Nz shooter's sister (AskVoat)
submitted 6 years ago by Shotinthedark
I saw on here that his sister was killed by a truck of peace. Is that accurate and does anyone have a link.
thebearfromstartrack 6 years ago
OH. So he is NOT a lunatic, simply a man that has been PUSHED too far by liberals. I GET it.
NinaSparrow 6 years ago
does ANYONE know where the video is for viewing? my husband missed it he worked all day & I cannot find it now anywhere. uhhh thanks! ;)
Sh-shh-shaaa 6 years ago
Shotinthedark 6 years ago
It was on here several hours ago. The title was watch this before it is gone.
a100167 6 years ago
He mentions nothing of the sort in his very long manifesto. Though he did mention that his attack was dedicated in part to Ebba Akerlund, a young Swedish girl killed by some sand nigger driving a lorry through a crowd in Stockholm.
So I have bad info? I believe that is the name.
thebearfromstartrack ago
OH. So he is NOT a lunatic, simply a man that has been PUSHED too far by liberals. I GET it.
NinaSparrow ago
does ANYONE know where the video is for viewing? my husband missed it he worked all day & I cannot find it now anywhere. uhhh thanks! ;)
Sh-shh-shaaa ago
Shotinthedark ago
It was on here several hours ago. The title was watch this before it is gone.
a100167 ago
He mentions nothing of the sort in his very long manifesto. Though he did mention that his attack was dedicated in part to Ebba Akerlund, a young Swedish girl killed by some sand nigger driving a lorry through a crowd in Stockholm.
Shotinthedark ago
So I have bad info? I believe that is the name.