SirNiggsalot ago


ChiComs ago

Thin skinned californian Soy Boys sue for mental distress often. Ironically, the most abusive bosses in history, according to court lawsuits and payouts are negro diversity men ruling over whites.

EpiPendemic ago

Chopstick management is to be expected, as far as whether it is acceptable or not that part is up to you.

DHmountainbiking ago

I decided not

beenaroundabit ago

Asshole bosses aren't uncommon. So, funnel your hatred into an imaginary orb in your chest. Fill that orb with your hatred until gains a life of it's own. Then, use it's energy and focus to meticulously record every detail you can of your boss's movements. When you've found the areas where detection is the least likely, rehearse until you have your movements and escape polished (for EACH area of low detection), and a disposal plan for your implement and -all-clothes used. Definitely go to work the next day, and feign shock, and then sadness. Then again, you could just quit.

DHmountainbiking ago

Both are good ideas

tabfolder ago

Absolutely not. I have always said I will never work for anyone who disrespects me. Luckily I have never had that problem. I work hard and treat everyone with respect. But you can't cross that line (I have a temper)... But really you have to have respect for yourself, respect yourself, and other people will to.

DHmountainbiking ago

He is the first person I've ever worked for that I had any kind of problem with whatsoever. I suspect a lot of it has to do with cultural differences and his difficulty understanding and communicating.

bitswitch ago

No. I’m sad you even have to ask this. Abuse is abuse and nothing excuses it. Record his behavior, get a lawyer, and profit.

DHmountainbiking ago

I ended up losing it on him today. He was acting like a complete asshole yet again blaming me for something I didn't even do. I yelled at him that it's not acceptable for him to scream at me in front of people and that when people scream at me I get mad and sometimes violent.

neogag ago

Never lose your composure. If the truth is on your side, there's always something you can say that will let you maintain your dignity, expose him, and yet be blameless for your words because they're simply undeniable. What to say depends on the exact situation, but you might say something like "I've fixed the problem now so can we move forward? I thought the goal was to do business here, not get revenge on each other."

waterniggas ago

Lmao welcome to having a chinese boss. You're always in trouble, even if you're doing the right thing. Punishment is love. That's just how asians operate. If you want to be treated differently, get a white boss.

DHmountainbiking ago

Interesting analysis. He does talk a lot of shit about all his employees, sometimes gets mad at them and will hold a grudge or try to punish them but he always seems to get over it. He is usually pretty fair and generous as well. He just has a huge chip on his shoulder and treats everyone like they are stupid. If you present an idea he will shoot it down and then a day later steal it from you. He also always thinks people are lying to him. You can present clear and undeniable evidence that that is not the case and he will stick to his guns about it anyway. He's very frustrating to work for sometimes and I don't handle being yelled at very well, I have a temper.

Germ22 ago

Sounds like he is projecting.

waterniggas ago

I'm not saying he's not an asshole. I'm saying all chinese bosses are assholes.

DHmountainbiking ago

I'm going to quit today! It's a second job that I don't need.

waterniggas ago


bosunmoon ago

He's not upset, you are. That's just how he communicates.

DHmountainbiking ago

No, hes upset. Trust me.

bosunmoon ago

I've worked with people like this, It's the only way they function. They may be upset in the moment, but it's not at a core level. It's more like an act they put on to make up for their inability to articulate their feelings in words.

DHmountainbiking ago

I'm going to quit after work. Don't need the job right now. I have too much of an ego to allow another grown man to scream at me and get away with it.

bosunmoon ago

Instead of tucking tail and quitting, I suggest you give him a ration of shit right back. It's not that hard.

DHmountainbiking ago

I did today after my first post. He told me " i keep fucking up his shit" essentially because I got rid of an item worth about $100 this month that wasn't supposed to be scrapped. I yelled at him and told me he can't keep yelling at me because I get mad and sometimes violent when people scream at me. I don't feel good about saying that but he has been poking at me and in front of people for the past month. This is after I've been a good employee for him and accepted a low-paying job with the promise of being trained which never happened.

bosunmoon ago

Get your emotions under control. They don't belong in this type of situation.

DHmountainbiking ago

I have a lot of patience and very good control over my emotions, however, just like every other human being I have a Breaking Point and he just happened to reach it today. I didn't go full nigger and kick his ass or anything. I just gave him a true and fair warning.

user9713 ago

I don't even mind getting ripped on for making mistakes. But, this right here is a problem for me:

On top of that he has been making condescending remarks and just been being an asshole.

You'd have to have a good reason to stay if that continues on.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I don't need this job and told him if he is unhappy with my work to fire me.

Uh, if you don't need this job and you are being treated disrespectfully, you need to quit, telling him to fire you is such a passive aggressive girl move I kinda suspect you might be earning the scorn you're getting...

facepaint ago

Maybe the Chinese boss needs to lay some people off, but does not want to pay unemployment.

YoHomie ago

Agreed. Nicely worded.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

It's the alternative employment options you have weighed against your familial and financial responsibilities and personal pride.

So if you're in the military as an example, you'll have to suck it up and get back in there.

But if you're doing the late shift at Jack In The Box tell him or her to go fuck themselves and find another McJob.

Your situation is likely to be in the middle of those two extremes. Weight it up, do what's right for you right now. If you have to pick putting up with it then work out a way you can tell him or her to fuck themselves in the future with minimal disruption to your life. Work doesn't define you, and you won't always have an asshole for a boss if you don't want to.

zyklon_b ago

id rob the fuck out him and then sue him

tabfolder ago


YoHomie ago

You forgot about fucking his wife.

zyklon_b ago

rape and kill her n her kids is best option

BushChuck ago

If you don't like it, get the fuck out of my kitchen.

Nah, fuck that, you're fired. Fuck off.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Not unless you're a pansy who can't get another job because you don't have a skillset.

There is a line that will be crossed, you decide what it is.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

There is a line that will be crossed, you decide what it is.

I had a boss who was a screamer. I say, "had" because I told him to go fuck himself if he was unable to remain civil.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah, the one and only boss I had was a drunk. He learned he was just a pussy.