefutable arguments that are true due to the definitions and parameters underlying the system. Ex: if all apples are red and I have an apple, then it is red.

Idiots have taken that to mean you can’t use the slippery slope idea in an argument or that it isn’t true in many cases. All slippery slope fallacy means is that just because a trend has been established doesn’t mean it is guaranteed to continue. It MAY continue.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Right, because in order to be true, a statement must be

Categorically consistent

Logically coherent

Externally correspondent

Meaning words are defined in advance, the statement doesn't contradict itself, and the statements are based on observations. No definitions, no observations, and full of contradictions? It's definitely bullshit.

For instance, "If all apples are red" is a hypothetical, but not an empirical statement. All apples are not red.

If X = True

& X = Y

Then Y = True

You can modify certainty of a statement with quantified degrees, for instance:

If None; No = 0%

Rare = <2%

Few = 2<10%

Minority = 10<20%

Some = 20<30%

Many = 30<40%

Less than half= 40<50%

Half = 50%

More than half =50<60%

Normal = 60<70%

Most = 70<80%

Majority = 80<90%

Few don't = 90<98%

Nearly All = <98%

All = 100%

I believe, based on my experience buying apples at the grocery store, that Most apples sold for direct consumption (not cider, pie, vinegar, or juice) are Red. If I buy apples randomly, it would most likely be a red to orange color, however; I prefer green apples.

And the slippery slope comes in because now that I've deconstructed logic info a formula for linguistic mathematics, we can police eachother for "lying" when we really haven't agreed to the defined hegemony of my axiomatic and arbitrary contrivances. We can either agree to communicate, get some work done and come to some conclusions, or argue like Jews over definitions and tie strings around our neighborhood to circumvent our own self imposed laws while clearly misconstruing their intended purpose.

prairie ago

They call that the Logical Fallacy Fallacy.

forget-me-not ago

Oh, I see. Thanks for pointing that out.

369693936 ago

While this was later reversed, there's another current case and illustrates why there should be exemptions in the case of rape and incest, and especially why rapists should never be allowed to plea to a reduced sentence because it has the potential to put the victim and her family at further risk (this guy kidnapped the victim, 12, and her friends and held them captive for 2 days and served less than a year!).

TheSeer ago

Exactly. It is a logical fallacy, but it is also a KNOWN MODUS OPERANDI. Esp. used by the LGBTQ community. They say "we just want this one thing" and as soon as they get it, they switch to "we have to use the momentum we have to pass this one other thing".

Itsdone63 ago

Slippery slope, I would say, is an educated and wise guess. If that slope is slippery and it's likely you'll fall off and die but not guaranteed, you're still foolish to go out there.

But we're talking about the left. You can tell them any stat and they'll still assume every case is going to turn out to be the favorable one. They love the marginal.

Sosacms ago

We had this shit all figured out. Good reasonable lines were drawn. Abortions were allowed with a very long leash. Generally it was aimed for 1st term abortions no/few questions asked, 2nd term abortions if mothers health is at risk, rape/incest exemptions, and birth defect exemptions, 3rd term only if mothers life is at risk.

But holy shit did they take abortion too damn far. There's the saying "give them an inch, they'll take a mile.". They demanded the mile of 3rd term baby murder, selling dismantled babies, and getting so bad that over half of pregnancies (in many American communities)... Things when from begrudgingly pro-choice, to openly pro-choice, to pro-abortion, to pro-dead babies...

Alabama and all these other states are just taking the inch back. Can't use abortions responsibly? No more abortions. There are 101 ways to prevent pregnancies so abortions shouldn't even be needed, but that's not enough.

Leftists ate going to get a lot of things repealed because they took it to such a massive extreme that it's forcing us to redraw those lines in the sand.

TheGrandMaster ago

Well put.

andrew_jackson ago

Spot on. I will personally apologize for all of this recent right-wing anti-abortion legislation, but one has to appreciate that this is political maneuvering. They do this to us all the time. This is how you win. Thanks to (((them))), this is how the game is played. If anything, we don't troll the libtards hard enough with stuff like this. They want something to hate. This gives them something to hate so that they have something stupid that they can complain about, which is what they actually want.

forget-me-not ago

I think you probably summed up the average, family-oriented American's feelings right there. I guess these laws are naturally inevitable in a political game of tug of war, where we try to change the center point/balance of the law.

Scald85 ago

Allowing anything at all always results in Full Leftism in our political system because Cthulhu always swims left. Discipline, character, and authority are never to be round in republican government.

Sosacms ago

Sorry for the micro-rant. I just feel like we had so much shit figured out in the 90s. Reasonable lines were finally drawn. But we set it + forget it and stopped paying attention. Then the left got bored, crazy, and anti conservative bloodlust and now all these issues are back on the table and we are finding out those lines weren't being respected or applied equally while we weren't paying attention.

I think society is just done with being societies babysitter. So the pendulum is swinging back to "sounds like a personal problem" policy.

googoogagaimababy ago

The left went crazy, but that was originally cause of GW Bush. His responses to 9/11 were extremely suspicious, 9/11 was suspicious. Then the patriot act and all these bullshit wars. I guess I was on the left at that point, all I knew was this guy was a piece of shit and I didn’t believe him. Also the right seemed to support Israel which was fucked as far as I was concerned.

Then, one day the left became completely insane and all the intelligent people moved to the right, but it was a new right, it started as a response to racial politics but then grew into something much greater, a response to literally all the bullshit that has happened to America in this past 80 years.

I actually forgot why I started this rant

drj2 ago

Really? This seems to me like a larger step of the state being the babysitter. Next thing you know we're gonna hear the state saying, sounds like a personal problem you got raped, just wear a burqa so the men won't get the urge to rape you.

Base311 ago

It's the reaction to extreme left with an extreme right. More will come I hope. Let the world burn.

drj2 ago

I get it. I just think this is where a middle ground will really shine.

zxcvzxcv ago

I can back a rape/incest exemption, but only if the rapist is then tried for murder. Thompson's Violinist argument would justify an abortion in such a case.

RealBiggly ago

We already have far too many false accusations, along with men wrongfully convicted. You're basically asking for a "Accuse of rape and you can have an abortion" card.

Pablolove ago

There's significantly more people who've been sexually assaulted with no one having fac d charges or any kind of punishment.

RealBiggly ago

Prove it?

Pablolove ago

For goodness sake. We have an epidemic of sex crime against mainly women and children that's there for everyone to see yet ur asking me to prove it? Do ur own research like everyone else or maybe u want to decide what the truth is for yourself so I wouldn't bother.

RealBiggly ago


LOL, you're full of shit

Pablolove ago

What planet are u actually living on?

ScreaminMime ago

DNA can be collected from the aborted baby to verify.

fataa ago

What if you have consensual sex, the woman becomes pregnant and then decides to blame you for raping her so she can have an abortion?

ScreaminMime ago

How is that any different than being accused of rape after consensual sex now? Nothing has changed.

RealBiggly ago

If that's the only way she can have an abortion then she has strong motivation to lie, and fuck knows they lie easily as it is

fataa ago

There would be more reasons to file a false rape claim.

369693936 ago

We already have far too many false accusations, along with men wrongfully convicted.

Think about who's doing the false accusing and what the results are: the real victims of rape are now silenced, no one believes them.

RealBiggly ago

“My name is Norma McCorvey. I’m sorry to admit that I’m the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade. The affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court didn’t happen the way I said it did, pure and simple. I lied! Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffey needed an extreme case to make their client look pitiable. Rape seemed to be the ticket. What made rape even worse? A gang rape! It all started out as a little lie, but my little lie grew and became more horrible with each telling.”

369693936 ago

If you're saying that you don't believe any women because some women lie to advance an agenda, then you're proving my point not refuting it.

RealBiggly ago

The REAL VICTIM of a FALSE allegation is the ACCUSED, not some hypothetical rape victim someplace else at some other time with some other fucker - and NO, they are NOT silenced, because if they have evidence and a strong case beyond all reasonable doubt then they can be sure of a prosecution and conviction. Period.

If they DO NOT have enough evidence and case beyond reasonable doubt then THEY SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU SOPPY CUNT.

Jus' sayin'?

369693936 ago

The REAL VICTIM of a FALSE allegation is the ACCUSED,

I actually agree with you on this and have followed the hoaxed hate crimes used to create the "Trump Effect" narrative quite closely and firmly believe all hoaxers should receive the maximum sentence for the crime they falsely accused. That includes rape when it can be firmly proven that the allegation is false.

But that doesn't mean people — and not just women — get raped. Still trying to figure out why seeking truth would make a person a cunt to another human being?

I simply don't believe that feminazis should be allowed to silence real victims of rape. If that makes me a cunt to some asshole or bot online, so be it. I'll pretend you called me racist and take it as a badge of honor.

369693936 ago

if they have evidence and a strong case* beyond all reasonable doubt* then they can be sure of a prosecution and conviction.

Normally there aren't witnesses for rape. Men and boys are often raped as well, let's hope you're believed when some black kids decide to rape your ass.

RealBiggly ago

I'd hope I would NOT be believed if I had no evidence or proof.

369693936 ago

Other than the rape kit that never gets tested and is often lost? Why are you defending rape like it's a good thing as long as you leave no evidence behind? We should all seek truth, not confirmation bias. At least the humans.

gonight ago

You have done nothing but shit up this thread with your roastie/nigger-tier arguments, please fuck off back to reddit.

369693936 ago

You could have just admitted that you have no argument and therefore need to resort to Marxo-fascist personal ridicule, while claiming to be right wing. What a joke you admit you are!

gonight ago

That faggot shit only works on reddit.

Hey, let's play a fun game! Say "nigger kike faggot".

369693936 ago

^^ divisive kike niggerfaggot crybully ^^

forget-me-not ago

I'd be down for that.

I'd also be down for charging the mother with murder for getting an abortion in unlawful abortions. It's interesting that some of thesd laws only criminalize clinicians involved.

369693936 ago

It's interesting that some of these laws only criminalize clinicians involved.

Soft bigotry of low expectations.

con77 ago

The holier than thou assholes need to stop forcing their opinion on others just like the left extremists do.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Since when is murder considered an opinion?

con77 ago

when some redneck grandmaw says a woman raped by a nigger has to have the monkey

IdoubtIt2 ago

That’s not even a coherent answer.

con77 ago

that's your OPINION

nothingoriginal ago

If you don't like it now, just wait until the end of Trump's second term. Just like Bush 2's.

forget-me-not ago

Can you be more specific? Who is being holier than thou?

con77 ago

anyone that passes a law saying a rape victim cant get an abortion.

369693936 ago

The reason the left takes things to far is because the end game is totalitarianism in response to all the chaos created by them. Never forget that Lenin killed nearly 3/4 of the people who marched in favor of the same narratives leftists spew today in order to facilitate him into power.

SirNiggsalot ago

Ripping human fetuses out of the womb or burning them with saline in utero is evil.

Fambida ago

Forcing a woman to bear her rapists child is some Muslim tier shit. Same for incest, especially given how much of it Muslims commit.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Fundamental Christianity is very similar to fundamental Islam.

IdoubtIt2 ago

That’s your extreme western “enlightenment” worldview. The thing is, Muslims wouldn’t see it that way. They see it as God’s will. But a completely Godless society like the US only sees it from their POV, a feminist, nihilist, atheist POV where NO life has meaning. We’re all hunks of meat waiting to die in a meaningless universe anyway, so who gives a fuck if you kill the unborn? They’re just going to die anyway. And who cares what you do with their dead flesh after you kill it? It’s just meat. Meaningless piles of dead cells.

Fambida ago

Godless atheist point of view? You should study your religions more, because many christian denominations believe that a baby acquires a soul with it's first breath. Meaning that by their divinely inspired godly worldview a fetus has no soul, is not human, and can't be murdered.

See Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, Ezekiel 37:5 & 37:6, Exodus 21:22.

Countering views are often based on Luke 1:15 1:41 and 1:44.

Muzzies think it's at 120 days after conception. Heebs believe the first breath option.

And before you even start to try to argue what God REALLY means, I don't give a fuck what your branch of Christianity believes. You sound like a frothing papist anyway.

IdoubtIt2 ago

BTW, all of those books you named are Old Testament. Christians believe the New Testament replaced the old. The Old Testament is still important, but it’s the OLD covenant. The New Testament is the new covenant, due to the arrival of Christ on earth. Luke is New Testament.

Fambida ago

So did god change when a fetus gets a soul too? Because that's what your argument is here. The new covenant replacing the old does not negate the history or facts of the old.

IdoubtIt2 ago

You cherry picked versus anyway. In Psalm 129 David says “or you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be”

David also notes that "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance." This shows that God knew David even before he was known to others. The term translated unformed substance is a noun derivative of a verb meaning "to roll up." When David was just forming as a fetus, God's care and compassion already extended to him. The reference to "God's eyes" is an Old Testament term used to connotate divine oversight of God in the life of an individual or group of people.

So your argument that the Old Testament endorses abortion is patently absurd.

Fambida ago

Oh honey, I didn't argue that, I said that many branches believe that. Not me, other people.

Also, again

And before you even start to try to argue what God REALLY means, I don't give a fuck what your branch of Christianity believes.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Fair enough. Your soul, not mine.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Ok, fine. Justify your life then and why I shouldn’t be allowed to freely take it. It’s just....a clump of cells.

Fambida ago

Not an argument.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Yes, it is. Are you saying a fetus isn’t alive? If so, when does it transition? How do you determine what is life and what isn’t? How do you determine what life has value and what life does not?

Fambida ago

Negation followed by questions is not an argument either. I'll be nice and answer 'em though.

1 No.

2 It's been alive since before conception. Sperm is a living cell from a living being, as is an egg. At no point does life cease as they combine

3 I generally don't. There are multiple definitions of alive, and none of them are perfect.

4 By whether it's benefiting, harming, or is a threat to me and mine. And "mine" has differing levels of importance: Family > friends/pets > extended family > property > nation/race (aka very extended family) > humanity as a whole

The relevant one in regards to rape/incest/pedophilia exceptions for abortion is #4. Bearing a child to term causes permanent changes to a woman some of which are harmful. It's worse for a child. When that baby comes from a traumatic experience there is mental harm as well. Since I'm not a mind reader and therefore cannot properly assess the degree of that damage I choose to support that decision being made by the person who's pregnant.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Ok, so where do you derive your morality from?

prairie ago

Seems to be the same argument for all abortions: the woman's feels > fetus' life.

Scald85 ago

Muslims don't let their women out without a male relative escort and rape is extremely rare for them. Loose infidel women are easy prey in comparison. They know what they're doing in this area.

Apexbreed ago

On the other hand, any woman that wants an abortion will just say she was raped. False reporting will skyrocket if there is a rape exemption.

HeavyBrain ago

In case of proven incest/rape of course, there would be no need for a new bill if we just keep beliving just the word of some bitch.

forget-me-not ago

I would say that it should be proven that the pregnancy is the result of rape/incest. Just reporting it should not get her the green light for getting abortion. Now if the leftists try to loosen the definition of rape, then we'd have to fight them there as well.

RealBiggly ago

Or just don't have that exemption, because they ALREADY spew false accusations.

369693936 ago

They do that to silence real victims of rape, of which there are many.

RealBiggly ago

How do you know, if they're silent?

Are you one of those feminists that plucks numbers out of your ass?

369693936 ago

How do you know, if they're silent?

Will anyone take hate crimes seriously in the future? It's the same fucking thing dumbass.

369693936 ago

No but my wife is a school counselor and there are undeniable cases of rape, and normally absolutely nothing is done about it.

RealBiggly ago

Why not? If it's "undeniable" then easy to do something.

I have an undeniable invisible unicorn in my garden. Wanna see it? Oh yeah, it's FUCKING INVISIBLE!

369693936 ago

You sound like a rapist who barely skated getting caught and is pissed. Here's hoping you get to experience what it's like to be a victim that no one believes.

RealBiggly ago

Oh I already did that, when I was a domestic violence victim but being male was accused of being the aggressor, it was great! You should try it, ya cunt?

369693936 ago

Wait. Are you saying you got beat up by a woman and the cops didn't believe you? That shit's actually funny considering that you call anyone who wants to seek the truth in each individual case a cunt.

But it still doesn't create the necessary foundation for trauma based mind control that rape does.

RealBiggly ago

Seek the truth in each individual case? You're doing the total opposite and demanding we believe, without evidence.

369693936 ago

No dude, that would be you demanding we don't believe any woman ever again because some feminazis lied so that makes all victims of rape — whether women men or children — just the same big liar.

RealBiggly ago

Are you actually retarded?

369693936 ago

No, I have daughters dumbass.

RealBiggly ago

So you expect us to believe your daughters if they accuse someone of rape?

369693936 ago

Why do you have to label everyone who disagrees with you a cunt? Seems like a Marxo-fascist tactic for people who can't make a valid argument and therefore need to play pigeon and shit all over the board. So boring!

NeoGoat ago

Well put.

Sheetz ago

It's going to really fuck up their culture to not be able to abort it here then isn't it?

strange_69 ago

Your mom was raped and now they will kill you. Is that okay?

Tom_Spanx ago

That's what should have happened. Neither my mom nor my dad should have ever passed on their genes, and they weren't ready to raise kids when they had me. The difficulty added to my life because of those things was unnecessary, didn't make me a better person, and didn't enrich the world in any way.

bezzy ago

Yeah, don't let their genes spread. It is the only just thing.

prairie ago

Only if you kill the new life before it can argue for its rights.

fusir ago

If you are a democrat the key is whether it can vote or not.

GoatyMcGoatface ago


forget-me-not ago

Pretty sure yes, actually... I would be disgusted if I learned that I was the product of rape.

IdoubtIt2 ago

I knew a guy that was the product of rape. I would never ever tell him his life should have been snuffed out. He was a normal person, like you or me. And I highly fucking doubt you’d wish yourself dead if you did find out. Hypotheticals aren’t reality, and it’s just so damned funny to hear people say “if X then I’d Y”. No you wouldn’t. You have no fucking idea what you’d do most times until your literally facing down the barrel of that gun.

Lundynne ago

Newsflash: Many of your ancestors were rapists. You are the product of rape, and should feel disgusted.

Glipglup ago

Many of our ancestors died horrible deaths because they were idiots who lived in mudhuts, guess let's all start acting like nigger now.

unlimitedrulebook ago

You're certainty doing a good job of that right now

Locked_Account ago

Brilliantly stated.

drj2 ago

And now imagine that the rapist will have parental rights.

con77 ago


nothingoriginal ago

The pendulum has swung.

forget-me-not ago

I suppose some of the laws are technically unenforceable anyways. So you say we're swinging to find a new average, more to the right? Since the SCOTUS is now more conservative.

nothingoriginal ago

The momentum is definitely to the right. It does this under every President. And the more visible and vocal the President, the more he starts to affect people and swing them his way unless disaster strikes like the dot com crash or Great Recession. Trump swayed the middle in what looks like record time.

The judiciary is the least watched and understood. It has practical effects on our lives, but it's not as visibly social. The Supreme Court has been in the hands of the oligarchic right for a long time since even the D elite want someone to save them from their jobs' demands. If Trump gets another R in there, things really will start changing due to the judiciary. For now, it's just a typical power struggle with little by little movement to the right. That reverses course once we get another D President.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I think it's terrible the recent laws in New York were so crazy they forced the hand of the conservatives to make such crazy laws in response.

forget-me-not ago

So you think it's more of an ideological fight rather than something meant to be enforced? And it could push the laws more to the right when it gets challenged at the level of the Supreme Court?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It absolutely is an ideological fight, but they also intend to force them. On the one hand we have people at one extreme willing to kill living babies after birth, who have enshrined that in law. On the other hand we have people requiring heartbeat detection, which is now possible before you even know you're pregnant.

The leftists, on many issues, have pushed too far. Similar things are seen in gun control. They pushed too far and case after case is now going against them, permanently blocking their future efforts. The same will happen with abortion.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Aren’t the babies alive before birth though? So, at what point is killing it ok? It breathes in the womb too, so you can’t say it’s first breath. Please, do elucidate, when is the appropriate time to kill a baby?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Taking the life of another is justified when in immediate danger of grevious injury or death.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Ok. So only in cases where the mothers life is in danger? Would you say the mothers life is more valuable than the child’s? If so, on what basis?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Would you say the mothers life is more valuable than the child’s

The defender's life is more valuable. If somebody tries to rob me, their life is forfeit. If a mother tries to kill a child, their life is forfeit. If a child tries to kill a mother, their life is forfeit.

IdoubtIt2 ago

The child isn’t trying to do anything. You’re implying the fetus is actively trying to kill its mother. I don’t need to point out how absurd that is, do I?

The point is, assigning value to life in unequal measure isn’t rationally tenable.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The child isn’t trying to do anything.

Then it's hard to justify killing it, isn't it?

The point is, assigning value to life in unequal measure isn’t rationally tenable.

Not all life is equal. I am justified in killing to stay alive.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Again, that’s conflating two different things. If you kill someone who broke into your house with intent to murder or harm you, you will likely not be punished because it will be deemed justified. This doesn’t mean the perpetrators life had less value. It means, okay stupid games, win stupid prizes. The criminal knew what they were doing, knew the possibility could be death (even if they thought the likelihood was remote, any rational person knows that when you attempt to break into someone’s home you just might not make it out). You’re taking their life isn’t a commentary on value. Taking the life of an innocent IS because someone (the murderer) has arbitrarily, according to their own whims, decided your life doesn’t have value so they can take it. You could argue that in the above scenario, the perpetrator that broke into your house was applying value (or lack thereof) to your life, but you, in taking theirs in self-defense, were not applying value to their life, strictly speaking. You were an innocent, they were not.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you kill someone who broke into your house with intent to murder or harm you, you will likely not be punished because it will be deemed justified. This doesn’t mean the perpetrators life had less value.

I didn't say it's justified legally because their lives have less value. It's justified legally because the law says it is.

It's justified morally because I need to kill them to stay alive.

Also, separately, I value their life less than I value many other creature's lives, including the lives of my pets and random snails I avoid stepping on.

If you choose to value all human life equally, that's your prerogative.

Sheetz ago

Give the child up for adoption. The issue is that the mother will have to go through labor? This is a life.

forget-me-not ago

One case that comes up is underage females being raped. You're okay with children being forced to give birth to children?

drj2 ago

Lol they think there are parents just all over the place standing in line waiting to adopt.

forget-me-not ago

Right. I understand adoption would be the ideal solution, but.... we're assuming adoption and foster care is a perfect solution! Like there aren't abusers lurking in those areas, too... Overall, I've become more pro-life, but this is another hangup I have with limiting abortions, especially for underage girls.

369693936 ago

Right. We have to stop pretending CPS wasn't turned into a child trafficking organization.

NNdmt ago

taking another being's life isn't justified simply because their existence isn't pleasant to some people. A second atrocity (murder of an innocent child) isn't justified simply because an atrocity took place (rape)

RealBiggly ago

Well just abort the underage girl then. Da-dah!

Rotteuxx ago

Would the state be responsible for all costs relating to the pregnancy and birth if they force a rape victim to bring it to term ?

Sheetz ago

State will make more money off their taxes than any cost of birth. Especially if you consider only the real cost of delivering a baby. They'll probably profit more off then birth alone than it would cost. Not as much as selling off the baby parts mind you

Rotteuxx ago

That's a non answer.

Let me rephrase, in a society that values life above all else, would the state that forces a rape victim to carry the baby to term be fiscally responsible for her up to the time of birth and possible subsequent counselling required ?

drj2 ago

The state would be. And then a baby is grown up in the failed foster system and turns out to be a drain on society.

Rotteuxx ago

Ding ding ding !

No exemptions from abortion laws mean a stronger welfare state.

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IdoubtIt2 ago

Then how on earth did we ever get along before abortion and welfare were a thing. You act like humans didn’t exist prior to 1960.

Rotteuxx ago


That's an extremely retarded reply considering the context but... ok.

IdoubtIt2 ago

How so? Abortion wasn’t a thing in any real sense before Roe v Wade, really. They happened but were rare and often resulted in terrible complications if not death. The welfare state that you refer to didn’t exist until about the same time abortion was legalized. So how does your logic follow. If I were an ignoramus in equal measure to you, I’d say welfare seems to increase abortion rates not the opposite as you claim. Of course, I think both claims are absolutely absurd.

What is also absurd is the notion that abortion should be allowed because of increased welfare usage (which you have not proved in any way). So, murder is justified because of money? If so, where do you draw that line?

CatsControlTheEU ago

I don't really give a shit about abortion myself since I believe in eugenics and mass sterilization at the least, but to play devil's advocate - it's still an innocent child, the kid didn't rape her, it's just a baby. And he or she is still being killed.

forget-me-not ago

She may be an innocent child herself. She didn't ask to be raped. Why does she need to endure 9 months of trauma to give birth to her rapist's child?

I know you are playing devil's advocate, but if you believe in eugenics, you probably wouldn't want to increase the biological success of rapists... I assume?

Anti-Stupid ago

Yes, let's give death sentences to unborn children because of the actions of their father.

forget-me-not ago

I'd say that forcing someone to carry a pregnancy resulting from rape is not only cruel and unusual punishment for not even committing a crime, but it is also a huge violation of inidivual rights. You have the right to defend yourself from a trespasser on your property. What about a trespasser on your body?

Anti-Stupid ago

You can accomplish defending yourself from a "trespasser on your body" prior to getting pregnant. The women should be armed so they can adequately do so. The cases of abortions that are the result from rape are already microscopic in comparison. Additionally, victims of rape are not as likely to get pregnant. The majority of rape cases do not result in pregnancy. Of course, rape is a terrible thing and that is why we have laws that punish those that commit such a heinous act. That punishment should not extend to the unborn child.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Finally, a rational argument. They use these extremely rare exceptions to justify mass murder. Do people even think through what they’re saying? “Murder is fine if the person being murdered is bothering them, making their murderer feel sad or otherwise disturbing their life in any way shape or form.” Holy fucking shit, how did we get here? People go through all forms of mental gymnastics to justify abortion, without ever actually stopping and giving pause to just what the fuck they’re actually endorsing. If you endorse abortion, in any way, you endorse the taking of innocent life, which in ANY OTHER MOTHERFUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE IS CALLED MURDER.

Worse yet is that these people saying “it’s cruel to force a rape victim to birth that child” are acting like they’re just so fucking full of empathy for this poor innocent victim, so much so that they would excuse murder from said victim. So if I’m raped, and I see a guy that looks just like my rapist, and I’m now traumatized by the fact that this guy exists that looks just like my rapist, am I justified in killing him? He did traumatize me after all.

Holy shit people. Sit the fuck down and actually THINK about what your beliefs are. Ask yourself, are they rational? Are they moral? I cannot believe how many people proclaim their belief in something without giving it event the slightest modicum of thought.

RealBiggly ago

How do you feel about forcing someone to finance a pregnancy?

forget-me-not ago

I think that's terribly wrong as well. If the father doesn't want the child, he shouldn't have to pay for it. Of course he should also lose any right to see the child (I'm assuming he wouldn't want that anyways).

RealBiggly ago

Agree he should have no parental rights along with no parental responsibilities.

369693936 ago

What about when the "mother's" gender is in question?

Is ^^this^^ really a tragedy when you consider the environment this kid would have been raised in? These issues are complex, at the very least taxpayers should not be financing abortion or anything related to it.

gonight ago

no answer to your question.

Guys, for the love of fuck stop letting your wives post on voat.

RealBiggly ago

Lols, Yeah he did answer.

I used to support abortion, deep down I probably still do, but until I see society give a flying shit about MEN'S post-sex reproductive choice my fucks-to-give bag remains empty.

They claim it was nothing to do with the decision (BS) but one feature of the Roe v Wade was the bitch falsely claimed to have been gang-raped. When abortion is legal women make false accusations to justify it, so if illegal perhaps, like men, "should have kept it in ya pants" and nobody has to go to jail.

Besides, the white race is dying off. We should subject white women to the draft of producing 3 babies each. We don't let men drafted into war refuse because it's their body, their choice, and they risk death from modern weaponry. Pregnancy with modern medical care is not in the same league.

forget-me-not ago

I just answered it. There were a lot of replies to this post and I'm not able to respond to all of them quickly.