HitlersMomWasAJew ago

When I see quality i upgoat

tokui ago

It should be on here


Otherwise I've a separate anonfile url

hillaryisabitch ago

I'm OP from that thread. The mediafire manifesto link is the PDF version, it's easier to read.

truthhurts09 ago

Just tried the mediafire link and they took it down for violating tos. Damn these cock suckers really want to supress this. Can't be looking at original sources now can we. We'll interpret it for you. Well nice try op, keep up the good work.

HitlersMomWasAJew ago

8chan /pol has a copy.

people seem nervous about spreading it,

almost makes you glow in the dark.

Like you cannot look at other alt-news and find it?

Even here, I've found it.

Fuck you.

NiggerVirus ago

Well, at least I know what the glow in the dark thing means now.

jimibulgin ago

Yesterday was the first time I have ever seen the term 'glow in the dark', and I've seen it about 1000 times since.

'Optics' seems to be the other buzzword that has popped up recently.

NiggerVirus ago

Kind of seems NPCish when everyone starts saying the same thing.