EpiPendemic ago

Nope he is a real person not every post is gold sometimes you have to see what sticks. He isn't a bot so its not spamming. You you can take my word for it he is real person.


Op is a @GhostSkin alt, I don't know why he hates @niggervirus so much but he needs to get over it

NiggerVirus ago

We don't hate us. We love us.

bamex ago

Another alt Ghostskin? Shit get a life, fuck your dog or something.

COF ago

I agree. I'm getting so tired of having to just keep scrolling past them. It's really causing me to miss out on other important rantings posts and ruining my enjoyment of the site, as I am offended. It's like that damn sticky every Friday night, reeeeeeeeeeee.

Mumbleberry ago

At least he doesn't whine like a little bitch; https://voat.co/v/whatever/3132980/17758069


Yeah this is Voat, not some Soviet-era gulag archipelago where some cunt-hurt commie nigger whose initials look like "DUMB" dresses up like Matvei Berman to give shitpost spamtards a Pinochet ride in the fucking banmobile. I don't go in the sewer like some Ninja Turtle and demand Master Splinter clean up all the shit. What the fuck?

Diggernicks ago

I admire his gumption

He stays


Oy vey how these goys shitpost dont they know words are violence?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Why can't OP stop sucking cocks?

NiggerVirus ago

Because I own voat. Might as well learn to love me because you will be bleeding black dick either way.

showbobandvagene ago

I blocked the cunt and he still shows up.

I think he's already been banned before for shitting up the place. was he not dial indicator in a previous alt?

Gotta give him credit though, Thats some serious stamina to do so much fucking shitposting.

Or is it more than one person? If not, Its actually fucking impressive.

Annoying as fuck, But some sort of impressive.

Not the "good" impressive mind you....

dtaraasdfasdf ago

was he not dial indicator in a previous alt

no you shit dick, im better